Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 39: , Chase

The idiot rushed forward, and at the moment General Saiza fell from the edge, he stepped on the wall of the arena at the same time, and the whole person immediately leapt down like lightning almost instantly, the body of the idiot. Already parallel to General Saiza who was facing suffocation, the silk thread immediately broke with a wave of the sword in his hand.


Cut the thread, the idiot who was in the air immediately reached out to support General Saiza, shouted, and threw him and the bun to the edge of the arena again. But just when the idiot thought he had finally saved Little Bread and Saiza, the white assassin who had fallen first raised his right arm early and aimed at General Saiza, only to hear a sound, a poisonous needle. Has been lasing out, and rushed directly to the target.

The idiot didn't care about General Saiza's life, so he didn't care about whether he was alive or dead, and he wouldn't try to block the poisoned needle at the cost of losing control of his body. But soon, the idiot regretted his decision.

He doesn't care, doesn't mean that Little Bread doesn't care.

General Saiza has been suffocated by the silk thread, and has not seen the assassin shoot the poisonous needle. But Xiao Bian could see clearly. When the poisonous needle was about to pierce General Saiza's shoulder, she immediately stretched out her hand to block the poisonous needle.

The pinhole pierced the little girl's palm, went in and out, and then plunged into General Saiza's shoulder to complete the task.


The groan of the bread made the idiot's original calm face instantly change color. Just now, the soldier who had been poisoned by the needle fell to the ground in just ten seconds, let alone the little bread who was only twelve years old? Finally, the idiot no longer hesitated, and Dimie swept a black line in the air and rushed directly to the white assassin below.

After the white assassin in the air shot the poison needle, he immediately pulled a piece of fluffy cloth from his arms and opened it. As if he had a parachute, he flew into the distance, lightly and skillfully landed on a building, and quickly left. The idiot lost his goal, slammed his body heavily on a carriage on the ground, endured the pain, rushed to the building, and jumped onto the roof.


Losing the goal, the idiot immediately looked up to check the bread. But what he saw before him was more or less relieved. The little bread that fell in the arena climbed up, endured the pain, removed the needle from his palm, and then healed himself with the golden light. She looks sane and shows no signs of poisoning. On the contrary, when Xiao Bread saw General Saiza who was already in a coma, he immediately stretched out his hands on his shoulders to detoxify.

Poison...Isn't it heavy? In other words, is this poison not fatal to children?

As soon as his thoughts turned, the idiot immediately maintained his confidence in Bun. He knew that he couldn't do anything even if he went back now, so the only thing he can do now is to hunt down the assassin immediately, no matter whether the poison is harmful to the bread, he must find a way to regain the antidote.

Putting away the sword, the idiot immediately rushed in the direction where the assassin disappeared. It seemed that the assassin seemed to think that no one would come after him, so he didn't deliberately hide the trace. After a while, the idiot found the assassin on the house in front of him and rushed forward.

Stepping on the roof, the collision of rubble and soles of feet was very loud. Almost the same time the idiot found the assassin, the assassin also noticed the idiot's pursuit.

At this time, the pace of the white assassin immediately accelerated, leaping over the undulating roof. And the idiot is also in hot pursuit, hoping to use his own speed to catch up

But, can't catch up...

No matter how fast the idiot plays, he just can't catch up with the assassin in front.

The roof is not as flat as the ground. It can be said that there are obstacles everywhere, and there is no place where you can run at full capacity.

The action of the white assassin was like a wild cat that often leaped back and forth on the roof. He controlled his footsteps so well that even an idiot couldn't match it.

He can jump up and down very accurately, knowing when to accelerate and when to slow down. The undulating roof and beams seem to be his back garden. Every time he can find the most correct and easiest road to maximize his speed.

In contrast, idiots have no such judgment. The sewer rat is good at walking through the alleys instead of jumping on the roof. On several occasions, he either stepped on the air, jumped over his head, or braked sharply because of the chimney that suddenly appeared in front of him. The speed can never be played. This feeling of chasing the opponent but still being unable to catch up... I always felt that it seemed to have happened not long ago.

The white-clothed assassin rushed to the edge of a roof. In the place where there was no road, he jumped on a clothesline that spanned the buildings at both ends of the street and jumped gently and skillfully. The idiot knew that he did not have this kind of balance. But in this way, the distance between him and the white assassin has become farther.

There is absolutely no way to go on like this. The idiot pondered for a while, and the chain in his right hand was immediately thrown out and rushed towards the white assassin in front. The assassin seemed to perceive the danger, and one jumped off the roof, avoiding the entanglement of the chains. However, since he was forced off the roof, it was a big victory for the idiot.

