Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 71: , The strongest alliance

The strongest alliance

At this point, Xing Li knew that he could no longer wince. Seeing that Quilin had once again shrunk behind her, the idiots and the buns over there were nothing to do with them, hanging up high and gloating (especially the buns), she also knew the father and daughter. unreliable.

"Okay, Father, please trust me, I will definitely try to give Celia an explanation."

"What's the explanation? What else can I explain~~~ I'm sorry to freeze your son's eggs. Actually, I can't blame me. To blame, your son's eggs are too low in cold resistance and too weak. Just drop it?

"Not His Majesty the King"

Mu Du was surprised.

"I didn't ask for any rewards this time, so His Majesty the King owes me a favor. Now, Your Majesty, can you ask you to block this for our Rooney family? Even me, Xingli? Rooney is in this dark After the deer offensive, the only reward he asked for."

Xingli bowed his head and saluted. Lord Earl turned his head cursingly: "How could the king whose head was kicked by a tortoise do such a thing?"

Then, Lord Earl, finally saw Mudu who stood behind him and said nothing.

In an instant, the whole world was quiet...


"Ah, Your Majesty."

"No, it's okay, the tortoise can't kick my head." Although Mu Du was very angry, he knew one thing. It is definitely not the time to be angry. "Then, I won't disturb your family reunion. Goodbye. "

After all, Mudu wanted to slip. But how could Xingli let him go? He ran up quickly, showing a tearful expression in front of Mu Du, and said: "Your Majesty, this is me...this is my only us... OK? If... …Without your sister...oooooo..."

The bun held up the sign and wrote the book——

"Poor Majesty"

In this regard, the idiot agreed.

The corners of Mu Du's mouth twitched. To be honest, he suddenly had no affection for the star in front of him. He even hoped that Xingli asked for the Rooney family to be promoted to noble, even if it was promoted from earl to marquis, it didn’t matter.

but now? I...become a lobbyist?

To convince another earl not to be sad for his son's loss?

So what should I say? He ran in front of the earl with a hearty smile and said loudly: "Haha, don't worry, the injury will always heal. This is the same as a human liver. Even if it is cut off, as long as it is carefully cultivated, one day Will grow again"

Is that so?

"Ah...Xingli, I think..."

"You will definitely agree to me, won't you? Your Majesty~~~~"

At this moment, Xing Li's eyes were completely watery. Seeing such a face and such an expression, the idiot couldn't help it, and turned his head quickly. I'm afraid I can't help but look at it more. Since idiots can't bear it anymore, let alone Mudu?

"Ok... well... I... promise you... promise..."

After accepting this extremely difficult question, the king left the shop and got into the wagon surrounded by the soldiers. He couldn't refuse, because Xing Li really helped him too much in this battle. Whether it was to find out Dai Lao or later on the evil fire, she helped herself too much... She couldn't refuse at all.

The king's carriage was gone.

Xingli smiled and sent away the king, when the carriage finally disappeared from everyone's sight...

"Okay, the problem is solved."

Throwing the problem to someone else to solve it does not mean solving it, but it is better than thinking about it yourself, right?

Rooney answered that Earl was still immersed in sorrow. The corners of his eyes were cramping, and he was trying to remember how many times he had scolded. The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

"His Majesty Mudu will bear hatred. 》

Bun ran out of the hiding place and put a card in front of the earl. When the earl was stunned, the sign turned over—

"Although your majesty didn't say anything on the surface, your majesty will definitely bear the hatred. Moreover, they will secretly look for opportunities for revenge. 》

Seeing this line of words, Earl Rooney's face turned pale. His feet softened and immediately fell onto the wheelchair. The hand holding the wooden stick was trembling even more.

Seeing this, the idiot next to him slowly walked up, patted Rooney's answering house servant lightly, and said in a very low voice——

"I suggest, take your earl home. He needs a rest."

The male servant hesitated for a while, and finally, he nodded, and immediately pushed the terrified earl in the wheelchair to leave the shop, walked in the direction of home, and left.


Little Bread did not let out a big breath until the wheelchair disappeared completely. Then she gave a thumbs up at the idiot. The idiot also gave her a thumbs up, indicating that she did a good job. At this moment, when Quirine next to her saw her father being scared away by the father and daughter, she immediately lay on a chair in the shop as if paralyzed, stretched out her hand and wiped her face, making this messy face stained with heavy makeup even more Terrible.

