Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 38: , Xinwu-Civet

With thunderous drums, General Saiza stretched out his hands and received the blessings of the people.

In this battle, he is undoubtedly a well-deserved victor. As a winner, he has reason to enjoy the worship of these people. Accept their compliments.

Speech, the end.

Accompanied by the soldiers, the general went to the viewing platform, ready to enjoy this performance.

An idiot, as one of the soldiers, naturally followed the crowd to the stands.

The sounds around... noisy.

The noise made the idiot a little uneasy.

Since Senag grew up in the ice and snow, for this sewer rat, he prefers the quietness like ice and snow rather than the current noise.

The noise made him unable to distinguish the sounds around him carefully. The crowds also made him unable to see the potential dangers.

Is there any danger?

There must be some danger.

Idiots believe in objective theoretical facts more than perceptual judgments. But before facing danger, what the sewer rat believes most is definitely not the theory that there is no danger, but his own intuition.

"Bread, follow me."

The bun who was watching the singing and dancing performance was a little strange and looked at the idiot, but after seeing the eyes of Ba Ba, the little girl's eyes became calm. What reflected in the emerald green pupils was no longer stubbornness, but composure and calmness.

The idiot took Little Bread's hand, raised his head, and looked at the seats around him. At this moment, a scene depicting a duelist is being performed on the stage. Two strong, helmet-mounted warriors are fighting there.

The drum beats around the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic and rapid. With the drum beats, the audience in the stands also made waves of cheers. The excited expressions were like some kind of magic, excitement, Excited, can't stop


In the excitement of drums and cheers, the idiot suddenly raised his head and looked at the auditorium.

Just now, he seemed to see someone walking along the auditorium towards this.

In fact, there are indeed many people walking around in the audience. Selling snacks, selling small toys. The numbers vary. But looking at these people, the idiot can't extinguish the thoughts in his mind. After scanning these people again, the idiot turned his head reluctantly and looked at the stage below.

At this moment, a man in white stood up from his seat.

He began to walk down the stairs. When someone appeared in front of him, the man in white would simply stretch out his hand and push it away.

The idiot tensed his nerves below, watching any movement around him.

This person walked down non-stop, step by step, absolutely without stopping.

The lively atmosphere on the scene continued, and the four eyes of Idiot and Little Bread were more like radar searching for any enemy.

At this moment, the man in white stretched out his hand again and gently pushed away a spectator Lan in front of him. Now, he was less than ten steps away from the general. And the distance between him and the idiot...

But it is already, passing by

At this moment, the idiot turned his head, and his dark sight stayed on the face of the white man in an instant...

The footsteps of the white-clothed man lifted and fell. A smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.


The man in white opened his arms, cheered loudly at the soldiers on the stage, and ran down the stairs. And the idiot closed his eyes slightly and exhaled...


Suddenly an explosion sounded from behind the idiot. Hearing the explosion, the idiot turned his head violently to greet him, but it was not a panicked crowd, but a thick smoke that made people unable to open their eyes.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough"

"what happened?"

"Cough cough cough--"

The coughing of many people came from the thick smoke, and the bun was no exception. Now he can only cough constantly with his mouth and nose. But although the idiot was a little surprised, he held his breath and closed his eyes at the most critical moment.

"Cough cough cough"

A person rushed towards the idiot from the dense smoke. Needless to say, this voice is General Saiza. Just when the idiot wanted to step back and give way, an ominous gust of wind rushed over silently...


Don't hesitate, in such an unfavorable environment, the idiot has no time to tell whether the other party's target is himself. Dim Mie immediately unsheathed and pierced directly against the strong wind behind General Sai Sa. However, this idiot originally thought that the sword in the meeting was a stiff stabbing.

where is it? Where is it?

There is no sound, no trace. Because the surrounding people were also confused by the sudden heavy smoke, the noise and the footsteps complemented each other, so that the idiot could not distinguish the enemy's footsteps from it.

At this moment, General Saiza had already hit his chest. The old general didn't know what had happened. He barely opened his eyes and saw the nervous idiot in front of him and the little bread next to him, and immediately pulled them out and rushed out. .

"Go Dangerously"

General Saiza took the two to rush towards the edge of the dense fog, but at the moment when the idiot thought he could finally restore his vision, a cloth bag fell in the air again, and when it hit the ground, it exploded and it didn’t disperse The smoke once again obscured everyone's sight.

"Protect...cough cough...protect civilians...cough cough...cough cough cough cough..."

With the vigorous cry of General Saiza, the soldiers around finally recovered, holding their breath and yelling. Several of the soldiers rushed towards the place of General Saiza immediately, hoping to protect their patron saint.

