Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 72: , The conspiracy at the promo

Conspiracy at the invitational meeting

(You really have nothing to look for. You think you are too comfortable, right?)

Dim Mie expressed his dissatisfaction, and expressed his most direct and sincere suggestions for what the idiot is doing now.

(So, what are you going to do now? You can't kill two people when you have nothing to do. Instead, you run to be a matchmaker? You really disappointed me, and embarrassed me too much)

The words of Annihilation are the same as before, without any effect at all. It also knew it, so it just hummed and didn't intend to interfere. The idiot looked at the small bread next to him, then at Quirin and Xingli in front of him, and nodded after thinking about it.

"Teacher, I will introduce you boyfriend. And, it must be the best boyfriend for you. Then, I will go."

Saying goodbye to Quilin, the idiot turned around and left the shop, ready to go.


what to prepare?

What else can I prepare?

As soon as he left the store, the idiot immediately went to the stationery store and bought a lot of paper. After he returned to the tree house with these papers in his arms, he mobilized everyone in the house to write a marriage proposal. Tolan and Mili were strange at first, but strangely, they still came to help.

For one day and one night, hundreds of marriage proposals have been written. The idiot took these signs to the street and guarded the intersection. Little Bread is in charge of watching the wind. As long as any young man passes by, the father and daughter will immediately go up and pass the notice to each other.

"Want to get married."

The idiot's cold eyes stared at a civilian he was holding now, and it was obvious that the other party was terrified of the idiot's eyes.

"Rooney replied that there is a lady in his family who is in her boudoir and needs to find a male partner. Are you interested? Tell you, it is very likely to win.

"Win a lottery?"

Rooney answered, who is the young lady at home? Is there any man of marriageable age who doesn't know the Rooney family in the whole wind? The idiot just said this, and the other party immediately showed a very interested look. He couldn't help but leaned forward and asked again.

"What do you mean by winning...?"

"Meaning, Rooney's answering family will hold a family invitation meeting in the near future. To recruit for their young lady. Are you interested in participating? Maybe, you will win the prize and be taken by Miss Rooney's answering."

Well, the idiot is cheating. Compared to Xingli's allure color, Quilin, who also has a full-fledged appearance, is much less famous. Now, when the man heard this, he was immediately excited. He happily took a poster, asked the idiot to register his personal information and left.

Throughout the day, the idiot posted this information at various important intersections while posting posters. For three days in a row, the news that Rooney’s family wanted to get married immediately spread throughout the sandy streets and alleys. Originally, this was just a very ordinary invitation for parties, but under the idiot's fierce manipulation, it immediately became a war. After the wind blows the top priority

"Have you heard? Rooney replied that the going to recruit relatives."

"I heard I heard about recruiting relatives? Then... Is it...?"

"It's possible. After all, counting her age, she is already 23, and she should be the age of marriage."

"Hey~~~23 ah~~~~ but it seems like it’s not even twenty... Rooney said the family inheritance is really...hehe..."

"Hello, you drool."

"So, what now?"

"What else can I do? Of course it's such a good opportunity to participate, how can I let it go?"

"But... but just in case... which man among us really gets selected... what should I do?"

"Just kidding, why are you worried about this kind of thing? Ordinary people are too happy to have time, if you are worried, you don't have to go."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no

October is the day when the fruits are born. Compared with the Rooney family, the fruits obtained this year are destined to be many, and they are also very lavish...

Finally, October 1st.

This was supposed to be the day of the Autumn Harvest Festival, but now it has some different meanings secretly. On this day, in the Northeast Lake Park, an extremely busy ceremony has quietly unfolded. Xing Li and Kui Lin, who were the parties involved in this incident, were stunned after seeing all this.

"Past a little, put it over there, yes. It's there."

In the open space in the park, a small stage was set up like this. Mili and Tolan were on-site conducting instructions, telling the workers where these things should be placed and how they should be handled. Thanks to Tolan's previous stage performance experience, there is nothing strange about these stage arrangements, little by little.

"Mr. Xiaobai, it really cost you money this time. You actually spent so much money for my sister's recruitment."

Under Xing Li's sigh, the idiot shook his head indifferently.

"Hehe, silly beep~~~"

Little Bread ran over happily and raised the sign--

"The bosses of these workers who don't need money for these things heard that they were preparing for Rooney's answer to the family invitation ceremony, and he immediately agreed to sponsor us all the way~~ So we didn't need to spend any of us. 》

Xing Li was surprised, but she could only nod her head. She next asked which boss was so generous to provide sponsorship, and under the guidance of the bun, she immediately went to the boss who was assisting in decorating and thanked him.

