Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 54: , After the war...

The city's field hospital, which was opened temporarily, was set in a hospital that was nearly completely destroyed. Originally, the heads were noisy here, and all kinds of injured people were here, waiting in line for treatment.

But now, because of the appearance of a person, the noisy voices here immediately became quiet, and the bustling soldiers and civilians unanimously kept silent and retreated.

he came……

he came

Mudu swiftly stepped on this road.

Faced with that younger brother who had not seen him for three years, how many times had he dreamed of killing him in his sleep. Thinking of his betrayal, thinking of all the sins, division, destruction, and embezzlement he committed to the stag empire left by his father, all of these can make him decide to kill this younger brother hundreds of times, thousands of times. , Thousands of times

"where is it?"

Mu Du grabbed a field doctor and asked. The doctor hadn't figured out what was going on yet, but some other soldiers who got the news told their king immediately.

"Your Majesty in the Front"

Mu Du let go of the doctor and ran forward in strides. He even drew out the saber he was carrying with him, stepped into the simple hospital room that was barely surrounded by walls.

"Evil Fire"

As soon as he entered the ward, Mu Du shouted that deafening sound that scared some medical staff in the ward when he saw their king, he immediately thumped and knelt down.

But Mu Du didn't have time to be considerate of the people's livelihood. He rolled his eyes and immediately saw the very familiar figure on one of the only two beds in the ward...

At this moment, Xie Huo's figure finally caught Mu Du's eyes. However, when Mu Du held his sword and rushed to the side of his younger brother's hospital bed aggressively...

What I saw was surprised.

At this moment, the evil fire is covered with bandages and hemostatic ointments everywhere.

The injury he received was so serious that there was almost no piece of meat on his body that was not injured.

Compared to when he betrayed three years ago, the evil fire now looks visibly tanned, and he looks thinner, and his haggard face does not look like a pampered king. It was a soldier who went in the wind and rain all day.

He... didn't he become a king?

After taking almost all the territory of the Bucks, shouldn't he have more splendor and wealth and be able to enjoy more taxes? But why...

Why does he look so haggard? Compared to the gambling prodigal who only focused on fun all day, it’s almost like two people

Those doctors knelt on the ground, you look at me, I look at you, not knowing what to do. After thinking about it, one of them raised his head and opened his mouth...

"My brother... King of Dark Deer, how is the situation now?"

Mu Du swallowed his mouth and looked at the unconscious brother on the bed.

"This...return to your Majesty, Evil Fire... His Highness Evil Fire suffered heavy injuries, many fractures throughout his body, and several fatal sword wounds... To tell the truth, Your Majesty can support him until now. It can be considered a miracle..."

"I don't want miracles, I want him to live"

Suddenly, an inexplicable anger came out from Mu Du's mouth. He opened his mouth and drank, causing the doctors to lower their heads in fright. But soon, Mu Du noticed his gaffe, and after holding his forehead in thought for a while, said again—

"He must pay for his treason, he must be punished by a betrayer, he must be tried, and he must be sentenced to death in front of everyone. He can't be here... like a soldier, die on the battlefield. That is an insult to the soldiers who died on the battlefield."

The doctors nodded and claimed to be. Seeing them nodding, Mu Du breathed a sigh of relief. He moved a stool with his hands and sat on the edge of the Xiehuo sickbed.

Seeing this younger brother who was hovering on the death line, Mu Du suddenly felt that his heart was contradictory. He recalled the past three years, as well as the disagreement between himself and this younger brother three years ago...

Since the death of the father, the relationship between the two brothers has gone further and further. Why on earth? Originally, he couldn't understand why this younger brother who had been messing around suddenly had such a big difference in political opinion from him? Since when did you and him started the end, you even decided not to see each other again?

Everything in the past... everything, hatred, originally piled up in my heart.

Mu Du once thought that if he saw the evil fire again, he would definitely be unable to contain his anger, and he would kill him directly after he lifted the sword. He even thought that after he was lucky enough to capture him, he would do his best to torture him so that he would know How serious is your betrayal

Mudu believes that once he meets this younger brother on the battlefield, there will be a battle that will make future generations criticize. They will fight each other on the battlefield. The enemies will be extremely jealous when they meet, and they will hurt each other in the roar of each other. Then, relying on the personal combat strength that has surpassed him since childhood, he successfully defeated him, even...

