Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 12: , The cause of justice

July 1190 of the Third Age.

A small country around the Dark Deer Empire, the Kingdom of Plinton. It was regarded as a medium-sized country more than a hundred years ago, but it was invaded by the stags at that time more than a hundred years ago and is now an affiliate of the Dark Deer Empire.

Although the Kingdom of Plinton is a country, it has a total population of 10,000, which can be said to be a country with little difference from a province. However, the new king of the kingdom has been very strong. From various policies, he is very ambitious and hopes to develop his country. The primary development goal is a marshland between Dark Deer and Plinton. This swamp, about the size of the Plinton Kingdom, has always been uncultivated and left unattended for a long time.

In January 1191, the marshland took shape under the development of the Kingdom of Plinton. But at this time, the kingdom's reclamation operation was suspected of skipping the border. The king of the Dark Deer Empire, Xie Huo, ordered this small country to immediately stop crossing the border.

In February 1191, King Plinton submitted a survey report to the Hundred Nations Summit Federation, stating from all aspects the claim that the marshland belongs to his own territory.

In May 1191, after three months of negotiations, Xie Huo still demanded that the swamp be returned to an unopened state. Because for the Dark Deer Empire, this swamp is equivalent to a natural barrier. Once the swamp is filled, even if it is only half of it, it is equivalent to opening a small gap to the Dark Deer Empire's wall. The evil fire does not allow such a gap. However, in order to make up for the Kingdom of Plinton, King Dark Deer promised to increase supplies to this small country.

In November 1191, according to the agreement, the supplies of the Dark Deer Empire were supplied every six months. However, due to a drought in the Dark Deer Empire in the underground half year of 1191, the food supply in the country was slightly insufficient. In order to take the lead to ensure that the people of the Dark Deer Empire live and work in peace and contentment, Xie Huo did not put the Plinton Kingdom's supply of food on the schedule.

In late November 1191, the Kingdom of Plinton once again started the development of the marshland on the grounds of unilateral destruction of the Dark Deer Empire. It was also at this time that the Dark Deer realized that the Plinton Kingdom had not restored the filling of the swamp to its original state. In just ten days, the flat swamp immediately crossed the border between the two countries.

In early December 1191, Evil Fire issued a warning and ordered the Kingdom of Plinton to immediately withdraw its personnel. And declared that such aggression is intolerable.

In late December 1191, King Plinton still maintained that the swamp should be owned by his own territory. And held a high-profile press conference to promote its territorial sovereignty to other small countries around it. It also claimed that this swamp was forcibly captured by the stag empire through bloodshed. The dark deer who inherited the bucks is also a kind of robbery. Now, demand to get back their territorial integrity.

In early January 1192, the Dark Deer Empire issued an ultimatum, declaring that if the Kingdom of Plinton insists on instigating trouble between the two countries, King Plinton must pay a "heavy price" for these actions. After the notification was issued, King Plinton did not intend to stop, and continued to expand the swamp.

In mid-January 1192, King Plinton was assassinated. And a 500-man squad that served as the vanguard of the swamp also all died overnight.

In late January 1192, despite the assassination and massacre, the Dark Deer Empire immediately denied the attack. It also stated that no violent acts have been committed during diplomatic operations with the Kingdom of Plinton. However, with the "Plinton Swamp Incident" as the fuse, all twelve neighboring countries, including the Kingdom of Plinton, rose to the ground and formed the Allied Forces at an unbelievable speed.

In February 1192, the war of aggression against the Dark Deer Empire began. The code name of the battle...

It is a "just cause".




Mu Du sat on the crystal throne, listening to the beating of the water curtain in his ears.

He wears a crown that symbolizes the king, holding a report in his hand, looking at each page carefully.

At this time, it was already late at night.

In this time when everyone was supposed to sleep, Mudu, as the king, was full of energy and concentration.

There was no fatigue on his face, but a little excitement.