The idiots also jumped down together, and from a distance, you could see the white assassin in front of them making a turn. The idiot spreads his legs, bursts into his full speed sprint, and then turns...


But at the moment when he turned the curve, the idiot stopped abruptly because in front of him, there was a wire rope just right at the neck, pulled up with a special device, and crossed in front of the idiot. The idiot's running speed is too fast to stop in time. Seeing that his throat is about to be cut by a wire at this moment

At the moment of the moment, the idiot immediately raised his chain-bound right arm and threw it on his face. Unsurprisingly, the steel wire pulled a bloodshot from his arm, but he could not cut the chains, but was broken. But with such a pause, the distance that the idiot thought he had pulled in was once again extended.

Heart martial arts-civet.

This is exactly the martial arts that this white assassin possesses.

People with this kind of martial arts may not be the strongest in a one-on-one head-on confrontation, but they are definitely the most suitable martial arts.

This kind of person does not have specific skilled weapons, they can use almost all the weapons in the world. Moreover, there is no uniform tactic, all tactics that can kill the enemy can be seen in their hands.

They are flexible, and when they use their minds, the five senses, such as reflex nerves, sight and hearing, will all be upgraded to an optimal state, allowing them to always find the most correct path and calculate the most appropriate escape route like a cat.

They are good at setting traps and using various objective conditions to achieve their goals.

For tracking the enemy, they have a variety of ways to kill the enemy.

There is no weapon, but any weapon can be used.

Sometimes, they can even use the entire city as their own killing weapon.

As long as it is in this ups and downs, the intricate city, people with the "civil cat" can exert the most powerful lethality and become the nightmare of any enemy

The idiot gritted his teeth, looked at the bloodshot blood on his arm, and ran again. After the white assassin in front of him turned a corner, he immediately inserted his fingers into the capsule, took out a small device and pressed it on the wall next to him, pulled it out, and then pressed the other end to the other wall. Form an obstacle. His trap once again resisted the idiot's forward speed, and the distance between the two people was once again pulled apart.

Every time you turn, the idiot must pay attention to whether there is a trap at the end of the curve. Of course, it will not come down any faster. And these wires are not necessarily concentrated on the neck, sometimes they are across the chest, and sometimes they are pulled directly under the knees, trying to cut the tracker's feet. Seeing that the distance between the two was getting farther and farther, the idiot turned his mind and jumped on the roof again, aiming at the white assassin to charge. After tracking for a period of time, he estimated that he should have used up the wire trap in his hand before jumping off again.

The distance between the two was shortened, and the idiot could already see each other's back. Now, the assassin turned in the lane again. After the idiot rushed up, he remained vigilant, stopped, and took a second to see if it was There is no wire trap...


The wire trap did not appear.

But in front of the idiot who stopped, there was a conductive stone bomb sticking to the wall, making a soft beeping sound...


The power of the bomb is not great. But in this small space, it was enough to blow up a person.

After the white-clothed assassin heard the sound of the bomb, the corner of his mouth under the mask snorted and jumped onto the roof again, slowly slowing down his pace.


The black chain suddenly leaped into the air from the tunnel

This impossible attack immediately shocked the assassin. However, as the most flexible civet warrior, the white assassin is very good at avoiding the chains and rushing forward again. But that chain didn’t seem to be used solely for attack. The end of the chain directly wrapped around the chimney beside the white assassin, shrank suddenly, dragging the idiot whose clothes had been blown up, the distance between the two, Finally reached an unprecedented close range

Just listening to the footsteps behind him, the white-clothed assassin knew that he still hadn't gotten rid of the tracking. He didn't even look at it, and took out three throwing knives from his arms and threw them directly behind him. The idiot pulled out Dimie Dangdang three times to fend off the throwing knife, grabbed a tile on the roof, and threw it at the assassin in front. The assassin ducked to the side and avoided, but the speed was also slightly slower.

The two of them continued to maintain this cat and mouse game in tandem.

No, it's actually not accurate to say who is the hunter and who is the hunter. Because although the white assassin is running away, as long as the idiot relaxes, a flying knife will fly over immediately. It can be seen that the other party has also moved to kill and decided to completely solve this follower.


The white assassin in front snorted, rushed to the side of the street, and jumped down. But before jumping off, he threw a smoke bomb casually, the smoke exploded and thick smoke billowed.

The idiot didn't rush into the smoke directly, he leaped high, jumping over the range of smoke. But at the moment he lifted off, the white-clothed assassin on the ground had already raised his left hand, and the miniature guided gun on his wrist had been aimed at the idiot who was in the air, with a bang, and guided bullets spewed out. The idiot's black pupils instantly spread, and the dark blade slashed head-on, splitting the guiding bullet in half.

