Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 68: , Hongyue

"Mrs. Goodsey, please be sorry."

In this world, there are things that can be done with hard work, of course, there will also be endings that cannot be reversed no matter how hard you work.

After an hour of diagnosis, Dai Lao's current vital signs have been minimized. His heart has almost stopped, and his brain has no response at all. Stiff hands and feet, dilated pupils, and death are already inevitable...

Outside the window, the world is still jubilant, still setting off fireworks.

But the room was filled with silence. The wailing of death has now come to this room, intending to harvest this soul and bring it to the world where all beings are equal...

"No...impossible...impossible my could my could he die?"

Finally, Fragrant Pomelo, who had been crying for a long time, uttered the cry that had been blocked until now. She put down her son in her arms, cried and rushed towards Campa. She desperately pulled the clothes on Campa's chest, crying loudly.

"My husband won't die, he won't...he will never die, you can definitely save him, right? Mr. Principal... please, please save him please save him——- —"

Campa was silent...

He lowered his head and closed his eyes, not daring to face the hysterical woman in front of him. Because in just a few hours, she will lose her husband... Maybe, Dai Lao's life is indeed very harsh politically, but in the family, he...

But there is no doubt that he is a good husband... is it?

Campa couldn't bear to pull away, but the walnut next to her looked at her friend, but she couldn't bear to move forward and pulled her away. Campa patted his sleeves, sighed, turned around, and sorted out the medical kits. And when Inselton and Felt next to them saw this scene, they were both stunned, standing still, motionless.

"Please... prepare for the funeral. Then, goodbye..."

Campa, left.

With the last hope, left...

After losing this last glimmer of hope, Xiangyou's expression was dull. She kept yelling for her mother and son, her eyes that had been crying away with tears lost the slightest expression at the moment.

The fireworks burst, and the colorful colors illuminate the sky.

The clouds are flying, everything seems to be celebrating this moment.

So, what about her?

She who lost her husband... what is she still having?

Felt was crying now and became a man of tears. The fat man rubbed his eyes and howled. Nowadays, the Goodsey family has almost collapsed. Although Insilton's heart is also extremely sad, as a member of the Goodsey family, he needs to assist the family.

Not for loyalty or identity, just... because of that friendship.

"Master Duke, let's go..."

Inselton stepped forward and pulled up the crying little Nero. Nero looked at Inselton, and kept yelling, "What's wrong with Dad? Will you wake up? Mom, oh, mom is crying, oh..."

Inselton resisted the tears in his eyes. He glanced at the grapefruit. The former duchess' eyes were dull now, like a walking dead. Seeing this, Inselton sighed, gently pulled the pomelo away and held his son's hand. After all, now, he has the responsibility to take care of the future duke. And Xiangyu, now, is obviously not suitable for taking children.

"Master Duke, uncle will take you to play, okay? Dad is just tired. He sleeps and will wake up soon."

"Really? Really soon... Dad will wake up?"

"Well, really. So, it's late, how about Master Duke going to bed first?"


Inselton pulled Firth away, and the two big men took the little duke away with a strong smile. Xiangyou needs to calm down now, and they also know that compared to their own persuasion, the effect of persuading Walnut as a princess will be much better.




In the room, silence.

There is no noise from children, and no other people's prayers.

Now, it seems that even the fireworks outside have stopped, leaving a completely peaceful world here...

Walnut looked at Xiangyou and then at Dai Lao on the table. She stepped forward and gently took the hand of this best friend, trying to persuade, but... but she didn't know where to start.

"He's lying here... lying quietly."

A long time, a long time... Fragrant pomelo, but smiled.

Her hand, tightly holding Walnut's hand, squeezed tightly. The tightness... even made Walnut feel a pain.

"Except for his sunken cheeks and pitch-black face, he looks the same as before, doesn't he?"

Walnut could not answer, nor could he comfort. The only thing she can do is to stand here and tell Xiangyou that she is not alone...

"Husband... wake up... You said that when the war is over, you will take my son and me to the park. Did you forget?"

