Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 57: , Mouguo

Seek the country

Dai Lau raised his head, a slight anger flashed in his golden pupils. He walked in the room with his hands on his back. After a while, the young general raised his head and said loudly—

"Your approach... is too bold."

"Yes, I really want to fight for favor with your Majesty, but it doesn't mean that I have to do this kind of...rebellious thing Duzad Morrill, I used to think you are just like me, loyal to the country and the people. People. But now I find that I actually saw the wrong person."

"Duzad" on the bed did not respond to Dai Lao's "anger". He just lay there quietly, and then looked at Dai Lao. The black eyes did not show disappointment or panic, on the contrary, there was a touch of expectation...

Outside the window, the thunderstorm was getting thicker.

The thunderous night sky seems to symbolize the mood of the duke at the moment?

Besides, his current mood is as complicated and unpredictable as this torrential rain. I don't know what kind of rivers and rivers will evolve in the next second?

Do not.

The rain outside the window is still splashing.

But after a while, the duke's heart was surprisingly calm.

He sat back on the bedside of "Duzad" again, and the anger in his eyes had turned into peace and indifference.

"Tell me how you plan to poison."

"Duzade" tried his best to move his body. This time, Dai Lao never tried to suppress him, but let him reluctantly lift his upper body.

"I...have been...invited...with the participate in...the celebration party...ten days later..."

"At the banquet...I...I...will make a toast to your majesty.... I will apply... poison... on the edge of the wine glass... by clinking the glasses... stick the poison... onto your majesty's... wine glass..."

" you have to to persuade...the evil the apologize to your persuade hand over a glass of your majesty... …drink……"

"Your Majesty... only after the poison is on... will there be reason... arrest... him."

Dai Lao retracted and started thinking with his head down. His thinking is very slow, there are so many things to consider in this, and the level of complexity is absolutely no less than the thinking process of "Duzad" just now.

"This... But your Majesty died of poison at the banquet, of course I will be greatly suspected at the banquet."

"So... poison... can't be used... fast poison... use... absolutely no solution... but... it's slow... poison... believe... your Royal Highness... absolutely... Get... these poisons..."

If you can get it, you can get it, but..."

"The poisoning... the process... I alone... complete... In case of failure... I... alone... assume the subordinates... just hope... hope..."

"Duzad's eyes were fixed on Dai Lao, and the admiration in Dai Lao's eyes seemed blind and sad.

"I just hope that... the Lord Duke... can... fly yellow and soar... go farther... fly higher... subordinates... die... without regrets"

Once, Dai Lao thought he was a very cold-blooded person. For those who work for themselves, all he needs to do is to use them, and then discard these chess pieces.

But now, facing the person in front of him who was willing to be a **** for himself, he was actually moved indescribably.

Life has a confidant, and death without regrets. And this person just hopes that he can be more prosperous, and willingly dedicate his life. Even among those close to him, it is difficult to have such a conscious person.

Dai Lao quickly stood up, held "Duzad" and let his barely lifted body lie down again. After exhaling, Dai Lao sat down, thought for a while, and said--

"For your trust, and to live up to your expectations, I... did it. I will personally find the most violent poison in the world. There will be no cure forever. To help you complete this action. . Don’t worry, with your poisoning method, very few people in the world can guess. You will never be suspected, and I will do my best to protect you. If one day I become the regent, you are Among my founding heroes, the one who contributed the most"

Dy Lau shook "Duzad"'s hand and held it tightly.

And this soldier was also excited with tears at the moment, facing Dai Lao, nodding his head.

Outside the window, the rain was still pouring in thunder and lightning, and the downpour seemed to flood the whole world.

In this city that is now immersed in joy and joy of victory, can anyone understand the difference in these things? Can anyone... perceive that in this small room, with just a few words, a decision that could change the fate of many people was born?

After a long, long time, whenever this "Du Zade" recalled his proposal this evening, he would be surprised that the Hu Die effect produced by his own remarks turned out to be so huge. Because these words this evening not only changed the destiny of Dylaw Goodsey forever, but also changed forever...

Certain things in this world have created a situation that can never be restored.

But at this moment, he still didn't realize anything, he was still just following his own ideas, suggesting, and then... silently implementing his own plan.

Time is passing, and this river of time that flows forward forever will no longer flow back.

Ten days is short, but it is also long. For many people in the wind and sand, these happy ten days may be as short as a blink of an eye. Of course, there are also some people who have lived these ten days but are not as good as dead. They feel that it is too long, too long.

Among them, Zelens is a more extreme example. Since returning to the wind and blowing the sand, he has appeared in front of the Goodsea family territory with a bouquet of flowers every day, and asked to go in and see the princess in his mind. But after being refused again and again, the love saint was not discouraged, and simply squatted in front of the Goodsay family territory.

In this regard, the guards of Goodsay were so angry and funny, and they didn't chase him at all. They wanted to see if this civilian, who had no identity, no money, and no performance in his ability, could capture them. The heart of a Miss Marlene.

Zelens is also extreme, although he has the athletic ability to sneak in anytime and anywhere, but to show his sincerity, he just held back and wasted here. I just look forward to it every day, hoping that the dream girl who spends summer vacation at home can come out once in a while and be caught by himself.

"Miss Marlene, the civilian named Zelens squatted in front of the gate again today."

In Marlene's room, the maid who was serving her to dress said.

"is it?"

Disgust flashed across the sixteen-year-old girl's brow, and said--

"It's really annoying, I have to walk through the side door every time it hurts. Every time I go to the dance hall, I have to make such a big detour."

"Then miss, I wonder why you didn't order him to leave?"

"Can't drive him. Anyway, he is always considered my savior. If I let others know that I drove away the savior, it will damage the image of the Goodsey family and my consistent image of being gentle. ."

"I see, miss."

"Let’s go by the side door today. I have seen a lot of this kind of person. I think I can rely on me to climb up after saving me once, thinking that I will like him. I don’t weigh my own weight. As long as I keep alienating him, he I will retreat when I know the difficulties. This time, let’s go through the side door."

"Yes, miss."

Of course Zelens outside the door would not realize that there was such a conversation. He was just holding the bunch of flowers that had been slightly faded away, holding a cheap pop-ice in his mouth, and guarding the gate expectantly. For other people, including the persuasion of the Goodsey guards, he always confidently said slowly--

"The eldest lady is always unable to get out of the door, and the second door is not open~~~ If nothing happens, how can the lady come out to see me? Don't worry, I have patience, Miss Marlene will definitely borrow one day When other things come out, we can see each other~~~"

He is looking forward to it, confident. I am full of beautiful illusions about my future, and then continue to wait...

Zelens was not the only one who felt so long for these ten days. In today's Goodsea family, the highest leader also feels that time flies slowly.

In these days, he didn't tell anyone what he wanted to do. The duke seemed to have connected, and felt that internal stability and unity were more important than anything else, so he began to visit King Bucks frequently, and after asking the king how to deal with the evil fire without a positive answer from the king, he immediately Began to vigorously discourage Xie Huo's death penalty.

This is simply incredible in Mudu's view. Because although he is very fortunate to Dai Lao, he is also very clear about the relationship between him and Xie Huo. However, Dai Lao's words are sincere, expressing the harm between brothers' mutilation from many aspects. In order to remedy the rift between the royal brothers, he even visited Xie Huo's room under house arrest many times and persuaded him many times, hoping that he could sincerely apologize to Mudu. It's just that Xie Huo just snorted his visit without expressing any kindness.

These are superficial. Below the surface, there is the most vicious undercurrent, surging violently. A

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