Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 70: , Frozen three inches

Frozen three inches

Quirine cried very much. Well, yes, it is very powerful.

The heavy make-up on her face has now been ditched by her tears. To be honest, she was originally beautiful, but now that a lot of "river channels" have been added, it makes people feel like they want to stay away.

"Woo...Where am I? I have been wondering before, where am I? Xiaoxingli, do you think I am bad? Am I really bad? Ah? "

The corners of Xing Li's mouth twitched a little. She opened her mouth and was speechless for a while. Mu Du beside him spread out his hands and made an inexplicable expression.

"It seems that the teacher has caused others to suffer again. It's so pitiful~~~"

Bun raised the sign and shook it in front of the idiot. The idiot closed his eyes, exhaled, and replied, "Who is pitiful? She, or the one who was dumped?"

Bun shrugged his shoulders and said he could not comment. But at this moment, there was a sudden shout over there, and the little bread and the idiot looked up...Very well, the Earl Rooney had already been pushed by the servant, holding a wooden stick, and quickly rushed here. Come here.

"How did I give birth to such an unfilial daughter, you unfilial daughter?"

Obviously, the current earl is already mad. Pushing the wheelchair with one hand and holding the stick with the other, he rushed in. After seeing Quilin completely blind to the soldiers and the king in the shop, he immediately raised the wooden stick in his hand and hit with his hand.

"Unfilial daughter, you unfilial daughter"

"Wow, dad, ahhhhhhhh"

Seeing that the old count was angry, Quilin quickly used Xingli as a shield, while Xingli hurriedly raised his hand and hurriedly persuaded him.

"What's wrong with father? What's wrong with sister? If you have something to say, next to... next to"

Xing Li scrupulously looked at Mu Du next to him, and gave Rooney the earl a wink, but the old earl was so angry that he didn't even turn around. He raised the wooden stick in his hand and swung it down fiercely. An ice skate appeared in Quilin's hand immediately, blocking the stick.

"Well, you stinky girl, you dare to resist? Now that you have hardened wings, you can do everything you see, right? What a good person the son of Count Saylia is. It’s a good son, and people don’t mind if you are five years older than him. What do you think about this kind of son-in-law?"

Xing Li was shocked, turned around and said in surprise: "Sister? Is anyone willing to marry you?"

Quirine sighed with tears, "What are you doing? An expression that seems to see a dragon?"

Small bread vertical card: "Will someone at Ba Ba want to marry Teacher Quilin? 》

The idiot frowned and thought: "Well, this is really a hard mystery. Dim off, what do you think."

Annihilation: (Maybe the world is going to be destroyed...)

The earl enthusiastically propped it up with one leg. He took the crutches handed over by the servant, and while leaning on the crutches, he raised the ice-covered wooden stick with his head, panting and pointed at his unfilial daughter, and shouted--

"Yeah, if people are willing to marry her, such a good man will become my son-in-law, and you... you ask her, you ask what this stinky girl did to her in turn"

Xing Li turned his head and looked at Quilin. But Quirin said with a face of weeping, "Can you blame me? Dad, don't I like him? I also like him very much. I love him very much. He is so handsome and talented. Only a fool will not. He likes him...but...but he told me in secret, he said he likes men, one of his cousins, and I got married just to hide our eyes and deal with my parents. It's strange how there is such a feminine and beautiful man in this made me happy for a while...uuuu...uuu..."

When Mu Du heard the news, his mouth was half open. He looked a little embarrassed now, and shook his head: "Ah...that...the son of Count Celia?"

"Shut up without talking to you"

Rooney replied that the earl didn't even look at it, and directly scolded his king. Afterwards, he rushed over to chase him again, and while he was hitting, he said, "Didn’t I remind you of this kind of thing a long time ago? I said that the other party has a slight flaw in sexual addiction. After seeing the other party, didn’t you agree Yet?"

"Is that called a little bit? That's not interested in me at all. Okay, dad sees him smile so sweetly, I thought I met the real man, but...but...uuuu..."

"This is not the reason why you completely paralyzed the opponent. I asked you to have a good chat with him, but what about you? Lord Earl and I only left for a while, so you freeze him all over and throw him into the pool? And...and..."