The former princess let go of Walnut's hand. She slowly sat on the edge of the table, stretched out her hand, and gently stroked Dai Lao's face. Looking at the still handsome face, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Fragrant grapefruit? Are you... are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine... I've never been better than this."

Suddenly, the girl’s voice became smooth and orderly, but this calm voice made Walnut shudder.

"My husband...he is dead..."

"he died."

"He used to be everything to me... the pillar of my whole life..."

"Back then, when he first appeared in our country for a state visit, I was so surprised that there would be such a wonderful person in this world..."

"I admit, I fell in love with him at first sight... This feeling is so naive in retrospect, but it makes me feel happy... and sweet..."

"I couldn't even dream that he would choose me to be his wife...There are so many women around him in this world, but he only gave me his oath of marriage proposal..."

"Whenever I think of the situation at the wedding, I will wake up happily from my sleep... Whenever I wake up and see him sleeping next to me, he really exists, I know that it is not a dream, but Reality... my dream turned into reality..."

Xiangyou lowered his body, gently lying on Dai Lao's chest, fingers, and ran his neck...

"This feeling is so happy...I even thought I would be cursed..."

"But... but I didn't expect... it was not me... but my husband who would bear this curse... I was left behind by him... alone... living alone in this world... "

"Heh...husband, do I have any meaning to be alive without you? I am alive...what else...does I mean...?"

Fragrant Pomelo's voice is getting more and more wrong, and walnuts become more alert as they listen. She stared at the side all the time. Sure enough, after Fragrant Pomelo finished this sentence, she suddenly reached out to the Vatican on the table. Seeing this, Walnut immediately jumped on her, hugged her, and dragged her away from the table.

"Who are you doing died, but you still have to live? Have you ever thought that little Nero wants you to take care of you. You have a son and you just died like this. What about your son?"

"My son will naturally be taken care of, he is now a duke"

Suddenly, Xiangyou broke out. She pushed the walnut abruptly, tears in her eyes came again.

"Did you hear it again? Just now those two people called Duke Nero so affectionately. He is now a Duke. How could a Duke have no one to take care of? Those two people... They said they were the best of my husband. My servants... the most loyal retainers, but now? As soon as my husband becomes like this, they will support the next duke"

Walnut bit her lower lip and stopped talking.

"What's the point of me being alive? Walnut, I ask you, what will happen to you if your favorite person in this world dies? Will you continue to live without suffering? Suffering inner suffering and hurt Pain, will you live without him in the next few decades?"

At this moment, Walnut was silent...

She remembered the indifferent figure in her mind. Although she was indifferent, she would always stand in front of her when she needed it, and let herself see the figure of the generous back...

What would happen if he died... himself...?

"If he dies... I... will die too..."

The answer, finally, came out of Walnut's mouth...

At this moment, Xiangyou smiled.

That was the saddest smile in the world. She won, she won. She was speechless against Princess Bucks, didn't she?


"You can't die..."

But even so, Walnut still suppressed her and prevented her from making any movements.

"No matter what the reason, I can't just watch you looking for the fragrant pomelo. We are friends... Although I don't like your husband, you are still my friend. As your friend, today... ..."

Walnut gritted his teeth and suddenly raised those blood-red eyes

"I, give you a choice."

The moonlight tonight is bright. Originally, these moonlights should be bright and white. But, maybe it’s because there are too many fireworks? Those red gunpowder smoke filled the sky, staining the full moon with a faint red.

"I may be able to save your husband. But at the same time of saving, it may also bring him a curse that he cannot escape in his entire life. He may become... no longer like a normal person, and may only be in the dark forever. Survive in. Are you...willing to accept this curse?"

Xiangyou has given up completely now, she just smiled miserably and nodded stupidly. Perhaps, she doesn't even know what this nodding means. Besides, in this world, I am afraid that no one will know what this nod... means.

Walnut, took a breath.

The red moonlight outside the window spilled in at this time.

The night princess walked slowly to Dai Lao's side, looking at the person who had only one last breath left. She closed her eyes and began to think carefully about all the things the idiot had done when she was under the curse of the moon night.


