Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 42: , The shadow of surprise

Surprise Shadow

The drizzle brought a cold wind to the night at the end of April.

Idiot steps came to General Saiza's bed, glanced slightly, his eyes closed slowly...


The windows in the ward were instantly opened. Several flying knives intruded into the ward silently, riding on the sound of wind and rain, directly smashing the few guiding lights in the room.

The darkness filled this room in an instant.

In the middle of the darkness, the idiot still closed his eyes, and the Dim Mi with his right hand slowly stretched out, facing the window, pointing to the ground in front of him.

The wind blows in.

The violent wind, caught the rain. In addition, there were a few shadows, rushing in.

Wow! ——————

The rain was pouring, almost deafening.

After a while, those few shadows flew out of the window again, fell into the rain, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

The assassin as the leader looked at the corpse lying on the ground coldly, and looked at the front window again. The rain in the air seemed so cold at this moment, and there seemed to be a few black snowflakes mixed in it.

Spring rain is not often accompanied by thunder and lightning.

But this icy rain like a needle stick seemed to be telling something.

With a gesture from the leader, the assassins spread out again, some took out crossbow arrows, and some took out flying knives, but just when they were about to jump into the window again...


There was no lightning in the sky.

But at this moment, a blue flame blasted in front of all the assassins with a gesture more violent than thunder and lightning.

Flame, burning in the air.

The tiny rain cannot extinguish these flames. The flame even scorched the rain and fell on the ground, burning the surface of the ground into a sea of ​​fire.

In the middle of the blue flame, stood a maid.

No, to be precise, that is no longer a maid.

The maid's clothes on her body had been burned away by the flames, revealing the decoration of the strong suit and bunting underneath, and the chains on her limbs and back looked terrifying and terrifying.

Under the ghost mask on her face, the silver-white pupils silently watched everyone in front of her. When these people were surprised, they slowly stretched out their hands and burst into flames in their palms.

As the assassin leader waved his hand, the assassins swarmed in immediately. The ghost face girl's originally spread palm suddenly squeezed, and her flexible movement instantly plunged into the arms of the nearest person. The flame that sprang up when she hit the opponent's jaw with a violent explosion, just a single blow. Smashed the opponent's mandible and flew towards the sky.

The attack was fatal, and these assassins immediately raised their alert after being slightly surprised. As decisive killers, they will no longer fight face-to-face with the enemy in front of them, but walk around the ghost girl. When the woman lost her senses, the assassin who had drawn the gap immediately threw out the throwing knife and pierced her thigh.

Blood spattered.

After deviating for a moment, he immediately returned to the window. The assassins were able to see and hurried forward to chase them, but before they rushed in, a black sword had already blocked them all well at the door. The worms screamed, and the two assassins who were the first to bear the brunt were cut their throats and fell down.


These assassins are all masters who have experienced many battles. This is very clear to the idiots who have suffered from them. He immediately made a judgment and asked to leave. After he pulled out the throwing knife on his thigh, he nodded immediately, turned and picked up General Saiza on the bed, and fled quickly along the aisle. After repelling the first wave of enemies, the idiot also picked up the walnuts, carried the small bread, and left behind him.

Outdoors, rainy, poor sight.

The city of Rome, which has been tired all day long, has fallen into a deep sleep.

The patrol on the street is gone now, and the whole city of Rome seems quiet...

Quiet and terrible.

Idiots and deviant fleeing in the street, behind them, those assassins are constantly leaping on the roof, always able to find their tracks at any time and start interception.

In the rain, both the chasing party and the chased party remained silent and did not make any shouts. Idiots and others know that if they really cried out for help, they would most likely expose the target before the reinforcements arrived smoothly and be siege.


Must take the opportunity to hide

If the mice in the sewers want to escape the hunting of wild cats, they must not go on the roof, but find the alley that suits them best, hide well, and then take the opportunity to escape

The assassins on the roof communicate with each other through gestures.

The whole assassination operation felt like a pantomime, without the slightest screaming sound. For the civilians who are sleeping at home, I am afraid that they would never have thought that such a **** pursuit is taking place outside in such a quiet environment.

Idiot and Deviant hid in the dark alley, Deviatedly put down General Saiza, and watched his injury with Walnut. Idiot and Little Bread poked their heads slightly out of the alley to observe their surroundings.

Mouth shape) Baba, where are we going?"

Mouth shape)............Monastery."

After pondering for a moment, the idiot made a decision immediately. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Since Zelens dared to come out under this night rain and issue an assassination, the monastery as his base camp is undoubtedly the safest place. No matter how bad, I can use those children as human shields, and I am not afraid that he will not yield.