Thinking of the tragic experience, Rooney answered that the earl was out of anger.

"Furthermore, you took a stab at his lifeblood. When I came out, the doctor said that he was completely frozen to death. I can't do anything except remove it. That's a good thing you did."

Quilin was crying harder. She held Xingli and sobbed: "Can this be blamed on me? After you left, I persuaded him for a long time... I even tried to seduce him, but he still ignored me. No, I have told him that so many male and female collocations are the kingly way, but he just said that his heart has been completely given to his cousin. Woo... I was angry and stabbed him a few times. I was completely wrong. Quasi-critical means that he dodges indiscriminately, and as a result...accidentally... he stabbed..."

"Then it's not good for him if he loses the egg"

Having said this, Quirine suddenly stubbornly stubbornly yelled, “What’s the matter? Anyway, his thing is useless. He only likes the feeling of being pressed on the bed by his cousin. I will cut off the burden for him. Thank me"

" are not a filial daughter, you are not a filial daughter————"

Rooney replied that Earl was really mad. He raised the wooden stick in his hand and slammed it directly on Quilin's head. Xingli used a silk scarf to fend off, and hurriedly smiled and persuaded: "Okay, okay, father, although the matter is serious... but at least it hasn't killed anyone, it's pretty good, right? Compared to the boyfriends of my previous sister..."

"You know what two unfilial sons, I gave birth to you, but you all caused me to trouble your sister. I think she will be like this in her life, but what about you? Well, you have made such a great contribution. Your Majesty wants The reward given to you, you turned away all the business who still cheeked here to show their faces? You are good at it, aren’t you? It’s very uncomfortable to see the Rooney Taber family recover the two of you in my generation. Do you want to sabotage?"

"Ah... Father, over there... over there, don't talk about it..."

"What is here and there, you two... I'm so angry that I won't interrupt one leg of your girl, and then drag you over and throw you directly into the house of Count Celia to become their daughter-in-law, I Going out without the face"

"That... Father, Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

"Yeah, that little stubborn Majesty will see you as his spy. This is the more correct thing he has done in his life than the first emperor, and it is the only thing he will be able to give you the reward directly with his smart mind. After you pushed it away, the king whose head was kicked by the donkey actually took all the rewards back."

Xingli panicked, waved his hand quickly, and whispered softly, "No, no, father, don't...say so..."

"Why don't I say that? I think he is doing it at all. From the bottom of my heart, he doesn't want to spend money for our family, right? There is a paste in his head, like a smashed tofu **** king. It’s a “great deed.” Maybe I should go find a pig and kick his **** wooden head again to make him a little stupid, so it’s easy to control, isn’t it?"

The bun next to him covered his mouth, and the idiot shook his head. It was Mu Du, but now he was embarrassed, not knowing whether he should be angry or forgive.

Xing Li was already dying in a hurry. While trying to protect her sister from being beaten, she kept winking at her father. However, Rooney replied that Earl was really too angry, no matter how Xingli's look made the soldiers watching outside feel sad, he still didn't respond.

"Father, you... don't say anything... I will find a way from Count Celia..."

"Think of a shit, what else can I think of in this situation? I really can't wait...I can't wait to give both of you to them in exchange for a little bit of kindness from each other, but, you dead girl"

Well, one after another was scolded to death by the old father, even if this girl is really dead, she will be angry to come back to life. Quirin suddenly sighed and stood out from behind Xingli, and said loudly: "What's the matter, what's the matter, that Count Celia's house is based on the fact that it used to belong to the Norius faction, this time suddenly What else is there? We are also earls, why should we lower them? It made that I had to marry a man who always thought of being overwhelmed by other men on the bed? "

The bun's expression was weird. He raised the sign. There was no writing on the sign, only a love heart was drawn. After seeing this love heart, the idiot has a very complicated expression...

"Enough now, you dead girl stand up for me, and now we will go and apologize to the Earl of Celia. Then, you are a member of the Celia family, and death is also the ghost of the Celia family. If Xia Ye? Celia The son really...really lost that function. Even if you are a living widow for a lifetime, you still have to stay in their home for the rest of your life." A

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