After taking a deep breath, the blood red eyes slowly opened...

"Dilao Goodsey. I don't know if this can really save you. But if, in case, you are really rescued, I hope you can remember this lesson. From now on, I will bear the responsibility Cursed blood, be a good person... okay?"

Dai Lau, of course, would not answer. He just lay here and gradually became a dead man.

Under the moonlight, Walnut took another breath, closed her eyes, and picked up Dai Lao's head. Her mouth slowly lowered, toward the neck, and opened her mouth, revealing the pointed fangs...


At this moment, blood began to flow backward.

Xiangyou saw this scene and saw the two people who were shining with the red moonlight, and she was shocked to rush up, trying to push the walnut away. But what she didn't expect was that the strength of the current walnut would be so great, her eyes were red, emitting a weird red light. The sound from her mouth proves that she is greedily sucking the blood

Xiangyou screamed, noisy, and flapped. But Walnut remained motionless, continuing to **** all the blood.

Slowly, the blood in Dai Lao's body was gradually drawn away, and nothing left was sucked into the mouth by the Princess of Night. When the last drop of blood was plucked from Dai Lao's body, Walnut suddenly raised his head, enjoying the spread of the blood in his body... and savoring the power that filled the whole body because of the blood consumed.

Now Dai Lao is dead.

Completely, without any doubt, dead.

His heartbeat stopped completely and his breathing disappeared. There was no difference between the whole person and the dead person. Seeing this scene, Xiangyou burst into tears on his chest. But Walnut didn't give her so much sad time. Instead, she pulled her away, and at the same time, raised the saber of Dai Lao, the Vatican.


The wrist was slit.

Walnut moved his **** wrist to Dai Lao's mouth, opened his lips, and let the blood drip into his mouth drop by drop.

If the wound has solidified, make another stroke. Walnut endured the pain, allowing the cursed blood in his body to flow completely into the dead man's mouth. much is enough for him?

How much of his own devil blood must be given to Dai Lao... to be able to fully survive like he did before?

Walnut doesn't know, she doesn't know the weight. Since she doesn't know, then she has to go all out and do her best

If the human body loses 50% of its blood, it will die. But Walnut knew that his life was connected, so even if all the blood in his body was stripped away, he would never die.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Walnut inserted the other end of the drip test tube into Dai Lao's wrist when his wrist could no longer be cut, and inserted it into his wrist. Let all the blood in your body flow into Dai Lao’s corpse

The blood is moving.

Dizziness and pain began to torment Walnut.

Although it won't die, it doesn't mean it won't hurt. Walnut gritted his teeth, forcibly resisting the dizziness, silently enduring it.

Twenty percent...



The blood was flowing in the test tube, and the blood dripping from the torn wrist entered the open mouth without any problem.




Finally, when Walnut sent almost 100% of her blood into Dai Lao's body, she finally couldn't hold it anymore and pulled out the needle. At this moment, her face was pale, and her bright red pupils also became a little faded and bloodless. But now she is not in the mood to worry about herself, but immediately lie next to Dai Lau and watch his reaction

One minute……

no response.

three minutes……

Still no response.

five minutes……

ten minutes……

fifteen minutes……

Time passed bit by bit...

The blood-red moonlight is slowly dissipating now...

Walnuts and grapefruits, just waiting...waiting...

Waiting for the birth of a miracle.

But, a full hour passed, miraculous...

But still, no birth...




"Sorry... I... still failed to save him... I'm sorry..."

Walnut, failed.

She lowered her head, immersed in self-blame of failure.

At this time, Inselton and Felt finally came back and decided to visit. After seeing that the two of them were coming, Hu Tao slightly conveyed Xiangyou's desire to seek death, and with the help of the two, she left the mansion and got into her carriage.

She is already too tired, too tired...

With the movement of the carriage, she only hopes that Fragrant Pomelo will never be unimaginable, absolutely... it will be better if you can survive this hurdle...

The princess left, and only the voiceless sobbing of Xiangyou and Dai Lao's body on the table were left in the room.

