Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 63: , Checkmate


Mu Du looked at the letter and these numbers carefully, and when he read it, Xing Li went on to take out the second letter. It was on the same day that the leader of the assassin in white gave the idiot to the idiot when he fled from Rome.

To friends far away:

How have you been recently? In your place, it should be time for the white snow to cover the earth? What did you say about the little hamster you raised? Still eating walnuts greedily as always? After seeing the photos you brought, I think it is really cute and I have also raised one. In order to take care of this small round thing, you don't know, I almost broke up with a few of my brothers and sisters before solving this matter.

You won’t know what happened next in our house. My sister actually told me that she was in love? Is this a big deal for our Goodsey family? in love? That little girl movie? Watching the girl grow up and telling her brother about love, it really feels like an extermination attack. I would rather believe that the sun came out from the west, and I would not believe this fact.

She said that they are attracted to each other and have full firepower. Have you ever felt this way? This pain in the chest being attacked? However, for my brother, this should be painful and happy, right? Should I go to Oriental Dream to choose a wedding dress next time?

The wind blows the sand in the capital, and their behavior is too public. I don't even know how to avoid taboos when I meet each other, so why is it that I, the Patriarch, feel so unhappy. Well, probably, this is the trouble of being a family member and being a brother, right? Hahaha.

Your forever friend, Dylaw Goodsey, autographed.

And the numbers below.

After reading these two letters, Mu Du stretched out his hand, pointed at the letter, and said, "You mean, from these two letters and these numbers, you can tell what secrets are hidden in them?

Xing Li leaned slightly and nodded.

"I believe your Majesty, you will not doubt that these two letters are completely ciphered letters. We are fortunate to get the first of these, which is the letter that Duke Goodsay gave to his sister. With this relatively simple and easy letter, we can completely decipher the secrets and get the real answer."

Mu Dubi gestured to her to speak out completely.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please read the first letter first. In fact, this letter is divided into several parts. There is the first line representing the reader, which is his sister Marin, and the first line representing the text of the password letter. The second and third paragraphs. What puzzled me at first was, as a password letter, what does this last P mean? It's not like what would appear in a rigorous letter."

That is, appendix, append, letter afterword. Based on the absence of these P in the second letter, I boldly speculate that this line of text is most likely a reminder to his sister. In other words, tell her how to read this letter. "

"Then, let's take a look at what is written in this letter. It expresses Duke Goodsay's regret. He regrets that his sister did not choose the Martial Arts Department, but the Literature Department, thus expressing regret. But in the end, It also showed Miss Marlene that he agreed with her choice."

"Seeing this, I made a bold speculation. Since it is a password, it is naturally playing a word game. So does this line mean that the students of the Department of Martial Arts may not understand it, but the students of the Department of Art only need What can be easily understood by thinking about it?"

"After thinking about this step, I immediately rejected the rule that these numbers directly indicate the first few words, and also rejected what line of words in the book these numbers refer to. But now, I still can't read the letter. What it really means in."

"What really turned things around was the second letter. In this letter, a number that didn't appear very often in the first letter appeared, 0."

"Why are there so many 0s? And compared to the messy ordering between the numbers, many 0s in this letter are arranged together. What does the 0 mean? No, then, is it just skipping? What do you mean?"

"If 0 means skip, then the remaining numbers should have their own unique meaning. Therefore, I spent a lot of time arranging the meanings that these numbers might represent. I tried to think about these as a student of literature and art. Sentence, after countless attempts, I finally found the secret."

Xingli exhaled, stretched out her hand, and said--

"Human language, this kind of thing is completely spontaneous, but if we dissect the human language, we can divide it into many categories, summarize and summarize it."

"Basically, if a sentence is to become smooth and to let others know what it means to express, it must be composed of some elements. And these two letters, coincidentally, are actually related to the composition of the sentence. The coincidence produced some wonderful answers."

"Take the first letter as an example. Except for the writing object at the beginning, the sentence of the first sentence is like this-'I received your letter.' I tried to put the two before the first comma in the number The numbers, 2 and 1 are brought in with linguistic components, and as a result, you can get..."

"Received, letter."

"These two words."

Hearing this, Mu Du suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Xing Li, and said with a bewildered face: "Wait a minute, why does twenty-one mean'receive a letter'? This... it doesn't matter at all?"

"No, Your Majesty, it's not twenty-one, but 2 and 1, two single digits. As I said just now, this is something a student of literature can think of, so we have to think from the thinking mode of literature. If students in the Department of Literature see a sentence, whether it is intentional or unintentional, they will more or less analyze it into a structure such as subject, predicate, object, etc. In addition, they will also generate more or less verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Lenovo. Since Miss Marlene is a very good art student, of course these things can't trouble her."

Mu Du took a breath, and said, "So...say so."

"Yes, these numbers represent not the first few words, but the verbs, nouns, and adjectives in a sentence."

Having said that, Xingli took out a pen and a piece of paper, and wrote the seven numbers from 1 to 7 on the paper, and then marked them under these numbers.

