Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 43: , Dai Lao's Challenge Book

Walnut can't help the idiot's injury, but now that she is still alive, she has only a strong trust in the idiot's ability to survive. The princess wiped her tears, walked to Zelens, pointed to his nose, and said loudly—

"You assassin killer, you have caused Uncle Saisab to be like this, yet you still refuse to let him go? Has your conscience been eaten by a dog"

Zelens looked at the woman with blood on her chest and snorted, "Who are you? Why are you yelling at me?"

"Who am I? I...I..."

Walnut is not a person who likes to use her identity casually to suppress others, because the education she received is no absolute difference between royal family members and ordinary farmers, they are all the same. But now, she finally gritted her teeth, took a step, and said loudly—

"I am the princess now the eldest princess of the Bucks Empire, Walnut Durreya Frihus, even if you haven't heard of my name, you should know that if you dare to assassinate the princess, that is a capital crime."

Obviously, Zelens was stunned by Walnut's speech. In fact, it's not surprising that he hasn't seen walnuts. In the past few years, walnuts have been shrunk in the castle, coming out at night. It is also difficult to see her on some public royal occasions. For Zelens, who had only been in the sand a few times before, it was only natural to not know the famous Walnut princess.

"Cut...Princess? What do you want now?"

Zelens looked around and stood silently in front of the children and Sister Mystra, secretly vigilant.

"Zerrens, you are too disrespectful to the princess"

Seeing that Zelens still didn't buy it when facing the princess Walnut, she yelled, and Sister Mystra, who had been calming the children in the back, finally couldn't stand it, she screamed. Hearing the nun scolding, Zelens couldn't help lowering his head and stopped talking.

However, the eyes of the Walnut Assassin were violently straight. She dashed forward, grabbed Zelens's collar with both hands, stared at the blood-red pupils, and said loudly—

"Zerence? Zerence? Scarlet?"

Zelens shook off Walnut's hand very vigilantly, pulled out the dagger from his waist and placed it across his chest.

"Yes, I am the name. What do you want to do? Don't forget, princess, you are a member of the Bucks Empire. And everything I do is for the Bucks Empire."

"What's the kidding... What's the kidding about for the Bucks Empire? You kidnapped my nephew and niece, and you dare to say it's for the Bucks Empire?"

Who are the eldest princess's nephew and niece? Even if you don't say it, it's obvious. After Zelens heard these words, his eyes straightened. His mouth was half open, a little confused.

"Wait...Wait what do you say? I kidnapped... Your Royal Highness... and Your Royal Highness? Just kidding, how is this possible?"

At this moment, the idiot could finally straighten up slowly under the treatment of bread. He was supported by Qiqi and Xiao bread and sat on the stool next to him. While receiving the treatment of Bread, he looked at Zelens, who was a little panicked.

"How could it be impossible? Your whereabouts are the most suspicious, you have the best conditions for committing crimes. On the night when my brother announced the official war on the Dark Deer Empire, you, a person who couldn't fight with Divine Grace, suddenly appeared in Divine Grace. In the pet, sneaky. After you left, my nephew and niece suddenly disappeared from their bedroom. You said, if your suspicion is not big enough, whose suspicion is big enough?"

Walnut is rare to be so eloquent. This made Zelens's eyes straight, and for a while he didn't even know how to argue.


The nun who had been listening to her rushed up at this moment and grabbed Zelens by the shoulder. The nun opened her eyes and said angrily: "Did you really do these things? Although I know that there is no honor or shame in being an assassin, did you really do something you shouldn't do?"

He glanced at Zelens over there, bowed his head and remained silent.

"I... I didn't kidnap princes and princesses... how could it be? I don't even know what the princes and princesses of the Bucks Empire look like, how could I kidnap them? And what benefits can I get by kidnapping them? "

"The benefits... are many."

An old voice slowly came out.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw that General Sai Sa, who had been in a coma over there, had now woke up leisurely. He coughed twice, and slightly lifted his upper body under the support of the small bread, and used a pillow to rest it. Afterwards, this unangered general stared at Zelens fiercely, resisted his exhaustion, and gritted his teeth.

