Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 49: , Cicada Mantis Cardinal Hawk Human Demon

"You mean a spy?"

Saiza's expression was slightly confused, but soon, he hugged his belly and laughed.

"Oh, spy? Hahaha, it's an interesting idea. However, it's not that I didn't expect this to happen."

Regarding the doubts about the small bread, General Saiza did not panic at all. He glanced at the idiot who was watching the map on guard over there, laughed, and said--

"As a military strategist, at this point in the war, little girl, you must admit that my colleagues and I are a bit more experienced than you are from the'Baba'. Spy, assassination and siege are both The truth of mind-breaking, our group of soldiers no longer know how many times they have fumbled on this road. I know everything you say."

"Insedu City is a solid city. No one can mention his spy power in front of this fortress. Even an assassin, this assassin is definitely looking for his own death. Regarding the spy problem you worry about, Don't worry, do you think I didn't expect that Duke Goodsay would send a spy? Now that I know, my friends will know too."

General Saiza raised his head, looked at the crowd in front of him, and said slowly: "If I guess it is correct, what you are thinking is that since the city of Rome has been breached, as an important resource, Duke Gudsey Why would it be released? No matter where it is, population resources are very important resources. But letting go of important population resources and letting them drain is full of contradictions."

"Presumably, there have been several assassins or spies in this fleeing team? These people will try their best to destroy the walls of Insaidu, but I want to tell you that these are absolutely futile."

"Insidue City’s management is very strict. Everyone who enters the city will be subject to strict inspections. You’re welcome. In this wartime situation, my friend was scrupulous about not allowing others to bring anything into the city. Everyone must take off their clothes for a full-body examination. In serious cases, even the feces must be checked to prevent any infiltration. Under such circumstances, the spies can enter the city, but they want to do something... Hey, that's even harder."

This old general has absolute self-confidence. This is not only the self-confidence of his years of military experience, but also the self-confidence of the fortress that stands between the cliffs. These self-confidence made him proud, but also filled him with incomparable confidence. I firmly believe that the castle will never be broken

Absolutely? Right? No? Yes

The idiot listened to these words without saying a word. He stood here, still looking at the map, thinking about things...




Three days later, the fleeing troops finally came to the city that stood in the middle of the canyon. At first glance, even the idiot was surprised

Go straight up the hillside at an angle of almost sixty degrees. The more you go, the narrower the road becomes. At the back, almost only five or six people can pass side by side.

At the end of the stairs, there is a towering black castle. Under the rain water, the black castle looked extremely majestic.

In the narrow valley, vertical walls stand upright.

The smooth as polished walls and hundreds of crossbowmen standing on the walls have heralded the indestructibility of this place. An old man about the same age as General Saiza stood on the wall, watching the refugees coming slowly below.

As solid as gold.

It may not be more appropriate to use this word to describe this city.

Compared with the complete natural danger of wind and sand, this city is the last fortress in front of Yufeixue City, which is extremely clear. And the old general who defended the city, his eyes were torch, he could not see the slightest relaxation on his face, he was all serious and vigilant. It can be seen that General Saiza is right, and if he can see it, the old general can naturally also see it. It seemed that nothing could be hidden from his eyes.

Sai Sa looked at his old friend very proudly, and the old general seemed to have noticed Sai Sa very keenly in the eyes of the old general who swarmed into the city like ants. At the moment, the general waved his hand and let the soldiers next to him go down.

As the flow of people continued, they passed the narrow gate and waited for inspection. When the others entered the men's and women's examination rooms next to each other, General Saiza waited eagerly. After a while, ten soldiers in heavy armor came over and stood in front of General Saiza.

"General Saiza Belix."

The soldier saluted, but General Saiza waved his hand with a smile, a little ashamed.

"For security, please allow us to check you and your entourage. Also, please tell us their identities separately."

Ten soldiers took General Saiza, idiots, bread, walnuts, Deviance, Sister Mystra, Zelens and the children to a room beside the city wall. Saiza briefly introduced the soldiers. After knowing the identity of Walnut, the soldiers were a little surprised, but quickly recovered their composure. They called two maids over to accompany Walnut, Deviance, Bread, Sister Mystra. And some girls went to the examination room and went to the examination.

"Oh, my old friend, I was really worried after knowing that the city of Rome was broken. It would be great to see you safe and sound."

