Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 44: , The conspiracy already in place

Conspiracy already in place

"What do these numbers represent."

The idiot lifted his head and looked at Zelens. Zelens tilted her head and glanced aside, and said, "What does it mean? It may be some mathematical formula. You know, Miss Marlene is only a young and beautiful sixteen years old. She is now dedicated to learning. , There should be no problem, right?"

Since Zelens couldn't say it, then this thing shouldn't be so fast, just figure it out. However, to be safe, the idiot took a copy and saved it. If it doesn't make sense, it's better. If it makes sense, wait and think about it later.

Just as the idiot was picking up these words, the walnut next to him came over, grabbed Zelens by the neckline, and said, "Hey, really? Are you really the one who caught Xiaoxing and Xiaojin?"

"Cut, let me go"

Zelens slapped Walnut's hand away and said--

"I've already said that the kidnapper is someone else. What does it have to do with me?"

"Then... Then, what are the characteristics of that person?"

"How do I know, it's so dark, my mind is all on Miss Marlene. How do I know who that person is? Hey, have you copied it? Give it back to me when you copy it."

After the idiot finished copying, Zelens grabbed the paper and pendant and put it on his neck again.

The target that I thought I found is now blurred again. Where are Xiao Xing and Xiao Jin now? If these two princesses and princes are not found, Walnut's mind cannot be calmed down. She frowned, bit her nails lightly, and paced back and forth in place. Think about what to do next.

"Princess, I think, simple."

At this time, he left his mouth. She slowly came to Walnut and said.

"Simple? We ran so far and spent so much time, and now we have not found Xing and Xiaojin at all. Why do you tell me the simplicity?"

Deviation took a deep breath, organized his own language a bit, and said--

"Kidnapping, yes, threat, stag. Dark deer, hope, threat, stag. So, dark deer, go, find, simple."

After repeating it a few times, Walnut understood. Indeed, if you think about it now, it seems that you can only go to Yufeixue City to find it.

"Well...that's the only way it seems. Idiot, what do you think?...Hey, idiot? Idiot"

Walnut yelled. But the idiot had an idiotic expression, looking at the handwriting he had copied. He had picked up a pen from the side and began to check it repeatedly on a piece of paper. He slowly raised his head after Walnut yelled again and again.

"Shall we go now?"

The idiot put down the pen, after thinking about it, he looked up and looked at Sister Mystra over there. After pondering for a while, he slowly said: "Sister, I, ask one thing."

"What's the matter? You said. As long as it is within the scope of the goddess's permission, I will answer everything."

After Zelens got rid of the suspicion, the nun looked very happy. Although his assassination of General Saiza is not over yet, she has nothing to keep.

"Is there any other exit in this basement."

"This... yes or yes, but it doesn't lead to the outside of the city."

Seeing Sister Mistral's sheer speech, the idiot was silent for a while and said, "What?"

The nun's eyes looked a little dim. After thinking about it, she finally sighed and said: "It's not that I don't want you to leave this exit. It's that the location of this exit is really bad. That... it's close to the city wall. Place. You know, now outside, the Bucks have entered the city..."

The idiot did not refuse, but stood up and made a please gesture. Rather than going out from the monastery that has collapsed and is likely to be monitored, idiots are more willing to go to another exit to take a look.

Since the idiot agreed, no one else refused. The walnut and the bun supported the idiot, and deviatedly supported General Saiza, while Zelens and the nun took the children and walked towards the other exit.

In no time, the exit will be there. After climbing up the stairs and pulling the top cover, the drizzle outside began to float in again.

The sky is still dark.

Outside the street, there were noises of chicken flying eggs and fragmentary fighting sounds. But more, it was the uniform footsteps and the sound of running horses hooves stepping on the puddle.

There are too many people...

There are only some weeds piled up outside this exit. It can be seen that it has not been used for a long time. And outside the weed is almost a pair of soldiers. If my group of people go out rashly, they will definitely be suspected.

There is no way, since you can't get out, then hide here first and rest by the way. I hope that by tomorrow night, Dai Lao's defenders can relax a little bit.

After Rome was occupied by the Bucks, the Bucks' territory immediately expanded a lot. Some small villages near the city of Rome saw that a city of that size had been captured, so naturally they did not resist and immediately surrendered. In addition, they were originally the territory of the Bucks, and now there is no pressure to surrender, and there is no need to worry about what others will say.

In this battle, the Bucks lost nearly four thousand men, and the Roman defenders were almost completely destroyed. The rest is the surrender of surrender, the escape of escape. What this great victory brought to the duke was naturally expected congratulations and praise.

