Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 66: , Yu stopped

After the dinner, it was early morning the next day.

The entire stag is still immersed in joy and blessings, exulting for victory and triumph, and mourning for the heroic spirits of the soldiers who died in the battle.

After holding the jubilation, it is something that everyone cares about.

The chief culprit in the war caused by this treason, evil fire? Frihus, how will he be dealt with?

Put to death.

This is what many people think. Many people have lost their relatives in this war. No one is not angry with this culprit, and no one does not hate him.

So they waited in the carnival...waiting for the final judgment to come.

These discussions and speculations are spreading in every corner of the sand, and I believe it will never stop before the verdict is announced.

Of course, when Xingli returned to her long-lost home and checked her store that had been almost completely defeated by her sister Quilin and had already closed, she heard these countless comments.

However, this has nothing to do with her in substance. Although she also expressed her regret about this incident, sin is sin, and you will not eliminate this sin because you have any reason.


"Xingli? Rooney replied."

When Xingli took down the wooden board in front of the shop and frowned at the dirty air inside, someone appeared behind her and called her calmly.

Xing Li's body was shocked when she heard this voice. She turned around and looked at the man behind her who was wearing a cloak and couldn't see his face on this rainy day. After thinking for a moment, Xingli put down the plank, respectfully saluted the visitor, stretched out his hand, and pointed to his shop hut where the sun was not visible.

"The place is simple, I hope... you don't mind."

"I have something... I want to ask you."

Xing Li bowed his head again and said, "You are serious. Please come in. We can talk slowly if we have anything."




That afternoon, the Buck King Mudu made the decision to execute Xie Huo. But before execution, a fair and grand trial is naturally indispensable.

Another day later, at noon, the idiot had to take her to the largest open-air arena in Fengchuusha at the request of XiaoBan. Here, the crime of treason against evil fire? Frihus will be sentenced.

Xie Huo was pushed onto the trial stand with handcuffs and fetters, and her wife Tina stood on the trial stand holding the frightened little Reya, who was shivering.

Under the onlookers and contempt of thousands of bystanders in the surrounding stands, this trial, which seemed to have already determined the result, began.

Mu Du sat at the edge of the court, looking calmly at the traitor in the dock. The justice read out the indictment in an orderly manner, and asked evil fire about the charges in it.

For these prosecutions, Xie Huo did not show any sophistry. He always had that smile that seemed to have seen everything, and he confessed all the charges.

The trial went smoothly without any twists and turns. Those who want to see a war criminal arguing for their actions in court may be deeply disappointed, but those who want to see this war criminal finally be sentenced are looking forward to it, the last ending.

The trial was quickly completed. During the entire trial, only the judge was reading the indictment, so it only took less than half an hour and everything was over. After resting for half an hour, the sentence immediately began.

"Now, it is announced that the verdicts against Evil Fire Frihus, Tina Frihus, Leya Frihus are all up"

In order to express the solemnity of the verdict, the justice raised the verdict, including Mudu, and everyone in the entire trial chamber stood up. Including idiots and bread.

"Before the sentence is pronounced, evil fire? Frederick Hughes. Do you have anything else to say?"

"No, Mr. Judge."

"So, with regard to your own guilt, do you have anything to justify?"

"Nor, all the records above are correct, I have no way to defend."

The judge turned his head and glanced at Mudu next to him. After getting a nod from Mudu, he picked up the verdict and read it aloud--

"Now it is pronounced that the second prince of the original stag empire, Evil Fire? Frihus, is standing here for treason, war crimes, espionage, and crimes against humanity. All the charges are valid, the evidence is solid, and there is no doubt. According to Chapter 73, Article 21 of the "Criminal Law" of the Bucks Empire, and Chapter 181, Article 3, pronounced the defendant guilty. He was sentenced to fire. Tina Friesius who was arrested for treason and was also arrested. Reya Frihus was also tortured by fire. Execution immediately"

As soon as the verdict came out, the audience was joyous

Words of excitement and praise are everywhere in the arena. People admired the king's integrity and the existence of justice and morality in this world. Everyone left their seats and flocked to the execution ground, hoping to get a good seat in advance so that they could witness the execution of the traitors in this country.

After the sentence was pronounced, Xie Huo still had a smile on his face. But Tina hugged her daughter tightly, sobbing.

The soldiers walked up, escorted the three death row prisoners into a prison car on the side, slowly drove out of the courthouse, and headed for the execution ground. When the prison car passed by Mudu's side, the evil fire inside stretched out his thumb at Mudu and smiled. But Mu Du's eyes were cold, and he didn't give this brother the last blessing in response.

The idiot followed the crowd with a small bread, and in a while, he arrived at the execution ground. This execution site has already been prepared. But the irony is that such a murderous execution ground was built in such a beautiful and moving forest garden.

In the sky, the rain is slowly falling. Above the torture ground is a marble decorated arch bridge to eliminate rain erosion.

The fully covered cloister next to it was where the prisoner stayed. It should be the only thing Mudu can do to keep them from getting wet at the last minute.

The three prisoners were taken out of the carriage, and after the last hug, the family of three put on masks and pressed on a chair under Mudu's gaze and everyone's onlooker.

"Although it is torture, although, you are very guilty. But before you die, Your Majesty asks for the last kindness to you. Let you go to death in your sleep."

A priest came over, holding the "Covenant Ordinance" in his hands, stretched out his hand, and pressed it on the head of Xie Huo.