The defender of the city of Insaidu-a veteran over sixty years old, Earl Bruto Reis Rice. The old general personally entered the examination room of the idiot and others, and embraced each other with Sai Sa, who was dressed in commoner clothes, and exchanged heartfelt hearts.

"Ah, don't say anything, the defending city is forced, what else is there to say? Now, I want to put my trust in your city, hoping to get a security."

"Hahaha, let's say you bring the eldest princess safely this time, it is already a great thing. I have worked hard along the way, and I will help arrange those children, please rest assured."

When General Bruto and General Saiza ventilated each other, there was a loud cry from Zelens in the next room. The idiot who had been checked put on a cloth and stood at the door, looking at the unwilling guy inside, and responded in silence.

"What's a joke? These are all my eating guys. How do you want me to work? Use big drinks and sticks to deal with enemies?"

A soldier ran out of the room holding a belt and Zelens's two Hidden Blade devices. After that, it was the shot of Zelens yelling and rushing out.

"Report to the general that this person carries a lot of weapons. We... We have never seen a person who can carry so many weapons at the same time, and each of them is extremely lethal equipment."

Next, two more soldiers ran out holding a lot of devices, and put all Zelens' weapons and equipment on the table. Make a look that is about to be collected. Seeing these equipment, even the well-informed General Bruto had to show a surprised expression.

"It's amazing. These equipment... Are you an assassin? Oh, you are the first person with the most equipment and the most complete equipment I have ever seen in my life, and the first person who can carry a long distance with a heavy load.... You Are you sure you don't want to join the army?"

"It's just a bastard. These equipment are mine. You can't take my equipment away."

Saiza: "No, Pluto, I suggest that you must take precautions against this guy. He was the one who assassinated me that day. For a strangely acting assassin, I believe that prison is his best shelter. So."

Pluto's mouth opened slightly, and he looked a little surprised: "It's him? It seems that a heavily guarded prison is indeed your ideal residence. However, for the sake of your being a believer..."

Pluto fiddled with the cross of Zelens with his hand and laughed: "Believe me, since you will protect my old friend from here all the way, your prison life will not be too long. Take him down."

In the voice of Zelens, the excellent assassin was grabbed by four strong soldiers by his limbs and carried to prison. However, this is not a concern for idiots. In fact, Zelens’s problem is not a problem at all, because for the next action of the idiot, his imprisonment is completely pros and cons. At least, it can save him a lot of trouble.

"So, are you the princess's entourage? The protector who relies on resourcefulness, not strength?"

Pluto approached the idiot and said.

The idiot nodded, not expressing much opinion. The general saw that the idiot was really not a sociable person. After a few conversations, General Bruto smiled and stopped speaking. When the examined walnut appeared, General Bruto immediately took the princess and his old friend to his residence.

(Okay, human kid. So it time for a carnival?)

Dimme blinked, and the chain that could not be removed from the idiot's arm successfully passed the most stringent body search. Now, the chain is separated, revealing the blood-red pupil...


At night, everything continues.

Because of the cliffs on the left and right sides of the silent city of Insaidu, the night came a little earlier.

Compared with other cities stationed on flat ground, this city has too much darkness. The top of the castle pierced into the sky, in the rain, revealing its most strange color...

In June, according to intelligence, the Bucks marched south. The city of fortresses to the west of Yufeixue naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it is impossible to relax.

Because slackness means loopholes, and also means that the least should happen.

So, what kind of strength should a person operating in such a heavily guarded castle have?

In the rain.

A figure shuttles on the ladder-like castle ramp.

There is no light all around, only the dark streets illuminated by the oil lamps in the hands of patrolling soldiers, which is so familiar to this figure.

He rushed to the roof with great ease, avoiding the soldiers who came by. Hide yourself in the dark trails, sometimes moving like a rabbit, sometimes quiet as a virgin. On the face that was completely covered, only the black pupils shone coldly in the drizzle.

The figure flashed past the soldiers and quietly came outside the castle at the top of the cliff. Instead of sneaking in, he grabbed the wall and swiftly climbed up the bumps on the outer wall.

His movements are accurate, delicate and decisive. It is completely integrated with the night, no one can detect it.

"Barking barking"

Somewhere, there was a bark. The figure lay on the wall and waited quietly. After a while, the barking stopped. After observing for a while, he thought for a while, immediately opened a window next to him, turned over and jumped in.

Restaurant...Then the room where the target is located is naturally...