Quirine looked at the scene, looking at a loss. To be honest, she used to have only a few people on blind dates. But looking at it now, it turned the scene so big? How can he do this?

"Hey, idiot, what do you want? You don't... want me to sing and dance on this stage? I'll explain in advance that I have a poor tone, and I can't dance at all."

(It is really hard work to marry this eldest lady.)

The idiot shook his head and was about to speak. But at this moment, there was a shout from the other side of the tunnel. After a while, a carriage of the Norios family came slowly, surrounded by a dozen soldiers and maids.

"Is it the lady from the Norius family?"

"Why is she here too?"

It was no one else who got off the car, it was An. With the help of the maid, she stepped out of the carriage. After seeing the scene here, he smiled slightly, walked up and patted the idiot on the shoulder.

"It's okay to make it so colorful, and it doesn't seem to be a waste of me to support your equipment. Those are my proud works. I must make this show vigorous, right? Hahaha"

The idiot nodded and said nothing. An also knew the character of an idiot, so he walked over to Xingli and greeted her. Xing Li also asked her body with concern, but Anx pulled out a long weapon wrapped in cloth from the carriage, put it on her back, and smiled without saying a word.

"Well, little idiot, tell me now, what are you going to do?"

Quirine was really worried. To be honest, the invitation party will be held in the afternoon, but she has no idea whatsoever. What should I do? doing what? Before the idiot tells himself, he might really mess up everything.

I am already 30 years old, and if I still go home in such a grand invitational meeting, then I really have no face to stay in the wind and sand from now on.

Compared to Quilin's panic, the idiot looked extremely calm. He stretched out his finger and made a calm gesture. Afterwards, he looked around and said, "Teacher, in fact, things are very simple this time. Do you have confidence in your beauty?"

"Ah..." Quilin opened her mouth wide and rolled her eyes, and said hesitantly, "I should say... confident... right?"

"Teacher, you are beautiful, don't worry"

The idiot nodded, he pulled Quirin and whispered--

"This time's plan is called mode shift and guilt battle. If it goes well, there may be more than one, there will be three, four, or even five or six men who are jealous for the teacher."

In an instant, Quilin's eyes lit up. She was a little excited by the shoulder of a candle idiot, dragged him into the small forest next to him, peeked outside, and then ecstatically said: "As expected of my chief disciple, just say that...that What does combat mean?"

The idiot nodded and said, "First of all, you and Xingli will dress up together. But, neither of you talk, I, as the host, will lead the invitation."

"When you are on the stage, I will arrange for Xing Li to be a little more conspicuous, so that people can think that this invitation meeting is for her."

"Hey hey hey, slow down, isn't it wrong? I was still arguing at the beginning, so you must not let those people make a mistake."

"Teacher..." The idiot took a breath and exhaled deeply, "Although... this is difficult to express. But I still want to say. In the usual way, teacher, you may not find a man in your life..."


An ice skate pierced the idiot's belly directly. Fortunately, the idiot was prepared, and quickly reached out. But the ghost queen is already reluctant and reluctant: "What does it mean that I can’t find a man? You just said that my face is not bad, right? My body is not bad, right? For people like me A common beauty, how dare you say that I can’t find a man? Okay, **** boy, remember for me, if the teacher can’t find the wishful man in this recruitment meeting today, you will be responsible for my happiness for the rest of my life. When will you find a good man for me, when will I leave, otherwise, you will be a cow and a horse for me in your life, do you hear?"

Quirin's aura is too strong... so strong that the idiot can't help but bow his head, and only stands up. At this time, Xiao Bian ran in, saw such a situation, after a little understanding, immediately raised the sign——

"Teacher, don't think about it too complicated. In fact, it's not that difficult. 》

"Not so difficult? Why is it not so difficult? What's the matter?"

At this point, the idiot was free to tell Quilin of his plan completely.

The specific circumstances of this plan are as follows. The first step is to make everyone think that it is a venue for recruiting relatives for Xingli. Of course, Xing Li would be disgusted in the process, and would find it difficult to understand, but it didn't matter, just passed her directly. Anyway, there were so many people surrounded by the scene, and she couldn't just let the recruitment of relatives go bad.

After that, the idiot, as the host, will bring the registered men to the stage in turn. During this process, Quilin can observe secretly, and if she feels which one she likes, she will write it down secretly, and she will tell the idiot during the intermission. And the idiot announced the participation of the next two-player game based on this list.

