Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 73: , Quilin Depressed Day

Quilin Depressed Day

Tolan's makeup techniques are perfect. He carefully put some blush on Quilin to help her enhance her femininity. The lipstick is not the red that Quilin often uses, but a younger-looking light powder. The makeup is mainly light makeup and does not require much modification.

After a while, Tolan left the dressing room and handed it to Bun to take over. This girl helped Quilin put on those clothes, tied ribbons, and put on her shirt. After a while, the little girl happily popped out of the room and greeted the idiot and Toran.


Bun looked very excited. She yelled and greeted the idiot. After the idiot turned around, the little Nizi pretended to be mysteriously blocking the door, and then... suddenly opened the door.


The next moment, the sight in front of him stunned the idiot for a while.

The slightly wavy blond hair and gentle golden pupils. The fleshy smile that always hangs on the corner of the mouth, and the Sogla skirt and tights that look like Shiro’s signature... No matter how you look at it, it looks like...


In surprise, the idiot couldn't help but utter a sound. It's a pity that the "Xing Li" couldn't hold back for long. Hearing the idiot's opening, she suddenly covered her mouth and couldn't help it anymore and laughed.

"Hahahaha, it’s interesting, it’s so interesting, are you really that similar? Me and Xiaoxingli? Hahaha, even you will admit it wrong, it’s pretty good right, Xiaoxingli seems to have a good reputation. Look to cheat and drink?"

"Xing Li" stuck his waist and crossed his legs, showing a very bleak laugh. Okay, although her dress and Xing Li are already nine points similar. But with this smile, as soon as you speak, no one will probably admit the wrong object.

The idiot shook his head and sighed. Seeing this, Quirin immediately took two steps, walked to the side of the idiot, and hooked his neck. After that, she began to tease the idiot's nose with her golden wig, and smiled: "Little idiot, does it look like this? You said, if I dress like this, will I become like that little one in the future? Very popular with men? Will there be men who often turn their heads to see me when I walk on the road?"

The idiot closed his eyes and opened them again. But when he was about to speak, Quirin immediately clutched her hair and jumped aside.

"Do I want to grow long hair in the future? But long hair is very troublesome... to take care of... I am not like Xiao Xingli who can use Ningwu to keep my hair smooth and not split."

Then, she pinched her short skirt again, lifted it slightly, turned her head, looked behind her back, and frowned--

"But... the skirt is so short, it feels chilly. Will you see the entire thigh if you move it a little? No wonder that little guy is wearing pantyhose. Is wearing this skirt her secret to seduce men? Show your figure?"

The idiot shook his head and said, "Skirts can be said to be clothing that minimizes the obstacles to human movement. It is not unreasonable for your family's ancestors to determine skirts as combat uniforms."

"Really? Well... forget it. Okay, little idiot, what's next? Are we going to find a man?"

When it comes to finding a man, Quilin is already very excited. She rubbed her hands, her eyes shone. The clothes looked impatient.

Seeing this, the idiot coughed. Pressing the shoulders of the extremely excited teacher, slowly said: "Teacher, you must remain calm, and you must stabilize your mind. This is a golden turtle fishing, so you must be patient. You use a fishing rod. , Not a net bag. So, please be patient with yourself."

Quirine grinned and smiled. She shrank the silk scarf around her waist and scratched her head.

After persuading Quilin, the ten o'clock in the morning also went through the entire park. The idiot raised his head and looked at the stage not far away. Look now, a lot of people have already gathered on the stage, and the musicians who volunteered to come have begun to beat the gongs and drums, ready to start.

"Okay, teacher. Please stand by in the backstage now. Remember, everything is subject to my instructions. And all you have to do is to do your best to be quiet in the game. Because that is the only thing you can show Own opportunity."

Quirine rubbed her fists and nodded vigorously. After that, she reluctantly re-entered the backstage behind the stage, staying in this simple and almost dark place, ready to play at any time.

The idiot could only sigh when she saw Quirin's expression of excitement. Little Bread came over with a little sympathy, pulled up La Ba Ba's sleeve, and happily raised the sign in his hand——

"Baba, more tired than fighting or calculating others? 》

"Don't talk bad about the teacher. We delayed her seven or eight years of youth."

The idiot tapped the little girl's head lightly, and Bun hurriedly clutched his head and ran away grinning.

"Your Majesty, are you ready?"

Mi Li ran over from the stage and asked a little excitedly. After getting the idiot nod, she immediately took out a human skin mask from her arms and put it on the idiot's face.

"This face is still your Majesty's own, just made some smiling expressions. In this way, your Majesty can smile when he presides over."

