Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 52: , Early stage

The corners of Zelens's mouth twitched. He turned his head and glanced at the three women in the rear carriage who were smiling around the fish tank. He lowered his voice and said, "Hey, you... don't really want to participate in this. Kind of premature death, right?"

The idiot looked at the letter and wrote down the address and date on it carefully. After doing all this, he let go of the eagle and looked at the letter in his hand.

Zelens looked at such an idiot. Suddenly, he smiled triumphantly. He stretched out his hand and patted the idiot on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Hahaha, that's it, that's the way it is. Our hero wants to play personal heroism, but don't worry I don’t want my wife, lover and daughter, so I hope I can take care of them for you to protect their safety? Hey, hey, no problem, hurry up and send them to death. I’ll be responsible for protecting the three of them."

The idiot raised his head, glanced at him, and said coldly: "The strength of deviance is stronger than you. Although the bread is not strong enough, the vertical stone is stronger than you, and smarter than you. Walnut, she doesn't need you to worry at all, she You can't die. So, what I want to say is, if you are in danger, don't mind your face, just ask them for help and let them protect you."


Zelens said he was speechless. His current mood, really, he really wanted to choke this unscrupulous guy to death right now. How could there be such a person? So poisonous? Is it so difficult to save yourself some face?

An idiot is not in the mood to understand this guy's mood. After looking up at the sky, he slowly exhaled. After a while, he suddenly pulled up his travel bag and jumped out of the carriage with a snap.

"Hello? Are you really going?"

Although Zelens was annoyed by the idiot's poisonous tongue, seeing that he was really going to die, he couldn't help feeling a little miserable, and screamed. Hearing his voice, the walnut at the back immediately poked out his head and looked at the idiot.

"Idiot? Where are you going?"

Walnut used an umbrella to block the rain and the weak sunlight, and asked loudly.

The idiot did not answer, but took out the umbrella from the backpack and opened it with a bang, covering his back in Walnut's eyes. But after he fully supported the umbrella, a small figure unknowingly got under his umbrella, took the idiot's hand, and giggled.

Bun raised his head, looking at the idiot, a trust and confident smile appeared on his little face. The idiot looked at this girl and was silent. After a while, he directly squeezed the palm of the little girl and walked forward.

He didn't need to tell this girl how dangerous this trip was, nor did he need to tell her the whole story. This girl knows what she is doing. She knows exactly how dangerous her every action is. If she persists under such circumstances, then of course the idiot has no reason to refuse.

"If you die, I won't collect the body for you."

In the idiot's cold language, there is a gentleness that only a small bread can understand. After hearing this sentence, this little girl also took out the sign, wrote a line, and held up—

"If Ba Ba is in danger, I will run away immediately, and I will never come to rescue Ba Ba. If Ba Ba is dead, I will not take revenge, but find a place to hide as soon as possible, forget Ba Ba by the way, and live a new life as soon as possible"

The little girl dangled this sign, and the smile on the emerald-colored pupils was simple and gentle. The idiot looked at this sign, but his cold eyes became slightly softer. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the little girl's head. After that, holding her little palm, walked towards the final battle place this time——


The Valley of Lost Hope.


At the end of June, after half a year of resistance, the entire Dark Deer Empire had been swallowed up by the Allied Forces of the Thirteen Nations and almost lost all of its territory. Now, whether it was intentional or unintentional, the remaining twelve-nation coalition forces are annihilating the last Dark Deer Army that blocked their way forward, but the front of the Bucks Army is unimpeded, and can rush directly to Yufeixue.

On June 29, the attack on Yufeixuecheng finally started. A total of 40,000 soldiers from the Bucks began to launch a general offensive towards the capital of the Dark Deer Empire. Under the city, the corpses piled up like gravel. The stones shot by the trebuchet smashed the buildings in the city, and also destroyed the waves of attacks by the continuously attacking troops.

Yufeixue City shouldn't have only 30,000 defenders, right?

However, most of the troops were sent out by the evil fire to deal with those coalition forces. As for why he didn't resist with all his strength, or arrange the soldiers in the place where the Bucks Corps must pass by the same...The reason is probably only known by the precarious king.

So, on July 1...

This place is only more than twenty miles away from the main dark deer city, and there are not many shelters on the endless plain. Therefore, even though it was so far away, it seemed that he could hear the sound of fighting that was now coming from there.

For a city that is not guarded by evil fires, it shouldn't be that difficult to be broken, right?

However, it also depends on the two hundred people here that can be delayed until enough time.

The idiot raised his head and looked at the sky.

The gray sky makes it difficult to distinguish whether it is day or night.

The cold rain splashed on his face, as if trying to extinguish the hot flames of war.

The idiot exhaled and touched his right arm.

At the same time, he lowered his head and looked at the dead men around.

