Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 13: , Mudu's decision

, Mudu's decision

Campa’s worries are not unreasonable. According to people’s general psychology, after getting something easily, they always think that they can continue to get more easily.

A snake can swallow an elephant if there is not enough human heart. Such a simple truth is common in human society, and it is not a rare thing. It is not that there are no people who can really rein in the cliff, but compared with the number of people who completely perished in the end, it is really too few, too few.

But... Although Campa's worries are correct. Unfortunately, he also put his worries in the wrong place.

Moreover, he also expressed his meaning too clearly. For an emperor, what does such a clear expression mean?

Perhaps, an emperor who combines intelligence and reason will forgive Campa and think about himself. But for the current Mudu...especially, for His Majesty Mudu who is following Dai Lao...

"Principal Campa, are you insulting your majesty for not knowing how to stop in time? Are you questioning your self-control?"

Dai Lau drank it, and this drink finally awakened Campa from his excitement. He bowed his head towards Mudu again, and said nervously--

"Your Majesty, please forgive the veteran... The veteran is really too excited... he can't help but... but... But the veteran really can't watch your majesty and the brother of the evil fire. This will definitely not be the wish of the emperor. "

Dai Lao won.

As for the next step, he no longer needs to say anything. Because for a king, Mudu would make his own judgment, wouldn't he?

Finally, the stag king breathed out slowly. He looked down at Campa, who was lying in front of him, his voice had no room for turning back—

"Kampa, because you and your father have been friends for many years, I forgive your gaffe this time. However, I hope you can remember. Now the Bucks, I am the king, not my father. You are just a school. The principal. Be your principal, but with regard to political affairs, you who do not have official titles or titles are not qualified to interfere."

Campa was taken aback for a moment, then, he slowly lowered his head, his regrets could no longer be expressed in words...

"Now, I announce"

Mudu raised his sleeve wine and drank it with his head up. His voice made the courtiers all kneel down again, and Dai Lao knelt beside him most diligently.

"From now on, our Bucks Empire will immediately join this'just cause'. However, we do not need to target the entire Dark Deer Empire. Our goal is to capture those important towns that can provide funds and raw materials for the wind and sand. The order of the king of my stag empire, I now declare that the war of vengeance against the dark deer empire begins now"

With a snap, Mu Du smashed the glass in his hand to the ground. His decision was naturally unanimously praised by the main combatants, who repeatedly claimed that his king had made a wise and decisive decision. Here, the courtiers who took Dai Lao as his sing praises and flattered Mudu. For those very few leaders in Campa, or even those who joined forces, this moment is undoubtedly the beginning of disaster.

War seems to be inevitable.

The war between brothers was so cruel and merciless.

Can anyone stop this?

Campa hopes that there can be someone... he hopes that there can be a person... or a group of people who can prevent the development of this war and save this country that has obviously gone wrong...


In the middle of the night, divine grace.

The lights on the splendid tower have not ceased for a long time, but the dormitory on the campus has already been turned off and turned into pitch black.

The clear last quarter moon hung high in the sky, they were like three silver daggers, piercing deeply into the deep blue sky. And those bright stars, are they just the blood sprinkled from the sky?

Everything, quietly...

Quiet to the extreme, it will give people a feeling that the whole world is only one person.

Without the wind, even the rustle of leaves could not be heard.

There is no sound in the whole world, as if... the end of the world.

Is it in the grove?

No, this incident was not born in a grove. There was nothing unusual about the tree house that had entered the sleep.

But on this campus, this is the largest Royal Military Academy in the sand.

Here, tonight, there will be one thing, quietly...

The shadow flashed by in the darkness.

Even if you observe carefully, you may not see this shadow. However, it does exist in this world, sneaking towards its own destination.

The shadow shuttles through the college with a clear goal.

Its footsteps are lighter than the most cautious cat, and will not let anyone trace its whereabouts.

The shadow cautiously and cautiously pushed towards a building. When it was about to cross the last street, it stopped, held its breath, and looked around.

"Miss Goodsey, please rest assured that I will protect you and everything about you will be extremely safe."

