Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 58: , The final dinner

Final dinner

After persuading during the day, at night, Dai Lao pretended to be and began to visit some people living in the dark world secretly. ***, his make-up figure began to flash in the violent streets.

These people living in the marginal corners of society do not have much patriotism. Anyone's life can only be replaced by money. So, don’t worry that they will ask you who you want to kill, as long as you tell them the difficulty of the person you want to murder and the method they want to use when killing, they will try to satisfy you. As for wanting a kind of incomprehensible and slow-onset poison in the world, they can easily get it for you. You don't need to worry too much about it.

On this evening, Dai Lao was wearing a cloak and holding the bottle of poison in his hand. The person in front of him was taking the trouble to explain to him the characteristics of this bottle of poison. He is a pharmacist, to be precise, a former royal pharmacist, reused by the first emperor, and has almost the same reputation in China as Campa. As a result, because the pharmacist liked to test his new medicine without telling his patients, he was expelled from the medical profession by the pioneer and ordered not to practice medicine for life.

As a result, the former pharmacist became a poisoner, who was responsible for the preparation of poisons that the world had no cure. And after knowing that the bottle of medicine was intended to be used by the Royal Bucks, he was even more diligent, and simply spared his life's learning to develop it.

After hearing the characteristics of the bottle of poison in detail, Dai Lau nodded.

Then, he completely suppressed the poisonist with a sword, opened the medicine, poured out a few drops, and dripped into the poisonist's mouth.

Facing the horror of the poison master, Dai Lao smiled and sat in front of the gate, without expressing the gesture of direct murder. The poisonist scratched his throat desperately, then induced vomiting, trying to vomit. After that, he glanced at Dai Lao, and began to rush to the mixing table beside him frantically, mixing up among the medicine bottles.

For three full hours, this man just made an antidote like crazy. But Dai Lau could see that his actions did not have a precise rule, more like he was constantly trying. During this time, he kept taking all kinds of antidote that he thought he had prepared, hoping that he could escape this disaster. However, three hours later, he still convulsed and fell to the ground.

At this time, he was not dead. Since he was not dead, Dai Lao continued to wait in this small, stinking room. It wasn't until five hours later that the poison completely attacked. After the evil poisoner closed his eyes forever, Dai Lao nodded with satisfaction and left the room.

For such a dead person, no one will mind his life or death. If it were to set a fire after leaving, there would be no one who would deliberately set fire to a madman who specializes in poisons. There are always many enemies in this kind of circle, and the imperial city does not have so much time to always care about the vendetta among these underworld members, right?

Finally, this day has arrived.

On August 31, the last day before the end of August, the celebration dinner hosted by the royal family was finally held in grandeur. And the moment that changed the destiny of many people was also tonight, which kicked off...

Fireworks are flying into the sky, and there is no rain tonight. The dark night is illuminated by brilliant fireworks like daylight, and the beauty is fascinating.

Due to the victory of the Bucks, Divine Grace delayed the start of school, allowing everyone to celebrate the night. Principal Campa, who was in the cell, was also released, which allowed him to have a little more time to arrange the teaching plan for the second half of the school year.

The whole place was blowing with sand, lights and colorful, everywhere on the road were people holding beer and leaning on each other's shoulders, women joking and laughing, and children chasing each other. And when the carriage of the greatest hero of this battle, Duke Della Goodsay, passed by, everyone invariably stepped aside and looked at the carriage with almost reverent eyes.

Just... tonight.

Dera exhaled a little, taking a deep breath before reaching the castle to calm himself.

So...Is this nervous?

Not because of fear, but because of excitement.

But no matter what, the tension is still tension. It was precisely because he was aware of his tension that Dai Lao realized once again how wise it was for Duzad to take care of everything tonight. I'm so nervous, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any mistakes. However, he should not, after all, he is a person who has witnessed eight thousand warriors. In terms of strength, he was already far beyond himself. Naturally, this concentration should also surpass yourself by a lot.

Calm...Dirao, you have to stay calm. Tonight... will be a crucial night for you. mistakes can be made.


Take a breath and exhale from his mouth. At this time, a familiar female voice began to sound in his mind. Hearing this voice, Dai Lao began to lower his head, looked at the sword in his hand, and couldn't help but smile.