When he landed, the idiot stepped on his feet and he immediately rushed to the white assassin who was reloading. At this moment, the assassin didn't have time to load it. He directly drew the long sword from his waist, only to hear a loud noise, and the black sword and the long sword made a violent crash on this lively street. Pedestrians all around took refuge for fear of hitting the pond fish.

Power and strength fight recklessly, the white assassin is obviously inferior to the idiot. He was repulsed, and before he could maintain his figure, he was kicked heavily by the feet raised by the idiot, vomiting blood, and flying.

But as an assassin, he maintained his body balance very well, adjusted his posture again when he landed, turned around, rushed to a sling used to lift a building on the edge of the street, and cut it open with a sword. Pulling the rope of the heavy object, the falling weight immediately pulled her up to the roof, put away the sword, and ran away again.

This chasing battle has been going on, the two clashing intermittently, but more time is spent jumping back and forth on this roof. When the two confronted, the white assassin fell into a disadvantage. But when the two chased, the endless traps and assassinations of the white assassins made the wounds of the idiot even worse.

In some ways, this white assassin is probably the most difficult opponent the idiot has ever fought. Because he doesn't face you head-on at all, and he is in a chasing position, so he can't hide his figure to perform assassination.

Finally, the chasing of the two came to the edge of Rome. The buildings here have become scarce, while a lot of farmland has appeared.

Was it because this assassin in white was chased to the end? He finally brought the idiot to this place with few buildings. It seems that he also plunged himself into death.

The idiot followed the assassin, and when he rushed to a pig farm, he turned up the roof. After that, the assassin jumped off the edge of the pig farm, immediately opened the parachute and glided forward.

The idiot couldn't let him go, so he jumped off and prepared to chase him.


At this moment, the idiot realized the difference between himself and this assassin.

The assassin in white is pulling a parachute and gliding over. But he jumped down directly...

Directly, jumped into this muddy quagmire. Both feet were also stuck tightly, making him stagger.

Finally... lost it?

The idiot looked at the white assassin falling ahead, and couldn't help but think of this idea. But soon he knew that he was still too naive.

The assassin in white did not leave.

When the idiot's feet were trapped in the mire, he put away the parachute, stood on the edge of the mire, and looked at the idiot.

The next moment, the assassin raised his left hand and made a non-aggressive gesture.

He raised his left hand over his shoulder, and gently squeezed...


Not aggressive?

No, it's not aggressive, it's just his posture.

When his gesture appeared, the idiot suddenly raised his head and saw that many black spots suddenly appeared in the sky, as if it was raining... dozens of black spots, all facing him, fell.

Flying knife rain...?

Yes, the idiot remembered.

He remembered that this assassin was not alone

He also has companions. This time he is not fighting with one person, but with an alliance of assassins.

When the rain of flying knives fell, the trapped idiot couldn't move. Seeing that he was about to be nailed into a hedgehog by the rain of flying knives, the idiot immediately exhaled, clamped Dimie under his armpit, and arched his body. When the Rain of Knives arrives...

Xia Lan also scraped along with it.


The sound of countless swords intersecting spread out from the center of the quagmire, and in front of Xia Lan, who could almost be regarded as a complete defense, none of the flying knives missed and all were shot down. Looking at this scene, the face under the mask of the white assassin was even more surprised. In this battle, both the idiot and him made a very deep impression on each other, and both sides had to reassess the other's skill.

After knocking down all the flying knives, the idiotic Xia Lan storm also stopped. He raised his head and looked at the building behind him, and saw that in addition to the white assassin in front of him, there were five assassins in the same white clothes standing on the roof of the pig farm. There are men and women among them, all wearing masks. Obviously, they were surprised that idiots could survive such a storm of flying knives.

Unfortunately, the time is not too long to surprise people. The idiot threw out the chain, entangled a tree beside the mire, and pulled himself out of the mire. Seeing this, the assassins on the roof immediately jumped off the roof. Within three seconds, they rode horses and rushed out from the back of the pig farm. One of the horses was unoccupied, apparently for the assassin in white Ride.

While the idiot was cleaning the almost solidified mud on his body by the tree, the white assassin blew a whistle and the ownerless horse ran over immediately. He hugged the horse's neck and jumped lightly, and the horse was mounted in one go. With a shout, the white-clothed assassin immediately rode away.

Let him escape? Idiots are not in such a good mood.

He gritted his teeth and rushed to the other five assassins who were about to flee. The chains in his hands flew out. Fortunately, an assassin's waist was finally entangled by the chains, and as the idiot pulled him off his horse. The horse that had lost its owner immediately slowed down, causing the idiot to jump up and sit down. With a wave of the rein, the horse made a long hiss, and immediately spread its limbs and chased it up. V

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