In front of a dormitory on the other side of the street, Zelens got out of the carriage, stretched out his hand, and graciously picked up the Marlene Goodsay. Marlene just smiled at Zelens's courtesy, but in the end, she pulled her hand back a bit tirelessly.

"I see, thank you Mr. Scarlet for your escort. I'm tired, please come back."

"Oh, yes, yes, you are tired. You are tired. Please rest. So, I will come again tomorrow?"

"Mr. Scarlett, it's a pity. Divine Grace is not accessible to anyone. If you let the school know that I let you in and out at will, I'm not easy to explain."


"So, how about letting me contact you in the future? If I want to see you, I will come to you."

"Ah that's fine, then I'll wait, miss"

Zelens raised Marlene's hand and kissed the back of it. Marlene tried her best to maintain her demeanor, but after he finished kissing, she immediately retracted her hand and went into her dormitory. After taking a look at the building, the thief finally touched the back of his head, smiled silly, and left in the direction of the school gate.

"Miss Marlene Goodsay...oh I must let her be my girlfriend, definitely"

The shadow waited for this somewhat triumphant thief to leave. It possessed absolute patience and perseverance, enough to wait until the surrounding silence and darkness were enveloped again.

The cloud began to float over.

The black clouds cover the three daggers in the sky.

The cloud floated past again.

Reveal those three last quarter moons again.

Darkness and the last light compete for the sky here, sometimes revealing the last moonlight, and sometimes turning the whole earth into the most dense night...

The destination is here.

Shadow looked at the dormitory in front of him, using his hands and feet together, he crept up to the fifth floor of the dormitory.

It hung on the window and looked inside. Through the glass without the curtains being drawn, the shadow clearly saw the man lying on the bed inside.

It was a boy about six years old with a small chestnut head. He slept peacefully on the bed in the dormitory, snoring.

Shadow opened the cloak, revealing the right hand that was chained into his arm. With a beating of his fingers, a ball of flames rose on the shadow's fingertips. The man pressed the burning hand on the window. After a while, the glass melted, and the shadow reached in, opened the window, and jumped in gently and skillfully.

The leader of the Hermit Knights, deviated.

Under the ghost mask, silver pupils dispersed the darkness of the room.

She pulled up her cloak, extinguished the flame on her fingers, and slowly walked towards the little boy on the bed.

The furnishings in the room are very ordinary. If you hadn't obtained information in advance, who would have thought that such an important figure lived in this simple room?

Although, this big man is only six years old now. But even if he is only six years old, he can't change the huge effect that his identity can bring.

He can change many things and many people.

Li Li came to the window, the ghost mask looked down at the little boy. The little boy didn't notice anything, but continued to fall asleep, with a serene and honest expression.

Seeing this, Yin Liuzhi stretched out his hand, and the finger pierced by the chain slowly stretched out towards the little boy, bit by bit...stretched over...


In an instant, the deviated hand shrank back.

At the same time, she quickly hid in the corner of the room, her eyes under the ghost mask were obviously defensive.

She is indeed guarding against...because of something that makes her almost instinctive, guarding against all this...

The wind... is blowing.

The wind blowing in from the window rushed into this dark room and disturbed the air inside. With the breeze blowing like this, a scent that seemed like nothing but began to diffuse in the room...

The fragrance is very sweet and smells good.

It was the fragrance of temptation like the most mellow wine, enough to intoxicate everyone.

The dreaming little boy smiled.

He smelled the fragrance and began to enter a deeper sleep.

And this mellow scent also loved him very much. There were even a few roses flying from nowhere, falling on the little boy's bedside.

However, the deviation is not ridiculous.

Soon, she noticed something was wrong, and covered her nose and mouth with her hands.

She knew that her opponent was forcing herself to leave, because now the distance between her and the boy on the bed is too close, too close...

Rose petals are flying in the room.

The charming fragrance is gradually becoming more intense.

In this regard, deviated but did not leave. Instead, she stretched out her hand, closed the open window, and pulled the curtains again. Then, she returned to the darkness again and waited.