" The one who wants my it you?"

Seeing that Saiza woke up, Zelens immediately raised his wrist and aimed the force gun at General Saiza. But under the nun's scolding, the assassin slowly put down his weapon like a reluctant child.

"Kill me... you can get a reward from the Bucks. The prince and princess who kidnapped the Bucks can ask you to ask my Majesty... Your Majesty Evil Fire... Please reward. As a soldier without dignity and the slightest For moral thieves, assassins, killers...walking between the two sides, the behavior of both sides benefiting...It really suits your style."

Said by General Saiza, Zelens finally couldn't help it. He took out a throwing knife in his arms, thrust it heavily into the marble floor, and shouted—

"What are you kidding about? I do everything? I admit that the person who wanted to assassinate you the day before yesterday was indeed me, and I really wanted to kill you to ask the Lord Duke for credit. I am an assassin. I'm the best at it, and don't pay attention to morality or dignity. But we have to make it clear that I have never done anything to kidnap things."

"Then what are you doing in the divine grace so late?"

Walnut was unreasonable and continued to press. Sister Mystra couldn't allow her own children to dodge this question, so she asked the same.

Zelens was so anxious that he couldn't help but said, "It's enough that I went to see Miss Marlene that night. Now that you know, so what? This person also knows Miss Marlene, you might as well ask he"

Zelens pointed at the idiot and dragged him into the water. But the idiot quickly dismissed his relationship and said that he had only met the Miss Marlene once, and that he had met with each other with his face covered. He didn't even know the details. But when Walnut asked about Marlene Goodsay's appearance, she finally sneered.

"Huh, Marlene Goodsay? You despicable assassin, you really don't even type drafts. It is Miss Marlene who reported you. She said you are very troublesome and you are not a good person at all. You said you two are in love? It's nonsense."

How could Zelens accept this sarcasm of Walnut? The eldest princess can speak of herself, but she can never say that her sweetheart is now, Zelens took a step, staring at the walnut with fierce eyes, and shouted—

"Princess, if you still intend to show me respect for you, please withdraw your remarks, Miss Marlene... How could Miss Marlene report me? We care about each other and love each other, although the time spent together is short, But feelings can prove the sun and the moon"

Walnut never expected such a high-sounding word to say it from such an assassin's mouth. She wanted to argue more, but the deviation came forward to hold her at this time, so she didn't need to say any more.

"You, killer, your, man?"

Zelens made a cut, retracted the ejected Hidden Blade, and said, "How is it possible? Will my men blow up their monastery?"

"Then, killer, who is..."

"Huh, how did I know? There are too many killers in Rome, who knows who hired them to do this..."

At this point, Zelens's mind suddenly struck

He didn't say any more, his eyes straightened, looking forward, the corners of his mouth that was still slightly mocking could not help but close at this moment, hesitating, and also silent...

"There are many Assassin organizations in the city...they...they..."

"Finally, did you think about it."

Zelens raised his head and saw that the idiot opposite had slowly exhaled. Even though the back was seriously injured, the idiot still did not show any painful expression at the moment. It was as if there was no injury at all.

"You...what do you mean...?"

Zelens's tone began to tremble.

In this regard, the idiot pointed to the ceiling of the basement, exhaled again, made his breath evenly balanced, and said--

"You, launched the assassination the day before yesterday and removed General Saiza from the command seat. The consequence of this is to directly lead to the current defeat. Needless to say, from the hustle and bustle, you should already be able to hear that Rome was broken. ."

General Saiza took a breath, and then closed his eyes, enduring the grief in his heart, thinking...

"I don't know if your assassination action inspired Dai Lao. Of course, he knows that there are countless assassin organizations in Rome, so as long as you spend a lot of money to hire a few at will, it is enough to internally take away the Roman guard who has lost leadership. The army was upset. General, at the end of the siege last night, none of the garrison generals came to visit you. This fully shows that they are almost completely destroyed."

The religious old man hurriedly pulled out the cross from his neckline, and tears flowed from his closed eyes.

