Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 65: , The rain... hasn't stopped

The rain... hasn't stopped

"Ah yes... I'm sorry..."

Xing Li quickly pushed away the idiot, blushing, tidying up her skirt. She pressed her shoulder, and then, as if she wanted to change the subject, she said, "It's not wrong. During the trip, I learned that the Dark Deer Empire was surrounded, so I wanted to assist His Highness Evil Fire. His Royal Highness Evil Fire told me that he was ready to subdue the country a long time ago. But before the country is submerged, he wants to accomplish the last thing, let me help him achieve his wish."

The idiot stared at her, looking at the woman who was standing like a dream. Looking at her tights that are still stained with mud and the silk scarves that stretch out to cover the holes in her clothes.

"His Royal Highness Evil Fire wants to return the Dark Deer to the Bucks. But that's not all."

"The entire Bucks Empire is really too big. He knows that with His Majesty Mudu's management ability, it is impossible to completely control such a big empire."

"The larger the territory, the more you have to worry about. The more things there are, the more mistakes His Majesty Mudu will make. Although this idea is simply absurd in the eyes of ordinary royal families, His Highness Evil Fire After two or three years of observation, it is still believed that about 30% of the Bucks’ territory is within the pressure range that His Majesty Mudu can bear. But before His Highness Xie Huo took action, the Twelve Nations Allied Forces The attack has already been launched under the planning of the Fang Empire."

"While discussing countermeasures with His Royal Highness, I met the leader of the hermit knights, Miss Departure. She is now in the Dark Deer Empire, leading the hidden current to obey Dark Deer. Seeing that battle is inevitable, I am conquering With the consent of His Highness Evil Fire, I made suggestions to Yinliu."

"The first point, let the head of the team come to the wind and blow the sand to observe the situation. Once the bucks express their desire to participate in the war, they should immediately stun Princess Apricot so that they can kidnap it. Because, Dara Goode This person Sai has always been the pain of Xie Huo's heart. In order to get rid of him, His Highness Xie Huo has given an order to absolutely spare no effort."

"From various channels, I know the strength of Princess Apricot is advancing by leaps and bounds. In order for them to succeed in kidnapping, she must be subdued. After the second point, I will let the leader of the deviation lead you and let her use all means. Take you to Yufeixue. On the one hand, as a spy, on the other hand, I hope to guide you closer to my plan and work together to destroy Dai Lao’s position in the heart of His Majesty Mudu. Facts have proved that you are indeed doing it. It's perfect, far beyond my imagination."

(Cut, what is it, human kid, for a long time, it turns out that this war was caused by this beauty. Even you were completely used by her. Sure enough, the most beautiful is the most venomous, I am simply To start examining this human being again to see if she is the reincarnated vile angels)

"So, you won't accept Mudu's reward."

Facing the idiot, Xingli shrugged and gave a wry smile: "I induced Dai Lao to kidnap the prince and the princess. In order to get rid of him, I even sacrificed the lives of thousands of soldiers. I...even atonement. It’s too late. Where else can you cheeky and accept the reward?"

As he spoke, Xing Li's expression dimmed. Although it was said to remove the Dai Lao and the Goodsay family, after all, thousands of soldiers' lives were paid. No matter what, those soldiers’ undead could not be described as simple numbers in her heart. Every time Xingli thinks of the vivid lives, she can’t help but cover her heart, for her sins and pity. And tears...

This war is over...

No matter what reason it started, the Dark Deer Empire has now been destroyed, and the Bucks have finally become one of the winners.

In addition to the triumph of the victor and the elegy of the loser, a war that ended is also the soul-saling song of the heroes.

The bloodthirsty soldiers can now lie down quietly, without having to bear any pain. Their souls will return to the goddess and enjoy eternal peace...

And happiness...

Three days later, Dara Goodsey died.

His body was put in a coffin and sent to the cemetery of the Goodsay family.

The passing of this genius made many people who do not know the truth regret, lament, and regret the passing of their hero. What puzzled them was that not many people attended the funeral of the Goodsey family. Even people of their own clan rarely see it.

The funeral was even carried out under the auspices of the Norius family. Xiangyou hugged her and Dai Lao's child and became the leader among the few relatives, dressed in black. The survivor had already drained his tears, and hugged the duke's son who was not yet sensible, lying next to the coffin, looking at her husband who was lying in it, no more heartbeat or breathing, and was very sad.

Lilo was dressed in black, and as a younger sister, she respectfully put the flowers in Dai Lao's coffin. She looked at this elder brother. Although she also knew the political actions of this elder brother, as far as the relationship between elder brother and sister was concerned, Dai her heart, he is not a bad person...


Lamenting, wandering among the funeral music.

The priest recites the chant, and the coffin slowly closes. The duke who once reverberated throughout the stag empire is now placed in the tomb of the inch. Cover with soil and sleep forever...

The rain seems to be starting again...

Summer is obviously over. Why, rain, is going to fall again now?

Are these rains lamenting the death of a duke? Or is it... sighing the birth of another tragedy?

Inside the castle, in the dungeon--

"Hehe, little girl, go and play with your mother. Dad has something to say to uncle now."

Xie Huo put down the little girl Reya who was haunting him in his arms and handed it to Tina's arms. After that, he sat cross-legged and looked at the stag king, Mu Du, who was also sitting in front of him.

"Brother, I have thought a lot in the past two days. I remembered when we were young, and remembered the days when we grew up together."

