Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 51: , The prologue of the final battle

After finishing his own tools, the idiot waited quietly for night. Tonight's "entertainment" does not require him to participate. All he needs to do is stand aside and watch, nothing more.

And contact matters...

If he guessed correctly, after this action is over, someone will naturally come here to tell him what to do next.


The city of Insaidu, like a copper wall and an iron wall, entered the night.

This city, which looked like it would not be captured at all, still maintained its vigilance and guard at this moment.

Time, slowly into the night.

Into the deepest night.

The continuous rain makes the air humid, and the dense clouds make it hard to see anything.

Looking down the stairs from the city wall, it was almost black and heavy, and the line of sight entered a blind spot.

On the wall guarding the city, sparse soldiers stood guard. They looked a little tired. After all, due to the slight shortage of soldiers in the city, coupled with the harsh reprimands of their generals, these soldiers had been on duty from day to night without rest.

They were sleepy and tired. Some people held their spears and hung their heads, making a sleepy sound...

The night is immersive.

There is not much sound, only the sound of rain, soft, soft...



Suddenly, a violent explosion that shouldn't happen instantly penetrated the clouds. The sleepy soldiers were surprised and turned their heads. They were so shocked by what they saw

What appeared in front of him was a burning castle at the top of the fiery castle. Isn't it the room of General Bruto? Now... now... was swallowed by the raging fire?

"Quick... go to the fire quickly"

The soldiers slapped their spirits, and hurriedly ran towards the castle over there under the captain's scolding. But, did these soldiers notice? Just as they left, some hooks were thrown up silently...

These soldiers who were supposed to guard the city in place left. Other well-trained soldiers climbed quickly along the hook rope. They were dressed in black, followed the panicked soldiers down the city wall, and then silently cut their throats behind them. When they left the city wall and came to the gate, a masked man who had been waiting here had been waiting for a long time.


One of the black soldiers uttered a voice, and the masked man nodded very simply. After that, the man in black took out a letter from his arms and handed it to the other party. After taking a look at it, the masked man immediately threw it into the fire nearby and nodded.

"The Duke is looking forward to your next mission. If the next mission is successful, it will play an irreplaceable role in destroying the Dark Deer."

The masked man nodded, turned around, and melted into the darkness. The people in black speeded up the opening of the city gate, and within a moment, the gate of the city wall that was once said to never be breached opened. outside……

An entire army was already standing. Everyone was wearing black armor, no flags, no hidden horses, and they waited quietly until the moment the door opened...


With a loud shout, the strongest fortress, Insaidu City, was finally completely breached.

The light of the flame rushed into the sky at this moment, and the panicked garrison could not compare with the elite and unstoppable Bucks.

The battle lasted a whole day and night. There were shouts, screams, sounds of killing and burning everywhere. Although the hazy drizzle still floats above the city, the rain can't extinguish the flames of war in it at all. You can only watch it burn...

In mid-June, the last fortress city in front of the Dark Deer Empire, the city of Insaidu, broke down. Duke Dylaw? Goodsay's great feats once again rose to the top. How will future historians describe this war? Describe how the Duke of Goodsay managed to conquer this indestructible fortress in just a few days




Outside the city. On the road leading to rain and snow.

Idiots, bread, walnuts, deviance, and the five people of Zelens, sitting on the carriage, moved forward in silence.

He looked at everyone present, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the box he had been carrying. Little Bread and Walnut looked at the idiot with teary eyes, but because the idiot had said clearly before, the two girls could not express their dissatisfaction, and could only cry for those who died in the war.

"Zellens... those kids... and nuns... are they okay?"

Walnut couldn't find words, so she could only reluctantly talk to Zelens.

Zelens touched his wrist. All his equipment has now been confiscated. He can only smile helplessly: "Don't worry, although my sister considers herself a nun, she is actually a businessman in her bones. And she I am not weak, she taught me all of my skills. Protecting those children is not a problem."

Zelens touched his chin. After thinking for a while, he suddenly left the carriage, came to the outside beside the idiot driving the carriage, sat down, and said: "To be honest, idiot, I am actually very confused. Why do you want to Doing this kind of thing? What good is it for you? Or, are you a spy for the Bucks Empire at all? Are you here to help the Bucks invade the Dark Deer?"

The idiot was noncommittal, not even replying. In order to ensure that his goal is achieved, he must continue to do so until the final goal is achieved


In the rainy sky, there was a sudden eagle howl. Idiot and Zelens looked up and saw a white eagle hovering on the carriage. After a while, the eagle swooped down and landed on the head of the carriage.

"This is... origami?"

Zelens said in surprise, and he stretched out his hand slightly, trying to touch the eagle. But before they were met, the deviation that had been in the carriage rushed out first and grabbed the eagle.

