Demon King Dad

: The second year story 047, mission impossible

The child left with the heart and the little baby girl. After he left, Principal Campa's head, which had been lowered, raised again. He just sat there and waited. When the idiot appeared on the ground outside the French window, he really left with the bread, and after returning to his hut, he immediately stood up and took out a test tube from his arms. Then, he came to the wall next to him, pushed aside the wall, entered one of the secret rooms, and came to an experiment table lit with snow white lights.

As soon as he saw Campa approaching, a roar came from a cage beside the experiment table. It was a giant bear almost three meters high. At this moment, the giant bear stretched out its claws and constantly slapped the iron cage. Even the cage made of pure steel is somewhat distorted at this moment, and it seems to be torn apart by the monster inside at any time.

"Fourth-level monster...I will try it with you first."

Campa put on a mask and took the glass from the experiment table. He poured a drop of colorless and transparent liquid from the test tube, spotted the moment the giant bear opened its mouth and roared, and swiped the liquid into its mouth.

The giant bear is still roaring.

But ten seconds later...

"Goo...oooo...!!! Hoop...hooh oh oh oh.........!!!"

The behemoth rolled his eyes and fell down with foam at his mouth. Within thirty seconds, the twitching of its body stopped completely, its breathing and heartbeat all became nothing, and it died completely.

"Very well, then the next subject...Idiot, are you ready?"

Principal Campa looked at the test tube, and the deep meaning flashing in his eyes may only be known to him...


Now, don't worry about what Principal Campa wants to do, and don't worry about whether an idiot is cooking a heart-fried meal at home. Look at Princess Walnut, what the **** is doing now.

According to the scheduled plan, Hu Tao and her two female companions arrived at the party early. Dai Lao was really surprised by the early arrival of Walnut. After he came over and kissed the back of Walnut's hand, he began to show her around the arranged dance scene.

Walnut always nods and smiles, very satisfied with the bright colors in front of her. But for some reason, she was always absent-minded, as if she always felt some lumps in her heart, and she felt uncomfortable if she didn't untie it.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Dai Lao smiled, but the handsome face that made the other girls scream at the moment belonged to Walnut alone.

Walnut twitched his mouth and shook his head: "It's nothing. By the way, I heard that you will play a violin at the ball tonight? I never knew that Mr. Goodsay also had an instrument?"

Dai Lao smiled and raised his head very coolly: "You just laughed. In fact, it's just a little joke. I have been practicing swords and didn't practice much. I have always only stayed at the level of books. It may be tonight. I'm going to make you laugh."

make fun of? Is the violin played confidently in front of the teachers and students in the school, is it just a book level? Dai Lao is a genius with both civil and military training. Since he has said what he will do, it absolutely means that he has done the best in this field!

Walnut smiled to show understanding, and was ready to listen. But just as she was about to continue to visit, a flash of light suddenly flashed through her mind!

"Book? By the way, it's a book! I just saw it in a book!"

The walnut, which was still dignified and elegant just now, cried out suddenly! This scream aroused the attention of people around, and made Dai Lao feel a little at a loss! But before Dai Lau was going to ask questions, Walnut immediately pulled up his tutu skirt and ran towards the gate in a hurry.

"Princess! Where are you going?"

"Sorry Mr. Dai Lao! I have something to go back to the castle library to check some materials! I will come back after I finish checking!"

After speaking, Walnut got into the carriage without looking back, repeatedly berating the carriage driver and returning to the castle as soon as possible.

What makes this princess so nervous?

What allowed her to categorically refuse the opportunity to live with the school girl Prince Charming?

Is a name.

A name that once made her vaguely funny, but never remembered--


Arriving at the castle, he jumped out of the carriage, and before he could tell his father and brother that he was back, he rushed into the royal library. Her speed was so fast that the maids and guards behind her had no time to follow.

The first thing she did after rushing into the library was to take off the troublesome skirt. The guards who followed immediately braked sharply and quickly retreated. The maids hurriedly took the light skirt that the princess usually wore, calling Walnut to stop and put on clothes while running with her.