No matter how beautiful the fragrance is, I can't smell it more.

No matter how sweet the wine is, you can't get drunk for it.

The little boy on the bed was sleeping and smelling these scents. As the smell got stronger and stronger, the petals flying from nowhere in the room became more and more, and his breathing began to become more and more rapid.

The fragrance gradually stopped.

At the same time, it began to quickly dissipate.

Deviance continued to hold his breath and let these smells disappear. She waited in the shadows, just as she dormant many times before, waiting...

In the room, tranquility was restored again.

As if nothing was born, the little boy still fell asleep, breathing leisurely...

He bowed his body, his silver pupils passed through the mask and scanned the dark room. Under the cloak, her right hand began to burn with a blue flame. The whole person is like a tightened doll, ready to attack at any time


Darkness, Cang Yan cut through the darkness briefly, and passed the little boy's bed. At the moment when the flames flew, several rose petals burned while falling and turned into smoke.

The next moment, the room became quiet again, and only the wall clock on the wall was left, filled with the only sound here.

The Cang Yan on his deviated hands gradually disappeared.

She clutched her wrist cut by the sharp blade, and experienced the injuries she had suffered.

The injury...not serious.

In comparison, the other party should be heavier.

Shrinking in the dark shadow, he took a long breath. She closed her eyes and let the flame in her palm begin to condense, but she covered it well with her cloak, preparing...

Outside the window, the sky was dark.

The only remaining moonlight was gradually shrouded by more dark clouds.

The entire wind blowing sand looks completely gloomy, like a city of death, without hope and redemption...

The pale blue flame condenses in the palm...

A chain on his arm even disappeared because of these flames, revealing the dark sleeve color lines engraved on the arm.

At the same time as the flames of deviance rose, there were even more roses. Countless white rose petals began to rippling in the room, each petal is like the sharpest blade, ready to cut the blood vessels of all enemies

Flower and fire.

These two things that can bloom into beauty, but they cannot coexist, right?

The next moment, the white rose petals began to pounce on the deviation in the shadow.

And the head of the hidden stream immediately opened the cloak, pinched the arm that was burning with flames, and greeted him.


Moonlight revealed those three faces again from behind the clouds.

The light shone down, but unfortunately, this weak brilliance could not illuminate anything.

But it doesn't matter, there is another thing in this room that can act as a lighting, and you can have a panoramic view of everything.

The pale blue flame burned quietly at the fingertips.

The eyes under the ghost mask looked at the flame on his fingertips, and took a deep breath.

She opened her hand, pinched the flame that remained in the air before it disappeared, and let go. Afterwards, this hand covered his shoulder and slowly burned the wound on his shoulder.

The whole arm was almost taken off.

He lowered his head and looked at the twelve-year-old girl who was lying beside the little boy and was unconscious. Looking at the blood on the corner of her mouth, and the rose vine entwined on her right hand, she fell silent...


the next day.

For the small tree house, has it changed in the past few days? Still no change?

Due to the idiot's previous "scum" behavior, Mili left directly. So the breakfast that had been there for years is now gone. But Tolan entered the grove early in the morning, took care of his flowers, and then helped the skeleton soldiers repair the cracks in the bones. He didn't mean to say good morning to the idiot at all.

Therefore, when the idiot woke up, he saw an empty room, as if he had returned to the tree house when he first arrived.

However, there are also changes. Because of Mili's departure, Xiao Bread has now taken on the job of making breakfast. This little girl seemed to like the "magic" that can turn inedible things into food through simple conditioning, and was very happy to play. However, as we all know, food idiots made from small bread will never come across. For nothing else, you can feel the burning sensation in your mouth just by looking at the color of the fresh sleeves.

The buns make their own food and put them on the table. Hold the sleeve chili in one hand and the chili sauce in the other. Chew two bites of chili and pour a thick layer of chili sauce on the fried egg. Then, the girl immediately drooled, raising her knife and fork to feast on.

The idiot shook his head a little while looking at the girl's face. Is it really okay? For such a growing child, is it okay to eat so many peppers?

