Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 47: , Okay to bring up the topic

Okay to bring up the topic

The calmness that the idiot suddenly showed made the white-robed man seem a little uncomfortable. He tilted his head and looked at the young man. After a little hesitation, finally, a color of contempt appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, you guy is bluffing. Well, I don't want to dare with you anymore. I will make you the first sacrifice under my new strength now. Burn you to ashes."

"You----you really don't want to know, what is written in this letter?"

Suddenly, the idiot raised the volume and looked at the white-robed man in front of him with a condescending attitude that he had never seen before. Suddenly, the expression of the white-robed man in front of him was stunned, because at this moment, this cowardly young man actually showed An aura of overlooking him? He...looking down on himself?

"If you really don't know, then I'll explain it to you. But what I worry about is that you don't have much time to listen to all my descriptions."

The idiot said loudly, the expression on his face was extremely serious. Now, not only the white-robed person, but also the others behind him were all stunned on the spot, wondering what kind of information was contained in this almost ridiculously simple letter? Can you make idiots so confident?

After a brief period of thought, the face of the white-robed man finally showed a suspicious expression. He nodded slightly, motioned to the idiot. The idiot did not refuse, and directly took out the handwritten copy in his arms and the letter in the hands of the white-robed man, and explained them together.

The idiot speaks quickly, but very lightly. It was so light that only the white-robed person could hear it, and even the little bread who was driven aside could not hear anything at all.

Walnut and others had to wait beside them, looking anxiously at the surrounding assassins. She looked at the idiot with some worry, and after thinking about it, she quickly patted Bun's shoulder.

"Bread, do you...understand? Those two letters?"

Bun frowned and shook his head. Afterwards, she wrote all the letters she had written on the sign. Of course, she also listed the numbers for Walnut and others. After seeing this, everyone was still puzzled, and their faces were full of sadness.

"Can any of you see it? See what the idiot knows? What is the meaning of these two letters?"

Walnut asked, but no one answered. General Saiza, Sister Mistral frowned and thought hard. Although Zelens was a little excited by the content of the letter, he soon knew the sheer nonsense. Bread, deviance is now immersed in contemplation, but is still puzzled.

After a while...

"The above is that. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

The idiot patted his hands and explained. The white-robed man who had listened to all the explanations was now dumbfounded, his face was blue and white.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Actually...? No... Not Your Majesty... It's the Dai Lao... Dai Lao Goodsay"

The white-robed man who knew he was being betrayed no longer had the mood to kill the idiot and others. He immediately turned around, jumped on his horse, retreated with a loud shout, and hurried to the direction of Rome. Although the assassins didn't know what happened, their leadership was destined, so naturally they let go of idiots and others. A siege, just like this, became invisible.

The hazy drizzle was still falling.

In the dark sky, the messy rainwater fell casually as if not knowing his destination.

Idiot, standing in the rain.

He looked at the direction where the assassins were leaving, at the Rome... in the dark pupils, he didn't know what was thinking, and what was...calculating.

"Hey, idiot...?"

Walnut walked up slowly. She stood behind the idiot and called out softly.

"What was written in those two letters? Did you... really see it? Or are you just talking nonsense?"

There was no lightning in the icy rainy sky, everything seemed to be deliberately suppressed, and even a thunder could not be released.

The idiot closed his eyes and let out a long breath. After that, he turned his head back, and after a pause on Walnut's face, he looked towards the far end of the sky...

"Bread, I ask you something now. You must answer me honestly."

Little Bread was taken aback, she looked at the serious idiot now, and couldn't help getting a little scared. After looking around, the little girl immediately hid behind Walnut, poked her head out, and nodded slightly.

"I can save Xing now. Moreover, it is a complete rescue. But if you do this, you must have the determination to kill many innocents. Do you have this kind of awareness."

Bread knows that idiots will not exaggerate facts. If he said he would hurt the innocent, he would definitely. As an idiot, he has never considered the lives of innocents, but can the bread pass this barrier?

In order to save Apricot, kill others?

Xiao Bao thought left and right, she put the friend Zhengyi and Xiao Xing on the two ends of the balance, thinking about... After a long time of consideration, the answer finally surfaced.

She is not an angel, but a mortal with a selfish heart. As a person, what you need to worry about most is yourself and your friends.

Perhaps, such an answer is cruel, but this little girl is not a compassionate saint. She wants to exchange the lives of her friends for the lives of other people she doesn't even know?

Sorry, she couldn't make such a decision.

Seeing the bread nodded, the idiot turned his gaze to walnut. Among my own group of people, walnuts are the most unstable factor. Her sense of justice and compassion will hinder her behavior to the greatest extent, so before proceeding, Walnut must make a decision for her actions. Is it to acquiesce in everything the idiot will do next, or to continue to resist to the end.

"I... I don't know..."

In the rain, Walnut covered his chest and shook his head.

