Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 5: , Xiaobai's Spring

The woman did not express doubts about this answer, as if she had known it a long time ago. Then, she asked the second question: "So, for our young, the body of the head. How much do you know."

This question seems to be very important. Judging from the tension displayed by these women around, once this question is answered incorrectly, I am afraid that it will be destroyed.

The idiot seemed very cautious. He thought hard about the vocabulary in his mind, studying how to answer. But after thinking about it for a long time, he still doesn't know how to answer is the real correct answer, there is no way, he can only tell the truth.

"Mermaid. Elf."

After hearing this answer, these female members of the team looked at me and I looked at you. For a while, they seemed to be relieved.

"That's it... It turns out that the head of the team has told you such important things. It seems that you are indeed a very special man in her heart. At least, different from ordinary men."

The woman's voice softened. Hearing her tone, the idiot secretly breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed Bun's hand.

"Since you know everything, then, I will tell you about it now. Although we hope that this kind of thing is better at least for the team leader to say it, but since the team leader is ashamed, I haven't told you for a whole day, so let me be the bad guy."

The woman lifted the cloak, and the others pulled it down one after another. However, the ghost mask still hung on his face and refused to take it off.

"Our head, although we don’t know the head’s life experience. According to various signs, she seems to have a non-human descent. She is more like the elves recorded in books. But once contacted with water , She will transform into another non-human species, and become a very evil and vicious water monster, a mermaid in the legend."

The idiot about the mermaid's record knows that this creature is classified as a six-level monster in the classification of monsters. Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, it is said that they have a beautiful singing voice that is enough to deceive people's hearts. Every man who hears the song loses his composure. They are dragged into the water unconsciously to drown and then eaten.

The woman sighed and continued: "Now, let's classify our head as the descendants of mermaid and elves. These two races, one higher and one lower, belong to very mysterious species, but there are One thing, it seems to be the same."

"These two species don't seem to be humans, and they can be reproduced throughout the year. In other words, they seem to have a ‘booming period’. The date, like many creatures, is in spring."

The idiot stared at the woman in front of her, waiting for her to clarify. Seeing that the idiot did not suddenly show an expression of excitement, the woman seemed to feel relieved and continued.

"I have read a lot of books. In the release period, the elves seem to be able to restrain with their own will. It is like the self-control of human beings in the face of temptation. But as an advanced creature without elves ——For the sixth-level Warcraft Mermaid, it seems very difficult for them to restrain their hair."

"They will be hot, impulsive, and eager to be satisfied. Moreover, there is no shame in the beasts, so for the mermaid, it seems that any man can be any man as long as it is a man. According to records, this kind of beast Hunting will be carried out at sea in the spring of the outbreak period. As long as there are ships passing by, they will sing to make the ships hit the rocks and catch the males. Remember, if it is any male, start the work of breeding offspring. Then, kill those males. Die, eat."

"However, our leader has a little elven bloodline. This part of the bloodline allows the leader to maintain the final rationality, so that she will not become the unique ji girl in spring. However, it seems that this will not work. Every time at night, the head of the group will be in a state of hairdressing as before. She needs a man's-beep-liquid, if there is no-beep-liquid, it will always be so uncomfortable. Don't think we are hidden The people of the stream don’t know this feeling. The members of the hermit stream here are all retired, and they are all married. We are all aware of the bitterness that we need sometimes when her husband is not there. So, we are watching. In my heart."

The idiot understands the rough thing. He pinched his chin and thought for a moment. Indeed, the deviance just now is indeed weird, and her body does emit a very good smell. Smelling this smell makes the idiot even have an urge to hug her. . But as soon as he left, this impulse disappeared immediately. Come to think of it, it should be a kind of unique gas that she, as the offspring of the elves and the mermaid, can radiate during the hair period.


"It doesn't seem to have happened before," said the idiot.

"Yes, not before. Because before, the head of the group did not seem to be in a mature stage. This is the first time, that is to say, this year is the first time that the head of the group sent *, which also symbolizes that the head of the group has matured. Up."

This is the first time to send * it?

The idiot started thinking again, searching in his mind for any information about the Level 6 Warcraft Mermaid that he had seen in the library before. Then, think about it.

"So now, what do you want me to do."

"Very simple, concise and concise."

The woman opened her hand and said--

"We can't let our team leader continue to act in this state. She needs a man. If that's the case, then we must find a man for her to resolve this matter as soon as possible. It's a bit more thorough."

"Sir, we decided to let you be the first man in our head."

Little Bread opened his eyes wide, and he couldn't even make a sound of ahhhhh for a while. But the idiot still had a calm face, the thinking in his mind was quick and swift, and he was constantly searching for answers in the vast knowledge of Warcraft.

"The first... man?"

The idiot’s question was quickly answered, and the woman chuckled and said, “Since you know that our leader is an elf, you should know the age of the leader? In terms of the age of a human, the leader The age of is almost your mother. But it was not until this year that the head of the group sent * for the first time."


"In other words, you can't always act as the leader of the man. Moreover, the leader shouldn't come to see you every spring, right? You will also marry a wife and have children one day. How do you explain to your wife? Saying that our team leader needs your-bee-liquid every spring, so you have to contribute once or several times a year?"

".............................. Then, why did you choose me."

"Many reasons."


"The most important point is that you are the person chosen by the team leader."

The woman shrugged and said: "We respect the choice of the leader. Although in terms of reproduction, you should choose the strongest man in the world to reproduce better offspring. But since the leader finally sets the goal If it's determined by you, then we can't help it. We respect the leader's choice."

"This is the first point. Then, the second point..."

"The second point, we have also investigated your life. The name of the humanoid bulldozer that blows the sand is like a thunderbolt. As a scum who will not let go of both men and women, your sexual experience should be quite rich. It is sufficient to deal with the various situations that may arise during the fight with the group leader."


"As I said earlier, this is the first time for the leader. We don’t want the first time the leader will be a boy who has never experienced anything. The leader is already very nervous, so she needs An experienced man who can calm her tension throughout the process. Therefore, after investigating your life, we feel that you are really suitable."


"Plus, you have had the experience of surviving to the last moment in the battle of ice-bound wind and sand. Although your strength is not very good, it is generally passable. Your face looks good, not like a little white face. It’s also pretty handsome. You should be able to grow up with the leader to give birth to better children. Because of the above reasons, we think you are indeed the most suitable candidate. There is no one."

The matter is over.

After listening to these things, the idiot's face still maintained a very calm look.

His black pupils didn't show any emotion, like a student who took over a complicated project, or like a student who was deliberately instigated by a superior to take on a very complicated project. His eyes were filled with calmness and silence.

At this moment, the stars are already shining in the sky.

The street lights in the trade zone still illuminate this place.

The idiot lowered his head to think, and the women were waiting for the idiot's answer.

They didn't need to wait long, because soon, the idiot asked a question.

"I need to be deviant, how many times do I do it."

"It depends on success."

The woman opened her hand, smiled, and said, “The reproductive situation of the head of the head is different from that of humans. The month is over. So, I hope you can make our head of the team pregnant at the best time. In this way, you will also avoid future labor and kill two birds with one stone." V

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