Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 53: , Dark Deer-Destruction

Dark Deer-Destruction

"It turned out to be you?"

Xie Huo jumped off the horse and walked in front of the idiot with a surprised face.

"I... I don't know the situation a bit. What do you mean? Just attacked me and killed one of my capable men. But now, you kill your captain again?"

Xie Huo raised the poker sword in his hand, pointed at the masked idiot in front of him, and said vigilantly——

"What are you thinking in your heart?"

The idiot dropped the longbow and fell to the ground when the escaped soldiers turned their heads, making a gesture of being held captive and arrested. After the stag fighters had all left, he stood up again and patted the mud on his body.

"Refusing to answer... are you?"

Xie Huo put away his playing cards and remounted his horse.

"Since you refuse to answer, then, I'm in a hurry, please leave."

As soon as the reins are pulled, the horses will charge. But at this moment, the idiot directly pulled out of the dark to block the king and his team of eight thousand people.

Little Bread swallowed his mouth, hid far away, built an earthen fort, and looked at it from behind. The rain poured down on the idiot's forehead, and the condensed water drops dripped along the black hair. When it seemed to condense into ice.

I attacked you to gain trust. "

After a long time, the idiot finally spoke.


"Yes. Duke Goodsay's trust."

this person? Tell me what does it mean. "

The idiot took a deep breath, looked at the evil fire in front of him, and slowly said——

"The general who killed yours can let my'companions' know that I am indeed in their gang. But now I am in their eyes. I should be either captured or killed. Shoot the captain. , Is to delay their attack a little bit, don't rush over too quickly and cause me trouble."

After being silent for a while, Xie Huo whispered: "What are you... planning?"

"I am not from the Bucks camp, nor from the Dark Deer camp. I only do what I think I should do, whether right or wrong. Now, I need to achieve the original goal of my trip, as long as I complete it. For this purpose, then this war will no longer concern me."

Xie Huo stared at the idiot's eyes. He blocked the nervous and anxious soldiers behind him, and said, "Your original purpose? What purpose?"

Princess Buck, and Prince Buck. The two of them were taken away by someone. According to my investigation, the real man behind this kidnapping you, evil fire? "

"Boldly dared to call your Majesty's name directly"

A soldier rushed out from the side, ready to attack. But Xie Huo stopped him again, and at the same time said: "It's nonsense that Xing and Jin were kidnapped? Why should I kidnap them? Also, why do you say that I am the master behind the scenes?"

"It's useless if you deny it. I have reason to believe that these two people should be in your palace. This is the most probable result I have finally come to based on all the information I have received."

Xie Huo stretched out his hand and waved, the surprise on his face slowly cooled with the rain. He seemed to be thinking, and after a moment of thinking, the corner of his mouth finally raised a sneer.

"Heh... that's the case, it seems that you really see through everything. But I still have a question, since your purpose is to save your princess and prince, why are you still here? You shouldn't take part in the attack. City battle? Then find Xing and Jin as soon as possible and receive the reward from my brother who doesn't know anything?"

"Don't worry about it."

The idiot stretched out his hand and waved, the Dark Annihilation Longsword was out of its sheath, lay across this ice and rain.

"As the leader of the charge, Dai Lao, his men will soon find Xing and Jin. In your palace. At that time, you will be completely indefatigable and pay the heaviest price for this battle. ."

Hearing this, the sneer on Xie Huo's face finally spread slowly, he smiled and started to laugh.

The king was holding his face, and he laughed crazily in the rainstorm, his laughter seemed a bit exaggerated, as if he had finally seen everything completely and completely understood all the ins and outs of this matter. , I have figured it out in general, and let out a completely awakened laugh

"Hahahahaha yeah... it turned out to be a cover...I kidnapped Xiao Xing and Xiao Jin to threaten my old brother hahaha... it makes sense, it really makes sense hahahahaha— ————"

After the laughter, Xie Huo lowered his head, staring straight at the idiot in front of him, and said coldly: "If this is the case, then I can't let you find Xiao Xing and Xiao Jin. Get out, I'm in a hurry now."

When Xie Huo was about to ride past the idiot, the pitch-black blade was raised again.

Who are you helping? "

"Help me."

Rain, cold. Originally, the rain in July should look warmer, but the rain now makes people feel so cold. They seem to have frozen and turned into black crystals, floating in mid-air...

"I need you to wait here. Wait until this Dark Deer crusade is completely over. Before that, I will never let you take a step away."

Xie Huo looked up to the sky again and laughed. He suddenly stared at the idiot fiercely and said, "What's wrong? Although I said at the beginning, you almost have the strength of an army of 1,000 people. But now, there are eight behind me. Thousands of soldiers rely on you? Want to stop me? You exaggerate yourself too much, right?"