A shadow shuttles through the smoke. When the soldiers gathered in front of Saiza, this time the shadow stretched out his arms. The next moment, five flying knives appeared in his hands. As soon as they were raised, these silent flying knives immediately rushed towards the target. When the soldiers fell down, one of the flying knives flew directly to the idiot's throat, which was very fatal.

The smoke was too thick and the surroundings were too chaotic, until the flying knife almost pierced his throat, the idiot felt it instantly and hurriedly reached out and grabbed it. What troubles him is that the general is still holding his hand and rushing around. In order to move freely, the idiot slammed him hard and threw him down the stairs. After that, he drew out Dim Mie again, and moved towards the direction of the flying knife, the sword of death was already activated.


The sword pierced, but there was no feeling of piercing into the flesh. It's more like stabbing the wall. The idiot gritted his teeth, immediately drew his sword and stepped on the wall to jump up. At this moment, he finally escaped from the strong smoke.

However, at the moment of escaping, he saw such a terrifying scene.

That was an assassin in a white robe.

At this moment, he is leaping high, his hands are open, and the two Hidden Blades have completely ejected out. The target he is now leaping towards is undoubtedly the match where his eyes are still in the smoke and cannot move. Sprinkle, and small bread...

"Be careful"

The whip was too long, the idiot immediately issued a warning sound. Fortunately, the bun reacted fast enough. After hearing the idiot’s voice, he immediately reached out and patted the ground. A stone pillar rose from the ground and directly slammed into the assassin who was flying over.

The assassin was not hit by the stone pillar. He suddenly turned over in the air, stepped on the stone pillar and jumped up again. The Hidden Blade in both hands still rushed towards the general without surprise. However, Xiao Bread's obstruction finally won for almost one second, which was enough for the soldier next to him to raise the force gun and shoot at the assassin in midair.


The guided force gun shot out a tongue of fire, and the assassin who was in the air was hit by a bullet without accident, and the whole person flew to the side. However, the injury he received didn't seem to be as serious as he had imagined. When he landed on the ground, he rolled over and landed on both feet safely. Afterwards, he gently stroked his chest under his white robe, where there was a solid conductive breastplate. The shot just now only made him hurt.

If you miss a shot, then come the second shot. The soldier immediately loaded the guided gun, and the target directly aimed at the assassin’s head.


Unfortunately, before he pulled the trigger, a Hidden Blade was inserted into his throat.

"Protection General"

The soldiers shouted loudly. After their sights were restored, they began to rush towards the only enemy idiot watching from behind. Since this person has been exposed to the front, there is nothing for him. You can go to the bread. Protected.


A pikeman rushed to the front. He raised the spear in his hand and pierced directly to the chest of the white assassin. However, this white assassin did not evade, but raised his arm in an instant. With only a soft bang, a poisonous needle flew out of his wrist and directly stabbed the pikeman. After being attacked, the mind of the pikeman seemed to be confused immediately, holding the spear in his hand, he began to sweep indiscriminately, blocking the path of the soldiers who had rushed up from behind.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The six soldiers behind the Pikemen shouted, but the reality did not give them enough time to think. Just when they were surprised, a flying knife suddenly flew out from the side of the Pikemen, and instantly penetrated the leftmost throat of the six soldiers.

The other five people didn’t understand what was going on, but the white assassin was like a divine helper, stepping on the shoulder of the pikeman and jumping high in the air, his left hand stretched out, and the miniature guided gun on his wrist. Aimed at a soldier. With his right hand, he pulled out the crossbow arrow on his back and aimed at another person. When the panic appeared on their faces, the guided bullets and the strong crossbow had been shot at the same time.


Two sounds, two lives. The remaining three soldiers looked up at their companion who was shot out by the bullet from the guided force gun and quickly raised their heads.

However, they were a step too late after all. Two of the three had their foreheads held by two hands. With the help of the force of the jump, the two were directly pressed back to the ground, and the sleeve sword was even more instantaneous. Ejected from time to time, ending their lives.


This reality happened too quickly, too quickly. It wasn't until the last moment that the last soldier finally woke up. He immediately raised his sword and slashed at the white assassin, but he was faster, the assassin was faster. The Hidden Blade shrank, and he immediately pulled out the long sword from his waist, blocking the soldier's slashing with a sound. After the block, the white-clothed assassin turned around, and the long sword had stabbed into the soldier's abdomen with a pull, causing blood to splash.

In a blink of an eye, six soldiers died across the arena. At the same time, the soldier who had been poisoned by the needle also fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. The white-clothed assassin stood proudly in the middle of the arena, his eyes under the cloak stared at his prey for a moment, and when he was upright, he rushed towards General Saiza again.

"The upper protection general prevents him from being alone."