After looking at each other, Inselton and Felt shook their heads. While sorrowing, Inselton stepped forward and put Dai Lao's sword, the Vatican, on his chest, allowing Dai Lao to hold it with both hands. After doing this, the two sighed again, preparing for the funeral...

Is it because... lamenting the death of the master?

Or is he sad for his refusing to listen to his own words?


This holy sword that always shone with gold color all the time, now, the body of the sword is dyed with a faint black layer.

Not conspicuous, but...

But it is slowly spreading.


"Miss Marlene? You...what's wrong with you?"

Outside Goodsey's house, Zelens was a little flattered at Marlene's sudden embrace. He raised the flower in his hand a little awkwardly, and said nervously.

Marlene's face was flushed and she looked very shy. But in fact, no one knows her current situation better than her.

Dai Lao, who was the mastermind, was given to death. Then, what kind of punishment would he be punished if he acted as the guard in the kidnapping case of the Prince and Princess?

Although on the surface, the Goodsey family is still a duke, no one has been punished except for Dai Lao. But secretly? Who knew that he would not know when he would be bestowed to death by the king?

So, she ran away. Want to run away while his life is still in his control, doesn't Brother Dai Lao often contact the king of the Fang Empire? Then I went to the death of the Fangs Empire. It is absolutely impossible to think about myself. I am still so young and beautiful. I am a young and young sixteen, with a beautiful appearance. If this time I am Dead, that's the real violent thing

Yes, I must not die. Even if you linger, you have to escape

However, when these thoughts ran into Zelens in Marlene's carriage, her mind was immediately shaken.

It's okay to escape, but in the Fang Empire, what do you count as? In that country, I have no contacts, no sources of income, and nothing. I rushed there, and God knows whether the King of Clover will accept him. And once the Bucks Empire sends a request to the Tusk Empire to extradite himself, God knows that this woman who has no use value will be affected. Extradition? Then, was put in prison?

Yes, everything must be prepared with both hands. This is the clan motto of the Goodsay family. That being the case, isn't there a best way to evacuate right now?

The person in front of him is obsessed with himself. He is a commoner, he is the best identity. The king who sits in the imperial city of Bucks is a foolish man, and he blindly implements benevolent governance. If he is married and his surname is changed from Goodsey to a commoner’s surname, the foolish king who always governs with the idea of ​​the first emperor may really pity himself for a while and open a side to himself. After all, kill To kill oneself is to kill a civilian’s wife and destroy a civilian family. This is not what the fool king wants to do.

Well, that's it. However, he must also be cautious. Before he can see the king's intentions, he cannot really give himself to the civilian. In any case, he is not worthy of himself. If your majesty really intends to punish the elder brother alone, then the man can be kicked out after a while.

Yes, as long as you can spend this time safely, as long as you can take a variety of shields, then you can definitely retreat without losing anything, and continue to be the eldest lady of your own Duke Goodsay’s house.

At the moment when Zelens was confused and infatuated, Marlene's tears were like a drug, making him extremely pity. Although at a loss, Zelens knew that he still had to show what a man should show. He stretched out his hand to hold the girl in his arms tightly.

"Miss Marlene, I... I'm so excited. Sure enough, we really adore each other... right?"

Marlene cried, buried her head deeply in Zelens's arms, her petite body trembled slightly: "Mr. Scarlett..."

"Call me Zelens and I am Zelens"

"Mr. Zelens... will you... protect me? If I am in danger... you will... without hesitation... protect me?"

Zelens was already happily flying into the sky. He put the rose in his hand into Marlene's arms, looked at this tearful, seemingly infinitely wronged face, and smiled——

"Please rest assured, Miss Marlene. From today onwards, I, Zelens Scarlet, will be your most loyal knight. I will give my life to protect you, no matter how terrible the changes in this world are, I Swear, I will protect you forever and ever."

At this moment, Zelens smiled.

Marlene's face showed happiness, and she continued to nestle in Zelens's arms. then……

The corner of her mouth also smiled. V

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