"Xiao Xing... she is my niece, Xiao Jin is my nephew... I am just their aunt, and I have no right to decide whether to abandon them or pay the price to save them... Don't ask me, I... I don't know I do not know……"

If, this is your judgment. Then I will try my best to arrange for all the next actions to be carried out during the day. "

Walnut knew that this was a decision made by an idiot to limit himself. In fact, knowing that the idiot hadn’t decided to put herself somewhere and waited to send her down, it proved that the idiot had compromised with her. Walnut also knew about this compromise, and nodded and stopped talking.

The rain in the sky is still floating.

The idiot raised his head again and looked at the dark sky.

The sky was silent, it was raining on its own, regardless of other people or things.

And the idiot, just as cold as the sky, began to conceive the plan for the next action in his mind.

The next day, early morning.

In order to escape Rome as quickly as possible, everyone drove the night without stopping.

However, when the surrounding light lit up slightly, the walnut had to stop. Because she stopped, everyone naturally took a break to replenish their energy.

Especially, those children. They were frightened and slept almost all night. Now, everyone sleeps very sweetly...

"Me, luggage."

After saying such a sentence, he left. The idiot glanced at her without showing anything. With a deviant skill, it is not a problem to come and go during the day. Moreover, it is raining and the water channels are rushing, which can save her a lot of time.

Since the idiot did not express his negative, he nodded at him and left. The idiot began to take care of everyone's sleeping places, together with the bread, made a small den of walnut shade with leaves and soil, and let her get in.

Betrayed and left the crowd.

She leaped into the river and quickly swam towards the city of Rome that had now been captured.

With the help of the river, she got directly into the city, landed ashore in a remote place, and pulled up her cloak. but……

She did not go back to the hotel where the idiot and others stayed that day, but came to the roof of a small house and opened a seemingly featureless illegal attic.


A woman with a ghost mask walked out of it, and nodded at the deviation. Deviance also salutes and stretches out his hand.

"There is a secret letter from Yufeixue. That person hopes you can speed up and send people there."

Deviance took the superstition and took a look, then, a flame was lit in his hand and the piece of paper was burned.


After saying a word, the team member immediately submitted the pen, and then spread out a piece of paper that didn't seem to be distinctive and spread it on the side table.

He held the pen and began to write the two letters that the idiot had seen in a very rigorous manner, and at the same time listed the numbers of unknown significance. After she finished writing everything, she put down the pen, folded the piece of paper in half, fold it into a paper airplane, and gave it to the team member.

"The situation is urgent. I, worried, brother, do, bad, things."

"Yes, I will do it at once."

The team member took the paper airplane and immediately came to the next window. She opened the window and patted the window frame. A guide map appeared in the empty window. Afterwards, she threw the paper plane out of the window. The plane crossed the road map and then started flying towards the other side of the sky.

I hope...I can arrive soon...

Before the bulldozer does anything he can't predict...I hope that person...can give himself a hint to stop him

On the other side, the white-robed man failed to return to Rome after all.

After walking halfway, he suddenly covered his heart, his expression in pain. After he fell off the horse, the assassins raised him up in a panic, breathed a snort, and died.


Obviously, their leader was a chronic poison in his body, and he finally broke out and died at this moment. The assassins took out the letter in his arms and looked at it over and over, but they couldn't see any clues. But the letter was written by Dai Lao to his majesty after all, so one of the fast assassins picked up the letter and started on his way. The other assassins took the body of the white-robed man and rushed back to Rome, asking for an explanation.

However, facing Dai Lau, these assassins were unable to produce any evidence to prove that he had been poisoned. Even they themselves do not believe that leaders who have always been cautious will be poisoned. Since they could not point out any evidence, they could only bring the body of the white-robed man and the heart of the dragon that Dai Lao had dedicated, and returned to the country together to meet their majesty.

"The so-called lack of people and high greed are what you get, right?"

Looking at the rain outside the window, Dai Lao took a sip of wine, savoring the aroma and tasting, with a carefree smile on his face.

"When a person is always looking forward to a power that is incompatible with his identity, death begins to stand in front of them."

Dai Lao smiled slightly, put down the wine glass, sat in the position, and looked at the military intelligence in his hand. When reading happily, he still talked to himself, but his expression did not seem to be crazy, but a calm posture.

"If you are an ordinary person, if you see something like the heart of the dragon, you don't care about the three seven twenty-one, but immediately take it for yourself? This is good, but if it is just like this, it would be too The price has fallen."

"Strength can be captured in many ways. But people are not so easy to kill. Well, I have told him over and over again that he can't eat the big ones, only the small ones. But he still didn't pay attention to it. What a pity, what a sigh. I can only express my regret for this self-destruction formed by greed."

Having said this, Dai Lau picked up the wine glass again and took a sip. While tasting the perfect wine, he seemed to hear some very funny jokes, and couldn't help squirting out the wine in his mouth in a gloomy manner.

"Huh...hahaha, what you said is really interesting. It's really hard to imagine that you, who have always been full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, would say this kind of ‘curse’ to me?"

Dai Lao took out a handkerchief, wiped the wine stains on the corners of his mouth very elegantly, and smiled: "But you are wrong on this point. I am not called greed. I get this not because of greed, but because they are all. I deserve it. If a person lacks ability and wants to get something beyond his ability, it is called greed. But if the person's own strength is strong, then these are not called greed..."