Xing Li shook her head. As a last resort, she declined those customers and closed the store door. She walked in front of her sister, looked at this sister who had been in love with close to three digits since she was born, shook her head and sighed.

"Sister, you're almost killed by a hundred people... it's genuine..."

When Quirin heard Xingli say this, she felt miserable in her heart. She immediately hugged the silks in her shop and lay on her chair and started crying.

"I quit, I won't fall in love anymore, I don't trust men anymore... I just won’t marry for the rest of my life and become an old lady, waiting to be ridiculed and thrown into the grave. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Xing Li frowned and glanced at the idiot. The idiot shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture of not expecting me.

"Ah... Sister, marriage is a big event, everyone has to take it. Moreover, my sister is so beautiful, in the wind and sand... No, I am afraid that in the entire sad continent, there are few people who can be more beautiful than you. Isn't it?"

"Woo...we...we are you showing off on excuses?"

Quirin rubbed her tears, and in turn looked at Xingli with some venting. Of course, I also looked at the apprentices who were lying on the crack of the door and secretly looking inside. Obviously, those men are definitely not looking at themselves.

Xingli's face was stern, picked up the silk scarf and started to wipe her face, and at the same time said solemnly: "Sister, don't joke about me anymore. Now we are discussing your problem."


"Obviously, sister, you need to go through some sophisticated planning and packaging. Your road to love requires some strategies. It's like a march, which requires advance deployment. Think about any situation that may occur during military operations, and respond accordingly. . And you can’t bump into it wherever you go like normal love. Yes, sister, you need someone to help you.”

"That's enough, I don't want to fall in love. I'm thirty years old...a thirty-year-old leftover girl can no longer have a relationship."

"Sister, just because you are 30 years old, so you have to hurry up."

Xing Li was a little angry, she wiped off the powder from her face for Quilin, and took the makeup remover from the bread and the towel from the idiot, and said--

"Although you look very young now, as if you are only in your early twenties, there is no doubt that you are indeed in your thirties. This is a serious and serious problem. It is definitely not the time to allow you to continue to play tricks like a mature Be careful of strategy like the women of the world."

Xingli's impassionedness seemed to finally bring Quilin out of the constant shadow of broken love. She sobbed, raised her head, and looked at her family. Her heart was hot and her eyes were sore. She couldn't help but stretch out her hand, hug Xingli tightly, tears in her eyes.

"My good Xingli... sure enough... in this world, only you care about me... oooooo..."

"Wrong, sister."


Xingli smiled, slowly freed herself from Quilin’s arms, stretched out her hand, and pointed to the side: "In this world, I will definitely not be the only person who cares about you. And your students, Mr. Xiaobai and Bread, they , Will definitely help me, help you, and solve your lifelong affairs together. Find you the best wishful man in the world."

Quilin's heart was lifted. She looked at the idiot and the bread next to her, with doubts in her eyes. However, when the bun took a step forward, he patted his chest. And after the idiot nodded coldly, the leftover woman finally broke her tears into a smile. She couldn't help getting up from the chair, ran to the idiot, and opened her arms...

Hugging him tightly.

"Thank you... thank you... Xiao Bai... Little Bread... Xiao Xing Li... Sure enough... I am not alone in this world... I have good kids like you... OK, I will definitely succeed in fishing A golden tortoise son-in-law showed you that you can’t marry a 30-year-old woman? With your help, I must marry a wealthy family to show you.”

The idiot originally had a little confidence in this matter. However, when Quilin said this, he suddenly felt a desire to retreat... Fortunately, Xing Li pulled him from the side in time to avoid his immediate escape.

At least... the life-long event of the ghost queen now falls on her own body, right?

Well, at least this is still an offensive and defensive alliance. As the main planner, Xingli is still.

"So, what am I going to do."

Idiot speaks. Xing Li thought for a while and was about to speak. But at this moment, Quirin suddenly thought of something, and quickly interrupted--

"Xiao Xingli, you remember that this is looking for a boyfriend for me, not for you. Don't make a mistake, don't make a mistake and be misunderstood by others that you are recruiting relatives, that's wrong, you know?

In this regard, apart from being speechless, what else does Xing Li have to say? A

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