Demon King Dad

: The second year story 046, the prelude to the storm

Walnut probably didn't expect her unintentional words to make her companion even more ridiculed at the idiot for no reason. Although the idiot was sorry for her before, in the princess's subconscious, she also had the experience of sorry for the idiot and almost killed Bun. In addition, this person has saved herself no matter what, and in the end, she has always regarded herself as a messenger of justice, so she doesn't like to see others laugh at others.

"Don't laugh! Justice matters no matter how big or small! He gets paid by doing tasks, and he is self-reliant. As aristocrats, you should not laugh at people who make money with your labor!"

The two girls next to them are all of aristocratic origin. Because they are aristocrats, they probably never had the concept of "labor" in their minds. But since Princess Walnut has spoken, it's better to obey her.

The idiot waited for a while and looked at the cloth bag in his waist. At this moment, Little Bread recognized the walnuts, and the little girl immediately opened her mouth, stretched out her hands to the walnuts, and screamed.

Walnut was stunned, she looked at the appearance of the little bread that stretched out her hand, and thought about it...

(Does she want me to hold it?)

This thought flashed through Walnut's mind. After all, she has always been the youngest since childhood. There have been no sisters except for the two older brothers. Especially my sister. At this moment, seeing that Xiao Bao was so affectionate to him, he immediately aroused good feelings.

However, her hand just moved, and the presence of the two female companions beside her immediately pulled her back to reality.

(No way, no way, what am I thinking!)

After re-energizing, Walnut decided not to look at the bun, and looked directly at the idiot.

"It looks like you are really working hard. Two months are not short, right? To do this task." Walnut straightened her voice and made some stereotyped and serious voices.

"Hehehe, it's really interesting~~~ Master Dai Lao spent two months doing a B-level mission and hunting down three monsters. But this gentleman spent the same two months, only killing It's a first-class monster. This kind of comparison is really realistic~~~"

The female partner on the side may naturally like to chew the tongue. This point makes no difference whether it is born aristocrat or common people. After hearing such cold words, the seriousness on Walnut's face was immediately a little embarrassed, but the other female companion opened the furry fan to cover her mouth and continued to say——

"No? It's called the difference between genius and street sweeping. Okay, princess, let alone, let's go quickly~~~! It's not that you said that you would deliberately stagger the time when Master Dai Lao came to pick you up, Arrived early alone so that he can be surprised?"

"Yes, yes! Princess, someone from the magazine came to take photos tonight. I think the photos of you and Master Dai Lao dancing arm in arm will make the headlines in tomorrow's newspaper!"

Walnut's face flushed slightly, she glared at the two female companions behind her, and then looked at the idiot in front of her with embarrassment. But after looking at the idiot's face, her face turned red.

"Taking pictures..."

Very quietly, Walnut spit out such a word with anger, shame and memories.

The idiot looked at Walnut coldly, and when she saw her blushing, her right hand suddenly squeezed!

"What's the matter? Is there a girl blushing at you, is your heart moved?" Dim Mie sneered, and the car's mockery could not be more obvious.


This word is probably too far away for an idiot. He is not heartbeat, but sweating and vigilant!

"Princess"... is a woman who can use her own advantages most. She blushes at you, which often means that she wants to ask for something from you. Deliberately pretends to look like a little woman with a blushing heartbeat to let you relax! Too many men were bewildered by the expression of "princess" in front of idiots, but in the end all those people became sacrifices of "princess" without exception. At this moment, seeing the "Princess Walnut" blushing at him, how can I make the idiot not nervous or alert?

The idiot took a step back, posing as if he was about to run away at any time, facing Walnut.

Walnut did not see the idiot's strict guard, but she noticed her blushing. The girl immediately turned around and suddenly amplified her voice and said, " rubbish! Don't come near me! Her body is dirty and smelly!"

The princess, who was still full of justice just now, suddenly became disgusted. This change made the two female companions startled. But soon, they happily agreed with Walnut's words.