"For glory, for the rise of the stag empire, for your majesty"


There are only two hundred people, but the fighting spirit of these people is obviously extremely high. Obviously, they knew exactly why they came here this time. Not only did they not evade this almost death-seeking battle, they showed enthusiasm that ordinary people could hardly understand.

"Woo... Baba..."

Little Bread looked scared at the yelling of these people. She pulled the sleeve of the idiot and hid behind him. The idiot touched her head and asked her to open her umbrella to avoid catching a cold.

"Captain Kuixiu, a traitor to the Bucks, the eight thousand remnants led by the evil fire have already appeared in the front. It is estimated that in about fifteen minutes, they will pass through this plain."

A scout rushed to the side of the idiot and reported back to the commander-in-chief of the battle, a captain named Quixiu Yege. The idiot, the captain, stood by and listened.

After the captain heard the situation, he shouted with excitement, just like a terrible epic beast descended from an idiot. He silently shook his head and took out a mask from his arms. Wear it on the face.

"All staff hear orders"

The idiot did not ride a horse, but the warriors got on their horses one after another, and everyone took a spear and a shield in their hands. They sat on the horses, constantly tapping the shield with their spears, making a deafening noise.

"Noble stag fighters, it is time for us to die for the motherland. Our stag empire’s greatest enemy, the traitor who was once called the Second Prince by us, is now in front of us. The most crucial battle in this battle. For your Majesty Mudu, who is supervising the battle at this moment, and for the glory of the Bucks, our blood will be spilt on this battlefield of war. There are no cowards among us. There is no fear of death. We are all carefully selected warriors, each of which can be a hero who can defeat a thousand."

Everyone uttered a roar, and the warrior who was fighting as the captain raised the long hair and shield in his hands once again, and shouted loudly--

"Today, we will put a stop to this despicable war. Although the 8,000 people seem to be a lot, they are already the defeated soldiers. Now, answer me, do you have the confidence to crush this remnant army? Yes. Don’t have the confidence to present this year’s grandest gift to your majesty, to bring the traitor’s head back, and to meet our great majesty?"


The sky-shaking shouts stunned the sky, and the strength of this captain was obviously not weak. Just roaring, he was able to shake away the rain falling in the sky. Encouraged by him, the soldiers yelled one after another, with great momentum.

"So, do you have the confidence to win this final battle for your majesty?"


When the captain was encouraged, some flashing figures began to appear on the plain. Seeing this, the idiot also pulled the reins and jumped onto a horse. Little Bread tied himself and the idiot's waist with a rope and sat firmly.

After a while, the figure over there began to become clear, and it was not someone else who rode in the front and rushed to this side, it was the king of the Dark Deer Empire, the evil fire that had not been seen for a long time. Since the farewell to the sorrowful love lake, the beard on Xie Huo's face was obviously growing. The face that used to be a three-point joke has disappeared at this moment, leaving only a cold and persistent face. When Captain Kuixiu saw the evil fire rushing towards this side, he immediately raised his hand, and a soldier next to him immediately blew the horn of war.

"Warriors of the Bucks, it's time for us to show our glory, follow me and charge——————"

The captain pulled the reins, and the horse he was sitting on immediately seemed to have taken off the rein. The other two hundred soldiers who sprinted over there also shouted loudly, and then charged. Idiots mingled in the crowd, raising the spear and shield in his hand, and dashing forward without a sound


The dull horn of war drenched the evil fire eager to return to the city. The speed of the horse he sat down slightly slowed down. He was surprised at first when he looked at the stag army suddenly emerging from the trench below the plain in front of him. Just stay calm.

"Sure enough, come to stop me."

"Your Majesty, there are not many enemies, but in order to stop you, they must be a lot. Our soldiers are all defeated and do not have much combat capability, so we should not fight for a long time. It is better to get rid of"

A horse rushed up beside Xie Huo, and sitting on it was a general of about 30 years old. After saying these words, he drew out the two swords behind his back with two slurs, rushed to the evil fire, and shouted: "Your Majesty, please let me lead the soldiers back to the city. You have one more important thing. Things need to be done, and you must not lose your life here for no reason."

After all, the general yelled, loosened the reins, and rushed to the stag troops responsible for interception one by one.

"Dare to block your majesty's path, you are really impatient"

The two daring fighters rushed towards the general from the left and right, but when the general raised his two-handed sword, he easily blocked the stabbing spear. Then, with a wave of the sword, the heads of the two deadly warriors separated from their necks, and the splashed blood ran up three meters in the sky, mixed with the rain, and turned into a rain of blood.

The general took the lead, and Kuixiu, who was the captain, immediately slapped his horse and straightened his spear. Kuixiu's strength is strong, but the strength of the general is obviously not weak. After the general avoids the spear, the double swords immediately slashed towards the captain's body. Captain Kuixiu lifted the shield and squeaked, the rain on the shield burst, and the rain in the air seemed to tremble by the impact.