The king fumbled for the newly built sword of the king next to his throne and stroked its scabbard. Although he didn't make any big moves, he felt the excitement and excitement of the king at the moment between the breath and the breath.

"Your Majesty, the Dark Deer Empire is now undergoing a joint confrontation between the twelve nations. Due to the sudden attack by the coalition forces, the attack speed of the justice cause is much faster than the Dark Deer Empire's expectations. Only within four days, the Watergull Fortress, the Brak Plain and the Chocolate Forest have been All fell into the hands of the coalition army. Now, King Darklu is working hard to adjust his forces and prepare to fight."

"it is good"

Looking at the report in his hand, Mu Du couldn't help but patted the armrest of the chair again, and screamed in joy. To this cheer, the officials kneeling outside had different faces. Some people like Dai Lao smiled and nodded silently, others frowned like Campa.

Mu Du stepped off the Crystal Throne and shook the report in his hand. He laughed, holding his hands behind his back, looking up at the ceiling, and sneered: "The traitor... betrayed the country and his father, the traitor who betrayed the Bucks. Now, the justice has finally come to the traitor... Now it should be him. It’s time to pay for your actions"

The King of Bucks is indeed in a very good mood. He even happily asked the soldiers to serve drinks, and then all the courtiers stood up and had a drink together.

"Your Majesty, maybe, your subordinates are bold. But dare to ask your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Dai Lau stood up first. He stepped forward and said respectfully.

Mu Du snorted, took a wine glass and handed it to Dai Lao, and then said, "What do you do? Those guys can definitely make the betrayer suffer."

Duke Norius had his own thoughts in his heart, and he quickly said: "Your Majesty is wise. All we need to do now is to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, wait until the Dark Deer Empire is weakened, and then wait until the betrayer is punished. , That's it."

Mu Du obviously had the same meaning in his heart. He nodded and took a sip of the red wine in his hand. But before he finished drinking this glass, Dai Lao next to him suddenly knelt down again.

"Huh? Duke Goodsay, what are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, your subordinates think that Duke Norius's so-called sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight is actually not a good way. What we really want to do now is definitely not to wait here, but to take the initiative to join the Twelve Nations Allied forces, it’s right to launch a'just cause' to the Dark Deer Empire together"

Mu Du was taken aback, and quickly put down the red wine in his hand. He seemed a little hesitant, although he was very happy about the fact that other countries were facing the evil fire. But I really want him to take action and meet his own brother on the battlefield... this is...

"Is this... okay?"

"Absolutely not"

Campa had been listening by the side. At this moment, after hearing that Dai Lao had even persuade the king to go to war, he couldn't help it anymore and rushed up and knelt in front of Mudu.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you and Evil Fire are ready to go. You are brothers. Now, those countries are working together to deal with your brother. If you stand on the sidelines, it would be fine. How can you carry out aggression? Help outsiders deal with it. Your own brother?"

Mu Du lowered his head and frowned, obviously thinking. Seeing that his persuasion was effective, Campa hurriedly continued: "Your Majesty, the spirit of the emperor in the sky will definitely not allow this kind of brotherly barriers to happen, Your Majesty, think about it carefully, since His Royal Highness has surrounded the stags with the Dark Deer Empire, these few Have you ever set up any barracks or defensive strongholds around Fengchusha in the past few years? His Majesty Evil Fire did not regard you as an enemy, but he still regards you as his own brother. Now, there are outsiders to bully your brother, you should and Your Highness the Evil Fire stands together and fends off the enemy together."

Mu Du put down his wine glass, started walking around with his hands behind his back. Campa saw that his persuasion finally had an effect, and the cold sweat on his forehead was worth it. but……

"Commonly defend against the enemy? Who knows what the heart of His Highness Evil Fire is? That's right, he really hasn't taken any obvious action against Feng Chuansha in the past few years. But, in secret?"

