Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 60: , Tick tick... tick tick...

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

What happened next was as planned. "Duzad" had "an unstable" hand, so the glass fell to the ground, smashed, and wine juice spilled on the ground. But this did not make Mu Du angry. He greatly caused the soldier with limited mobility to take a cup of wine again and watch him drink it. Then praised him and arranged for him to sit down. He walked back to his seat.

So, how much time is left next?

Three hours……

Dai Lau looked at "Duzad" beside him, and the soldier was also looking at him. The two began to calculate the time silently.

Three hours...

It's not a long time, and it's not a short time.

Judging from the poisonous killing of the poisoner, the king should be able to move freely within three hours. But after three hours, he will fall into a coma, and then slowly taste the pain of death within five or six hours.

These three hours of wearing labor will not be wasted. He has to organize his mood and adjust his emotions to ensure that he can show the most natural "tension" and "panic" at the moment when things happen. .

Inside, be calm...

Use a calm heart to show the most flustered side...

Be calm...

Think of the peaceful nature, imagine yourself sitting among the trees, the birds singing around, the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind, and the rushing movement of the water in the valley.




The atmosphere of the banquet continued, and Mu Du ate the meals while rewarding the generals present, and rewarding everyone for their merits.

Xie Huo also seemed to know that this was likely to be his last dinner, so he ate extremely relaxed and enjoyable. After drinking halfway around, he even asked to see his wife and daughter. Mu Du naturally nodded in agreement and asked the soldiers to bring Xie Huo’s wife Tina and daughter Reya, so that the family of three would be on this gorgeous dinner. Hug each other and feel the warmth of each other.

During this process, Dai Lao never spoke. He felt the violent beating of his heart and tried to maintain the peace in his heart that he finally found.

In the slow passing of time, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand, tightly grasp the hand of "Duzad" beside him, seeking some support. And "Duzade" also held him tightly, the moment the two hands clenched each other, it also provided the most powerful support for Dai Lao's heart.

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

There was once a disobedient child, he always thought he could do everything~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

He is irritable and irritable, relying on his prominent background and lofty status, he always bullies others everywhere and does things that many people hate~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

His parents couldn't control him, they were killed because of dissuasion. He did not become a sinner, because he inherited the status of his parents and became the king over everyone~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

He likes to see other people's discomfort, and likes to use others' pain to satisfy his own happiness. He raised taxes and asked civilians to spend money to buy him tall buildings and expensive gems~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

He saw that others were having a good time, so he launched a war to destroy the happiness of others. It doesn’t matter whether you win or not, just to prevent others from living better than him~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

One day, he snatched a child's lollipop because that lollipop was better than any candy he had seen. The honey used is sweeter than any taste he has ever tasted~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

He killed that child~~~ He killed that child. Because that kid dared to own this lollipop before him~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

The lollipop arose, and the honey became the sweetest poison in the world. When the young king was licking his food, he poisoned him and became the most poisonous lollipop in the world~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

Everyone was happy, they cheered. They found that the king’s corpse had turned into the world’s most delicious sweets. His eyes turned into chocolate beans, his fingers turned into coke sticks, his taste turned into jelly, and his intestines turned into piles of ice cream~ ~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

The country has become a food festival, and everyone is happily eating the king and sharing desserts. They began to thank the king, because the king finally blessed them~~~

Tick ​​to tick... Tick to tick...

Finally blessed them and made their country the sweetest country in the world~~~


Dai Lau, looking up sharply

Everything around is as usual. Nothing seems to have changed

However, this is also right, because the time has not yet arrived, the last three hours before the onset of the poison...

But... this weird nursery rhyme that I saw in a certain book when I was a kid... Why do I suddenly remember it now?

No... because you are too nervous... don't be nervous...


It doesn't matter...

"Oh, the last guest I invited has finally arrived."

At this moment, Dai Lao looked up fiercely and saw Mu Du with a smile on his face, showing a smile at him and everyone. Then, the king clapped his hands to separate the soldiers standing at the door.

The last guest? Who else is the last guest? ? ?

Dai Lao turned his head and looked at "Duzad". At this moment, even "Duzad" seemed to be a little surprised, and the black pupils under the mask also showed a rare surprise, and suddenly became at a loss.

However, Mu Du would not stop acting because of their surprise. At this time, the door over there opened with a creak, and a person appeared in front of everyone

It was a man in a cloak. From under the thick cloak, it is almost impossible to see who this person is.

I saw this person slowly walked in and stood still. In everyone's eyes, this person's hands stretched out from the cloak...

This is a pair of extremely beautiful hands, with slender fingers and fair skin without any blemishes. Just such a pair of hands is enough to make some young generals in the banquet hall feel excited, so that they can't wait to see the face of the master with these hands.

He slowly raised his slender hand, pulling on the brim of his cloak. As the fingers slowly pulled down, a soft golden hair appeared in front of everyone at this moment...

"Xingli? Rooney replied, heir to the earl. I have seen your majesty here. I wish you long live your majesty and the Bucks."

After seeing this beauty who was famous in the Bucks, "Du Zade" suddenly flashed an unpredictable color in his dark pupils.

And Dai Lao next to him saw that Xing Li, who had heard about it many times, but had not been taught face to face, now acted as the strange soldier that he could not master in this drama. He was very surprised and didn’t know what to say. Up.

In contrast, Mu Du seemed very calm. Xie Huo also sneered slightly after seeing Xing Li's appearance, showing an expression that seemed to have long been expected. He pulled his wife Tina and daughter Reya, sat on the seat, picked up the wine, and began to tease his daughter who was only two or three years old.

"Rooney replied to the heir to the earl, it's been a hard time for you during this period of time. In various aspects, I really have a lot of information to take care of you."