Sitting in the official residence of the city of Rome, Dai Lao smiled and looked at the whole city outside the window. He hummed coldly, as if all this should have been controlled in his palm. Nothing can stop his great achievements, not even the evil fire.

"Evil Fire? Frihus."

Dai Lao stroked his forehead, and a slightly hateful voice came from his throat.

"Let me see, the next stop after Rome is New Sunrise City. After that, it is the Blood Grape Islands. I will attack all the way until I break through your capital, rain and snow, use your first level as me The cornerstone of the future road"


Dai Lao fumbled for the golden sword on his waist and pulled it out of its sheath.

"You have always said that I am not a person who has enough qualifications to control you, am I? So now, what do you think? Do you think I am still not control you?"

The yellow-gold sword body flickered, and the rune engraved on the sword body seemed to be talking about something. After Dai Lao let the sword flicker for a while, he flicked it casually, and the blade slid gently across the table. And the table did not move at all.

"Actually, I haven't quite understood why you are so angry as a sword? Seriously, I know exactly what I'm doing. You don't need to emphasize this point again and again, and you don't need to tell me what is right. , What is wrong. The direction I think Dai Lao thinks is naturally right. This is how I walked since I was young. So, you just have to give in to me, and then let me wave you as much as I want, isn’t it all right? "

The yellow-gold light radiated again, but this time, Dai Lao was not in the mood to see the brilliance. He just smiled slightly and inserted the sword back into the scabbard. After that, he gently pushed the table that had just been chopped off.

"Oh, Vatican, Vatican, it's not that you, as a sword, must be right if you spend a long time. I have only lived for more than 20 years and I must be wrong. Just like you can't deny me at all. What’s wrong with what I’m doing now. I’m faithful to take back the territory for your majesty, solve all kinds of troubles for your majesty, and advise him. You can’t say that I am wrong at all.”

"Okay, I don’t want to listen anymore. But don’t worry, my love sword, sooner or later, I will completely control you. Oh, yes, whether you like it or not, I will be completely and let you Control you without resistance. You will become my only thing forever. I believe that that day will never be too long. When that day comes, your mind will be completely swallowed and changed Become a holy sword that only listens to me and exerts its strength."

"Hehehe, it feels so good. Doesn't it?"

The table began to crack.

Just now Dai Lao seemed to only cut a sword, but this table, at this moment, had ten more cracks, slowly, it turned into pieces and collapsed.

Dai Lau seemed very satisfied with his swordsmanship. With his hands on his back, he began to walk to the map hung on the wall next to him and looked at the cities between Rome and Yufeixue.

Come in. "

After a while, Dai Lau smiled and turned his head. I didn't see the gatekeeper either. A man in a white robe had stood in front of him silently.

"Oh, it's nice to see you again. This time the Rome Raiders is really hard for you and your men."

The white-robed man smiled coldly and said: "Dara Goodsey, in order for our cooperation to continue to be flawless, I advise you not to get overwhelmed. Especially, don't forget the relationship between you and me. Identity difference."

Dai Lao made a bow very decently, and smiled: "Of course. As your majesty's special envoy, your arrival makes me here like a long drought and nectar."

The white-robed man snorted again and said, "It's good if you know. Although we are all serving your majesty, you still have to remember not to be too proud. Otherwise, I can remove your head at any time."

Dai Lao nodded, he clapped his hands, and a soldier walked in immediately holding a box. Put it in front of the white robe man.

"A little bit of heart is no respect."

"Why do you want to buy me?"

"Mr. Hahaha, what do you say? Actually, when searching this house, my subordinates found two'Dragon Hearts' by accident. To be honest, I can find such an excellent one here. Nourishing items are really amazing."

After the soldier put the box down, he turned and left and closed the door. Dai Lao walked over, opened the box, and placed two red fruits about the size of a human palm side by side. The surface of the fruit is covered with bluish-red veins, which really looks like a heart.

"The heart of the dragon?"

The white-robed man looked at these two fruits and couldn't help being surprised, and said: " this...the heart of the dragon?"

"Yes, it is this thing."

Dai Lao pointed to the two fruits and pointed to one of the slightly larger fruits and said: "As a loyalty to your majesty, this slightly larger one is regarded as a gift from my humble little person to your majesty. This smaller one should be regarded as your sir’s help this time, and I will offer you a meeting gift."

The white-robed man stared at the dragon's heart and couldn't help swallowing.

The so-called heart of a dragon certainly does not really refer to the heart of a certain dragon. Rather, it refers to the fruit produced by a tree called "dragon tree". The growing conditions of this kind of tree are not harsh, and it will grow almost anywhere you can imagine it on the entire sad continent. But the growth conditions of this tree are not harsh, which does not mean that the conditions for flowering and fruiting are not harsh.

