Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 48: , The last line of defense

The idiot was silent, pulled the small bread, and continued to walk on the road full of refugees.

He didn't deny or reject the claims of Anmie. The assassination of Dai Lao, indeed, is one of the main thrusts of this operation.


Specifically, what should we do?

How can we use the resources we have now to reach the heavily guarded Duke and erase him without a trace?

(What's the matter? I want you to kill your childhood playmates, I feel a bit unable to do it? Human kid, you are really emotional~~~~)

Of course the idiot knows that Dim is joking, but since it says it can provide some solutions, just listen to it.

(What do you think.)

(Haha are you finally willing to listen to me? Well, it’s actually very simple, you just need to activate all my power, especially to open the fifth prison, and then rush over...Hello? Hey, don’t ignore me, I’m just Just kidding, don’t you need to be so serious?)


(Okay, serious. If you just want to kill Dai Lao, it should be very easy. Ah, I mean you are in prison. This situation is really very simple. There is no difficulty. Even from another perspective, if you don’t open prison, just singled out, I believe you should have a chance to kill him.)

(But you also know that you can't kill him directly like this. You can't kill him directly, because after killing him, nothing will be resolved. On the contrary, things will get worse.)

(In order not to make things worse, you need to find a method that is safe enough, and you must get rid of it when you achieve your ultimate goal, which is to complete "that thing". The difficulty in it , It's really not small~~~)

The idiot nodded, and Dimie's summary was correct, and now he really couldn't kill directly.

(………………Then, do you have any good comments.)

(Ha, good advice, of course if you are afraid, you will not implement it.)


(Hey, do you finally know the correctness of my opinion? You finally understand the importance of me? Let me just say as long as you listen to me obediently...)

(Right as a reference.)



The words of Dim Mi's mouth came to an abrupt end. It stared at the idiot, and the idiot stared at it. The three eyes stared at each other in this rainy day and "concerned" each other.

(I won’t say what you want, you can go as you like)

Finally, this sword became popular. It started to make a noise in the idiot's mind, yelling, expressing the strong dissatisfaction in its heart. Since the words are not speculative, the idiot doesn't want to say a word to this verbose sword, and simply ignores its screams.

(Okay, are you ignoring me? Do you dare to ignore me? Believe it or not, I will devour the soul of your kid now? I'm gonna devour it, look at it, I'll devour it for you now... Don't ignore me Well, we'll just draw a line like this. For this action, don’t think about me giving you one more idea. Say one more word and don’t expect me to give you any reminder. Like before, you escaped by my reminder. After a catastrophe, it will never happen again. You can wait and see for me)

Dimie was roaring, as if it had really given idiots many constructive opinions before. The idiot got used to its screaming and continued to bow his head, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

The rain is still falling.

The rainy season adds too much haziness and humidity to this May. Along the way, the muddy ground slowed the movement of pedestrians around, and the fleeing army looked stiff and embarrassed on the way to the outpost city of Yufeixue.

Idiots go all the way, think all the way.

Now, he really doesn't have many pieces in his hand. It can be said that it can be described as scarcity. Can you achieve your goal with just such a piece?

………………Obviously, there are still some things missing, some…the key factors for winning.



Suddenly, the idiot raised his head. He looked at the refugees around him, his mind suddenly flashed


In the next moment, the idiot's eyes immediately turned into the deepest coldness. He grabbed the bun, and the bun turned his head, poked his head from under the raincoat, and looked at the idiot.

"Can you mark others? Marks that can be easily found."

After thinking about it, Bianbao still felt a little confused. I don't know what a mark is.

"Idiot, what are you doing?"

Walnut came up and asked the idiot who was discussing with Bun. The idiot didn't answer Walnut's meaning, but Bun held up the card to express what the idiot meant.

"Mark? And should it be easy to find? Hmm... If you really want to say that, it's the taste, right? Then, use the dog to find out. Is that the same thing?"

The idiot nodded and looked at Walnut.

Seeing that she had guessed correctly, Walnut immediately tilted her head for a moment. After that, she snapped her fingers suddenly and said with a smile: "Oh, you won't be able to find me in this way. This princess reads so many books in the Royal Library is not for nothing~~~ We are now On the road on the Plain of Hope, there is actually a kind of vanilla called Dinglan growing on this plain. The smell of this vanilla is so weak that human noses can hardly smell it. But for dogs’ sense of smell, this The taste is very stimulating and intense. Moreover, the fragrance of this kind of vanilla has another advantage, that is, it can be attached for a long time. Even in this rainy day, once it is stained, it can last for a full three weeks Time will not fade away."

