Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 67: , That fateful day


The crying and loud noises constitute all the melody in the Goodsay family.

What's wrong?

Zelens felt very depressed. For this night when the fireworks were in full bloom, he didn't understand why all of a sudden, the Goodsey family in front of him suddenly exploded.

"Hey, man, what's the matter?"

Zelens stretched out his hand and stopped a soldier who ran out of the Goodsey family holding a box full of gold jewelry, but the soldier glared at Zelens viciously and said loudly: "Don't get in the way." After that, he pushed Zelens away and ran away.

What exactly is going on?

Zelens couldn't figure it out. He frowned and looked at the rose in his hand, not knowing what to do.

Isn't this a very strange thing? Tonight should be the night for the Goodsey family to take it to the next level, right? Just now, that Dara Goodsey had just been invited to the imperial city for a dinner. I believe that with his outstanding performance in the Dark Deer attack, this family should grow stronger. But now...

Why is it like the end is coming?

Zelens lingered in front of Goodsay's house, hesitating to walk in. Since just now, there have been far more people running from the inside than people running in from the outside. And everyone who ran out was holding many valuable things in his hands. how? Could it be said that Dai Lao has received too many rewards this time, enough to allow his subordinates to conduct this type of search on his home?

No matter what the situation is, the most urgent situation before Zelens is whether he should go in now and see the Miss Marlene who is thinking about it. Although his feelings of longing were broken, he still stood at the door and waited so long in accordance with etiquette. But now, it seems that it is time for him to make a decision.

"Good to go in and see"

Zelens exhaled, straightened his hair, and checked the perfection of the bouquet in his hand. After confirming that everything was okay, he lifted his steps and stepped towards the door where no one stopped him...


But at this moment, a carriage slammed out from the inside. Zelens was agile and flashed aside. But the horse was frightened and raised its front hoof on the spot. The carriage shook, and a young girl sitting in the carriage fell down now.

"Are you...Miss Marlene?"

It was no one else who fell from the car, it was Marlene. There were many jewelry boxes and gold and silver jewelry that fell out of the car door with her. The purse that was accidentally dropped when Marlene fell was also opened, revealing a stack of Sura in it.

Zelens expressed surprise at the situation in front of him. He didn't know what was happening, so he opened his hands and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why...why did you make it like this?"

Marlene looked up and saw the civilian Zelens unexpectedly. At this moment, her brain immediately revolved, and after a very short period of thinking, she immediately made a decision.


The sixteen-year-old girl cried out.

She threw herself into Zelens's arms, and with the weakest cry, she completely revealed herself as a woman's greatest weapon and greatest charm in front of Zelens...


Campa rode a horse and rushed into the Goodsay family quickly. Facing the people around who were running as if fleeing, the principal shook his head and went straight to the main house in the territory.

In front of the main house, Inselton and Felt were already panicked. After seeing Campa's arrival, the two men hurriedly greeted them, plopped, and knelt before the principal.

"Mr. Principal... It used to be our fault. We... We are in front of you... It's too insignificant. Please... Please..."

Insilton eagerly organized the language in a panic, but Felt didn't have that good brain but did not have so many languages ​​and vocabulary. He threw himself directly in front of Campa, hugged his leg, and howled--

"Save the young master, please save the young master. As long as the young master survives, I will serve you as a cow and a horse. Be... as a bodyguard, save the young master."

Campa kicked the panicked fat man away and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, lead the way."

"Yes Yes"

Campa's words at this time are worth any words. Inselton and Felt quickly got up from the ground and took Campa into the main house. They didn't enter the master bedroom, but directly opened a hall next to it, eagerly welcoming Campa in.

In the living room, all the cumbersome things on the long table have been removed, and the body is extremely poisonous. Dai Lao, who has been dead soon, is lying on it, stiff, his eyes closed and his cheeks sunken. It seems that it is no different from the dead.