After using the mouth to communicate with each other, the idiot put the bun on his back again. Without waiting for Walnut to worry about General Saiza's body, he picked her up, and verbally confessed to the deviation. He nodded obediently, carried General Saiza together, followed the idiot, walked along the alley, and stopped in front of a sewer. After the idiot opened the sewer cover that was now full of sewage, everyone jumped down.

A group of five people, four mice and a fish, rushed through the sewer. The deviation seemed to be because of the lack of movement speed, so he jumped into the already turbulent water, placed General Sai Sa on a wooden board, and dragged forward.

Soon, everyone came to the destination.

The idiot opened the lid, stretched out his head and looked around for a while, and then made sure it was safe, before jumping out holding the walnuts and bread. Deviance is also swiping the fishtail, leading General Saiza and jumped out, the fishtail turned into legs again, barefoot, and the idiot rushed towards the monastery.

With a stab, the sword in the idiot's hand directly opened the latch and pushed in. He listened to the sword in his hand and walked quickly to the children's bedroom. In his sleep, he kicked the door open, and when he saw the awakened children, he immediately turned around.

"You... what's the matter with you? Why did you break in suddenly?"

Hearing the cries of the children, Sister Mystra hurriedly walked from the next room in her clothes. After seeing the idiot, the nun showed horror and hurriedly reached out to touch her waist. But he was quick to deviate, and a sprint rushed up, and instantly knocked the nun to the ground, and took out a dagger on her waist. With a flick, the dagger was deeply inserted into the ceiling.

"Quiet, be a hostage. Bread, count all the children."

Bread nodded and turned to count the children in the bedroom. After so many days of contact, Little Bread had long been able to understand the number of people in this monastery. She comforted the children while counting the number. Soon, the number of people was over, not many, but not many.

"Hey idiot, you... don't scare these children, oh boy, children, don't be afraid, we just hide here for a while, don't say anything, it's okay."

Walnut quickly smiled and comforted the children. Although I can't bear it, it is undeniable that the current monastery is indeed the safest place. As long as it can last until dawn, then I can leave with General Saiza quickly.

The idiot naturally thought the same way. He watched the door and didn't let any child leave. Afterwards, the nun was **** and pushed her into the room together, guarding her.

That's it...

Just stay here and wait till dawn, then everything... is safe...

as long as……

Without those flying knives...

With two ding-dings, the idiot drew his sword and directly cut off the two flying knives that suddenly appeared. The next moment, he immediately assumed a confrontation posture, and the tip of his sword was aimed at the ground in front of the offender.

"If you let them go, they have nothing to do with this."

Zelens, dressed in a white robe, held the sword and shouted at the idiot. However, his scolding had no meaning in exchange for an idiot to frame Sister Mystra's neck.

"Wait, wait, don't be impulsive sister, don't move, you must never hurt the nun. If you hurt the nun, you will be punished by the goddess"

Zelens panicked and waved his hand quickly. But the idiot didn't give him too much time to think, and said, "Remove all the people surrounding the house, otherwise, I don't guarantee her life."

Walnut was originally uncomfortable with idiots taking hostages at every turn, but when he observed Zelens’s current dress, his mind immediately overlapped with the assassins just now. Think about it again. The person who assassinated General Saiza yesterday. It seems to be dressed like this, I can't help but exclaim

"It's you? You wanted to assassinate Uncle Saisab yesterday, right?"

Zelens is now threatened and can't move at all. He wants to deny it, but the man in front of him has been facing him face to face for an afternoon. How could it be wrong?

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, look... I did participate in those things, but you have to think about it for me. I didn't even want to do this kind of thing at all. It's totally... totally forced"

"I don't care if you are forced or not, in short, you just wanted to send someone to remove Uncle Saisab from the roots. If it weren't for my two guards... (Ah woo woo woo), if the three guards were sharp-eyed, wouldn't we want to be you? Live to death?"

Zelens felt strange when he heard Walnut suddenly drink like this. He froze for a moment and opened his mouth—

"Boss, let's help you"

The roof shattered with a loud shout. Among the shattered sawdust, three white-clothed assassins suddenly descended from the sky, holding long swords in their hands directly at the idiot and attacking them fiercely, without taking the hostages in the hands of the idiot in their eyes.

The sudden attack left Zelens at a loss for a while, but he did not respond, which does not mean that others did not. Deviation had already taken the first step, and the fist carrying the blue flame directly blasted over.

The three assassins suddenly raised each other's feet in the air, and the soles of their feet touched the soles of the feet and separated in the air, causing the oncoming deviance to jump into the air. The next moment, the separated three people immediately drew out short knives and long swords, and directly pierced the deviated body.

The deviation who couldn't turn around in the air immediately tightened his body, abruptly cut his back, arms and calves by the blade. At the moment of injury, the elf suddenly burst into a shout, and the pale flame immediately exploded centered on her, sending the three assassins flying. At the same time, the roof was also shattered by the fierce flame, causing the rain to escape from the roof. Fall, extinguish the candles on both sides of the goddess statue in the church.