"Called compensation."

"Do you understand?"

The saber on Dai Lao's waist trembled slightly, although it was still in the sheath, it seemed that the screams from the sword could still be heard. Dai Lao felt these screams, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the sword, showing a hearty smile, and said--

"Trust me. Believe that it won't take long for you to understand my mood. Then, your opinion will completely change, won't you?"

The scream of the sword was even worse, almost breaking. But Dai Lao knew that this sword would never break willingly. He will continue to enslaved it until he puts its body and mind under his control.

This is really a very interesting process. Sometimes, Dai Lau really felt that it was more difficult to tame a sword than to tame a woman or a king. Because it is by your side anytime, anywhere, no lies can be hidden from it. but……

This is exactly what is interesting, isn't it?

"Okay, now I have to issue another order to my subordinates and the ‘king’ in the distance. Let me think about it, how should I organize the language this time?"

The Vatican beeps.

"Hehe, are you still trying to convince me? There shouldn’t be any sword in this world that is more annoying than you, right? Like a woman. Ah, I almost forgot, your voice is indeed a female, sure enough , Very mother-in-law."

(Human kid, I have a suggestion.)

Far away from the city of Rome, the dim on the idiot's arm opened his eyes boredly, and the red pupils flashed with cunning colors.

(Look, we’ve known each other for so long, twelve years, right? If we are ordinary people for twelve years and have been reading together for twelve years, even two men may have children. So I think we should be more Trust each other, right?)

Leaving Rome, mixing with those who fled their homes because of the destruction of Rome, the idiot walked forward waiting for life.

The heavy rain hasn't stopped since that time. Now that I think about it, the time has reached May, and it's time for the rainy season.

Deviatedly dragged the box that he always carried wherever he went, walking very leisurely. In contrast, those children who contracted diseases due to long distances and rain are not so lucky. Therefore, Walnut decided to stay in the next town for a while anyway, and settle the people in Zelens by the way.

The idiot glanced at the small bread he was holding in his left hand. The girl was wearing a raincoat and rain boots, walking along the road.

(I know there are misunderstandings between us, but when there are misunderstandings, we have to communicate. Anyway, I am now a little accustomed to this relationship between us. Think about it, my former hosts listened to me in the end. Yes, they do whatever I say, without the slightest communication, it is simply extremely lonely~~~)

(I have followed your steps. As long as we admit that an idiot is independent, we can talk about any problem, and we can communicate with any problem. So, I decided to delay to erode your soul. Let us continue to maintain this How about the friendly three links to increase cooperation and dialogue and expand exchanges?)

(Hey, I have made a compromise. Would you give me some action? I know what you are thinking now, and I know how you are thinking about how to accomplish these things. To be honest, it’s not easy, so it’s not easy for you People do it, why don’t we two think of a way together?)

What can you do. )

(Oh? I'm finally interested? Actually... I think since you do this kind of thing, the most convenient and reasonable way is of course to rely on the power of my "prison". But I know, you don't want to use it lightly , I am afraid of being eroded by me. Therefore, I do not recommend this method to you.)

(In addition, forcing you to use the power of your six swords to accomplish this feat is also very difficult. It is not difficult to achieve that process, but it is even more difficult to achieve the result through this process. So , We need to calculate, we need to plan.)

The idiot cast a glance at Diane, his foot stepped into a muddy ground, and a heavy footprint was made.

It's really rare for you to use methods other than murder. )

(Hey, although I really like the feeling of being covered with blood on my body, it doesn't mean that I can't work around. How? As a magic sword, I understand the truth, right?)

Yes. After this matter is over, I will take you to the slaughterhouse and have a good time. )

(Human still can't believe me?)

(It’s good enough. I don’t care about you. You can do whatever you want. It’s rare that I kindly want to help you once. Just pick a little bit of my bad idea and I can let you take people from all over the continent. It's all killed and clean. Since you are obsessed with acting on your own, so be it, you go ahead and I don't care)

(Hey, human boy, you really don’t care about me? What about our feelings for more than ten years? Where have these feelings gone? Why can’t I see them now?)

(Well, I know who told me to show you such a thing? It’s so ruthless and shameless to make trouble, but this game is very interesting, even if you are really ruthless, shameless and unreasonable make trouble, I will definitely get involved, whether you agree or not Agree, regardless of whether you admit it or not)

The idiot squeezed his right fist and continued to move forward against the rain.

(Talk about your suggestion.)

(Oh? Do you need my advice? Hey, it’s fun. But then again, it’s impossible to perform such a task without using my power at all. But you can’t use it too much, just a little bit, believe it. You also know that I will not erode you, right?..................Actually, I still want to, fifth prison......)

(If that's all, you can shut up.)

(Cut, cruel guy. What's so cool? No matter how cool you are, the look of the wind and rain is not one ten thousandth of the handsome Duke De Lao. They have money, status, and style. Appearance, ambition, and what he wants, he is simply a guy who is favored by heaven.)

(Haha, yes, I almost forgot. One of the goals of your plan this time is to assassinate the blessed Prince Charming, right?) A

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