Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 45: , Caught in

"Go... hurry up"

Zelens clutched the bleeding wound and called out with all his strength. Seeing his scarred look, the children in the basement were all dumbfounded, and didn't know what to do. Among them was a little scared crying.

Crying will not solve the problem.

When the cry of these children rang loudly, several white-robed assassins had followed Zelens into the room, and no matter who they were in front of them, they threw out their throwing knives. And the whereabouts of these flying knives...

It is those children.

miracle? hero?

No, here, there are no miracles and heroes who have time to come forward.

The speed of the flying knives is too fast. If these flying knives thrown by the assassin's hand have not focused on the target at such a close distance, then they would not be regarded as an assassin.

Papa Papa, four consecutive noises, the four children's chest, throat, and foreheads were cut. Without understanding what happened, he left the world in a hurry.

Death caused Zelens to take the original nervousness and turn it into a blank for a time.

He watched the four children fall to the ground, and the assassins continued to pour in from the door, stepping over the corpse... What are these sights like?

Is it very similar?

Much like that night...that horrible night...

That night that almost took everything from me and destroyed everything?


An angry roar erupted from the man's throat. The old wounds were aroused by the blood, he no longer covered his shoulders, and instead rushed to the assassins, popping out the two Hidden Blades in his sleeve

"Go and go"

When the assassins were preparing to meet the angry Zelens, the assassin stopped in an instant, took out three smoke bombs from his arms, and threw the sudden smoke on the ground so that the killers Unprepared, he quickly covered his face and took two steps back.

Escape... as soon as possible

Now Zelens is no longer the kid back then. He knew what he needed to do most now. With tears in his eyes, he quickly turned around and picked up the two youngest children, and rushed directly towards the exit.

Saiza, Walnut, deviance, Sister Mystra rode in the thick smoke and immediately took the children and escaped separately. But after all, the number of people they can take is limited, and there are still a large number of children stranded on the scene, crying, but unable to keep up.

These crying sounds have become the best guide for the killers in the smoke. As long as there was a cry, a throwing knife was thrown away immediately, and the cry stopped abruptly.

In a dangerous place, the idiot had no intention of rushing out to be a hero. But when he was about to turn his head and flee together, he unexpectedly heard the sound of a flying knife hitting a hard object in the thick smoke?

"Ba Ba Ba Ba"

That girl..................

The basement was not ventilated, and in the smoke, only the sound of the buns was constantly calling. Because her cry was loud, it attracted those killers who kept throwing throwing knives in her direction. It was obvious that this little girl was deliberately attracting their attention.


Little Bread opened an ice wall in front of him and tried his best to resist those flying knives. The assassins saw that the throwing knives were ineffective. An assassin suddenly raised his hands, clenched his fists, and banged twice. Two bullets containing flames immediately shot out, directly blasting on the ice wall of the bun.

The huge explosion shook up the smoke in a short period of time. The small bread body was bombarded by the explosion and hit the wall behind to see this scene. The anxiety in the eyes of the idiot disappeared immediately. He took those After dispersing, the dense fog that gathered quickly rushed up, and in the enchanting smoke, the dark mist had already been sheathed, directly smashing three more flying guided bullets.

"Cough...cough cough cough..."

Bun's breathing was a bit rapid, and the idiot immediately turned around after smashing the bullets, took the "ignorant" little girl in his arms, and quickly rushed towards the exit. However, even though the girl was breathing a bit shortly now, she still pulled the collar of the idiot and looked at him with an expression of unwillingness.

"......If I don't follow, sooner or later, you will be killed by your own kindness."

The idiot immediately reproved the request for bread. But the blame is blame. The black chain in his hand has been thrown out like a poisonous snake, binding and tightening the remaining crying children in the room one by one. Although the idiot saved people, he didn't have so much time to care about whether the children were comfortable, so he directly dragged them along the passage and rushed towards the exit.

"Run? Don't let go of chasing one"

The assassins listened to the children's cry and went away, and immediately fumbled forward and chased carefully.

At this moment, the idiots and others could no longer care about whether there were any enemies outside the passage. The crowd left the sewer in file, luckily, it was late at night outside, avoiding obstacles to Walnut's movement.

"Hurry up, hurry up"

Walnut immediately stretched out his hand to meet the idiot behind him after leaving the passage. The idiot took the lead to throw the bread on it, and then dragged the children who had been bumped and bumped into the unconscious children, and pulled them up together.


Zelens's shoulder was still dripping blood, and after dropping two smoke bombs, his arm could no longer be lifted. Now, the assassin gritted his teeth and rushed forward, watching the movement around him.