To be honest, the idiot was really taken aback when he saw that Walnut was able to determine the tools for his own ideas. Even the small bread is holding a sign with two big exclamation points written on it. Seeing these two fathers and daughters, Walnut's face suddenly turned red. She was a little angry and akimbo, and said: "Why? Although I can't be considered as combat power, I should be considered the best with knowledge. Right? You have to know that I have read every book in the Royal Library. Don't even bother to take a glance at these books in your life unless...unless..."

Having said that, I don’t know what Walnut thought of, and suddenly lowered her head...but soon, she raised her head again and hummed with an angry expression: “Anyway, you guys don’t want to read those books and want to find Dinglancao. Right? Then go to the puddle. It is a small blue and white flower with seven leaves. That's it."

The idiot and Little Bread looked at each other and didn't know why Walnut suddenly became angry. But now that the information is available, the idiot immediately turned to look for Deviation, hoping that she could also find this vanilla separately. If they agreed with each other, they left the road with the idiot. For about half a day, when the sky was dim and the refugees on the road began to camp, the two turned back, holding a large number of seven-leaf blue and white flowers in their hands.

In the tent, walnuts began to select these flowers. Choose the real Ding Lan Vanilla. Afterwards, the buns and the children who can still move, put the herbs in a mortar and mashed them. After that, I went outside to receive rainwater, and filled the mortar with vanilla.

The idiot sniffed, indeed, there was no smell. But when he held this basin of water to the noses of some horses, the horses obviously had some commotion. The idiot nodded in satisfaction, and after that, he took a small bread and came to Zelens' tent.

"Hemorrhoids, I have something to ask you."

With a bang, the tent popped open. Zelens inside was glaring at the idiot with a look of dissatisfaction.

"......I'm sorry, I was wrong. Ozawa..."

"Ozawa is called by my nun, why do you call my name?"

"Then, Zeze..."

"Hey, I found out that you really wanted to **** me off on purpose, did you? You want to fight, right? Come on, I will accompany us to continue fighting."


Bun covered his mouth, he smiled, and pulled the idiot's clothes.

"Don't tease Brother Zelens, although I admit that Brother Zelens is really funny. 》

"Little girl, don't pretend to be innocent and cute. I remembered the thing you inserted into me that day. Don't think I will forget it."

Bun sticks out his tongue and mumbles secretly why this assassin leader has no belly at all? It happened a few months ago, but I still remember it so clearly.

However, the idiot did not intend to anger him anymore. He held the water in his hand, pointed at Zelens's right sleeve, and said, "I want to ask you for help."

Zelens still wanted to curse, but at this time, he saw the Sister Mystra over there staring at him, so he shrugged and opened the tent.

"come in."

After entering the tent, the idiot put down the water in his hand and directly pointed out the subject.

"Zerrens, you have seen the Hidden Blade in your right hand. That device seems to be capable of firing poisonous needles, right."

Zelens snorted coldly, raised his sleeves, and pulled them apart to reveal the device on his wrist. The wrist part is a Hidden Blade, while the back part can be used to shoot poison needles.

"Can I see the size of your poisonous needle."

Zelens was not very willing to help, but thinking that Sister Mystra outside must be staring at herself now, she had to reluctantly agree. He disassembled the device on his wrist, and after a while, a groove was revealed from it. Then, he used tweezers to clamp one of the fine needles, took it out, spread a white cloth on the ground, and put it down.

"My Hidden Blades are versatile, but due to their size, they are all single shots. But to be honest, I am an assassin, and I don't need to confront many people head-on. One shot is fatal, enough. And my needles are very thin, and the recruits may not even feel stabbed. They won’t feel anything strange. What do you want to see?"

The idiot stared at the needle, then turned to look at the bread.

"Bread, you know."

After looking around for a while, the bun nodded and raised a sign—

"Sure enough, it is very detailed, it is indeed a bit troublesome to control so fine. 》

"May I."

"Let me try"

Bun put down the sign and exhaled. After that, she extended her middle finger, dipped it in the water bowl, and lifted it up. There was a drop of water stuck to her finger, and the small bread turned her hand and turned the drop of water face up. After a while, the drop of water slowly floated up.

The chill began to condense.

This little drop of water began to slowly stretch and freeze. Obviously, such a small operation seemed a bit difficult. The bun was almost blushing, constantly adjusting the size, length, and sharpness of the drop of water. After all, I made this needle and placed it. Next to that poisonous needle.

The size is just right.