Still as always stubborn, hypocritical, and not flexible. It is still the dogmatic persuasion. Is it because of stubbornness? Therefore, the sword's tone of speech is always about reasoning. For things like "eloquence", it never seems to know what it is, only knowing that it is about kindness, life and helping others. And that set of theories that the good has for the evil and the evil that I don’t want to hear anymore.

Just like those priests, talk about retribution. But the clergy and politicians may be forever contradictory. Except for those countries where politics and religion are united, politicians are the ones who believe in karma most, don't they?

Therefore, after entering the palace, Dai Lao simply handed the sword to the attendants, and got rid of the tireless persuasion of this female voice. He patted his clothes, followed the footman's guidance in stride, and entered the banquet hall.


"My Lord Dylau Goodsey is here—"

The door opened.

With the cry of the soldiers, all but a few people in the banquet hall of Norwegian University stood up.

Wearing a cloak, Dai Lao glanced at everyone here. These people are all royal nobles in the entire stag, and above the earl, many marquis have saluted Dai Lao and expressed their respect. Dai Lao enjoyed this respect, but after that, he went to the end of the long round table and walked to the side of the king, saluting to Qi respectfully and expressing his humility.

"His Majesty, I am honored to be invited by you to come to this dinner."

Mu Du smiled and waved. Dai Lao nodded and came to the king's right hand. A male servant immediately opened a seat, and another male servant walked up to untie his cloak and waited for him to sit down. Compared to Dai Lao, who is infinitely beautiful, the Duke of Norios, who sits opposite him, has a stern face, worried about his family's position in the Bucks.

Dai Lao looked to the side and saw Duzad sitting on his right at the moment. Today, he has a neck guard fixed on his neck and a brace on his waist to help him straighten his half-crippled body. The severely scorched face now wears an iron mask to cover the terrible scars.

"Duzade" nodded to Dai Lao, holding a small bottle in his right hand, which was given to him by Dai Lao taking the opportunity to visit him before. Now, he showed the bottle to Dai Lao and made a "give it to me" gesture to relieve Dai Lao. Seeing him so sure, Dai Lao also smiled slightly relaxedly and raised his head.

The king’s dinner is about to begin now. Mudu stood up and held up the wine glass. The victorious king simply comforted all the generals present. After a hard fight, suddenly, slowly said——

"Everyone, tonight, I have another guest who will also be attending our dinner tonight. This person is my brother by blood, and the one who betrayed our country. The main culprit in this war was the death. Many of us who have commanded the sins of soldiers--"

"Evil Fire? Frihus."

Although many people have known in advance that the former second prince will participate tonight, but now that he is really going to play, the people around are still a little nervous unconsciously. Everyone held their breath, turned their heads together, and looked at the other door over there. In no time, the door slowly opened under everyone's gaze...

The former second prince, king of the Dark Deer Empire, Xie Huo.

This person who was supposed to be under one person and above ten thousand people, now dressed in plain clothes, walked out of the door under the "escort" of two heavily armored soldiers.

There was a bandage on his wrist and a band-aid on his cheek. His appearance was thin, and he finally returned from the brink of death after the serious injury, but now his face was once again with the cynical smile of the past. The only difference is that he now wears heavy shackles on his hands and feet, restricting his movements.

"Hey, brother, isn't it necessary? Anyway, I am also a person who is about to be publicly executed. It is necessary to drag me to these people first and let them point me to the show like a monkey?"

Mudu's face was green and did not speak. He just waved his hand to let the soldiers remove the shackles on the hands and feet of the evil fire. Xie Huo was also honest, and he walked to the other side of the long table and sat down face to face with Mu Du. Afterwards, regardless of his own image, he directly picked up the knife and fork and began to eat.

"Evil fire? Frederick Hughes, don't go too far. Now you are not in your dark deer. You are already a prisoner."

The Duke of Norius, who is not good at observing words, thinks that his words are very pleasing to his king, but he just said it. It was not Mudu's approving look that greeted him with a slightly dissatisfied look. Had to sit down angrily and stopped talking.

Xie Huo sneered and continued to lower his head to eat the steak on the plate. Mu Du didn't speak, but just looked at the younger brother opposite him. Seeing him swallowing like this, he couldn't help not having the slightest blame on his face, but there was a trace of pity and pity instead. A

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