The idiot took the mirror and looked at his current face. To be honest, I still feel a little uncomfortable seeing my smile on my face. But it's not bad, so let's go.

So, the idiot took the microphone, put on the special stage costume Tolan brought, and took a deep breath...Finally, amidst the cheers and music of everyone, he stood on the stage...

"This time Rooney's answer to the earl's blind date meeting, now which one of the lucky ones can get the young lady's favor? Let us wait and see."

Cheers, shaking the sky.



Quirine rubbed her hands and looked very nervous.

She walked around in this backstage filled with debris, and she was too nervous.


The backstage was really messy, and if she was not careful, Quilin hit something on her foot, which made her hurt for a while. Well, it is not easy to build such a big stage in such a short period of time. The appearance is glamorous, and the backstage here is naturally saving. As an idiot who can't pay, it is natural not to be too demanding.

"It's messy here...cough, I don't know if the tights are broken."

There were hardly any lights in the backstage, and Quirin clutched her aching foot, and after looking around, she sat on a box. She slowly pulled down her pantyhose and reached out to touch her knee... Fortunately, she was not injured. But there seemed to be a hole in the tights.

"What should I do now?"

Before he appeared on the stage, Quirin had already begun to destroy the idiot's plan. For this result, she obviously panicked. She is not very good at thinking at ordinary times. She panicked and clutched the hole in her knee. She hurriedly turned around, but she didn't know what to do.

At this time, outside the background.

As the boss who supported the stage invitation meeting, now he looks a little frustrated.

"What's the matter? You can you forget such an important thing?"

His staff lowered their heads and looked very flustered.

"I bought the'that thing' for such a big price, but you told me that it was lost? Why didn't you lose it? Ah? Why"

"That... boss... Because you are urging us to sneak'that thing' into the country, and at the same time you urging us to come over to build Miss Rooney's stage... make a mistake in your busy schedule... so..."

"So? So what? "That thing" has no legs. How many of you big people would lose it like this? I also told you to entrain it in my anesthetic spray. I brought it along with the goods, but you still lost me? You bastards... don't you know the meaning of the thing? I finally bought it from the antiquities dealer of the Fang Empire Yes. If the Bucks knew that I was secretly carrying things from the Fang Empire and brought them into the country, what do you think I will get? Ah? What do you think you will get?"

After a while, all the subordinates who were talking about were flustered. Although the affairs between the Bucks Empire and the Tusk Empire are still the top secrets of the country, merchants with magical powers can always obtain the information they need from various channels. For the goods in this situation, especially the import and export of antiquities, once they are discovered, they must be locked up first, and then the problems will be studied carefully.

Here, the businessman and his men began to panic searching for them. But they don't know when the goods were messed up, so they don't have any clues now, they can only rush to various warehouses, hoping to find the "thing". However, these seem to have nothing to do with this stage recruitment. Xingli, who has been watching the outfield, felt that she had to cheer her sister, so she entered the background at this time.

"Wow oh oh"

In the dark and messy backstage, Quirin's shout came. Xingli frowned and walked in, and opened the curtains slightly. It can be seen, but it is a very bad scene.

"Sister...what are you doing?"

In the backstage, the mess that was originally messed up is now getting worse. There was freezing everywhere, and the boxes and walls that had been bombarded. Quilin was standing in the middle, her clothes were already messy, and even her wig was crooked.

"'s okay. I just...hahaha...I'm okay"

Quilin quickly reached out to cover the place where her clothes were hooked, but for Quilin, she seemed to be unable to hide anything.

Xingli glanced at Quilin's clothes at the moment, akimbo, and sighed: "Sister, you want to find other clothes because your pants are torn?"

"Haha how could I break my pants? This is a joke. Who am I? I am"

Quirine stretched out her hand and pressed it on the wall pretending to be chic, but the wall had been beaten by her ice skates too weakly, and it spread out all at once, revealing the storage room behind. At this time, Quilin's wig was completely dropped, and the clothes on her body were completely messy, with many holes in them.

"Cough... Sister. Come here, I'll sew for you."

Xing Li shook her head, and with a flick of her fingers, a silk scarf stretched out from under her skirt. Seeing this, Quilin finally knew that she could no longer hide Xing Li, and only laughed twice and tilted her head.

"Huh? Anesthetic spray? How come there are these things here?"

When Xingli lowered his head to mend the pantyhose for Quilin, Quilin looked at the storage room where the door was broken just now. A lot of things pouring out of it made her very interested.

"Hey, Xiao Xing Li, there are so many anesthetic sprays here."

Quirine picked up a bottle, opened the lid, and laughed.

Xingli frowned, not commenting, and continued to sew: "It's nothing. I just found out that the businessman who sponsored my sister this time seems to be specializing in medical equipment. Maybe it is in stock, so let's put it here for now. "

"is it?"