Many people have studied a lot of methods, but they are still not sure about the result conditions. Sometimes, it will be in the forests cultivated by humans, sometimes it will be completely wild. It's not that the better the tree grows, the more fruit it will be. Sometimes it will grow the heart of a dragon of super quality on the sick tree.

Dai Lao patted the box and smiled: "I believe you should be very clear, sir? The function of the dragon's heart. According to historical records, magic was very popular in the second era. But after the second era , Magic seems to have become a taboo, and has been completely sealed. If we want to exert one-tenth of the power of those magic, we can only use the power of the guiding stone."

"However, with the heart of the dragon, the result has changed. This kind of fruit can replace human bones, and grow out the guiding bones that could only grow naturally. With guiding bones, then It means that you can be completely liberated from the guiding stones from now on, and can exert a far greater power than those of the stone verticals."

"According to records, about 15 or 6 years ago, there was a woman who fascinated many countries and almost destroyed her. She could use stone power out of thin air. The most recent record is the former princess of the Black Dragon Empire. I once saw it with my own eyes. Witness that she used her power to control a cannon and blasted a large mountain away in an instant. Its power can be described as destroying the world."

The white-robed man swallowed again, and his eyes began to stare straight at the hearts of the two dragons. After hesitating for a while, he raised his head and looked at Dai Lao—

"You... now that you got such good things... how can you send them out?"

Delao laughed, closed the box, held it up, and handed it to the white-robed man's hands, and said: "The gift is not expensive, how do you show my loyalty to your majesty and sir? You are the red man next to your majesty, your majesty I have to ask you for confirmation on almost everything. Moreover, you also have the size of the assassin organization in Rome, which helped me manage this troublesome city so easily. I thank you that it’s too late. Thinking about it. , I feel that only this gift can express my allegiance to your majesty."

The white-robed man was stunned for a while, but soon, he took it with his smiling hands, opened the box, and looked greedily at the heart of the dragon. These eyes, greed, lust, possession, are full of emotions that a courtier should not have. And Dai Lao Mingming looked at this person's eyes, but still pretended not to see, just lowered his head and smiled.

"This gift... are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied... Of course I am satisfied... I am too satisfied..."

"Ah... yeah... you are satisfied. Then, just say that, the big one, to your majesty. The small one, to your sir. The big one, the small one, please, please, please, please... …Don’t forget."

Dai Lao sneered secretly, the white-robed man didn't seem to hear anything, just nodded excitedly and smiled.

"Oh, yes. The last assassin gang, look, has it been resolved?"

The white-robed man suddenly raised his head and said, "Ah, yeah, it was blown to ashes."

"Really? Actually...I like to be more cautious. You think, as an assassin’s lair, would there be no reason for a basement? That person is the'culprit' of this assassination. Hope... sir. You should not be too relaxed."

Dai Lao's sincere words quickly caused the white-robed man to raise his head and nod heavily. At this moment, his expression on Dai Lao is no longer the kind of contempt just now, but admiration and appreciation. He closed the box, patted his chest and said--

"I see, what you said is very reasonable. Don't worry, this matter is on my body. I will search for it myself, and I will show you the bodies of those people."

"Then, Mr. Hard work."

As soon as Dai Lao's voice fell, the white-robed man flashed away and disappeared from Dai Lao's eyes. Dai Lau looked at the empty office. After a long time...


There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth again.

After a day and night of breathing adjustments, coupled with the antidote that Zelens unwillingly took out, General Saiza's body finally recovered a little.

The injury on the idiot's back has healed a lot now, although it is still not completely scarred, there should be no impact on the action.

For these children, Walnut just didn't let the idiot just run away, but let him stay here with Little Bread. I plan to wait until the soldiers outside really relax completely and everything becomes quiet before taking action.

Everything should be like this...

The sky is slowly getting dark.

As the last night before the action, the idiots and others were completely full during the day and waited for the night to come. Planning to take advantage of the dark, slip out of the city in one fell swoop.


Suddenly, the sleeping idiot suddenly opened his eyes and awoke him with a loud noise, and it was still a very close loud noise.

what sound?

The idiot bounced from the corner, and the press in his hand was already firmly grasped. The little children in the room also woke up in a panic, shaking and frightening each other.

In fact, it didn't take long before the answer that the idiot wanted appeared. As the door over there was slammed open, Zelens, who was already covered in blood, stumbled from the passage, and that expression had already told many things...A

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