Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 50: , Bait

The lights are bright.

The blood is bright red.

In the originally clean room, at this moment, there was a blush of doubt and surprise.

General Bruto looked at the sword in his chest and felt the touch of it piercing his heart. He slowly raised his hands and grabbed the hilt of the sword, as if he wanted to make some final struggles.


The sword has been pulled out.

Accompanied by the blood that came out, the veteran defender didn't wait to show his grand plans, his body shook slightly, and he fell to the ground with a snap...

Dim off was smiling, smiling happily. The blood on the sword flows backwards into this eye, allowing it to absorb the sweet liquid to its fullest. The idiot used Annihilation to touch the body of General Bruto until it was confirmed that he was completely killed, and then he retracted Annihilation into his arm.

(This is really an intricate plan. The action is cunning, and people from all walks of life have their own ghosts and want to get a foot in this matter. Human kid, your way forward still seems to be crises~~ ~)

The idiot did not nod or shook his head. He walked to the side of the assassin and touched his face with his hand. After that, he grabbed the corner of this face and pulled it hard. One person's leather hood was pulled off. Under the mask is a face about thirty years old.

After removing the human skin mask, the idiot turned back to General Bruto. He picked up the body of the general, carried him to the locker in the corner of the room, put it in, and locked the door. Then he cleaned up the suspicious blood on the floor and put on a human skin mask.

After doing all these actions...he returned to the desk, picked up the defensive array map on the desk, and said: "Come on"

The idiot's voice looked hoarse, quite old. The soldiers stationed outside didn't have too much doubt, opened the door directly and walked in. After seeing the corpse of the man in black on the floor, these soldiers immediately looked at each other and knelt down in front of the idiot.

"Really...I am really sorry, Lord General, we...we made a mistake, please forgive us."

Idiot, looking at these terrified soldiers. Pretending to be angry, he threw the map in his hand on the table, coughed twice, and stood up.

"It seems that you think your salary is too high and want to lower it a bit, don't you?"

The soldiers were so frightened that they did not dare to answer.

"Enough this kind of thing has happened once, and I don't want to happen again. The second time the Bucks actually turned to attack the south of our country. But this doesn't mean that you can all relax one by one...cough cough..."

Under the idiot's rage, these soldiers did not dare to wonder if there was something wrong with their general's voice. Even if something is wrong, it should be because of the cough. Now, is it important to keep your salary, or to question the already furious general?

After a scolding, the soldiers finally carried the assassin's body out with fear. Then let the maid come over and scrub the floor as hard as possible. The idiot snorted and continued to look at the documents in his hands in front of the soldiers who kept apologizing. After a while, he put the documents on the table and said--

"Junsha Town and Johnny Forest in the south are now under attack, and the letters for help are one after another. As a member of the strongest fortress of the Dark Deer Empire, you said, what should I do now."

The soldiers had been frightened by the idiot's repeated yelling. The officials who had been recruited urgently saw the assassin's body and the idiot's now not angry and arrogant. Idiot's guess is good. A general who can dominate such an important city can never be a very kind gentleman under his opponent. As long as he maintains an angry look, it is not difficult to hide from these people.

"Then...the we need...assistance?"

"Aid? Cough cough cough..."

The idiot slapped the table heavily, and the shouting sound made the proposing subordinate immediately shrink his head.

"If troops are sent out to aid, who will protect Insaidu?"

"That...that general, we...we continue to guard..."

"Continue to guard? If those cities are broken and the enemy drives directly into Yufeixue, are we still here to defend ourselves?"

" said...what should"

The idiot slapped his palm again and slapped it on the table. These subordinates now see the idiot slap the table with a jump, and they can only shrink their heads in fear.

"Trash, all trash depends on me? If everything is decided by me, then why do I raise you? Everyone only knows to eat plain rice and receive wages, but the result? Not even an assassin Staying, I have to solve it myself. Did I go to those territories alone to assist you? You are happy because you have no one to care about you in Inseduri, right?"

Those men and soldiers knelt down in a hurry again. Even the maid who was cleaning was pale with fright and dared not make any more noises.

The idiot got angry for a while, leaned on the chair, and silenced these people. He closed his eyes and coughed twice from time to time, which is to give these people time to think, of course, to wait for themselves and give the answers they want...

"Master General, I am asking you for orders."