The exit is near the city wall and closer to the city gate. After a few days of rectification, the Roman city is no longer under martial law, and the city gate at night is like sand blowing in the wind, wide open. Seeing this, everyone rushed towards the gate.

"Don't get close"

Seeing such a group of people running over in a panic, the soldier guarding the gate immediately raised their weapons to prepare for the battle. Zelens snorted and slid his footsteps on the wall next to him. The person was already three or four meters high. Afterwards, the assassin rolled over in the air and fell behind the first soldier. The Hidden Blade in his left hand popped out and steadily penetrated the back of the opponent's neck.

"The rebels sounded the alarm, closed the gates and here are rebels"

As soon as the battle started, the defending soldiers immediately started to pull up the rocker of the gate after seeing Zelens attack, trying to trap everyone. But before these soldiers' hands touched the rocker, a flame had pulled out a red track in the air, directly hitting the backs of the two soldiers. Beat them to death.


General Sai Sa put his arms around the two children on his chest, gritted his teeth, and rushed forward. The idiot dragged the group of children, passing him, but was the first to rush out. After rushing out of the city wall, he saw the stables bred next to the city wall at a glance, jumped on a horse, and beckoned Bun to come over.


Little Bread was not as ruthless as an idiot. She hurriedly greeted the children to get on the horse, and some of them were directly frozen on the saddle with a layer of icy. Deviation and Zelens resisted from behind, but soon, the soldiers who came to support expanded to several hundred. They didn't have time to spend here, so they rushed over, jumped on their horses, and fled the city.

Did you escape?

Do not.

At least here, the battle is far from over.


Within a moment, hundreds of horses' hoofs came from behind. And these horses are not like idiots and others, each is a military horse, a good horse. Moreover, they didn't need to sit on a horse for several people, and in an instant, the distance that had been pulled apart began to shorten again.

"What should we do now? Hundreds of people, hundreds of assassins, we...what are we going to do?"

Walnut and Deviant are sitting on the same horse, holding two children in front of them. She looked a little panicked and quickly asked about the countermeasures. At this time, the deviance behind her suddenly pressed her head, pressing her on the horse. Just heard a swish of a crossbow arrow passing over the head, cutting a few strands of walnut hair.

"Damn... these **** don't even let the children go"

Zelens sat on the same horse with Sister Mystra. He turned around when he couldn't control the reins, raised the force gun on his arm, and fired back. But who are those assassins? As soon as he saw Zelens, who should be the first in the group of people in combat, raise his arms, he immediately moved away. At the moment the shot was fired, a sword-wielding assassin suddenly rushed forward, with a sword, Shoot down the bullet flying in the volley.

The distance between the front and rear teams began to get closer and closer, and the horses at the back could bite the raised tails of the horses in front. After thinking about it for a little bit, she broke free of the idiot's hand and jumped off the galloping horse.

"small bread"

The walnut at the back was shocked and screamed. But the idiot ignored the little girl's behavior. He just grabbed the five children on the horse, grabbed them better, and galloped the horse away. And the bread "abandoned" by the idiot...

The pink ribbon lifted into the air, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a drawing board. The bun steadily stepped on the skateboard, and the pink hair that had lost the restraint of the ribbon was flying in the air. The little girl pressed the skateboard to speed up, turned around and jumped up with the skateboard, both hands, aiming behind her...


The earth-yellow "road map" appeared in an instant, and the mounds stood out from the front of the horses. Some assassins couldn't react to it. Before they could jump up with the horses, they planted a caterpillar. But most of the more assassins were responsive people, pulling the reins, and leaping over.

"Oh? This kind of power...hehe, I didn't expect that there would be such a person in this group. A natural guiding bone?"

A leading white robe assassin, from which groups of assassins now appear. He muttered secretly, and a playful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, this man leaped into the air, and a pale white "road map" appeared on the soles of his feet. The next moment, the white-robed man seemed to be flying in the wind, rushing quickly and gradually came to the bread behind the team, pressing Hold her shoulders and raise her right hand...

Hey, the sleeve sword stabbed.

The blood also rose accordingly.


The bun was covering the wound on her shoulder. If it were not for the sudden acceleration of the guiding skateboard under her feet, she would really be pitted. She gritted her teeth, and with one stroke of her hands, an ice wall immediately rose to the ground, removing everything behind her. The assassins were all sealed, but just when Little Bread thought this ice wall could be more or less able to withstand it for a while, the center of the ice wall suddenly began to flicker and sparks? The next moment, the ice wall burst instantly, and the broken ice did not fall, but gathered next to the white-robed man who jumped on his horse again.

"Asshole, what is going on with that guy?"

Zelens was completely stunned by the scene before him. But the white-robed man sneered and amplified his voice and shouted, "Scarlet, how about it’s not time to praise? Accept this gift, and wait here obediently to die, why? kind?"