For the same reason, let those who participate in the game think that they are potential winners. Then, pretending to make them think that they are playing the game with them is the star of their dreams. But in fact... I'm sorry, but at this time, it was Quirine who took the place.

In the whole process, Quilin must behave exactly like Xing Li. This is actually not difficult, after all, they are a family, and their beautiful and delicious faces are somewhat similar. As long as you paint a little makeup and dress up, I believe no one will recognize them in a short time.

Ah, of course, this is when Quilin is not talking.

After the event games, the participants of those games will be announced. Which are victorious and which are eliminated. The winner will accept the commendation from the host of the idiot, and then Xingli will come on stage to congratulate them for passing the qualifiers. However, when these people hope to be able to kiss Xingli Fangze, Quilin needs to show the appearance of being abandoned by everyone. At this time, the idiot will be very surprised and say, why did you choose Xingli? Isn’t Quirin the person who was very harmonious with you in the game? Since you all had a great time, why do you choose Xingli again?

That's it. Presumably, a considerable number of men will regret the wrong judgment produced by their own judgment in surprise. They will be frustrated and feel that they are really wrong. In the process, some men think they have been cheated and leave. But in contrast, there are some men who think that they hurt a woman's heart, and they also start to recall all the experiences in the game. After making up their minds, they decide to try to associate with Quilin.

The above is all of this plan.

Quirine frowned as she listened. After the idiot and Little Bread told her all the plans, she gently bit her nails and said, " complicated, how does it feel like the plot of some musicals? It's full dramatic?"

Quirine got it right, it really is full of drama. After all, ordinary methods can no longer allow her to be favored by the opposite **** among normal people, right?

Quirine looked at the idiot, then at the bread. Hesitated for a while. But there is no way, she has no other way to deal with this, right? If you don't do this, God knows how long it will take for her to really get up with a man.

"Well, I... I know what to do, I just listen to you, but you are an idiot, you will remember it for me"

Quelin gritted her teeth, leaned forward, pressed her face firmly in front of the idiot, and said with a grievance: "I did it exactly in your way. If that doesn't work, it's not my responsibility. Since your responsibility is yours, then you must bear this mistake for me, do you know?"

The idiot couldn't help swallowing and nodded quickly. Even Bun was so scared to hide behind the idiot, nodding in fear. At this point, the ghost queen really let go of her heart and let herself be at the mercy of an idiot.

After explaining the plan, the idiot immediately took Quilin to the dressing room behind the stage. After a while, Tolan walked in. He looked at Quilin, and then at the idiot. After the idiot nodded to him, he smiled and went behind Quilin and asked her to sit down in front of a makeup mirror.

"Rooney replied to the teacher, now, I will put some makeup on you. I hope you can cooperate with me and tell me how different is Xingli from your impression."

"Ah... well."

"Well, first of all, Miss Xingli has blond hair, long and soft hair, very smooth. You are also blond, that's okay, but your hair is too short."

"Hehe, I like short hair, long hair is difficult to manage."

"But it can't work. Now, I will put on you a golden wig. Hmm... Look, is this okay?"

"This... seems too straight. Xingli's blond hair is slightly curly."

"Okay, what about this one?"

"Yes, this is the top"

"Okay, then the eyelashes. Miss Xingli's eyelashes are very long and her eyes look very soft. I will lighten the eyeliner for you, and hope you can make your eyes softer."

"In terms of clothing, you can't always wear such a one-step skirt or trousers. Although it fits your personality well, it doesn't fit Xingli's personality. So you have to change into a Sogra skirt."

"Ah? Sogla skirt? But that is our family's military uniform..."

"Please change it. I have prepared in advance the Sogla dress that is exactly the same as Miss Xingli today. Please change it later."


"In addition, there are pantyhose. Black pantyhose is almost one of Lingmei's iconic dress. Please change it together, and please wear the plain clothes I prepared for the upper body. Rooney family The charm of women is spontaneous and natural, so plain clothes can best set off the faces of two people."

"How awkward it feels... You seem to be totally denying my previous clothes..."

"Well, please don't return your mouth. Everything is for your lifelong happiness. Ah, also, shoes. You can't wear high heels because your sister never wears them. Please wear ordinary cloth shoes. Then, please Then wrap this pink ribbon around your waist. After you finish this, I believe that the similarity between you and Miss Xingli will be impressive." A

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