Quirine looked at the spray and lost interest for a while. However, the queen's eyes were too sharp, and soon she found another thing from those sprays.

"Hey, Xingli, look, this thing is really interesting"

Quirine pursed her **** and pulled out a wooden box from the pile of goods. The reason why this thing is interesting is that this box is all pitch black, and the surface is completely covered by layers of pitch black chains. Upon closer inspection, these chains were completely connected end to end, without openings, and no locks. No matter how you look at it, it's worthy of the word "interesting".

"Sister, don't mess with other people's things."

"It's okay~~~No one will know~~~ Now, look, do you think of little idiots when you see these chains? This feeling of complete cocooning?"

Xingli only smiled bitterly and said, "Sister, don't mess with other people's things. If it breaks and the price is expensive, we can't afford it."

Quirin's words about Xingli were completely in the ears. She put the box in front of her and began to fiddle with the chains repeatedly. After turning the box over, she was surprised again.

"Hey, look, is this a magic circle?"

Xing Li glanced helplessly. However, after just a glance, she was also attracted by this box.

What Quirin said was a figure drawn on one face of the box. This is a circle, much like the figure of the guiding force road map.

However, unlike the guidance road map, there are not many interlaced lines in it. On the contrary, it is composed of many incomprehensible words and patterns. In the originally dark background, it seemed to exude a gloomy luster.

"'Whoever holds this thing, please bury this ominous thing immediately"..."

With sharp eyes, Xing Li found a line of small characters beside this magic circle, so she started to read.

"'This is a thing of great misfortune, which will bring endless disasters to the master. This thing has killed countless lives and is against the will of God. Remember, remember."

After reading it, Xing Li frowned, with an expression on the face of something disgusting. Quirine was excited and excited. She hugged the box and started tossing it upside down, and said, "Awesome, is there any weapon of mass destruction in it? It's too powerful, Xingli, very powerful, right?"

In this regard, Xingli smiled bitterly: "Sister, don't be fooled. This is a commonly used promotion method. There are many people in this world who like to collect these mysterious things, and some people just make a fool of themselves. You may open the box, and then write such a sentence on it. Didn’t you see those fonts? You can tell at a glance that this is the unique writing font of the Fang Empire. Therefore, this thing is obtained from the Fang Empire Yes. I guess it's a work of art, right?"

Quilin's expression looked disappointed. She flipped through the box, slowly spitting out a "really?" At this moment...

"Okay, the stitching is over. Sister, what do you think?"

Xingli smiled and handed the pantyhose to Quilin again. Quirine picked it up and saw that the stitched clothes were perfectly flawless. She laughed and said, "Sure enough, our little Xingli has the skills, otherwise I would be ugly."

"No, my sister won't make a fool of myself."

"Why not? I tell you, there are many people in this world who have a paranoid interest in women's pantyhose. If you see me wearing such a tattered **** look, maybe it will lead to crime."

"Well... Sister, put it on quickly."

"I haven't finished it yet, but I'm not afraid that if those **** dare to attack me, I will freeze them one by one. By the way, there are anesthetic sprays here. I just need to pick them up and face them. spray"

Quilin held the pantyhose in one hand and sprayed the spray in the other, and happily moved towards Xingli, pressing...


A puff of smoke immediately hit Xing Li's face.

And Xing Li, after swaying for two or three seconds...

" have to... come on..."

With a plop, he fell in front of Quilin.


Ah...what's the situation?

Quirine opened her mouth, looking at Xingli who fell asleep on the ground.

Isn't this thing uninsured? It's impossible. Fire extinguishers are insured. How can this thing be uninsured?

"Hey, Xingli, come on!"

Quirin pushed, but Xingli was completely groggy now, lying on the ground.

at this time……

"Now, we have to invite Miss Rooney A, the protagonist of the invitational party, to play"

There was already an idiot voice outside, and the applause was immediately thunderous. Hearing the applause, Quilin immediately panicked and pushed Xingli more vigorously.

"Hey, wake up, you are one of my most important key points in this recruitment meeting."

Xingli snores, still sleeping.

Xingli Rooney, please come on stage."

An idiot's voice came from outside again, and Little Bread also lifted the curtain secretly, trying to find out what happened here.

Now how to do? How to do?

When the idiot outside invited out for the third time, Quilin knew that she couldn't hide it. She gritted her teeth and immediately took off the dirty and messy clothes on her body, and then cut the clothes off Xingli's body by two and a half, and put it on herself. After finishing all this, she tried her best to straighten her wig, took a deep breath, and bite the bullet...

To the stage. A

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