"Since the city is broken, the next question is to find someone to come out and carry the scapegoat. No matter what, the assassination is not very glorious. Dai Lao needs someone to come out and take responsibility for the city being broken by himself. That way. , Can show his "kingdom" side, but will not give people too much the impression of "aggressor"."

"Actually, as long as you carried out the assassination, Dai Lao had already aimed the spear at you. If it were me, I would arrest you after the city was captured, and then declare you a despicable assassin in front of everyone. He even dared to assassinate his generals in exchange for prosperity and wealth. All the panic and resentment of the civilians caused by the destruction of the city are transferred to you. Then, you will be killed."

"Even if you kill you before the trial, it doesn’t matter. A scapegoat doesn’t need to live or die. As long as you don’t jump out and say that the mass assassination that happened yesterday was not what you did, then there’s no problem. Up."

Zelens gritted his teeth and snorted. Sister Mystra was also holding the cross and praying silently. The idiot saw that Zelens's spirit at the moment had been somewhat loosened, and finally turned the matter back to the subject of this time.

"So, you don't need to have illusions about the Goodsey family. The person who reported you is your sweetheart, Marlene. No doubt. I know, you must have hidden something that night. Come, tell me, take you Tell me everything you know. Say, what did you see."

The idiot's tone was unexpectedly gentle, and this gentle tone even made people feel a sense of trust, almost opening his mouth as if to tell everything together. But, just when Zelens opened his mouth and wanted to say something...

"No, I won't be fooled, Miss Marlene will never do this kind of thing. She loves me. You see, her pendants are all with me. She will never betray me."


A sign was thrown over and hit Zelens directly in the face. After seeing such a strong tone of Zelens and the sudden attack from Bread in the deviance behind, his fists were slightly tightened and released again.

"You are really troublesome. There are so many women who have obviously pushed, why are you still doing disgusting love here, you hemorrhoids"

"Bad girl, those are just deals, good or bad, don't let me hear you mention this word again, or I will slap you, believe it or not"


Bun jumped up, slapped directly, and slapped Zelens's face. This palm also completely bored him. I don't know if I should be angry or if I shouldn't play with this little girl.

"What did you see that night? Just say it clearly, right? 》

"Cut, the little girl full of uncle's ideas..."

"Better than hemorrhoids"


After the buns were mixed up in this way, the originally gloomy atmosphere was finally alive. At this point, Zelens finally put on an expression of admitting defeat, spread his hands, and said: "Well, well, I said that in fact, the situation that night was not too complicated, it was really simple to say."

"Say it, then" Walnut was anxious.

Zelens held his hands and thought for a while, and said: "Actually, I sent Miss Marlene back to the dormitory at about ten o'clock that night. Since it was a women's dormitory, I went to the door, and After Miss Marlene said goodbye, she was ready to go back."

"But when I went back halfway, I suddenly found something"

Bread craned his neck and listened carefully...

"I found out that I have been dating Miss Marlene for so long, and I don't even have a token. I don't even have a picture of Miss Marlene. How can this be?"


"Huh. So, I went back to the dormitory at that time, hoping to get a pen or something from the lady, so I could look at it when I was fine. But when I sneaked into the dormitory, But no one saw Miss Marlene."

At ten o'clock in the evening, a 16-year-old girl actually left again after returning to the dormitory?

The idiot estimated the information and was silent for a while.

"I waited in Miss Marlene's room, because I was afraid that the lady would misunderstand me as a wretched person, so I didn't dare to turn around in the lady's room at all. I could only smell the fragrance in the air. (Bread holding a sign , I wrote the two big characters'perverted') But I waited and waited, I couldn't wait for the lady to come back, so I was a little worried. Could it be that the lady was out late at night, did something happen?"

"In anxiety, I left the dormitory and wandered around in Divine Grace. Finally, near the A-2 dormitory building, I saw Miss Marlene. She was staring at an open window upstairs in a daze. "

A-2 dormitory building...Idiot, Walnut glanced at each other and nodded. A-2 dormitory building is where Xing He Jin stays. On the same night and at the same time, this lady from the Goodsey family appeared downstairs in the dormitory...? What does this mean?

