Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 64: , After the truth...

After the truth...

Everything seems to be clear now.

At the moment, even the last tremor of Dai Lao's body was about to disappear. His limbs were stiff, and the toxins in his body unceremoniously swallowed his body, causing him to slowly disappear even the painful taste.

The duke who used to blow the sand and drive away the evil fire, making this empire almost revolve around what he said and wanted, but now he can no longer speak, only the shadow of death is left. Slowly shrouded in his heart...

"That day, I was really surprised when this kid stopped my army alone."

At this time, Xie Huo opened his mouth. He tilted Erlang's legs and looked at Dai Lao on the ground. There was no sarcasm or sneer on his cold expression, but he did not face with a sneer. Instead, he was more like a calm and indifferent... The calmness of Dai Lao's life is about to die. ...And indifference.

"He told me that the moment Xiao Jin and Xiao Xing were in my castle, I understood. Before that, Xiao Xing and Xiao Jin were all under your control. He didn't know how you would combine these two Wherever the child is hiding, it is impossible for him to completely find it in your army. So how can you successfully save people in this situation?"

Xie Huo poured another glass of wine, took a sip, and said, "At this time, you must arrive at Yufeixue as soon as possible. Because once you arrive at Yufeixue, you will do everything possible to send the two children into the city. Then, Will use the fastest way to let others find them. But if your troops can’t break through those big cities for a long time, then the chances of children being discovered will increase. The longer the time goes on, the more you worry about being discovered and killing them. The more likely it is. In this case, this person, the best way he can think of is to assist you in attacking the city. And he will do his best to create an environment that best suits your situation. Destroy Insaidu, intercept I, everything is for you to protect the safety of those two children, and then send them safely to my brother's hands."

"Congratulations, you succeeded. And his goal of protecting these two children is naturally achieved."

Originally thought that there would be no more pain, but now, it is piercing Dai Lao's chest again.

He opened his eyes abruptly and stared at "Duzad" on the seat. His originally handsome face is now only distorted, and his golden pupils are even more bloodshot.

He can’t believe it...even now, he can’t believe it

It's so painful to be betrayed...?

And he still couldn’t believe that this man was paralysing his whole body just to betray himself once.

If it weren't for his paralysis... I would never have trusted him so much, but...but...but...

"Oh, yes, maybe you think that he and I were seriously injured because of each other's attacks, and he was paralyzed because of a pair of eight thousand? What a pity, you guessed it wrong. "

Dai Lao was taken aback, his bloodshot pupils almost popped out of his eye sockets. He stared at the mask, staring at the mask with a neck guard on his neck, with braces everywhere on his body, and was diagnosed by the doctor as a completely paralyzed person for life.

But what was waiting for him was an extremely cold voice——

"The crippling curse, lift it."

One sentence.

Just a word.

In the dark right eye, a cluster of blood-red nebula suddenly flashed. This cluster of nebula quickly rotated for less than a second, like fragments, scattered in all directions.

After this, this man who has been diagnosed by many doctors and who will never stand up for life, now...

He... stood up.

Stretched out his hands, took off the various supports from his body, and stood in front of Dai Lao like a fortress.

And his burnt facial skin, which was not covered by the mask, is now recovering quickly, as if it hadn’t been hurt in any way.

At this moment, these black pupils finally...

Forever and ever, frozen in his golden pupils.


Everything is already understood.

For this fact that has been completely figured out, what we will do next is a matter of course.

Xingli smiled at "Du Zade" and stepped back. Mu Du clapped his hands and let in the soldiers and officials who had not left. They looked at Dai Lao, who was lying on the ground, who had gone to ninety-nine percent of his life, and all took a breath of air.

"I, now declare as the King of Bucks."

Mu Du stood up, and everyone, including Xie Huo, knelt down at this moment.

"It's really unfortunate. Duke Dylaw Goodsey suffered a sudden illness at the banquet just now due to his long battlefield. My royal doctor has nothing to do, so now, unfortunately, he has to quit the administration and take a good rest at home. ."

Everyone glanced at each other, this sentence... also means that Mu Du has completely given up on Dai Lao, and let him live or die, fend for himself?

