Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 11: , Save the beauty for you

"Huh. You know you. The president of Scarlett's union is me."

Zelens pointed to his chin with a smug look on his face. The idiot took advantage of his purpose and secretly took a step forward...

"Don't come here slowly"

As a hunter, how could Zelens not pay attention to the movement of his prey? He raised the wooden box in his hand high, aimed at the street below, and shouted: "If you dare to come over again, I will destroy these things. Hey, I know I can't beat you, but watching your reach, you should be very Understand that in this world, force is not simply the only way to solve things, right?"

The idiot nodded after being silent.

"Hey, just know. I can't beat you. I'm afraid that if I summon all my subordinates, I may not be able to beat you. However, I can also kill you. There are many ways. One of them is to use A hot red iron rod is inserted into your butt, so that you can also experience the humiliation I have suffered."

"Did you have hemorrhoids again."

"You are not allowed to mention hemorrhoids. My hemorrhoids are almost healed because of you... and your girl. I went to see the doctor yesterday. Do you know what the doctor said to me? He said I don't want to be too indulgent and asked me to tell the'man' Be gentle from now on, do you know what the laughter of those who accompanied me was like at that time? Where is my face?"

"………………………………I apologize to your hemorrhoids, forgive me, hemorrhoids."

"Is that your attitude of apologizing? Hey, apologizing to me is not to my hemorrhoids, are you going to remember my name? I'm the strongest hunter, Zelens Scarlet"

"Yes, I have already apologized for your hemorrhoids,...? Hemorrhoids."

"Are you deliberately correct? You must be deliberate. Did you only remember my hemorrhoids from beginning to end? What does the silence in front of the hemorrhoids mean? Hey, you still didn't remember my name, right?"

Zelens yelled and snarled, maybe he was snarled by an idiot, so he snarled a little out of breath. And the idiot waited for this moment. While Zelens was roaring, he slammed the iron chain in his hand and Zelens was unambiguous. His reaction was extremely quick. The hook rope in his left hand also popped out at the same time, and the iron The chains intertwined in the air. The idiot pulled, trying to pull the opponent over, but Zelens squeezed a fist, and the hook rope completely separated from the device in his sleeve. When the idiot pulled back the chains and fiddled with the entangled chains, Zelens gave a violent whistle, and six thieves climbed up around the roof immediately, each holding a force gun pointing at the idiot.

"Goodbye, the guy who didn't remember my name."


Six guns fired simultaneously from all directions. In front of Zelens's eyes, the idiot's body was hit with sore holes, even twisted and deformed.

At this moment, he smiled.

Smiled very happily.

He felt comfortable that the bad breath he had lasted these two days finally came out of his arms. He knew that he could finally lie down to sleep tonight, instead of sleeping on his stomach.

"Hemorrhoids, I apologize to you, let's truce."

However, Zelens's comfort only lingered in his mind for less than two seconds. When a cold voice appeared behind his head, a cold feeling immediately rose from the soles of his feet.


Zelens immediately drew the dagger from his waist and stabbed it back. But when the dagger was about to plunge into the flesh, he abruptly stopped the movement in his hand

Because, in front of him is not only an idiot, but also a woman.

A sixteen year old blond girl.

The girl’s hands were tied with an iron chain, and under the roof there was a stopped carriage with an emblem of the Goodsey family on it.

The idiot covered her face, tied the blond girl with her backhand, put a dagger on her neck, and said: "Okay, let's truce. If you don't return my things to me, I will kill this girl and then kill Hemorrhoids on your butt."

Zelens was taken aback, and quickly retracted the dagger in his hand against the girl's chest. In front of him, the young girl was looking at herself with a horrified look, her face full of distress signals.

"You... you bastard, why are you... how to take hostages? The position between us is reversed?"

"No, it's not the opposite. The life of this woman is in your hands now. Give me back the things and I will let her go. Otherwise, we will shoot and break."

The girl from the Goodsey family panicked even more, her throat was held by a sharp blade, and she couldn't speak. Now, she could only look at Zelens in front of her with that pleading look. And Zelens was looked at by this gaze, and suddenly he took a step back.

"You... mean..."

"I can beat you, but you are not as flexible as you in a place full of obstacles. In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, I don't mind being mean."

The idiot said very smoothly. Push the girl in her arms even harder. His power made the girl aching, and tears were almost streaming down her eyes.

At this time, the members of the band of thieves also gradually rushed up, they looked at the idiots over there, and then at Zelens over here. One of them said, "Boss, look... what should we do now?"

Zelens gritted his teeth and looked at the girl whose eyes were already shining with tears. Finally, he put down the dagger in his hand.

" won the bet." Zelens snorted. "You are so lucky to know that I will stop for this kind of thing..."

"Not surprising."

The idiot said coldly--

"I know the guy who troubled you the day before yesterday. He is a **** ground snake. He belongs to a very lustful character. However, you can make him so angry, which is enough to prove that you have a lot of good things about him. So, use a woman. Threatening you should work."

"............ Cut, I'm not a good person."

"Neither am I. Among the three of us, only this girl is a good person. So, in order for us to solve the problem as peacefully as possible, we should calm down now and have a good talk."

"...Hmph, you say."

"Again, I apologize for your hemorrhoids..."


"Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Zelens Scarlett. I apologize to you. I admit that I did do something the day before yesterday. I made a mistake. I thought it would be okay to mask my face, but I didn't expect it. Provoked to the thief. I will pay for your medical expenses, and I will call you back for the three thousand Sura. So, I hope we can get even."