As he said, the white-robed man raised his hand forward, and the floating ice cubes instantly doubled. These icicles began to deform, turning into ice cones, and then followed the white-robed man’s fingers. , Quickly stab at the bread and others

Bread stepped on the skateboard under his feet and immediately returned to the back of the team. She raised her hands and drank. A golden barrier immediately unfolded, Dangdangdang several times, those icicles hit the golden barrier and shattered.

"Oh? Not bad, sure enough...very good"

The corner of the white-robed man's mouth was full of smiles. This is a smile of excitement, but also a smile of greed and desire. He no longer swings and shoots the remaining icicles, but waits for the small bread to be a little tired because of the long time, and when it is slightly loose...

With a flick of his finger, the icicle shot.

But instead of attacking Little Bread, he bypassed her front and stabbed at the horses.


In painful groans, the horse fell. Everyone's escape journey finally came to an end at this moment.

The children's heads were smashed and their faces were covered with blood, and General Saiza's newly recovered body was now breathing again. Sister Mystra hugged the children and looked at the white assassins who quickly surrounded them with some anger in her eyes. She raised her fists deviatedly, ready to fight. Walnut looked at the assassin in front of him angrily, wanting to curse.

And idiot...

But still holding the small bread, hiding in the crowd, revealing the least caring side of himself.




The drizzle...

This official road has become so muddy now.

The people who had no hope of escaping just sat on the ground covered in mud like this, looking at the hundreds of assassins surrounding them, the situation seemed to have become precarious.

Under the rain, the white-robed man came to the crowd leisurely and jumped off his horse. He opened his cloak, revealing his about forty-year-old face underneath, looking at the little bread in the idiot's arms, and sneered. Afterwards, he glanced at the dozen or so children and the adults present, and gently shook his head.

"Zerrens Scarlett. Are you crazy? We often cut off our business and hinder our wealth. You should have thought earlier that you will have today, right."

Zelens gave a wry smile, assassin, his right shoulder has completely lost consciousness. If this continues, this arm won't be able to keep the scruples.

"Huh, I knew it. Apart from the shadow guild leader, who would have the courage to bring out almost all the assassins in Rome? When will I be able to have your power? Too much."

"Hahaha very interesting young man. You are very talented, but unfortunately, you don’t know the current affairs. And you often make your own opinions, which makes me feel that it is really difficult to control. Today, it seems that I have to wrong you and die with your friends. Here it is."

As soon as the white-robed people raised their hands, the hundreds of people surrounding them immediately raised their crossbows or guns, and some assassins who could use stone power began to draw a road map to gather strength.

"Wait before you die, can you tell me if you were sent by Duke Goodsay?"

The white-robed man laughed again, put his hands down, and said, "No, where is Duke Goodsay qualified to order me? It should be said that I assist him."


"For specific questions, you can ask the goddess. I will give you time to pray to the goddess for forgiveness. When time is over, don't blame me for being merciless....Oh? It seems that you really don't like Xiang Xiang Does the goddess pray? So..."

Just as the white-robed man was about to wave his hand, when the idiot and others were about to encounter a rain of bullets, a fireball suddenly shot out from the crowd, burning through the air, and greeted the white-robed man. The white-robed man was taken aback, and with a wave of his originally raised hand, he immediately scattered the flame racket. after that……

He laughed.

"Very interesting. Under such circumstances, there are still people who dare to challenge? Well, I appreciate it. Little girl, you are really bold."

There was still smoke in Bread's palm, she gritted her teeth angrily, and the scene of the children being killed just lingered in her mind. But when she was about to continue attacking, the idiot gently held her to prevent her from messing up.

"Well... By the way, it's rare that you, as my test site, just come and make me happy? You have... 7 adults. In this way, you take turns to challenge me as long as one of you wins Me, then I will assume that nothing happened and let you go, how about?"

Is there such a good thing?

With reason, Zelens knew you could never believe what an assassin said. But now, the reality is that there is no way for him to reverse the situation. Apart from trusting his words, is there any way to proceed?

"Okay I'll come..."

"No, no, I'm not interested in you. To put it bluntly, what I really want to fight is the genius girl over there."

At this moment, the white-robed man directly stretched out his hand and pointed at the small bread in the idiot's arms. When Xiao Bread saw him staring at him, she gritted his teeth, his emerald pupils refused to shrink at all.

"I just got the power of the dragon, now, you let me experiment to see how strong I am, how?"

The white-robed man stretched out his hands. On the palms of these two hands that were supposed to hold the physical weapons, at this moment, there were a few drops of water, which became bigger and bigger under the rain... V

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