The dark environment is best for these people who are born to assassinate. They hide in every corner in an instant, avoiding the flames of deviance. After the flame on her body was slightly extinguished, everyone immediately took out a strong crossbow, two aimed at the deviant who had just landed, and the other aimed directly at the idiot holding the nun.

In the rain of the night, the crossbow arrows pierced the night sky.

Deviated and slammed the ground, a piece of heavy granite rose from the ground, blocking the two powerful crossbows. On the idiot's side, he immediately pulled out Dim Mi, peeled off the arrow, and at the same time pulled the nun back.


Seeing that the surprise attack was unsuccessful, the three assassins did not pursue them. Instead, the three of them jumped directly along the broken roof. When the idiot was about to throw out the chain to chase after, a dozen assassins immediately emerged from the broken ceiling and what they were holding was absolutely...


Dozens of guide stones fell from the sky.

This also represents dozens of powerful bombs, which have now fallen into this church, in front of the goddess, blooming beautiful flowers...

The sound of a huge explosion cut through the night sky.

Finally, the people in this city woke up.

But what happens when I wake up?

When these ignorant civilians looked at the monastery that had turned into a sea of ​​fire in the night rain, the only thing they could express was surprise and surprise. But these things have nothing to do with them anyway. Apart from making them feel these surprises, there is no other feeling.

But... what happened next was really true, and everyone in this city of Rome woke up.

"The city gate... has the city gate been opened?"

"The Bucks... The Bucks rushed in and the gate was lost."

"How is it possible? How could the city gate fall?"

"How do I know that the city gate is the army that lost the Bucks... the army of Bucks rushed in anyway"

After a day of rushing, almost all the soldiers who defended the city were exhausted. In the night, of course they fell asleep. This is exactly the strategy of Dai Lao, taking advantage of the night and the relaxation of the enemy, in one fell swoop to capture this long-lasting large city.

The battle in the dark night didn't last long. The soldiers who had no commanders saw the enemy swarming in and didn't know how many came in. They surrendered in panic and dared not fight again. When they later learned that the stag army in this raid was only a mere 2,000 men, they didn't know how they would feel.

So far, in the early morning of April 23, the Roman city belonging to the Dark Deer Empire fell.


Flame, burning overhead.

Under this flame, behind a few thick bluestone slabs, there was a little breathing.

Sister Mystra once said that there is a basement below the church. At this moment, this group of people sneaked into this basement, and they could have avoided the disaster.

No, it is unrealistic to say that I have completely avoided it.

The only ones who were really unscathed were the children, Deviant, Walnut, Sister, Zelens, General Saiza, and the little bread that was already in tears.

The little girl was lying on the back of the idiot, tears in her eyes streaming endlessly. In front of her, there were traces of the idiot's back being completely burnt.

(Human kid, I think you are really stupid.)

Dim Mi, who was entwining his arm, slowly opened the pupil and sneered.

(That girl’s defensive skills are very strong, isn’t it? You know that the little girl’s defensive barriers are so strong, so just hide behind her obediently and let her face those explosions. Why do you have to jump? Go out? You idiot.)

The idiot was a little pale, lying on the basement floor. The muscles in his back were completely scorched, giving off a burning smell. Walnut was crying too, kneeling beside him, holding his hand and praying non-stop. After Zelens put the idiot on a piece of cloth, Xiao Bian immediately stretched out his hands and performed treatment.

The idiot exhaled without answering.

Even though he was seriously injured, his expression still looked so calm. Looking at that little girl's face that can still cry, it seems that no pain... can't move him.

Zelens opened the door and bolted it. He looked at the idiot and snorted and said, "This is really scary. Hey, you bastard, are you still alive?"

With that said, Zelens walked over and waved his arm, and a Hidden Blade was ejected from it.

"what are you doing"

Walnut exclaimed and hurried over to stop him, but was gently and skillfully pushed away by Zelens. In the next moment, the assassin grabbed the idiot's chin and lifted his face. Afterwards, he raised the Hidden Blade in his hand and directly touched the idiot's forehead and sneered.

"Feng Shui turns around, right? Are you crazy now, show me crazy again?"

Hemorrhoids. "

"I'll kill you, I really want to kill you"

"Ozawa, stop"

Zelens's wide-open eyes were drunk by the nun, and she lowered her idiot's jaw unwillingly. He retracted the Hidden Blade and said, "Sister, this guy took you as a hostage just now? You still take care of him like this?"

"But he also protected you. It was you who was behind the little girl just now. If it wasn't for him that suddenly jumped out and blocked it, not only would this little girl suffer, but you wouldn't be better?"

The nun smiled slightly and said.

Humph, cut. "

But if he couldn't talk about the nun, Zelens stepped aside on his own, sulking. A

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