Zelens waved his hand and shouted: "Even? So easy? I put your chrysanthemum..." shouted here, maybe Zelens saw the blonde girl in the arms of an idiot who was showing her crying eyes for help. He abruptly swallowed the words in his mouth and changed his words again.

"If I hurt you, and then I apologize to you, do you think it can be over?"

"Mr. Scarlett, I think you have a bit of a misunderstanding. Now, I am not begging you, but negotiating. I do not rule out the possibility of the breakdown of the negotiation. If the negotiation breaks down, I may take some extreme methods. For example... Kill everyone here."

Those thieves, look at me, and I look at you, with a sneer of disbelief on their faces. However, Zelens seemed a little cautious. He snorted and said, "Then why don't you do this?"

"Because I want peace and tranquility."

"Ha, someone like you wants peace?"

".................. Believe it or not, it's up to you. The wind blowing sand is my base, I hope to cause less trouble in this city. I live like an ordinary passerby. So unless necessary, I don't want to kill."

Zelens looked at the idiot's eyes, and there was no trace of impurities in those jet black pupils. Although it is impossible to tell whether he is lying or telling the truth, this sincerity cannot be denied.

"...You are really elusive."

"Ah. Besides, I believe you are willing to accept this agreement, right? Even...for the life of this poor woman."

Zelens was taken aback, and immediately heard the meaning of the idiot's words. The idiot wanted to give him a chance to save the United States as a hero. And looking at this woman's clothes, she must have a very noble family background, right? Saving such a lady, the benefits that he might get are even more numerous.

Seriously, Zelens was a little moved. He can't bear the tears of girls. Wild cats are different from mice. Cats, a passionate animal, know how to pity and cherish jade. After a little hesitation, the balance in Zelens's heart finally made a decision.

"Miss, don't be afraid, I will save you."

"help me…………"

The girl was already shaking with fear. Zelens quickly comforted her with gestures, and then raised the wooden box in his hand.

"Well, I agree to your terms. I will not report your grudges. Return the things to you."

The idiot took the wooden box and pushed the girl in his arms forward.

"Hmm. A wise choice."

He opened the box and looked at it. After seeing that the five eggs were still intact, he immediately jumped, jumped off the roof, and ran away. Leave the thieves on the roof to solve the girl's problem.

"You are frightened, miss. Are there any injuries?"

" you..."

The blonde girl hurriedly adjusted her hair, still very scared pulling Zelens's sleeve, and said, "I...I...Is it safe now?"

"Yes, you are safe, miss. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zelens Scarlett. Dare to ask Miss your last name? I will send you back."


The blonde girl raised her head in surprise, because she couldn't imagine that with the badge on her clothes, this person would not know her surname?

"Goodsay...Marlene Goodsay."

Zelens raised his head now, suddenly realizing. After that, he held the young lady with a little excitement, slowly descended from the roof, remounted the carriage, and watched leaving.


The idiot took the wooden box back, but Deviation was no longer waiting in the original place.

After waiting for a while, the idiot realized that Deviation had left the child and ran away. Didn't she say it? It is very inconvenient to bring these children and cannot perform tasks. With that said, she really threw these children to herself to perform her duties as the head of the group...

Shaking his head and holding the flesh and blood in the wooden box, the idiot started to walk to where he worked. He was thinking about how to deal with these children, is it possible to raise them up? How to take care of mermaid eggs? Is it just thrown into the water?

The idiot thought and came to the restaurant where he worked. While working, think about what you should do. Since it is a restaurant, there are bound to be many topics to talk about. Especially, when those guests were holding newspapers and drinking afternoon tea, they talked more about topics.

"The Twelve Nations United Army has declared war on the Dark Deer Empire. It's terrible."

"I'm also surprised, how can these small countries declare war on the Dark Deer Empire with such a unified caliber this time? The Dark Deer Empire's...well... isn't that person's rule very good?"

"Who knows. The internal affairs are indeed very good, but looking at the current situation, diplomacy is simply a mess. Sure enough, that person can't compare with your majesty. Although your majesty is inferior to him in internal affairs, he can handle relations with neighboring countries. , But obviously much better."

"Hey, our neighboring country is only the Dark Lu family, OK? We are surrounded by Dark Lu in the center."

"Haha, this too."

"Hey, what do you think of this matter?"

"Well... After all, your Majesty is also a brother with that person... If that person shoots someone to ask for help... After all, if Feng Chuansha completely opens the railway and relaxes the transportation, the East and West of the Dark Deer Empire will be The army can be transported faster."

"Well... I think it's difficult. Don't forget, in April last year, the Dark Deer Empire sent a fake Princess Apricot to upset us, didn't it? His Majesty was very angry at that time."

"Yes, I know about this. The man who didn't know what he did was later detained and interrogated. Under the torture of his majesty, I heard that he completely admitted that he was instigated by the Dark Deer Empire. Later, the man escaped I heard that people from the Dark Deer Empire sent someone to rescue him."

"Then...what do you do now? Will your majesty meet the dead?"

"Ah...I'm actually not worried that your Majesty will not be saved if you die. No, in other words, it may be the best way to deal with it."

"Hello... what do you... mean?"

"You think, all the land in the Dark Deer Empire was originally owned by the Buck Empire. It was that person who split up to become independent. You see, now, that person is unable to control such a large empire, and has offended so much. Neighboring countries. Your Majesty has been recuperating in recent years and has sufficient troops..."

"You mean"

"Shhh, I didn't say anything. Drinking tea, eating, this topic ends here." V

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