Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 40: , Qunlong no leader

Qunlong without head

The speed of the idiot's horse and the white-clothed assassin's horse is actually not much different, so whether it can catch up is almost entirely related to the horse manipulation technique.

The white-clothed assassin lowered his body, and the horses that sat down were galloping along the trails of the farmland like a galloping electric engine. The idiot had not received special training in manipulating horses, so the speed was slightly lower. Seeing that the distance between the two of them is getting bigger and bigger.


Unable to catch up, the idiot immediately pulled out Dimie and stabbed the horse lightly on the bottom. Feeling the pain, the seated horse immediately hissed, spreading his limbs and running wildly. This rough driving method allowed him to catch up in a short time, and the distance that was pulled was gradually reduced again.

The assassin in white turned his head and glanced at the chaser behind him. After a little hesitation, he turned his horse's head and started to rush towards the town again. Idiots followed closely, and the two men and two horses ran wildly along the country path, even throwing away the other assassins who followed them.

On the road, pedestrians evaded one after another. I'm afraid of hurting the pond fish.

The white-clothed assassin turned his head occasionally, and when he saw the idiot's horse close at hand, he immediately drew his throwing knife and shot it at that horse. The idiot looked quick and immediately pulled the reins to make the horses avoid. As the two gradually rushed into the crowded place, the white assassin seemed to be trying to avoid hurting the innocent. Finally, the throwing knife stopped shooting and ran forward with all his heart.

Almost catching up...

It’s almost two horses away... you can catch up

The idiot held the reins with one hand, and the right hand had already been pulled out of Dim Mi. The jet-black blade pulled a black light in the air as the horse galloped. Dim Mie's excited laughter has been raised, and soon... will be able to approach


The white assassin in front of him jumped up on the galloping horse. He stretched out his hands and directly grabbed a beam above his head that crossed the street.

Relying on the horse's forward speed, he immediately turned up and turned in a circle in the air. Since the distance between the two horses is so close, the idiot only has time to be surprised

He turned his head and looked at the sky. The white assassin who was in the air had already begun to fall towards the idiot's horse. The Hidden Blade in the cuff is already emitting a cold light in the afterglow of the setting sun...


Avoidance is inevitable, the idiot can only abandon the horse immediately and jump to the ground. He abandoned the horse, and the white assassin just landed on his horse. Before the idiot pulled out his legs to catch up again, his left hand had already pulled out the equipped crossbow arrow. In turn, he shot the idiot directly.


Of course, this crossbow arrow can't hurt the idiot. When the right hand stretches out, the idiot will hold the crossbow arrow tightly in his palm. But this crossbow arrow has completed the task very well. Taking advantage of this gap, the horses of the white assassin have rushed far away, and it seems that they can never catch up.

The sky is full of sunset clouds.

Nearly half a day of chasing battle, in the end, it still ended in failure.

The idiot stood in the middle of the street, looking at the horse that had gone away. After a moment of silence, he could only helplessly shook his head, turned around, and ran towards the arena.

The hunt failed, which made the idiot even more deeply understand that there are so many and complicated ways of fighting in this world that it is simply dizzying. Although the opponent's hard physical indicators are not as good as his own, in the battle just now, the idiot never felt whether he had the upper hand. Several times... I was even driven to the brink of death.

Stepping on the red-stained street with sunset clouds, he tore off the blood mask from his face, found some water to wash his face, and cleaned himself a little bit when no one was left.

He quickly returned to the round arena, but after returning to the arena, he found that the martial law was already in place.

However, this was also taken for granted. In such a big assassination, more than 20 soldiers were killed or injured, but even the shadows of those assassins were not found. Enough for the entire city of Rome to be under martial law to search for any suspects that may appear.

The arena is all right, and the idiot returns to the general's residence. The soldiers at the door knew that the useless idiot was an attendant of Princess Walnut, so they didn't ask much. After the idiot asked briefly about the bread, the soldiers pointed to the ward instead.


After entering the ward, the breath hanging in the idiot's heart relaxed slightly. Because that little girl was only wrapped in a bandage on her right hand, she jumped up and down immediately after seeing the idiot and threw herself into his arms. It seems that there is no problem because of the poisoned needle.

However, the situation of General Saiza who was only stabbed in the shoulder by a poisonous needle was not so optimistic.

The idiot knew from the sign raised by the bread that the situation had become less optimistic since General Saiza came back from the arena. The place where his shoulder was stabbed is now completely black, and there is even some stench coming out of it.