Finally, a general broke the silence. The man took a step forward and said respectfully: "The subordinates voluntarily led five thousand people to support Junsha Town, and will never come back unless they keep the town."

With the leader, the follower will naturally follow. Seeing that their generals were so angry, these generals wished to leave the city as soon as possible, and then fought outside, and when the generals died out, they returned with the fruits of victory. Therefore, at this moment, one by one, they are all following each other, scrambling to request the task and go abroad for reinforcements.

Of course, the idiots are not welcome, and immediately after a scolding, let them lead their own troops into battle. After obtaining the order, the generals immediately turned to the barracks, mobilized the troops they declared overnight, opened the city gates, and went to various places to be rescuers...


The city of Insaydu, like a bunker, now stands in front of Dai Lao.

He looked at the towering canyon castle in the distance with a satisfied smile on his face. In fact, he does have the qualifications to smile. Because soon, this city will become his, and become the thing in his palm.

Turn around and walk back to the tent. The military formation that stretches for dozens of miles behind him is what he is most satisfied with. After he sat down in his seat, a soldier rushed in and knelt in front of Dai Lao.

"Return to Lord Duke, the leader of Insedu City, General Bruto sent a special envoy. I hope to see Lord Duke."

Dai Lao smiled slightly, he knew that the chess pieces he arranged came to reply to himself. In fact, before seeing this messenger, he was very satisfied with the decisiveness and actions of the assassin. It was because of his cleverness that he hollowed out the city of Insaidu and became a city that looked so "delicious".

"Let him in."


The soldier agreed and went out and called the messenger in. The messenger looked at Dai Lao, who was full of confidence, swallowed saliva and knelt down on one knee.

"Dear Duke Goodsay, this is a letter from my general. At the same time, my general is very dissatisfied with your country’s private aggression. I hope... I hope that your country can stop here and don’t anger Insaidu’s anger. Otherwise... at your own risk"

Delao laughed, shook his head, reached out to take the letter, and opened it.


Dear Dear Lord Goodsey:

Your behavior seems so despicable, so unbearable, in accordance with the orders of our majesty. However, considering the fact that your country and our country have been separated from each other, I hope you can lead your army to leave immediately. Heavy military defense has been laid in this city, and it is not a difficult task to complete your defense. I, General Pluto is waiting here, if you are obsessed and still want to attack absurdly, please prepare your first level, I can take it down at any time

If you plan to fight a war of attrition, it doesn't matter, the city has a year's worth of rations, which can be consumed with you every day. If your back garden is also growing slowly, and you are a despicable farmer yourself, you should know how stupid it is to attack this city. For your assassins, their actions are as conspicuous as the lights in the night. That's it. If you are here as a VIP, I will open the door to greet you. If it’s a war, be prepared to fail

Insedu’s defender general, Count Bruto Reese Rice's handwriting.


The words in this letter are very intense, and very rigid, without any compromise. The handwriting was written by someone else, but it’s right to think about it.

Dai Lao read the letter with a smile, then raised his head and glanced at the messenger in front of him. The messenger had apparently saved himself, swallowed, and straightened his back. Delau laughed and stretched out his hand to signal him to relax. Afterwards, he turned the letter over and looked behind...

7, 0, 1 (3), 7, 0, 6, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2 (2) {1}, 1{1}, 1{1} , 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1 (2) 1 (2), 0, 0, 2.

A long list of meaningless numbers looks like random graffiti. The messenger looked at these scribbles and didn't know what to do for a while. Could it be that General Pluto taught his children to read math and accidentally wrote it? This is really a big problem. It is really unimaginable what consequences would be caused by writing such an unfamiliar thing in the negotiation book to the generals of other countries.

The messenger was holding his breath and dared not speak. In the entire tent, Dai Lao was the only thing left to watch the letter and the series of numbers repeatedly.

He was sitting in his seat, tapping the arm of the chair lightly with his fingers. The handsome and handsome golden pupils showed a leisurely and elegant posture, and there was no anger or irritation. It seems that this letter in his hands is not a fiercely provocative letter at all, but just a very funny book of jokes.

"Oh, that's it."

Dai Lao sneered, shook his hand, and threw the letter paper into the fire on the side. After the paper turned to ashes, he straightened his blond hair and smiled--

"It seems that your general is really a tough guy? Very good, very good. Of course I will respect such an opponent. I have heard before that General Bruto is a rare military talent with combat strength. It is also very outstanding. It can be said that he is an all-rounder of civil and military skills. When this general was standing next to His Majesty Evil Fire on the Lake of Sadness that day, I still remember that heroic appearance."