Idiots can't ask for it! The farther away from this "princess", the safer it is. He nodded quickly, helped the bread turn around and left.

"Hold on!"

But at this moment, Walnut suddenly remembered something and turned his head again. After seeing the idiot with her back to herself, the blush on her face would not be seen by the other party, and it would no longer be hidden.

"After all...tonight is also a party organized by the Goodsey family. You just came back, I don't know, I tell you where it will be held, and you can join it."

The idiot turned his back to Walnut, and he secretly pulled out Dimmie, using the reflection of the sword to observe the distance between Walnut and himself. After confirming that she was far enough away from herself, she said coldly: "Is it... an order?"

"Order? No, no, it's not an order! It's just that the whole school is invited to go at night. Even other handymen are also invited, of course you can come..."

"Princess! What are you talking about? How can this kind of person appear at Master Dai Lao's ball? I even thought the cup he had touched was poisonous even when serving tea and water!"

"Princess, you must not be too soft-hearted. This kind of person can do everything. If he is envious, jealous, and sees that Master Dai Lao is only one year older than him, he will be mentally unbalanced after seeing Master Dai Lao being so capable , What can we do if we do something? We must not let this kind of person tarnish Master Dai Lao's party!"

After the two said that, Walnut was completely out of words. Seeing that Walnut didn't speak, the idiot quickly withdrew from the dark and walked towards the tower of glory with the bread.

"Hey, are you going to participate? That dance party." Dimie opened his blood pupil and smiled.


The silent answer fully answered its question.

Under the gray sky that gradually began to thunder, the idiot finally arrived at the final destination of his mission——

The tower of glory.


Pushing the door open, Principal Campa seemed to have known it, sitting at his desk. He took his gaze away from the documents in his hand and glanced at the idiot. After confirming the cloth bag in the idiot's waist and the bread still lying on his head, he looked back on the documents again.




Outside the window, there was a thunder. After the flash, a round cloth bag was placed on Campa's desk.

Campa snorted and looked away from the file again. He leaned on the chair and waited quietly for the idiot to peel off the cloth one after another. Until the end, the heart of that monster appeared in front of him.

"Task, completed."

Campa glanced at the heart. After just one glance, the old man's gaze condensed on the child before him again.

"…………Villages of Desapush, how is it?"


Another dark lightning flashed across the sky.

"...Old, young, woman, and child?" Campa said word by word.


no answer. Perhaps the only answer is a soft nod.

Campa began to stare at the idiot's eyes, and he seemed to want to see something in them. However, he did not see anything. These eyes are still cold, and still have no emotion, to him, it seems that they will always live with this look.

The thunder and lightning outside the window is louder............

The idiot stepped back and stretched out his left hand.


Campa glanced at the idiot and began to examine the heart carefully. After scanning for two minutes, he suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth, flicked the heart with his fingers, and sat back in his seat again.

"No, your mission failed. So, I won't be paid."


Outside the window, a flash of lightning crossed again.

The idiot's outstretched hand freezes in the air. But soon, this hand slowly dropped. His eyes were fixed on Campa, it was obvious that he was waiting for an explanation.

"Remember the mission goal I gave you? Kill that monster. And, send its heart'intact' to me."

After hearing this sentence, the idiot's vision suddenly dimmed. He lowered his head and said nothing.

"But, is this intact? What's the matter with the crack in the middle? The whole heart has been chopped in half. How do you want me to use it as a specimen?"

Campa waved his hand mercilessly, continued to look at the documents, and said casually: "Your mission failed, so now take your heart to roll. You can fry it or fry it. Do whatever you want, but I will never pay. Do you have any objections to this?"


Of course the idiot has no objection. He won't worry about anything, because he knows the old man in front of him is absolutely true. For him, there are only two results, completion and incompleteness. There is no eclecticism and no bargaining.

The idiot stepped forward and picked up his heart again. No reward, then this heart is the only reward for this mission. Campa never feeds idiot meat, this time with this heart, it can be considered to be able to improve food more or less...

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