Followed Xiao Bao to the emergency room next to the ward, and looked at General Saiza through the thick glass. He saw his cheeks sunken and his expression haggard, and he looked like he was totally different from the morning. From the gossip of some doctors who came in and out, the idiot even knew that General Saiza had a high fever, his pupils were close to dilation, and his mind was blurred. It seems that he is really on the verge of death.


Looking at General Saiza who was being treated in the operating room, the idiot suddenly turned around and put on Bun's shoulder. When Xiao Bread was slightly surprised, he took the little girl's right hand and pulled off the bandage.


The bun was obviously hurt by the idiot's hand, and there was a little resistance. The idiot ignored her resistance, and turned her hand over and repeatedly checked.

There was a small red dot in the middle of the little girl's palm. There is also one on the back of her hand, apparently caused by the penetration of a poisonous needle.

However, the palm of this little girl didn't show any signs of blackening, and the color was still ruddy and soft. Seeing that she could squeeze her small fist, there should be no cramps or loss of force.

However, the idiot was worried. He held down the little girl, put his fingers on her eyes, and carefully checked the emerald green pupils to confirm whether they had spread. Then, she turned the little girl over, put her ears on her back, and listened to the beating of the heart.

It wasn't until all this was done that the idiot finally confirmed that the bread was not life-threatening, and only breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the dissatisfied little guy and said lightly: "Poison, does it matter?"

Xiao Bread pouted. Although she also knew that Ba Ba was concerned about her safety, she was already twelve years old now. At the age of twelve, she was turned over by Ba Ba for examination, of course she was a little unhappy.

"It's okay. The doctor said that this poison should be a poison that only affects adults. 》

is it……

Now that the doctor judged this way, the stone in the idiot's heart was finally put down completely. He stroked Bun's head lightly, looked up again, and looked at the general in the operating room.

Late at night.

Walnut, who had been sleeping all day, finally woke up at this moment. After hearing about General Saiza, he immediately ran to the ward to visit General Saiza who had undergone surgery.

The old man is still yellow and thin, without any blood. Although a lot of rotten meat had been scraped off, his condition still didn't seem to improve.

Walnut asked the doctor in charge to find out about the situation. After learning everything, she walked towards the salon in the general's house with a sad face. Coincidentally, the idiot, the bread and the deviant three are sitting at a table in the salon, exchanging information in their hands.

The idiot didn't say much when he saw the walnut come in. Just staring at a throwing knife, a wire, a crossbow arrow, and other messy things on the table. Deviation is to carefully measure the data of these weapons and record it.

"Have you... caught someone?"

Walnut squeezed his fist and asked nervously.

After Idiot and Deviant looked at each other, they all shook their heads.

Getting a negative answer, Walnut couldn't help biting her lower lip. She walked quickly to the table, stared at the weapons on the table, and said with a little excitement——

"Idiot... what shall we do now...?"

The idiot was silent and did not speak. After thinking about it for a while, he picked up a throwing knife on the table and said, "All, weapons, not unique. All kinds, weapons, shops, yes, trading. Tracking, difficult."

"I'm not talking about this"

Walnut slapped the table sharply and said loudly: "I'm asking about the next city of Rome...what will happen to Rome? General Saiza has been conspired...there is no on-the-spot command... if Dylau launches a full attack If you...we...this city...what should we do?"

Distracted and stopped talking, the idiot continued to lower his head and looked at a small throwing knife in his hand.

Walnut's worries were not unfounded. If nothing else, the assassination and downfall of General Saiza alone was enough to destroy morale. Moreover, the incident was so violent that almost everyone in the entire Roman city knew about it, and it was almost impossible not to disclose the news to the stag army there.

Presumably, the Bucks will attack wildly in the next two days. And can the Roman defenders, who have lost their backbone, successfully guard the city like the past half a month?

Not to mention Walnut suspicion, even the small bread can't help but feel a little worried now.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured."

Just as Walnut was slapped on the table and was extremely anxious, a voice came from the door. Walnut looked back and saw that it was not someone else but the generals of General Saiza. The one who spoke just now was a slender man in his thirties. At this moment, he was speaking confidently.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, please rest assured. Although the General is unwell now, it does not mean that the entire city of Rome is incapable of resistance. We generals have followed the General for so many years, born to death, not just eating Rice."

"Yes, your Royal Highness, please rest assured. We assure you that the city of Rome will never fall. And, it will be more indestructible than before."

Walnut looked at these confident generals, the despair on his face once again showed hope. With tears in her eyes, she stood upright with some excitement, toward these soldiers who stood on the front line for the people. Sure enough... they are the most trustworthy people at this moment.