"In view of the work of the Duke of Goodsey, I feel that this hero and his family should not be put under too much pressure. Therefore, from today onwards, all the economy, investment, property, etc. of the Goodsey family will be handed over to Nori. The Uss family handles it. All materials except the Duke’s mansion will be punished and redistributed by the Duke of Norius, and the Goodsey family can assist as advisers."

"Then, in order for our Bucks Empire to develop better in the future, let us sincerely wish Duke Dai Lao to recover from his illness. I hope he can heal physically one day and appear before our eyes again."

Mu Du toasted, with a smile on his face, drank it. Some people from the Goodsea faction in the field don't know what to do now, but they can only drink with the people around them.

Of course, the one who is most flattered in the field is the Duke of Norius. The old duke, who has been utterly confused, probably didn't expect that he would complete the complete reversal of the Goodsey family in just a few hours, and now he is still holding the cup in both hands, and I don't know what to do.

The dinner has been going on. Except for Dai Lao, who was quickly carried home by the Goodsey family for rescue and treatment, everything seemed like nothing had happened.

However, while these people were drinking, they didn't notice that two people had left the palace unknowingly.

Xie Huo just smiled slightly at the departure of the two of them and took another sip of wine. Then, looking at his reflection in the wine glass, psychedelic colors flashed in the little chestnut eyes...

The city was full of fireworks.

The colorless fireworks exploded in the sky, and the brilliant colors were still as before, as if they were celebrating or mourning...


This person who single-handedly planned the destruction of the Goodsey family, at this moment, is walking back to "home" in obscurity.

In that house, there is a little girl who has been waiting for him for a long time. Think about it carefully, I haven't disciplined that little girl for more than a month. Under the love of Tolan and Mili, she should be eating hot pepper food uncontrollably now, and dominate the tree house...

"Yo brother wish the stags live forever"

A drunk stumbled over, took the wine glass in his hand and gestured to him, then poured it into his mouth suddenly. Then, he collapsed to the ground.

This is a happy day for most people. There is nothing cruel, and there is no so-called truth. There is only victory and joy, peace and joy, right?

"Do you not accept your majesty's gift?"

His footsteps stopped.

Turning his head silently, in the black pupils under the iron mask, a hint of blonde hair...and that gentle smile appeared.

Seeing him looking at herself, Xing Li shrugged, stepped forward, and walked side by side with him. "Duzad" did not resist either, he also continued to walk forward and lowered his head. When he reached a secluded place, he stretched out his hand, took off the mask on his face, crushed it, and threw it into the carnival bonfire over there.

"You also made a great contribution."

The idiot raised his head, looked at the sky occupied by fireworks, and slowly said--

"You don't accept it, give a reward...?"

Xing Li smiled and shook his head silently.

Mr. Bai, can you guess it? I do not accept the reason for the reward. "

The idiot who looked up at the sky was silent. After a while, he slowly lowered his head and looked at the beautiful man who was like a dream elf beside him.

"If I'm not wrong. Before Dai Lao took Fiat to kidnap Xiao Xing, you should have sent someone there."

"With Xiao Xing's skill, few people in the wind blowing sand can suppress her. With Fiat General alone, it is absolutely impossible. Therefore, you must first send a strong enough person to go there and wait for Xiao Xing to be injured. After that, the people from Dai Lao were allowed to go and take advantage of the fisherman's profit."

"If I didn't guess the wrong person, the person responsible for injuring Xiao Xing is the leader of the Hermit Knights, deviated."

A smile appeared on Xing Li's face. She carried her hands on her back, and after taking a deep breath, she nodded gently.

"Really, I can't hide anything from you, Mr. Xiaobai. I haven't seen you for more than a year, Mr. Xiaobai, I am glad to see you again safely. Ah————"

A child ran over laughing, and when Xing Li was talking, he accidentally bumped her waist. Xing Li staggered, and accidentally fell directly towards the idiot. The idiot instinctively stretched out her hand, but it was still not fast enough to prevent her from falling into her arms.

咻—————— Touch

A bunch of fireworks went to the sky and exploded.

The idiot's hands, clutching these delicate shoulders.

Xingli's face looked a little psychedelic against the background of the fireworks. She lay down in her arms, raised her head, and only glanced at the idiot, her cheeks turned red. A

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