"Well, I know, brother. I have been thinking a lot in the past two days. When I was a kid, I always gambled outside and got into trouble. In many cases, you helped me with my father and solved it for me."

Faced with Xie Huo's smile, Mu Du lowered his head and said nothing.

Xie Huo, in the nearest imperial city...There are two factions who have spoken. Among them, those who advocate letting you make up the majority..."

"Hold on, brother."

Xie Huo did not let Mu Du go on speaking again. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother, among those who advocated letting me go, how many people have executed me because of your attitude? What has changed?"

This question made Mu Du bow his head...

"Brother, you are a king. Once you express any attitude, most people will follow you. But if you think that is what the real majority means, then you are wrong."

Xie Huo laughed, looking extremely relaxed--

"This is a war. In the war, many people lost their families. It may be sons, husbands, brothers, fathers. And the person who provoked this war is undoubtedly me. I am a traitor, Traitor."


"Let me finish first, brother. I know that your thoughts about me are very complicated now. You hate me, hate me for betraying my father's teachings, and hate why I betrayed you. But you also hesitate about what you should do Deal with me. Your hesitation makes you lose sight of the facts, and it is likely to make you plant the seeds of sorrow again."

"Since ancient times, what should be done to people who betray the country and betray the people, I must be familiar with you, brother. No matter what the reason is, the charge of treason cannot be wiped from me."

"But brother, I thought about it for a long time, and finally realized that you treason did not want to put me under too much pressure. You did it for... for my good."

"But do other people think the same way? Do those who have lost family and friends think the same way?"

Xie Huo stretched his waist, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Brother, in the eyes of you and me, Father is a good king. However, this does not mean that Father has done everything. 'Correct.' If you look at the commentaries on the historical records of other countries, you can see that some people have mixed reviews of the father. Some say that he is a gentleman, and some say that he is a tyrant who starts wars indiscriminately and slaughters the city at every turn. "

"So, as a king, what is right? Is it always in conformity with the people? Always want to keep your image positive, and let future generations always give thumbs up when they mention themselves? ?"

"When I was the King of Dark Deer, I suddenly felt that I understood how my father was a king. Father, he ignored the reputation behind him, and he didn't think about how future generations would evaluate him. Everything he did, Even now and in the future, future generations will call it wrong actions. In fact, everything is for the people of the'now'."

"For the subjects he has'now', he doesn't care about assuming notoriety. It doesn't matter even if his own people are living the happy lives of their own creation while calling themselves a tyrant."

"For the emperor, you must remember to take your subjects as your own responsibility in everything. Otherwise, this king is really for nothing. Are you right? Brother."

Mu Du lowered his head, his voice choked. Xie Huo stood up, walked to the side of the prison, looked at the rain outside the iron fence, and continued--

"Now, I understand the feelings of the father. I am a traitor and a traitor. A criminal whose sin is unforgivable and cannot be forgiven. In fact, in all circumstances, brother, you Nor should I forgive me."

"If you spare me, you will make a bad start to'traitors will not be executed'. Those who have lost their loved ones because of this war will also secretly scold your brother for being partial and make their anger unable to vent. So, I Must die. And must be executed openly and justly."

Mu Du gritted his teeth and couldn't say anything.

"Moreover, in order that no one will deliberately provoke incidents in the future, not only must I die, but my wife and daughter must also be executed. Because only in this way can the stability of the Bucks Empire be maintained. In order to more firmly protect... …Brother, your throne."

Tina next to her did not speak, but after hearing Xie Huo's words, she could not help but hugged her daughter in her arms tightly. Tears and lumps fell... Their daughter still doesn't know what happened, but I felt my mother hugged her tightly and was hurt in the hug, and made a little cry.

Mu Du raised his head and looked at his younger brother in surprise, as well as Tina and his little niece Reya over there. He opened his mouth and his face was flustered.

"No... it doesn't need to be like this... it's not fair to you"

"To the people, but fair. Is the justice the people need important, or the justice I need important?"

"This this……"

Xie Huo stretched out his hand and pressed Mu Du's shoulder. The smile on his face was so relaxed, he didn't seem to be a person waiting to die. The more hearty the smile, the more heartache it looked in Mudu's eyes...

"You should not hesitate, nor do you need to hesitate. The king will always do something'right'. And, it must be done. I believe that if the father is alive, he will do the same. I only hope...Brother ."

Xie Huo knelt, hugged Mudu's shoulders, closed his eyes, and said softly--

"You can become a good king in the true sense. You can guard the stag... guard the wind and sand. No matter how much sadness and suffering there will be in this world in the future, I hope you can always remember it. Under your command, there are tens of thousands of people who need your protection. You need to... to protect their lives and become their last haven on this sad continent."

Little Lei Ya was crying, her lavender hair resembled her mother. In this cry, Tina put her arms around the little baby, face to face, sobbing softly. After saying those words, Xie Huo slowly walked to his wife and daughter's side, smiled, opened his hand, and hugged them...

"We are family, right?"

Asked, in exchange for a faint smile from his wife. Xie Huo closed his eyes and hugged them even more tightly. Tears, unconsciously, rolled down from the corner of his eyes...

We are family...

Mu Du looked at his younger brother, and in his hand, he held the set of guiding force playing cards that he gave Xie Huo's birthday gift.

We... are family, aren't we?

But now, the only thing he can do is to grit his teeth and leave the death row. Under the **** of the soldiers, walking on the streets that were already pouring in autumn rain...A

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