The figure rushed out of the door and moved quickly in the brightly lit corridor. After a while, he noticed the soldiers patrolling in front, and immediately stepped on and kicked along the left and right walls, and they were already on the ceiling. Later, he took out a hand-drawn map from his arms, took a glance, grabbed the ceiling with both hands, and crawled upside down. After a while, he came to a ventilation window and got in.

The brightly lit castle could not stop this person from infiltrating.

The heavily guarded guards looked like nothing in his eyes.

Quietly, the man came to his destination along the ventilation duct, directly above the study. Looking down through the iron fence of the ventilation window, General Bruto, the defender of the city of Insedu, was sitting at his desk, silently reviewing the documents in his hand.

The lights are bright.

Outside the window, there was only the sound of rain.

This figure lay silently on the window, the dark pupils staring at everything below indifferently, silent...


General Pluto stretched and yawned.

He got up from his seat, twisted his neck, and walked to the window.

The old general stared at the drizzle outside the window and the city wall facing the window, nodded leisurely, and then strolled and walked to the desk again...

However, just a few steps on his way to the desk, the black figure who was supposed to be lying on the window, at this moment, has unknowingly appeared behind him...

"Sure enough... an assassin?"

General Bruto gave a sneer and turned around. His slightly gray hair did not show his oldness. The general stretched out his hand, held down the long sword on the desk, and stared at the figure in front of him.

"Assassinating me does not mean being able to capture this steel fortress. And obviously, you haven't done much homework before."

The figure didn't say a word, he just stared at the target in front of him. With a flick of his hand, a jet-black sword had already ejected from his right sleeve and held it in his hand.

"I am different from Saiza. He is a military genius, but he is not good at fighting. I am very good at personal combat. If you think that assassinating me is as convenient as attacking him, then you are very wrong. "

The figure stood up slowly, and the black long sword in his hand pointed forward. Looking at this posture, Pluto just stroked his sword lightly, and then slowly pulled out the sheath.

"So, is it convenient to tell me? In case, I mean, in case, you succeed in killing me. But this does not mean that Duke Goodsay can capture this city. If I die alone, it will not be possible at all. Matter. What are you going to do?"

The man in black still didn't answer. Since he didn't answer, it means that this battle no longer needs words.

"Don't you want to say it?... Hehe, then, can you tell me the name of the person I'm playing against now?... The pseudonym doesn't matter. Because there is always a name on the tombstone."

"......Duzad Morrill."

"Duzad Morrill? Mr. Assassin, is that...real name?"

"You don't need to know. You just need to know that this is the last name you knew before you passed away, and that's it."

The black long sword, lifted up, pointed at Pluto. And General Bruto also put aside his smile, held up the sword seriously, and guarded the next battle.

The room is very quiet...

Is there something wrong with the guiding light? Actually... it started to flicker.

The two looked at each other without saying a word. until……

That light, flashing again, brought a very brief moment of darkness...




The lights come on.

General Bruto's spirit was tense, watching everything in front of him.

He has not moved.

That's because he doesn't need to move.

At the moment when the lights flickered, the self-named assassin...has, fell to the ground.

But a black terrifying sword with a blood-red pupil on the hilt has penetrated his heart from behind, nailing him to the ground.


"...The taste is very strong."

The blood pupil black sword was held in the hands of a man in black who also covered his face. The black chains were tightly wound, preventing the sword from leaving his arm.

"A long distance away, among the refugees entering the castle, the smell of your body makes the dog bark loud enough."

The black sword pulled down, tearing open the wound. Blood spilled from the corner of the masked assassin's mouth, and his black pupils looked at the same black but colder and more gloomy eyes behind him, choking.

"who are you……?"

"From today, I am you. So, rest in peace."

The blood pupil black sword was pulled out, and with a blood arrow violent, the assassin finally died. The master of the magic sword stretched out his hand and fumbled in his arms. Soon, he took out a letter, took a look at it and the number on it, and put it in his arms. Subsequently, the assassin's mask was pulled down.

What appeared underneath turned out to be the same face as General Bruto

"So that's it, this is his plan? Duke Goodsay... really is a person who cannot be underestimated"

General Bruto took a real sigh and inserted the sword back into its sheath. He turned his head, looked at the idiot, opened his arms, and smiled: "This hero, dare to ask your name? How can I repay you?"


The masked man stood up and slowly spit out a word...

"So, what about your life and this city."


The dark sword, with a soft sound, had penetrated General Bruto's chest.

And he also pulled down the mask on his face, revealing that...

Forever cold face. V

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