"Hey, what's the matter? Seeing you fight so fiercely, do you like this inexplicable thing?"

Deviation did not answer, but lightly bit his finger and rubbed the blood on the tip of the paper eagle's mouth. When exposed to the deviant blood, the paper eagle immediately loosened and turned into a blank sheet of paper. And deviated, looking at this white paper that seemed to have nothing, frowned.

"what happened?"

Walnut secretly opened a little curtain and asked.

"...Dark Deer, killed."

Looking at the paper, he bit his lower lip slightly and said a few words.

Next, Li Qi began to introduce to everyone what was described on this seemingly white paper. The general idea is that although the Dark Deer Empire has put down the other 12 coalition forces, and has slowed down their attacks. But somehow, after the twelve United Nations retreated one after another, they suddenly seemed to be assisted by gods, and they launched a counterattack again?

And this time, these twelve countries are no longer acting like scattered sand. It is more like someone in the rear carrying out extremely sophisticated commands and unified plans to unite the remnants of these countries and sweep them back.

Surprisingly, these soldiers should not have such a strong combat capability, but somehow they are no different on the battlefield. Everyone’s strength has been greatly improved. Everyone is like a stimulant. They charge forward without fear of slashing and rocking.

Faced with such an attack, Anlufang finally couldn't resist it and retreated steadily. Counting the territories swallowed by the Bucks Empire, this vast Dark Deer Empire has now been swallowed by 13 countries, and the country has lost almost 70% of its area. Seeing, destruction is already in sight.

Now, Yufeixue City has been under martial law, no one is allowed to enter or leave, and troops are deployed, most of the troops are sent to the east, south, and north directions to resist those invading countries, only leaving behind To the west in the direction of the Bucks Empire, there was no arrangement for a long time. Depending on the situation, it seems that the Dark Deer Empire wants to have a final battle with the Bucks Empire, and the male and female will be determined in one battle

After receiving this news, Walnut immediately cried out worried. Bun is busy to comfort her. Zelens only sighed twice about the news, and expressed condolences for the death of the princess's brother. It's an idiot. He looked at his deviant face and was silent for a while.

Betrayed and put away the letter, looking at the idiot. She stayed for a while, and said, "What, something."

"……………………Be deviant, come out, I have something to say."

After all, the idiot stopped the carriage, got out of it, and walked to the side of the avenue in the rain. After being deviated for a while, he also walked down and came to the idiot.

The two people looked at each other.

After looking at each other for a long time, the idiot finally spoke.

"You have a lot of things hidden from me, don't you."

The deviated expression was dull, did not appear surprised, and did not appear to be at a loss.

"I, no, hide from you."

"Impossible. This letter describes the current policy of Yufeixue City in detail. The only ones who will send you a letter are the hidden stream members. This means that the hidden stream members entered the Dark Deer Empire long before the martial law. ."

Idiots don’t allow any mistakes and mistakes in their plans, which are related to their own goals. If there is any force beyond their control, then their plans may die at any time.

"Betrayal, in fact, your actions were very suspicious from the beginning. You disappeared after the Battle of the Frozen Wind and Sand was over. It happened to be the time when the Bucks split. Now, it is in the two countries. This year of fighting, you suddenly appeared again. On the second day when the prince and the princess were kidnapped, you were anxious to leave. Although the purpose was to obtain Mudu’s secret order, you never saw you actually search the two. The whereabouts of people. For more time, you are guarding the box instead."

"Now, you can get news from the Dark Deer so easily, you...who are you working for now? The former Tenth Knights of the Bucks, the leader of the Hermit Knights, deviate."

The idiot's words were very fierce, watching the idiot's aggressive questioning, he just breathed out slowly without speaking. After she pondered for a while, finally, her mouth opened...

"You, don't, boy. I, want."

The idiot's head lifted slightly, staring at the deviation. At this moment, the person on the carriage also opened the curtain and looked at the situation here. After hearing the words of deviance, everyone immediately turned their attention and looked at the big box.

"You, don't want to, take care, you can. I, single mother, be me, just, worried, my, child, but you, unexpectedly, doubt, me?"

As he said, the deviation seemed to be wronged, and he cried slowly.

She was holding her face, her emotions, her body twisted, her legs under her skirt immediately turned into fishtails, and her whole body also thumped and fell to the mud, allowing the rain to wash her body.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Speaking of later, Deviance began to talk in elves. What she said was very messy, she was completely responsible for bringing children for her husband, but in the end, the husband blamed himself for not doing the housework well, and cried out in aggrieved situation. The people on the carriage felt heartbroken, but the bread was handy, so they ran to the box and opened the lid and looked inside. Sure enough, inside was a large water tank, and the nine eggs were now lying quietly on the bottom of the water, shiny red. And some small things with tails can already be seen moving in some of the eggs.