But... now.

This younger brother... the younger brother who made him hate him, when they met again, was not on the battlefield. But in this bed. He didn't show any ugly betrayer's face either, but just lying on the bed quietly, presenting his weakest and least protective side completely before him...

Rain water seeps through the dilapidated roof and drips. It hit Xie Huo's forehead and shattered. Mu Du was startled, before waiting for a drop of water to fall, he hurriedly reached out his hand to block Xie Huo's forehead. After that, he immediately ordered people to repair the roof, and until the soldiers got on the roof and quickly filled the gap with cement, he let go and sat back in his seat.

"Your Majesty, we... want to perform an operation on His Highness Evil Fire."

A doctor came up and said cautiously.

Xie Huo didn't seem to hear it at first, he just quietly looked at his severely injured brother, frowned and thought. It wasn't until the doctor called for the third time that he looked up in a daze and nodded in agreement. After that, the doctors pushed the bed of Xie Huo to the operating room on the side. And this king personally sent it to the door of the operating room, and stopped walking after watching the door closed.

Without the glass windows, the sound of rain...appears so clear.

Compared with the torrential rain and thunder and lightning that sounded just now during the battle, the rain now does not have the cheer of thunder and lightning, but the rain appears to be more and bigger.

Mu Du wandered around the operating room for a while. At this time, his son, the six-year-old Prince Jin, was also accompanied by others to find his father. After seeing Mudu, the little boy immediately stepped forward and took his father's hand and said, "Father, who is this person?"

Mu Du smiled and stroked his son's hair.

"He... is your uncle. He is also father's younger brother."


Xiao Jin opened his eyes wide, a little bit unclear. He was only three years old when Xie Huo left the Bucks. I am afraid there is no impression of this uncle in his memory. But the sensible child still asked, "Is Uncle hurt? Does it hurt? Will Uncle die?"

"Ah... he was injured. It should be... it will hurt. But..."

Suddenly, Xiao Jin felt his father's hand tighten suddenly, and a painful color immediately appeared on the child's face.

"But... he won't die. With his patience... no one in this world can kill him except me... there is no one."

The operation is continuing, and Mudu is also waiting. But waiting for such a long time is not the answer. The king frowned and finally returned to the room where Xie Huo was. Only then did he notice the person lying on the other hospital bed. At this moment, this person is already awake. Under the layers of bandages on his face, a pair of dark pupils were exposed.

"Are you... Duzad Moriel?"

Mu Du asked.


The person in the hospital bed seemed to want to get up, but after struggling for a while, he still couldn't get up. The voice from his mouth was also very bitter, as if his throat was hurt.

Mu Du picked up the medical record card next to the person’s bed and looked at it. He really didn’t know. When he saw it, he was shocked by the medical record. Not only was the face burned and damaged by the flame, but the vocal cords were almost completely destroyed. There are more than three hundred traumas in various parts of the body, and this is still counted in the hurried time. If the injury suffered by the evil fire is fatal, then the injury suffered by this person can be said to have destroyed the soul.

"Brave fighter, I am here to represent the Bucks and offer you the highest tribute."

Judging from the medical records, this person must have been ruined after so many injuries. In the future, let alone fighting, even if you survive by chance, I am afraid you will have to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair. Thinking of this, Mu Du felt guilty.

However, this person did not show how painful. He just looked directly at Mu Du, slightly opened his mouth, as if he had something to say. But due to the damage to the vocal cords, Xie Huo couldn't hear anything from the slight utterance.

"Please rest assured, brave and invincible warrior. Your achievements are enough to make me admire. In your future life, I promise in the name of my Mudu? Frihus that I will never abandon you and ignore you. The family will forever be engraved on the Bucks Royal's merit book, forever, and never be erased."

Mu Du bent down, held the warrior's hand, and squeezed heavily, full of guilt in his heart. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, the door of the ward opened, and Dai Lao, who hurried back, led his group and appeared in front of Mudu. V

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