The messenger lowered his head, wondering what the duke meant.

"Relax, I won't treat you like that. Or, I don't mean to treat you like that. You go back. Tell your count, tell him, I already know what he meant. Since he is like this Resolute, then I don’t have to force it. But I believe that soon, we will see you again."

The messenger was puzzled by the second monk. He thought for a while and said, "Then... Lord Duke, what about replying? Or... Is it a peace or a fight?"

Delao laughed haha, he laughed very freely and comfortably. The young general who had already grasped everything in his hands stood up and stood in front of the messenger with his head swaggered.

"I said, why should I tell you clearly whether it is a war or a peace? If I tell you what I mean is peace, will you and your general believe it?"

After thinking about it, the messenger shook his head.

"That's not it. Since you don't believe me, then I don't need to talk more nonsense. Go back and tell him that I received his letter, and that's it. As for whether we are fighting or making peace... Hey, Let the history and facts explain in person. See you off."

With a hearty wave of Dai Lao, the envoy was immediately picked up by two soldiers and sent out of the tent. He was not allowed to inquire about the reality of his military camp, so he blasted out of the city and drove him back to the city.

The messenger left soon.

Dai Lau is in a really good mood now. He sits in his seat with a smile on his mouth, thinking about what he needs to do. At this time, Inselton, who had been his staff member since childhood, walked up from the side. The thin man with his freckles on his face and a single-framed eye leaned over to Dai Lao, and said softly: "Master, look, what should we do next...?"

Dai Lao shook his head and smiled: "There is nothing to do. We just wait. By the way, where did you get this assassin? Good means."

Inselton chuckled and said, "Master, I have actually told you many times that this assassin is a cousin of mine and an affiliated family member of the Goodsey family. It's just because of the recent dozens of times. Nian’s family path has fallen, instead of appearing next to you. He is proficient in disguise, swordsmanship, and is better at obtaining various intelligence. He has completed many assassination missions all the time. For his strength, Master, you can rest assured."

Dai Lao smiled again and said, "Well, that's true. I still have a lot of use for this person in the future. After this Dark Deer crusade is over, I will remember this person."

Inselton smiled a little inferiorly, and flattered: "Master, why wait until the end of the battle? My cousin wants to see you not a day or two. You will see you after this battle is over. He, let him make a wish, how about it?"

Dai Lao: "Hey, Inselton, are you eager to seek power for your family so soon?"


"But, I can't meet. This person must remain secret until the last moment. Once he comes to me, it is likely to be known to others. I don't want such a good piece to be wasted like this. Inselton , There is already a fierce like Felt by my side, and I don’t want you to become such a person who doesn’t consider the consequences.”

Ashamed appeared on Inselton's face, he nodded and said yes.

After a while, Dai Lau suddenly said: "By the way, where is Firth?"

"Oh, Master Hui, that fat guy usually trains soldiers in military camps. He knows his brain is not good, so he wants to use his military exploits to gain your favor."

Inselton chuckled.

Dai Lau nodded and got up from the chair. Inselton immediately took the cloak and put it on Dai Lao. De Lao pulled off his cloak, walked out of the camp, looked at the training ground of the barracks, and sneered: "Don't worry. It won't take much time. I will let him do a great job until tomorrow night."


The letter was handed out and got such a simple answer.

After the messenger came back, through the door, he simply reported this to the idiot who is now wearing the mask. The idiot just nodded and let him leave.

(Hey, it looks like your plan was successful? Big fish has been hooked?)

The idiot was silent, the pupils inlaid in the old mask stared coldly at his right hand, opened the sleeves, and revealed the layers of chains and the red eye in the middle of the chains.


(Hey, don’t be so silent~~~ Well, I admit my mistake, saying that it’s too early to get the bait. Now I can only say that you released the bait, and the other party will bite the hook or even get hanged by you in the end Get up, it all depends on whether your bait is heavy enough and sincere enough)


(Hehehe, I guess only people like you in this world can do this kind of thing. With thousands of lives, plus a city, all you get is the other side's slightly relaxed vigilance. Hahaha , Interesting, really interesting, to be honest, human kid, I haven’t been so excited for a long time)

(This incident, you really satisfied me. I, looking forward to your final answer) V

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