Bun let out a sigh of relief, with a smug color on his face, obviously excited about his increasingly precise control. The idiot touched the little girl's head approvingly. After that, the bun worked harder, and all his fingers were inserted into the water and solidified separately. Ten needles at a time were completed immediately.

Zelens looked at everything in front of him with some surprise. For him, who was not a Zongshishi, Zongshili was indeed an ability that was almost "cheating". Regarding this, he couldn't help but confuse his tongue. As an assassin, it was better to act secretly. It's better to let someone else deal with this kind of confrontation.

Zelens put away his poisonous needles, and soon, the small bread made hundreds of ice needles. Although these small needles were condensed into ice, each one did not appear to melt after being put down. Stacked together, they are not frozen together. It can be seen that this girl's control is getting better and better.

"If my supplier has your level, maybe the price of these poisonous injections can be lowered a little bit."

Zelens sighed. But the idiot is not here to make him sigh. He presented these ice needles in front of Zelens and said, "You, do me a favor. Use these ice needles to pierce the bodies of the people I designated."

Zelens was taken aback, and said, "Ah? Why should I help you?"


"Cut, refuse to say? Since you don't say it, then I won't help. I don't need to help you, don't forget, the relationship between you and me is not so good."

Zelens put on an arrogant posture and sneered at the idiot's request. The idiot looked at this, and after a moment of silence, silently lowered his head.

"Bread, your relationship with Kolo Goodsey is very good, right?"

Bun smiled and nodded.

"Help me fan with Ke Luo and tell her sister named Marlene that there is something incurable on Zelens's ass..."

"Stop and stop"

Zelens panicked, he rushed to cover the mouth of the idiot. After staring at the idiot fiercely, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "You bastard, you are destined to kill me, right?"

"You can choose not to believe it." The idiot shook off Zelens's hand and said coldly.

At this point, might Zelens not believe it? I'd rather believe that it is there than trust it.

"Okay, I promise you that it is true. What happened to me? I was on the same thief ship with you?"

"You are a thief."


Despite the extreme dissatisfaction in his heart, Zelens finally agreed to the idiot's invitation.

In the next few days, Idiot and Zelens began to walk side by side in the crowd. The idiot's sight was always on the refugees, and the cold sight was scanning and searching on those people. Whenever he identified a person, Zelens would walk up silently and pierce the opponent with a needle.

This action continued for several days. In his spare time, the idiot opened the map to check the terrain between the rain, snow, and the Plain of Hope. According to the map, in the middle of these two places there is a dangerous city called the Shield of the Cliff-Insaidu City. If you talk about straight lines, this city of Insaidu, located to the west of Yufeixue, is undoubtedly the last barrier in front of Yufeixue.

Soon, it was only two or three days away from Insaidu City. The rain in the sky still didn't stop, and the idiot walked, looking at the map in his hand, looking at the terrain. While walking, a person walked up from behind and patted his shoulder.

No one else, but General Saiza.

"By the time Insadou, we will be safe."

General Saiza grinned and smiled. In order to avoid being recognized by these refugees and to hold him accountable for his fall, the old general's face was covered with mud, and he looked like an old beggar.


"Why? Don't you believe it? You have to know that Insaidu City is a city in the middle of a canyon. His city wall directly connects two cliffs, which are hundreds of meters high. In front of the only city gate that can be used for attack is A step **** with an inclination of nearly sixty degrees, even the first emperor of the Bucks once said that if you want to take down the city of Insaidu, unless you have a million soldiers, pray that the generals who defend the city are too low-powered. Only this dangerous city could be breached.

The idiot ignored General Saiza's confidence, but continued to look at the map. At this moment, Little Bread reached out and pulled the old general's clothes and raised the sign--

"Grandpa Sai Sa, you seem to be very confident? 》

"Haha, of course I am confident because... I tell you in a low voice, the person who guards the city of In Saidu is not someone else. It is an old friend of mine whose ability to defend the city is about the same as mine. They are very powerful"

"Huh, no matter how fast the city guard is, isn't it broken?"

Zelens sneered sarcastically beside him. General Saiza turned around immediately, blowing his beard and staring. Little Bread hurriedly pulled, smiled and raised the sign——

"But Grandpa Sai Sa, if there are spies in the city, can you still be so confident? 》


"Yes, it's a spy. If Ba Ba guessed right..."

Little Bread smiled, looking at the refugees who were struggling with their lives in front of him, and turned the sign over——

"The spies sent by Dai Lao have now mixed in with these refugees. They are disguising and walking towards the city known as the natural danger city. Once the city collapses, then the next step is the capital of His Majesty Evil Fire, Yufeixue, right? 》V

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