"Madam Campa is here, the young master is saved"

Inselton ran to the table in a panic. At this time, the pomelo had already been crying into tears. After hearing Inselton's words, he immediately hugged his son and rushed to Campa and knelt down with a plop. . This girl was sobbing, and at this moment, even some of the most basic requests were stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

"Dad? Daddy? Ooo, mom, what's wrong with dad? Ooooo—Dad—"

Nero was crying, crying silently in his mother's arms. But every one of his calls had no effect other than adding to the pain in the fragrant pomelo heart. Xiangyou bends down crying, her head is also heavily knocked on the ground, her arms tightly holding the only blood.

Campa glanced at the grapefruit and ignored it. He walked quickly to Dai Lao on the table, stretched out his pupils, and measured his pulse. Doing whatever checks he can do.

There is no doubt that toxins have invaded the internal organs.

Such a severe poison is extremely rare even in Campa's experience as a soul doctor.

Muscles, bones, internal organs, and even the brain, everything has been eroded by toxins. To be honest, Dai Lao was able to endure even now and still keep getting angry. He is already considered to be powerful and able to hold on. But if you still want to return to the sky in this situation, it may be more difficult than reversing the sun and the moon.

At this moment, Walnut has also arrived. She looked at the Xiangyou lying on the ground in a panic, and quickly stepped forward to help her and hug her. She kept using her hands to wipe the tears from this friend's face, letting her lean on her shoulders, crying.

"Please, Mr. Principal... You must save the young master."

Insilton was panicking beside him, rubbing his hands and stamping his feet.

"Any request... as long as we can meet it... No, even if it is not possible, you can put forward everything you need, and we will definitely do it."

Campa ignored these words. He just took out the medical kit he was carrying, took out a cardiotonic from it, and injected it directly into Dai Lao's body. After that, he immediately opened Dai Lao's finger, took out a drop of blood, and performed a simple and preliminary poison analysis on his device.

Walnut gritted her teeth when she saw Campa actually started to rescue her. Based on the feeling in her heart, she absolutely didn't want this person who constantly grabbed the idiot's credit to survive this disaster. He has killed too many people, and he should have paid the price for what he did. However, seeing the pomelo in her arms that had been crying and almost fainted, she knew that she would never stop Campa out loud. .

Campa recognized it carefully, put the blood in the test tube and shook it. But the more he checked, the more frightened he was.

Such a strong poison...The structure is complex, it is difficult to distinguish, the ingredients are ever-changing, and the method of blending is so varied. If it is the strongest poison in the world...this poison is definitely well-deserved.

When Campa put down the test tube and started recording, the blood in the test tube started to change. They slowly transformed into the image of a dragon, and stared straight at Campa who was recording the poison formula. The people around were staring at Dai Lao on the table in a panic, and didn't notice the changes in the blood at all.

Dragon language) You want to interfere again."

The voice was very soft, but as soon as the strange language was uttered, Campa heard it. He glanced at the dragon head in the test tube, turned around again, and studied the formula.

Ye Lingyu) I am a doctor. As a doctor, I will never fault my patients."

Dragon language) But you broke your oath again."


Campa did not speak, but took out a bottle of powder from the medical kit, opened it, and directly connected the infusion tube to Dai Lao for infusion.

Dragon language) Hmph, all right. Then I will ask one last question. Why do you want to save this person? You forgot, he is the one who framed you."

Campa checked Dai Lao's heartbeat, without any doubt in his calm eyes.

Ye Lingyu) I said, I am a doctor. A doctor, never picks on his patients."

Dragon language)..................Huh, well, since you like to intervene in human life so much, I have no right to stop you. But this time, this person is definitely dead. Everything you do It was all in vain."

After that, the image of the dragon disappeared, and the blood in the test tube returned to its original state. Campa, sweating on his forehead, kept treating...


after an hour.

Poison is too strong and too complicated.

If Campa is given a period of time to study such a complicated poison, it does not necessarily mean that an antidote cannot be developed.

However, if he is required to develop all the ingredients in such a short period of time, and to develop an antidote, even if he is a soul doctor, now, there is nothing he can do...V

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