Dai Lao glanced at Campa and said coldly—

"Secretly, how much does that king want to dominate the wind and sand? Principal Campa, don’t tell me the authenticity of the Princess Apricot incident last year. You have forgotten it. Isn’t this the most favorable evidence that the Dark Deer Empire wants to plot a misconduct? ?"

Mu Du raised his head and looked at Dai Lao, then at Campa. You can tell from the look in his eyes that the king is shaking.

"But Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty, please tell me the lesson"

Dai Lau's voice was loud, directly covering Campa's voice, and continued--

"Evil fire? Frederick Hughes is an unsurprising betrayer. He left us when we were most in difficulty and needed help the most. When we needed the most force to counterattack the wind and the sand, he did not hesitate to abandon it. He is a usurper, and even more so, an illegal emperor formed through treason, regardless of the emperor’s stag empire. Many of the harm he caused to us are permanent, even if it is used more. The time cannot be made up."

"And your Majesty, the only city left by the Dark Deer Empire is wind blowing sand. I believe you have been very clear about the results this will cause in the past few years."

"In the past two years, our country's productivity has almost lost 1% of the previous Bucks Empire. There is no trade, no trade, and no vitality. Our economy is stagnant, and there are too many people because of this weak economy. While starving"

"For example, in the cast iron industry, we need a lot of iron ore. However, the town with the largest iron ore supply in Fengchusha has become a subordinate of the Dark Deer Empire. It makes us unable to cheer up. Another example is logistics. Commerce, textile industry, leather industry, etc. We are cut off from trade and economy, and can only trade with the Dark Deer Empire, and the price is completely monopolized by them. It can be said that we are simply held in the hands of evil fire Grasshopper. Happy, let us breathe. If we are upset, we can kill us at any time."

Mudu's gaze gradually changed from vacillation, and fixed on Dai Lao's face. He ignored the tension and excitement of Campa next to him, but just said lightly--

"go on."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Please come here and look at this map."

Dai Lao snapped his fingers, and someone immediately lifted a map and unfolded it in front of Mu Du.

"As you can see, this is Fengchuansha. Through my research, these towns near Fengchuansha can be said to be very important. These towns have all the resources we need. The cities in China were immediately activated. According to my guess, as long as these small towns are completely occupied, we can restore almost 50% or even higher productivity."

Dai Lao took out an oil-based pen to mark the location on the map. He paused for a while, and after seeing that Mu Du's eyes could no longer be removed from the map, he secretly smiled and continued--

"Your Majesty, I know that you are still thinking about brotherhood. Although you are not benevolent, you will not be unrighteous. If you want you to join the allied forces of the Twelve Nations and start operations with the aim of completely eradicating the Dark Deer, you may not bear it Start. That's why I proposed such a compromise method."

"We, do not launch aggression, just slightly widen the territory to make our economy alive. After occupying these small towns, your Majesty, you can immediately declare a ceasefire and stop fighting. That’s it, look, it’s very simple Strategy, isn't it?"

Mu Du touched his chin, thinking quietly. Seriously, he found that he was really moved a bit. That's right, it only occupies these small places, and does not engage in a direct confrontation with the evil fire. that is it……

"No, your majesty, absolutely not. This is the fruit of taboos full of temptation. You must not try."

Finally, Campa rushed up. He suddenly stopped between Mudu and the map, and said in horror--

"Your Majesty, if you can really stop in time, that's fine. But the problem is, once you start aggression, you will never stop."

"Now, His Royal Highness Evil Fire is dealing with foreign enemies with all his heart, so our defense is almost equal to that after you occupy these cities in such an easy situation, will you be so satisfied?"

"No, a normal person, after reaching his goal with such an easy drink, will never be so easily satisfied like a gambler. After winning for the first time, he will definitely think of winning more. More"

"So you will violate your original intention and continue to expand your army. You will want to regain more territory, and you will always think of taking another city and ending it. But in this way, you will completely put yourself in peace. Your Majesty Evil Fire has taken a completely opposed position, your Majesty" V

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