Full of hope, Hu Tao talked with these generals and listened to their rhetoric. My heart was extremely excited, unable to stop.

The three idiots were left in the cold, quietly watching the joy and self-confidence over there. After these generals left, the idiots and deviance, Xiao Bian looked at each other, and the three shook their heads together.

"Well, I really have too much heart. We have so many good fighters, so we don't have to be afraid of what Dai Lao will do, right?"

Walnut turned around and smiled at the idiot. She certainly didn't expect the idiot to give her a smile back. But to her surprise, after the idiot stared at her for a while, his gaze turned to the deviance beside her.

"I, pack, leave, prepare."

He stood up, went to his room and started packing up. This behavior made Walnut a little puzzled. She was very puzzled. After seeing the deviation and leaving, she immediately stepped forward and grabbed the corner of the idiot's clothes and asked: "What's the matter? Why are you leaving?"

"Must go. Four of us."

The idiot just answered such a sentence very calmly. Walnut looked at him and then at the bun, only to see that bun also had a very sad expression now. It seems that something terrible is about to happen...

"What's the matter...? What's the matter...?"

After countless experiences, Walnut knew that an idiot is definitely not a person who makes mistakes in judgment. Seeing his expression like this, Walnut couldn't help but get scared. Her voice trembled and asked.

The idiot didn't have time to explain, he just announced that Walnut was prepared to leave at any time. Walnut couldn't ask the answer and was flustered, but she still trusted the idiot after all, and hurried back to her room, packed up.

The idiot and the bread returned to their room, and both began to organize their packages. But just when the bun finished the rucksack and picked it up, she suddenly thought of something and let out a scream.

what happened. "

"Baba Orphanage Danger"

We have no time to control them. "

"You can't leave it alone, those brothers and sisters, how can I be their sister? 》

"Baba, I will tell them, let Sister Mystra leave with us"

After holding the sign and shaking for a while, the little girl immediately jumped up and ran out without stopping. The idiot couldn't stop it, so he had to go to the monastery with her.

The Roman city with strong religious power, now coupled with the city's martial law, the road at night is almost no different from the military camp.

There were tense faces everywhere, soldiers patrolling back and forth. Everyone seemed to be full of murderous aura, and seemed to be able to kill any unknown enemy at any time.

The Idiot and Little Bread moved surreptitiously, using the alleys, roofs, and even other people's rooms to quietly head towards the monastery. Finally, the two arrived at the monastery and knocked gently on the door of the church.


Inside, the slightly wary voice of Sister Mystra came.


Bun yelled softly, and then the idiot coughed to show his identity. After a moment of silence in the church, Sister Mystra slowly opened the door, held the cross in her hand, and looked at the idiot outside.

"Mr. Idiot...please come in soon."

Behind the nun are the children. These little guys are holding the nun's feet, looking a little panic. However, under the bright smile of Little Bread, the panic on their faces slowly disappeared, and they came up again to hold their "Bread Sister".

Entering the church, the idiot glanced around slightly. Everything here is no different from what I saw when I came more than half a month ago. The broken mud was full of flowers and plants, and the old goddess statue still showed a pity expression under the dim candlelight.

After the idiot was silent for a while, he said slowly, "Zerence Scarlet, the person is there."

The smile on Sister Mistral's face sank slightly, and the figure hiding behind the goddess statue slowly raised his right hand and popped the Hidden Blade from the sleeve.

"Ah...he. He hasn't come back for a long time. I have a big deal and I hope he can help me manage it, so I sent him out of town."

nun. "


"Nuns who serve God shouldn't lie, do they."

Sister Mystra lowered her head and appeared slightly silent.

Seeing this, the idiot stopped asking anything. He looked at the little bun who was playing with the children over there, and finally exhaled, and said, "You guys, leave. Before the city breaks."

"City broke?"

Sister Mystra looked a little puzzled. But soon, she reacted and said, "Oh, does it mean that the general was assassinated today? However, even if the general's life or death is uncertain now, it doesn't mean we have to run away right away, right? Rome...not so Fragile."

The nun laughed and pretended to be relaxed. She didn't know if the idiot was testing herself, or just mere advice. But if you run away immediately at this time, it is obvious that you will be judged to be related to the white assassin who performed the assassination today. For the idiot, she has not fully trusted this "nun" yet, of course she has to deal with it.

The idiot looked at the nun with such eyes and already knew what was in her heart. For someone who is already fully wary of you, any persuasion sounds like ulterior motives in her ears. Therefore, the idiot gave up decisively and stopped persuading. A

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