Walnut didn't stop, her footsteps kept advancing among the numerous bookshelves like stars. At the beginning, the bookshelves around were still very new, and the books placed on them were also very elegant. But the more you get to the back, the older the bookshelves look. Although there was no dust accumulation due to the cleaning, judging from the yellowed pages and the books that have been damaged and have disconnected symptoms, the books here are absolutely age-old.

Gradually, those maids couldn't keep up with the princess who was digging through the bookshelf, and got lost in the library. And Walnut didn't care about the calls of the servants, and went further and inside until he couldn't hear the calls of other people...

She stood in front of a huge, dusty bookshelf.

The bookshelf that stands silently is like a giant. Those books are like giant eyes staring at her. Walnut took a deep breath, took the wooden ladder on the side and set it up, step by step. After a little hesitation, she took a book with a black cover from the shelf and blew away the dust on it.

The dust is very thick. It seems that even with a servant cleaning, there are still some places that cannot escape the precipitation of the years.

Walnut hugged the book and walked down the stairs. She leaned on the bookshelf, took out the guiding flashlight that she had prepared from her arms, and began to turn page by page. This is a handwritten book. The author is no longer known, except that it seems to be written by someone two or three hundred years ago. The pages of the book are yellowed, and some are falling, which slows down the reading speed of Walnut. But no matter how slow she was, she still found what she was looking for.

On one page, there is a bat-like creature drawn by hand. And the name above is exactly "Weimen".

"Viemen...Viemen...! It turns out that Vimen means poisonous insects? Poisonous insects? Is this the name of this monster? Wait a minute... let me see..."

"! This monster... belongs to the sixth-level beast?! It can use its venom to choose whether to poison crops or transform them into a state that will mature faster. . It can also give its identification to those with a level of burning skill? Its toxin has a psychedelic effect... The potion made with its toxin can produce a strong sense of hallucination, and it can even last for several years. !"

"Let me see... This monster killed more than 300 people and destroyed two cities. The most powerful one was to lure more than a thousand people to become its own believers, control this believer, and say 'Is your identity?"

"What's next? What can I do? Let me see... the fur of this monster is so hard that even the sharpest weapons cannot hurt it. It is said that the venom of this monster does not come from itself, but It comes from the food it eats. The reason why it will not be poisoned to death is all because its heart has the strongest anti-toxin function and can digest all toxins. To kill it, only pierce its heart But because no matter how you attack its chest, its too hard fur can block any attack. In the end, ten high-level stone verticals will unite and seal it!!!"

The content introduction is over, and the record of this monster named Weimen ends here. Although the number of words is very small, Walnut's complexion will involuntarily become paler every time you read a line. She closed the book, recalling the scene of the idiot just now...

He is back after completing the mission...

The task of slaughtering Weimen.

He came back with the heart of a monster...

The heart of Weimen.

He killed a first-level monster.

A beast that was listed as a six-level beast three hundred years ago, and even called itself a "god"...


With a snap, Walnut closed the book.

"It's absolutely impossible! He... how could he do it? This must be a mistake, it must be another monster! The other monster called Weimen is right!... No, I'm going to find him and make sure !"

The little princess held the book and rushed towards the library door. The walnut that appeared in front of the maids again was still the same as the one running around wearing a pair of panties. Such a ridiculous and out-of-the-ordinary thing of course shocked the maids. Several brave and elder maids managed to suppress the walnuts and put on a skirt for her to let the princess. Stand up and leave.

At this time, the messenger of the king of the stag empire had also arrived, and wanted to send the little princess to see the father. But Walnut rushed out of the library before the messenger finished speaking, and jumped into the carriage without saying a word.

"Go! Back to the divine grace!"

The coachman got the order and immediately drove the horses with his whip, and the carriage rushed out of the castle.

I don't know when, but pouring rain has already started in the gloomy sky. Looking at the time, it turned out to be after seven o'clock in the evening. The carriage was speeding along the road wet with rain, and the splashing water reflected the sky and the thunder and lightning that flashed from time to time, and the world was smeared with a color called anxiety.


This is absolutely impossible!

Listening to the rain and thunder outside, Walnut hugged the book in her hand tightly, and kept comforting herself. This is definitely an impossible thing...

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