The evil fire with his face covered his face laughed haha, and said, "Thank you very much. If there is a future life, brother...I hope we can still be brothers."

The rain is falling.

A female doctor took a step, took a syringe from the nurse's hand, and injected the medicine. She helped her glasses and wiped Xie Huo's arm with alcohol cotton. Feeling the coolness, Xie Huo suddenly turned his head and pointed in the direction of Tina next to him.

"Sorry, wife. It was I... who hurt you."

Tina shook her head, but could not speak. Under the linen mask, the only thing that can be heard is a soft sob.

"Reya, Dad didn't take good care of you... I owe you in this life, I'm afraid I will only pay it back in the next life."

"Dad? It's so dark, dad? Mom? Oh..."

Under the mask, Reya cried in fear because she couldn't see her parents. But her hands and feet were bound, unable to move. Even if you struggle, you can't leave this desperate bondage.

The evil fire can't see, but can hear it. He heard the fearful cry of his daughter and the sobbing of his wife. With the moment the cold needle tip plunged into the arm, he seemed to regret it, and even more desperate. He suddenly discovered that he was not as great as he thought, so selfless he still wanted to... Finally, he still wanted ...

"Slowly let go of my wife and daughter and me..."

The potion was pushed into the arms of evil fire.

The rapid onset of medicinal effects made the regretting prisoner unable to say the last words.

"No............ off........................"

The syringe was pulled out, and the condemned prisoner now has his eyes closed heavily. Amid the cheers of the others, Tina and Reya were also injected with medicine by the female doctor, and fell asleep deeply...

"Upper Punishment"

Autumn rain, continuous.

The three nurses stepped forward, pushing the three cars, and the three people in the cars, slowly walking towards the fire ground that had been driven.

Xie Huo had no pain anymore, he was just asleep now groggy, facing death in silence.

The surrounding crowd cheered and began to sing loudly to their king, waving the flag for this extremely correct trial.

And the king, at the moment, was sitting on the rostrum in front of the execution ground, his face was cold, without the slightest emotion. Is it because he knew he had to accept this fate? Must... personally execute his own brother to ensure the stability of the empire.

The nurse pushed the car into the fully enclosed corridor and disappeared from people's eyes for three seconds. After that, pushing the car out.

They pushed the three "patients" to the side of the torture ground and handed them over to the soldiers who were fully armed. The soldiers released the restraints on the wheelchairs, carried the three men to the cross and tied them.

Humid air cannot prevent the burning of oiled wood piles. After all the soldiers were tied up, Mudu, the king, personally took the torch from the executioner's hand, lit the fire, and came to the three piles of firewood.

"Finally, let me take you on the road myself. Be brother, the last thing I can do for you in this life."

In the air, the sound of wind and rain echoed...

There was cheers from the crowd.

Mudu put down the torch, and the oiled wood pile immediately ignited a raging fire.

Xie Huo, Tina, and their daughter Reya are now on this pile of wood, tied to the cross of sin, bowed their heads, in their sleep...

Greet the engulfing of the flame.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, the idiot gently pulled the hand that pulled the bread, and turned her around.

Although Xiao Bread didn't know the evil fire very much, after seeing the family of three tied to the stake, he couldn't help but threw himself into the arms of the idiot and sobbed in a low voice.

The idiot clutched this little girl and took her away. Those flames boiled in the cheers of the crowd, swallowing the clothes of the three people, burning their skins, and emitting black smoke. The three people who were injected with the drugs were quiet, quietly...

In the flames, silent...




This is an extremely fair trial. Go with everyone's wishes.

So far, historians have recorded this day on record. The second prince of the Bucks Empire, Evil Fire? Philip Hughes, was mercifully executed on this day, in this bleak autumn rain day, and he paid his due for his sins. The price paid has made a betrayer and an example for future generations.

The flames rise to the sky...

A broken piece of cloth flew in the drizzle air while taking advantage of the flame.

It carries sparks and drifts slowly. The burning red at the edge was slowly cooled and moistened by the water vapor in the air...

"Huh? Xingli? Are you back?"

"Rooney answered? When did I see you in a long time?"

"Well, I just came back two days ago. My store should reopen soon. I hope everyone can come and join us in time~~~"

"Hehe, you deserve to be from the Department of Literature and Art. I started to sell my business without a few words when I came back? Okay, I'll definitely come here."

"You bastard, why are you so happy?"

"Hehe, Mrs. Dublin, do you seem to lose weight recently? This suit has become more fitted."

"Really? Well, I mean, as long as I work hard, weight loss will not be a problem~~~"

"That's true. Ah, I saw a set of clothing styles during my trip this time. It really matches your current figure. Pick a day, come, and I will do it for you?"

"Really? This... Indeed, Xingli's vision has always been trusted. You said it suits me... Hey, I will come tomorrow, okay?"

"Welcome, welcome, absolutely welcome"

Amidst the laughter, Xingli and the neighbors in the neighborhood kept saying hello. She held up the shop door that had been pulled down, clapped her hands, and looked at the shop that had been abandoned for a long time, with a renewed energy on her face.

That piece of cloth, floating, fell.

Xingli, who was busy, seemed to sense something, raised her head and stretched out her hand. The piece of cloth was unbiased and just happened to land in her palm...

On the pretty face, at this moment, a faint smile appeared.

She raised her hand, stroked her blonde hair, and threw them behind her head. At this time, someone came over to greet her again, and she quickly put the piece of cloth on the counter, with a sincere smile on her face, and walked under the sky where the rain has gradually stopped...V

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