Xingli smiled slightly, after taking off her cloak, she was wearing a simple Sogla skirt. Under the skirt is a pair of black pantyhose with some dust on the pantyhose. Obviously, he ran here directly after a long journey, and even the clothes were too late to change.

Faced with Mu Du's thanks, Xing Li pinched the skirt with both hands, and slowly bowed a salute. She smiled, and her golden, pure eyes that were as bright as the sun swept across the faces of everyone present. Especially when it was on the faces of Dai Lao and Du Zade, there was a slight pause.

"So, has all the information been obtained?"

"Yes, thanks to your majesty's grace, all the necessary information has been obtained. Moreover, I already have conclusive evidence."

Dai Lao was taken aback. He slapped the table without speaking, stood up, and said loudly, "What's the matter? Your Majesty, what information?"

Mudu glanced at Dai Lao, and slowly said, "Of course it is the intelligence of our next enemy in the Bucks Empire. The end of a battle is the beginning of another battle."

"The next enemy?...The next enemy...who is it? Where is our next enemy?"

"Hey, hey, the great and unpredictable Darry? Goodsay Duke, why are you so panicked? No need?"

It was not someone else who said these words, it was the evil fire. He chuckled, took a spoonful of wine with a spoon, and was about to stuff his daughter's mouth. Tina who was next to her was dissatisfied, so she picked up her daughter and stood aside.

"With enemies, there is room for you to play, isn't it? You should be happy. Why do you look so nervous now?"

Dai Lao gritted his teeth and was speechless for a while. However, after the initial surprise, the "Duzade" next to him turned his mind and immediately understood many of them.

(Haha, it turned out to be like this? It seems that our king was smart for a while, and finally launched an action after you reminded him. But you didn't expect this? As a spy, it turned out to be yours. An old friend hahaha, funny, so funny)

"Duzad" lowered his head, not allowing anyone to see his expression. Now, he already knew that his goal had been achieved. If he had known that the investigator sent by Mudu was Xingli, then maybe he wouldn't need to spend so much effort to carry out these actions.

"Our enemy...who is it?"

Dai Lao held back the panic in his heart, gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, Xing Li's eyes turned around. The gentle smile on her face was slowly disappearing at this moment. After getting Mudu's acquiescence, she took a step slowly and took out a letter from her arms.

"Return to Your Majesty, after these hours of open and unannounced visits, my subordinates found out that the allied forces of the Twelve Nations, after being repelled by His Highness Evil Fire, quickly regrouped within a short period of time and quickly launched a counterattack. In this letter All the registrants here are the chief generals of the 12 Allied Forces as the attack. According to their subordinates, all of them have had contact with certain people."

Mu Du took the letter, opened it, and looked at it. After scanning the letter, he turned his head and started to aim at Dai Lao. At this moment, Dai Lau lowered his head and gritted his teeth, unable to say a word.

"The names, identities, and nationalities of those who contacted the generals seem to be different. But the orders issued are unexpectedly coordinated. In this, the subordinates tracked a person who sent the order, and then according to The clues were traced all the way, and finally, I finally found the master envoy who commanded the twelve-nation coalition and planned the entire battle behind the scenes."

Mu Du threw the letter on the table, holding his arms, leaning on the chair.

And Xing Li, with her head held up, used that little pink mouth to utter the name every word.

"Now the first empire of the sad continent, the emperor of the Fang Empire, Clover? Johnny Kenin."

"And the reason why this king planned such a big strategy is on the map of the sad continent."

As soon as Xing Li waved her hand, a silk scarf flew out of her sleeve, floating in the air. On the silk scarf, the map of Sad Continent is fully presented, and all the countries on it are also marked.

"This is the mainland pattern before this war. The Tusk Empire is the strongest in the sad continent. Then, the Dark Deer Empire, which annexed the Black Dragon, annihilated the death, and betrayed the stag, is reflected in the East and the West. , Became a powerful situation for the two empires. Then..."

Xing Li waved his hand again, the pattern on the silk scarf immediately changed, and the small countries around the Dark Deer Empire began to expand and annexed the stag.

"Now, the huge Dark Deer Empire has been eroded by the thirteen nations. In terms of territorial area, the thirteen small nations, including the Bucks, have expanded to varying degrees. But compared to the previous two countries' strong situation..."

"Now, on the entire continent, the Tusk Empire is already the most well-deserved empire, and there is no other country's territory comparable to it. In other words..."

Putting away the silk scarf, Xing Li said solemnly--

"Nowadays, no country can threaten the Fang Empire, or King Clover? Johnny Kenin."

Everyone is silent now. Among them are Mudu, Xie Huo, and Dai Lao who is silent. But if he didn't speak, it didn't mean that Xing Li would not point the finger at him. Because now, the trial has already begun.

"Don't you think? As the fangs empire's internal response to the stag empire, Dahlao Goodsay?"


Dai Lau slapped the tabletop sharply and stood up. He stared fiercely at the beautiful woman in front of him who didn't change her face and heartbeat, and said loudly--

"You don't want to spit on people how much I have paid for the Bucks Empire, what do you know? Now that... I dare to..."

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I forgot. Actually, I don't have to say this to you and pour dirty water on you."

Xing Li put away the seriousness on her face, and a gentle smile filled her face again. Under that smile like a spring breeze--

"Because, if I didn't estimate it wrong, you should be a dead person now, right?"

Dai Lao was startled, his golden eyes widened.

Suddenly, he tilted his head and looked at the "Duzad" beside him, his heart beating wildly, at this moment... there was an unspeakable throbbing pain.

The poison after three hours...

Now it finally happened. A

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