"After several permutations, I finally figured out the law. Among them, the number 1 represents the noun in a sentence. The number 2 represents the verb."

"3, stands for adjectives. 4 stands for prepositions. 5 stands for adverbs. 6, stands for conjunctions. 7, stands for pronouns."

"These numbers use commas as the dividing line to represent a certain word in a sentence. Take it out when reading. Finally, connect them into a piece to form the meaning you want to express. If there is no need in a sentence Vocabulary, then use 0 skip to represent. Just like this sentence "received your letter", 2 represents the verb, then the verb in this sentence is "received", 1 represents the noun, then the letter in this letter The noun is'letter', and when connected, it means'received a letter'."

Mu Du was really stunned. He glanced at Dai Lao, who was already convulsing on the ground, and suddenly said, "Wait, do this? But what should I do if there are multiple nouns or verbs in a sentence? ?"

"Your Majesty, there is a very simple way to deal with this problem. For example, there is a line like this in the first letter,'After all, the school building where our princess and prince live is almost only one street away from you'. I calculated the comma, and found that the number corresponding to this sentence is that there are two 1s in this number, that is, there are two nouns. But after the two 1s, 1 and are filled in parentheses. 2 These two numbers. Therefore, I boldly guess that what is marked in parentheses means that if there are multiple nouns or verbs in a sentence in public, then the number inside represents the number of words of this type. If This word is the first, and if there is no other meaning in the same sentence, it will not be numbered."

Mu Du pondered for a while, he looked at Duzad who had never said a word, and said, "I understand what the parentheses mean. Then, what about the square brackets? What do the numbers in these square brackets represent?"

Xing Li: "Because the square brackets are symbols that are not commonly used when writing articles, I boldly guess that this should be a modified password. You may or may not. But if you insist on inserting it , I make associations based on some sentences that have been translated. It should represent a certain word of those words. Make the meaning more precise."

"Now, please allow me to translate this first letter completely."

"The first sentence, I received your letter. The number 21 represents the meaning, "received letter."

"The second sentence says that the life after coming to the divine grace is not very accustomed. The number 6, the conjunction, is ‘after’."

"The third sentence is strictly like binding you up, the number 2, the verb, ‘bundle’, the bracket 2, the second word, ‘tie’."

"The fourth sentence, brothers actually know these things, the number is 0, skip it."

"The fifth sentence, I also walked all the way through the pain, the number 2, the verb,'hold,' bracket 1,'frame.'"

"Sixth sentence, you have to keep working hard, the number 0, skip."

"Seventh sentence, after all, the school building where our princess and prince live is almost one street away from you? The first 1, noun, parenthesis 1, and the first noun,'prince'. 6 , Conjunction,'and'. 1 (2), the second noun,'princess', 7 (2), the second pronoun,'you'."

"The eighth sentence, seize the opportunity, number 2, verb, ‘grasp’, bracket 1, ‘put’."

"The ninth sentence, the scenery of the Goodsey family is likely to be climaxed again by you. Number 1, noun, parentheses 2, and the second noun, ‘scenery’, bracket 1, ‘wind’.

"The tenth sentence, and you said that you eat too much and you feel a little fatter. The number is 0, skip it."

"The eleventh sentence, worry about becoming a fat man, number 1, noun, parentheses 2, and the second noun, ‘fat’."

"The twelfth sentence, my brother will take it to heart, number 2, verb, ‘will’."

"The thirteenth sentence, after you come back next time, the number 2, the verb,'come back', the bracket 2, the second word,'come'."

"The fourteenth sentence, I ask our nutritionist to help you develop a weight loss plan, the number is 0, skip it."

"The fifteenth sentence, help you lose weight, number 2, verb, ‘help’, number 7, pronoun, ‘you’."

"Then, after connecting all these words, and adding punctuation according to the smoothness of the sentence..."

Mu Du immediately accepted Xing Li's handwritten answer, and glanced at--

"After receiving the letter, kidnap the prince and the princess, you will take the wind, and the fat man will help you.

So far, if Dai Lao can still speak, can he still make any excuses and rebuttals on this matter now?

The sky outside the window is now covered with dark clouds.

Dai Lao's sanity has been almost completely lost, and only a little sanity that was forced to maintain his consciousness at the end.

Everything in the restaurant seemed extremely quiet.

Each of the five people present was silent. The king among them, holding the letter paper in his hand, was replaced by anger and humiliation after being deceived.

There was no more care in his eyes looking at Dai Lao. The deep humiliation after being deceived made him almost unable to contain his inner indignation.

Everything seems very quiet...

Perhaps, this is the last silence before the outbreak...

Seeing Mudu put down the letter in his hand, Xing Li picked up the second letter and said, "The second letter is relatively long, but if you read it according to the rules just now, it means, "I have already To solve it, then I attacked the west, you stormed the east, and met in the capital. "It's just a pity that the king of the Fang Empire did not seem to follow this agreement, so he did not come." A

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