Black crystals replaced rainwater.

The surrounding wind stopped, and the lightning and thunder disappeared.

All in all, there is only the cold and severe cold, accompanied by the melodious falling black snowflakes, echoing in the air...


Along with the slap of the small bread's hands, an earth wall about three meters high appeared behind the idiot, blocking it in front of the eight thousand people. The bun leaned on the earth wall, blushing, trying to maintain the strength of this earth wall. And before this wall...

Dim, draw a black line in the air.

The idiot clamped it under his arm and had already set up a combat posture.

His eyes have completely turned into nothingness. The hollow pupil has no focal length.

He, just stood like this...Standing in the black snow...

Stopped in front of the army of eight thousand people.

"It are really an idiot."

Xie Huo snorted and raised his poker sword.

"With one enemy eight thousand? If you think that I will show mercy to you for the sake of that girl in Walnut, then you are wrong. I want you to know that even if you are so strong, even if you really have a thousand people Slash has such a strength. But on the battlefield, you still have only one person."

The idiot did not answer.

Because he no longer needs to answer.

The next moment, Xie Huo waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately rushed up, like a tide beating against the coast, before rushing towards the wall, an idiot with no way out...


"The city gate broke and rushed in"

The original Meiyu has turned into a thunderstorm at this moment.

Yu Feixue's not that strong city wall was finally blasted by the piercing cone at this moment.

As the general, Dai Lao let out a golden armor, raised the golden holy sword Vatican in his hand, and pointed to the blasted door with an angry shout. At his call, the Buck Fang blew the horn that resounded across the sky, and countless soldiers rushed into the last city one after another, beginning to draw the most perfect ending to the battle.

"Dilao, you say, my son and daughter, are they really here?"

Mu Du, who was also in uniform, also appeared on the battlefield at this moment. He looked at the city wall that had been blasted through, and looked at the castle inside with some worry.

Dai Lao lowered his head, smiled slightly, and said, "Please don't worry, Your Majesty. The places most likely to be sent to those kidnappings are of course only the last fortress of the Dark Deer. The subordinates believe that as long as the carpet is deployed in the castle The search will definitely find the prince and the princess"

When Mu Du sitting on the carriage heard Dai Lao say this, he couldn't help but relax. He exhaled and said, "Then, you can do it. I hope to see you sound the horn of the end of the battle soon."

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Dai Lao stepped on the horse, this is, Mu Du once again said: "Also, after letting the soldiers into the city, don't kill captives and surrenders indiscriminately. Especially civilians, remember not to disturb the people."

"Your Majesty is really a benevolent gentleman, please rest assured, your subordinates will do so. Drive"

Pulled up by the horses, Dai Lao raised the golden holy sword, leading another troop to the castle. At the same time, launch the final storm

This battle started the final hand-to-hand battle, and the shouts and shouts resounded across the sky. In the past six months, the war began to spread bit by bit, and the flame of hatred was spreading bit by bit.

Death and grievances linger above the Dark Deer Empire. Today, this country has been burdened with too much resentment and incomprehension, drawing a final end.

at last……

Two hours later, Yufeixue was completely broken. The collapse of the last city of the Dark Deer Empire meant the end of the Dark Deer Empire.

And three hours later, a message that made Mu Du waited for a long time, at this moment... finally, it reached his ears. it?

When Mudu rushed into the castle that had just burned the flames of war and had not had time to extinguish at this moment, there was... joy on his face, right?

He stepped over the corpses lying on the ground, and walked over the ruins and broken walls one after another. The father rushed to the underground cage of the castle very nervously. Under the leadership of the stag soldiers, he eagerly went to the death row cage that was dirty and even smelled of sour smell.

He opened one door after another, passed the threshold after another, and finally came to the front of the cell...

"I'm not allowed to come over, I'm very bad for not allowing you to approach my sister"

Upon hearing this tender voice, Mu Du was so excited that he even cried. He speeded up immediately and rushed to the door of the cage. When he took a closer look, he saw a five or six-year-old boy with chestnut hair standing righteously in the middle of the cage, holding a wooden stick in his hands, and looking at all the soldiers outside with a vigilant look. And the sister that the little boy wanted to protect was lying on the bed behind him, like a sleeping beauty, asleep. The rose vine on the right arm is holding flower buds, as if breathing, opening and closing slightly.

"I am not allowed to come in... I am very strong in the name of Philip Hughes. I will defeat anyone who dares to violate my sister and me."


"I don't cry... I am the son of the father, and I have the powerful blood of the father in my body. I will protect my sister, and I will never let my sister suffer any harm."

"Little gold..."

"You... if you are not allowed to come over, I will kill you, kill you"

Inside the dim cage, Mu Du thumped and knelt before the little boy. While the little boy was still stunned, the father already stretched out his hands and held his son, who had been away for half a year, tightly in his arms...