"Good skill, report your name, so that I can know whose blood is licking under my double swords"

"Quixiu? Son of the Earl of Yego, a soldier of the Third Army of the Crusade Army. Today, this Valley of Lost Hope is your burial place. Say your name so that I can remember this battle in the future."

"Huh, I'm Al"


A long spear pierced his chest from the side while the general who had not yet finished reporting his name was distracted, and stab him off the horse. While the captain was still amazed, the Duzzard Morrill squad captain under his hand had already thrown away his shield and stepped heavily on the horse. The whole person had already leaped into the air. , Pointed at the evil fire over there too late to react.

The evil fire was startled, and the playing cards in his arms were immediately pulled out, forming a long sword. With a bang, the black blades collided with the poker sword, making a loud noise. The next moment, the idiot directly stretched out his foot and kicked it, kicking Xie Huo's chest heavily, intending to kick him off the horse.

But Xie Huo was as tenacious as an idiot imagined. Despite the sharp pain in his chest, he still held the reins tightly and did not fall. Seeing a miss, the idiot hurriedly reached out to grab the horse's body, but his fingers were a step too late, and only caught the bow and crossbow of the evil fire pinned to the horse and tore it off. At this moment, the remnants behind saw that their king was attacked, and immediately yelled, raising their weapons and rushing towards the idiot.


"Wu Ba Ba"

The idiot's left and right feet took a step back, and the black long sword that had just appeared suddenly disappeared again. He arched his body and guarded. The bun on the back was slapped with both palms, and countless grass knots were immediately pulled up on the ground, tripping the soldiers and horses as they charged.

(Human kid, what are you doing? If you want to do it, do it quickly. Where is there so much foreplay to prepare?)

Dim Mie is extremely dissatisfied with the behavior of the idiot. Began to yell. The idiot lowered his head slightly and was silent for half a second. After this half a second, the stag fighters behind him have rushed head-on. The leader Kuixiu seemed to complain that the idiot had just killed his opponent by talking to himself, but according to the original meaning, he rushed to Xie Huo and others.

The captain was indeed right. Although the remnant army of Xie Huo had 8,000 men, it was already exhausted and morale. At this moment, I was tripped over by the "longitudinal force" of the bread, and it was no different from the lamb to be slaughtered. Two hundred horses rushed past in these infantry, and any infantry who dared to stand in front of the cavalry would inevitably be knocked away. These soldiers sprinted while waving the spears in their hands, and when they rushed past a slope, they recoiled again, and in three or two strokes, the evil fire team was completely dispersed.

(Enough, human kid, are you still there? I'm here to see you "play", not to see you "watching" enough? It should be almost the same? Start, OK?)

The idiot took out a pocket watch from his arms and observed the time. He looked up at the cavalry squadron that was still fighting over there, and shook his head silently.

not yet……

time is not up yet……

Taking evil fire as a person and wisdom, he should have a back. Only after this last thing is over...


Just when the cavalry was rushing with great pleasure, the soldiers who had been dispersed suddenly retreated to the sides of Captain Kuixiu, who was the leader, for a moment and looked up. I saw that behind the hillside over there, suddenly nearly a thousand crossbowmen stood up, bending their bows and shooting arrows, and in a blink of an eye, nearly a thousand bows and crossbows shot over here.

"Damn ambush? Didn't expect this traitor to leave a hand at the last moment of his journey? The ambush to withdraw them cannot be carried out over and over again, step back a little bit, and wait in the middle of the Valley of Lost Hope They keep that route, and they can get past if they don’t believe him."

Kuixiu yelled, and the remaining 180 or so warriors immediately retreated on horseback. The Queen Kuixiu, as he rushed past the idiot, took a look at his current situation--

There is no horse, and there is a child behind him.


"Don't expect anyone to save it. Since you are selected, you will come back by yourself."

After that, he rode his horse and ran out.

Yes...As a human being, when encountering danger, you can't always expect others to come to rescue.

The idiot knows this truth and understands that there is no such thing as indifference and ruthlessness. because……

call out--

An arrow flew behind him. The idiot turned around and grabbed the arrow. The next moment, he casually raised the curved bow he had just pulled from the saddle of Evil Fire, hit the arrow, and aimed at Kuixiu's vest who was running away...

Huh, there is a sound.

The arrow broke through.

The jet black flying arrow pierced through the captain's head in an instant, and the blood spattered out like paint, dyeing the gray sky red.

At this moment, the soldiers of Dark Deer were surprised.

Even the evil fire itself was extremely surprised.

The poker sword he was about to raise at this moment does not know whether to put it down or raise it, let alone what the person in front of him who just wanted to assassinate him wants to do?

He just watched him... watched him slowly turn around.

Then, I saw those cold black pupils under the mask...

Ice pupil, blood lake.

In an instant, the memory of that year jumped out of his mind. Xie Huo looked at the chain on the man’s arm and the little girl behind him, and finally cried out in surprise—

"It's you?" V

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