A stone vertical screamed, and at the same time, he had already raised his hand, and the guiding force road map began to appear in his palm. However, this stone vertical master never expected that among the people who were running around in a panic behind him, suddenly a commoner slowly walked towards him. Just as the vertical stone force in his hand was about to start, the civilian suddenly stepped forward, covering his mouth with one hand and pressing the heart with the other.

Shao Sha.

The Hidden Blade popped out and retracted. The whole action was clean and neat. The civilians who completed the task returned to the panic crowd again and disappeared. Only the body of the stone vertical shook slightly, and finally, silently, fell in a pool of blood.

To the idiot, the situation in front of him seems a little weird.

Based on his feeling, he can clearly feel that the number of enemies in the field is definitely not many. I'm afraid there are only five or six. It is these five or six enemies. Why do the nearly a hundred soldiers around the general seem so useless? The crossbow that was supposed to be fired did not fire, nor did the bullets that should have been fired. The whole army is like a dud, nothing

The white assassin came to the edge of the stand again. He slammed a hook rope casually, and with a pull, his body immediately flew into the air gently and skillfully. He took out two smoke bombs from his arms and threw them at the idiot, Bun, and General Saiza again.

He... wears a mask

No wonder he was not afraid of the smoke at all. The idiot hugged the bun and covered his face. The smoke bomb exploded again, and the strong and choking smoke directly enveloped the three of them. When the smoke filled, the body of the white-clothed assassin plunged into the thick smoke like a vigorous wild cat.

"Damn assassin...I am absolutely...I will never die in your hands"

Suddenly General Saiza, who had been in the target state since just now, picked up a sword dropped by a soldier and directly stab the white assassin, but the white assassin's movements were so flexible that it was impossible to stab him. But just as the assassin dodged aside, his footsteps hit the bread lying here, causing the bread to let out an exclamation.


General Saiza gave a violent shout. He once again swung his sword to force the assassin away, and with one hand to protect the bread, he fled back. After escaping from the smoke, the general immediately turned around and shouted: "Damn assassin, you never want to use anything else. Human life threatens me as long as there is me in one day, I will never allow you to hurt anyone"

General Saiza still couldn't open his eyes because of the smoke, so he couldn't see the panic expression of the bun in his arms trying to break free from her embrace. You know, the target of that assassin is you, not yourself, this little girl is with you, then isn't it horrible? What protection are you talking about?

Sure enough, the white-clothed assassin rushed out of the smoke, his pace was vigorously rushing on the uneven steps, and his speed was almost the same as when he was on the ground.

"Protect the General"

The soldiers have been yelling since just now, but every time someone rushes over, the assassin either throws a throwing knife or shoots a crossbow, and fires with a pocket guided gun. Otherwise, before he was ready, his throat would be pierced by the Hidden Blade. He rushed towards General Saiza step by step, without any hindrance. In a short while, the assassin rushed to the general's front, his left hand had been placed on his shoulder to fix it, and the Hidden Blade in his right hand had also popped out, aiming at the target whose eyes were still inconvenient...


But at this moment, accompanied by a burst of shouts, a figure quickly rushed to the white assassin. The white assassin was startled, before he had time to attack General Saiza, he turned around, and his two-handed sleeve sword was directly in the throat of the leaping figure. Across.


But the next moment, the assassin realized that what was flying over was the corpse of a soldier who had already died. And the person who threw the corpse appeared in front of him the moment the corpse fell.

It was a man with a thick cloth wrapped around his face. The cloth was soaked with blood, obviously, it was used to block the smoke. Under the **** cloth, there is a long black blade with blood-colored pupils on the hilt.

The long sword stabbed out, but the white assassin did not show much direct confrontation. At the most critical moment, he immediately gave up his prey and retreated, showing extremely rich combat experience. But when the idiot thought he had saved Little Bread, the assassin directly raised his left arm and pointed it at the idiot.


In an instant, the idiot dodges aside. Almost immediately before and after, there was a loud noise, and a guided bullet grazed his sideburns.

The bullet flew by, pulling out a bloodshot from the sideburns of the idiot. This white assassin had clearly noticed the contrast between the strength of the enemy and ourselves from the brief confrontation just now. He has already judged that if he is head-on, he will never be an idiot's opponent.

But head-to-head?

On the battlefield, knowing that your strength, speed, and physical strength are not as good as you, who will head-to-head with you?

Taking advantage of the idiot's dodge, the white-clothed assassin immediately took a silk thread from the sac around his waist and raised it toward General Saiza. As if a fish was hooked, this thread directly wrapped around the general's neck, tightly. The white-clothed assassin pulled this thin line and rushed towards the edge of the circular arena. After reaching the edge, he jumped and jumped directly from the height of more than fifty meters. He was still holding bread in his arms. The general was pulled down in the process and fell into the abyss together. V

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