Jin was stunned. He opened his small mouth and looked confused. The blind light in the cell made him unable to see who the man holding him was. But after calming down, relying on the **** connection, gradually, gradually... this little boy's originally tough face gradually softened. Tears flowed endlessly from these big eyes...

"Woo...Father...Father wow wow wow wow......"

For six months, the little prince has been suffering from tension and fear.

For half a year, the only person around me was my sister. Otherwise, all people are strangers, people they don't know. What kind of mental torture is this for a child who is only six years old? In this short half-year separation, what kind of suffering has this little child tasted?

But now, everything is fine...

His father, father, finally came to him. This broad mind is enough to make him cry loudly, so that he doesn't need to be so strong anymore, so he can completely plunge into his father's arms and cry...

"Your Majesty, the princess seems to have been injected with certain hypnotic drugs for a long time, so she can't wake up."

Holding his crying son, Mu Du nodded and stroked his daughter Xiao Xing's forehead. After half a year, this girl has obviously grown up a lot. There was no trace of sadness on his face while sleeping peacefully. Stroking his daughter's hair, the father put down his son, hugged Xiao Xing tightly, and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Xiao Xing seemed to be aware of something in her sleep, curled up in her father's arms, and snored gently.

Holding apricot and pulling Jin, Mu Du walked out of the cell. After leaving the cell, I saw that Dai Lao, who had just got off the battlefield, ran over. After seeing the prince and princess rescued safely, he immediately handed the sword to his left hand and knelt down in front of Mu Du.

"Congratulations to your majesty and family reunion, the prince and the princess are all right?"

After recapturing his son and daughter, Mu Du's mood obviously improved. He smiled as he watched the man in front of him who had done his best in this battle and had done his best, with a smile on his face.

"Very well, Dai Lau, thank you so much. On behalf of the entire royal family, I really want to...thank you."

"For Your Majesty, for the Bucks, everything you have done is what your subordinates have done. Congratulations to your Majesty and his family for reunion, but the situation in the city is not yet completely stable. I hope that your Majesty and the prince and princess can return to the main camp first and wait until the situation in the city is completely stable. Please come in again."

"Good, good, good, it's all up to you"

Mu Du's mood was really very good, and the soldiers around him were relieved when they saw this group member. But at this moment...


A soldier rushed over from the city gate, and after seeing Mudu, he immediately knelt in front of him——

"Return to your Majesty, King Dark Deer, evil fire, now is outside the city gate"

When Mu Du heard the news, he was immediately stunned. After hearing the news, Dai Lao was even more stunned, and hurriedly shouted: "What does it mean that he came outside the city gate? Why is he so nervous with more than 8,000 soldiers now? Almost ready for battle."

After that, Dai Lao drew his sword and rushed towards the gate.

Mudu heard the evil fire coming, and the brother who had not seen each other for three years was now outside the city. Mu Du sighed in his heart, and for a time, anger, hatred, affection, expectation, and many other emotions suddenly surged into his heart. Especially after he had just recovered his son and daughter, he was in a good mood now, and his original hatred for Xie Huo disappeared a lot. For a while, he didn't even know what to do.

Mu Du frowned, thinking about how to face his younger brother. But this is, he saw the soldier still kneeling in front of him, so he said: "What's the matter? Didn't you hear the words of Duke Goodsay? Don't prepare for battle?"

"Ah... No, Your Majesty. Lord Duke ran too fast, but I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Oh? Go on."

"Actually... only two people came outside the city, sharing a horse. One of them was the evil fire... He was badly injured, bloodied, unconscious, and looked almost dying. The other... was The stag fighter who claimed to have captured the evil fire..."


Mudu couldn't believe this news captive? Who can capture the evil fire?

"What the **** is going on? Who is that person?"

"This... that person was also badly injured. He looked no better than the evil fire. He seemed to just brace up here in one breath. He said that his name is Duzad Moriel, and he belongs to Duke Goodsay. The subordinate was in charge of intercepting the evil fire by the order of the Lord Duke, but after accidentally falling behind, he fought blood alone. Although he defeated the evil fire, he was also seriously injured, and finally took the horse and escaped. After saying these words , He couldn't hold it anymore and passed out."

"Then the eight thousand remnants? What did Earl Goodsay just say? Eight thousand remnants?"

"This... I didn't see... Maybe it was dumped by the soldier, right?"

Take a pair of eight thousand? No matter how you fight, even if you just flee back, it also means that this soldier's skill can no longer be described as extraordinary. Moreover, he actually captured his younger brother back?

After Mu Du gritted his teeth and shouted "Lead the way", he immediately ran towards the temporary medical point opened up in the city. A

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