"I was afraid of being discovered, so I sneaked into hiding. After a while, I saw a masked man took the two people out of the window. I carried it on my shoulder and immediately Disappeared in the night. At this time, I learned that Miss Marlene didn't come back when she bumped into a kidnapping incident occasionally."

"Because it was late, I didn't want her to feel scared, so I went out, hoping to take care of the goddess in my heart. But I just went out, Miss Marlene seemed to be greatly frightened, and she directly raised I picked up this pendant and threw it over, then covered her mouth, and ran away quickly. I saw that she seemed very scared, so I didn't chase it, and wanted to wait for a good explanation the next day."

"But, you also know. The next day, it suddenly announced war with Dark Deer, and there was a whole city of martial law. The sister sister and these little kids are in Rome, where Dark Deer belongs, of course I want to come back as soon as possible. Look, so it was too late to say goodbye and slipped out before the city gate was completely blocked."

After thinking about it, the idiot raised his head and said, "The pendant she threw over is the one you are wearing now, isn't it?"

Zelens took out the pendant with some pride, and smiled: "Yes, originally I wanted to return it, because it looked expensive. But then I found out that there were not only photos of the lady, but also her own handwriting The handwriting thing was thrown to me by the lady. Of course I was extremely happy and would never return it."

"..................Can, let me take a closer look."

Although Zelens remained on guard against idiots, under the mediation of Sister Mystra, he finally took off the pendant from his neck and handed it to the idiot.

Now that I put it in my hands, the idiot can look closely.

This is a gold pendant. From the weight point of view, it should be made of pure gold.

The surface of the pendant is not inlaid with any guiding stones, so it looks like an ordinary piece of jewelry.

Opening the lid of the pendant, what appeared inside was the blonde girl who made Zelens dream of. She wore grace and luxury, and the slight arrogance on her face highlighted her aristocratic status. Although he was still young, only sixteen, his eyes were full of charm, enough to hook up some men with insufficient willpower.

The idiot thought for a while, stretched out his hand, and lifted up the small lid with the photo. Inside was a very small storage box. At the moment, there are only two pieces of paper stuffed inside. Well pressed under the photo.

After a long pause, the idiot poured out the paper and spread it out carefully. Judging from the expression on Zelens next to him, there seemed to be no important deeds on these two pieces of paper. After the idiot watched for a while, it seemed that the truth seemed to be true.

First of all, it is a square-shaped piece of paper with fair handwriting——


To my favorite sister Marlene:

I received your letter, saying that the life after coming to the divine grace is not very accustomed, it is strictly like binding you up. Elder brother actually knows these things, I also walked all the way through the pain. You have to keep working hard. After all, the school building where our princess and prince live is almost one street away from you, right? Grasp the opportunity, the scenery of the Goodsay family is likely to be climaxed again by you

Also, if you say that you eat too much and you feel a little fatter, and worry about becoming fat, your brother will take it to heart. When I come back next time, I will ask our nutritionist to help you develop a weight loss plan. Help you lose weight.

The brother who loves you the most, Dara Goodsey.

PS: Maybe you chose the wrong system. You shouldn't choose the Art Department, but the Martial Arts Department? In this way, you will never have body troubles. However, forget it, since it is your choice, I agree.


The content on the paper is very simple, it seems to be just ordinary family letter chat. But what really attracts idiots is not these meaningless content, but the numbers at the bottom of this white paper written by Dai Lao that seem meaningless at first glance.

21(2), 6, 2{2}, 0, 2(1), 1(2) 61(3) 1(5), 2{1}, 2(3){1}, 0, 1(2 ), 2, 2{2}, 2{2}.

Such a long list of numbers that seem meaningless at first glance is listed below, and the words above are distantly reflected. These things may be just meaningless things to Zelens, in fact, it seems to be the same regardless of anyone. but……

Idiot, but stared at this long string of numbers and parentheses, compared to the text on it, and slowly frowned.

Do not understand……

So, what is written on the other piece of paper?

turn on……

However, the result was disappointing for the idiot. There are only two simple words on this paper-


Otherwise, there is no more information. V

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