Idiots have asked themselves this question for many years. However, there is nothing to stop this little girl from eating spicy food so desperately. In a way, this girl's achievements are far beyond her own... Well, that's right.

The breakfast the idiot made for himself was cereal and hard bread. Simple, you can eat it on the table. But before eating, he went to the water tank, lifted the lid, and looked at the eggs inside. Well, in other words, you should look at your own children.

The five eggs still lay quietly on the bottom of the water tank, still with the luster of sleeves. Idiots don’t know if it’s right or wrong to raise them like this? Having said that, even if she asks about deviance, she probably doesn't know what to do with her child, right? After all, there is no second mermaid in Feng Chuansha, who can tell her how to be a mother.

The idiot was holding the newspaper, sitting in his seat, watching the news and eating breakfast. The whole article in the newspaper is about the battle between the Dark Deer Empire and the Twelve Allied Army. Due to the lag of information, the information may no longer reflect the current situation accurately. However, the order to start the war issued by the Bucks King late last night made the idiot stupefied.

Bang bang bang

While looking at the newspaper, there was a sudden knock on the door.

After thinking for a while, the idiot put down the newspaper and went to open the door. But as soon as the door opened, three soldiers in armor rushed in and looked up and down at the idiot.


The soldier stared at the idiot for a while.

The idiot did not deny but nodded.

"Take out your residence permit."

The idiot nodded again and turned to the cabinet to get the residence permit. After all, it's impossible for him to stay in the dark forever. Without a residence permit, it can be said to be inconvenient in the wind and sand.

The soldier checked the name and photo on the residence permit, then looked at the buns that were chewing chili peppers there, snorted, and threw the residence permit back into the hands of the idiot.

"According to your majesty's order, all men of the right age and capable are enlisted in the army today. Idiot from now on, you are a soldier of the Bucks Empire to report to the military plane this afternoon, have you registered to hear?"

The soldier pressed a form to the idiot's chest and stared fiercely. After thinking about it for a while, the idiot took the form on his chest and nodded again.

Enlisted in the army...

In other words, is Mudu not only preparing for war, but also planning to do a good job?

The idiot looked at the various information on the form, returned to his seat, and continued to eat breakfast. Xiao Bread finally became a little worried when seeing the vicious look of the three soldiers just now. She didn't care about erasing the chili pepper from the corner of her mouth, so she held up the sign--

"Baba, do you want to join the army? 》

The idiot glanced at the declaration of war in the newspaper, noncommittal.

(Haha, it seems that our two lovely princes finally failed to get rid of the fateful duel, were they enlisted in the army? Um...very good thing, isn't it? Human kid, you go to the army, let's join the army, Then rush to the forefront, oops, battlefield, fight, beat the drums to the sky~~~ I was so excited that I almost cried out, I can finally kill again, right? Right?

Annihilation is completely supportive of this news, and the idiot certainly knows the excitement of this sword. But for him, this application form is not a good thing.

"Baba? 》

"……………………I knew that once someone knew that I would fight, they would definitely get in trouble."

The trouble of the idiot shaking his hands, he took a big breath. Although after applying for a residence permit, many things can become very convenient. But in this way, it is tantamount to allowing oneself to completely join the nationality of the Bucks. Moreover, once someone else knows that he will be beaten, such things as military service will definitely not escape.

"Baba, are you planning to join the army? 》

Bread stopped eating with his hands and raised his head, looking at the idiot with some worry. The reason is simple. Once an idiot joins the army, it is of course impossible to live at home. And when a soldier goes on the battlefield, it is impossible to take her little girl everywhere, right? So, if the idiot really joins the army...

So for a long time, the family will never be able to see each other again.

"...... Don't worry, I know what I should do."

The idiot picked up the pen and filled out the form. Write "scorching skill" in the column of martial skill level, and "not yet" in the column of Xinwu. However, just when the idiot was filling out this form, expressing to see how to get through it...

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door again.

And this time the knock on the door was so anxious, so rush. U

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