"Enough idiot, what are you doing? I haven't seen someone as bad as you, who works very hard to deviate. Why do you doubt her like this?"

Walnut was born with a kind heart, and now she completely forgot the fact that her "regular position" was robbed by deviance, and she had a child, so she immediately hugged her and hugged her. At the same time, he squinted his eyes and stared at the idiot with a look of social scum.

Regarding this, Zelens smiled openly, gloating behind him.

With walnuts as a shield, idiots can't say anything. He sighed, shook his head helplessly, and walked back to the carriage. I hope that this matter can end here, and I also sincerely pray that there should be no accidents in my plan, so that I can be at ease and complete this goal.

Deviated and crying, he was lifted up by walnut. While wiping her eyes, she surreptitiously looked at the idiot over there.

Although, there are still tears in her eyes...

But these silver-gray pupils no longer had the sadness they had just now. Instead, they were as rigid as before.

Zelens looked at the idiot who got in the carriage, smiled, and said, "Hey, playboy, are you very good? I still have to pay for it. You don't even use the money. And, a princess, a group Long. Isn't your kid really good for life?"

The idiot raised his whip and the carriage began to move slowly.

"Hey, really, what do you plan to do next? Yu Feixue is already under martial law. I believe it will not take long before the buck army behind us will rush to fight the dark deer. And from the current situation. , The defeat of Dark Deer is irreversible."

The idiot took the reins and continued to drive the horse forward. He remained silent all the time, looking at the empty desert ahead with a cold expression. Silence, wait...

His waiting did not last long.

Because it didn't take long for a real falcon to fly over the head of the carriage. Looking at the falcon, the idiot took out a whistle and a vial from his backpack. He opened the vial first, poured out something that looked like grease, and smeared it on the back of his hand. Then, put the whistle in your mouth and blow it up.

The whistle did not make a sound, it should be something similar to a dog whistle. I saw the falcon in the sky hovering for a while, then slowly fell. It flapped its wings and hovered over the idiot's head, seemingly uncertain. But when the idiot raised the greased arm, the eagle finally made up his mind, stretched out its paws, and stopped firmly on the back of the idiot's hand.

"Why don't I know that you still have such a handsome thing? What are those things painted just now? Are they used for eagle training?"



"This eagle, his original master's fat. I cut it off and refined it a bit."

The corner of Zelens's mouth twitched, but before he could finish his twitching, the idiot simply revealed all the answers——

"The top of the carriage is also smeared with fat. Its owner's blood is also mixed in it, enough to attract it."

So far, Zelens hadn't said a word and could only watch.

The idiot took a letter from Falcon's paw, opened it and looked at it. After that, he snorted suddenly, turned his head, and looked at Zelens.

"What? What are you doing? I warn you, if you dare to look at me with such fascinating eyes, I will kill you, believe it or not?"

Zelens exaggerated.

But the idiot handed the piece of paper up in his hand and said slowly—

"The final battle between the stag and the dark deer, do you want to participate."

Zelens was taken aback, tilted his head to look at the piece of paper, but he didn’t know it, but he was immediately taken aback.

"Dear Mr. Duzad Morrill, as a soldier, now it is time to test you."

"In view of your outstanding performance in the siege of Insaidu, I have decided to give you an excellent job here. First of all, I must tell you that in this final battle, King Mudu? His Majesty Si has also personally played. In order to ensure that I can win a battle, I need a death squad to complete a delayed task."

"According to our information, King Dark Deer, Xie Huo, left Yufeixue not long ago to participate in a local defense battle. Although he still failed to successfully defend the site, he successfully rescued nearly 8,000 remnants. And countless grains."

"We can't allow this remnant and the forage to return to Yufeixue. Therefore, I need you to lead two hundred brave and fearless fighters that I personally selected to intercept in the Valley of Lost Hope, more than 20 kilometers southwest of Yufeixue City. ."

"You are not mistaken, two hundred people. Because I can't draw too many soldiers for you to use. The defenders of Yufeixue City are about 30,000 or more. There really isn't much manpower for you to dispatch."

"So, this is a choice. I put all the conclusions before your eyes in advance. This is indeed a mission of a lifetime of nine deaths. But for your strength, I decided to put this mission on In front of you."

"If you agree, please go with this letter and stop it. If you can, you can even capture the evil fire with your own hands? Frihus. Although I know that this request is very unreasonable, you can not complete it. If you Not willing, it doesn’t matter, I will send someone else, and your merits will not be reduced in any way."

"Writing: I have great expectations for you, Duke Dylaw Goodsay." V

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