Demon King Dad

: The second year story 048, the opening day

What is the concept of a six-level monster?

A monster with a strength of level 5 or above can understand human language, and a monster with level 6 or above is not only full of spirituality, but also full of power! This is not comparable to the simple concept of "three-headed three-level monsters add up to nine-level monsters", that kind of thing... kind of monster...! ! ! How could that could it be possible? !

The rain was pouring, and the gate of the school appeared in front of you in a blink of an eye. Because of the divine grace in order to shape the tough willpower of the soldiers, it is stipulated that even the palace nobles are not allowed to ride in the carriage when entering the school. So Walnut jumped out of the carriage for the first time, accompanied by an umbrella opened by the carriage driver, hurried to the D campus where the idiot was, the small bush!

"Princess, are you going to go to Mr. Goodsay's ball?"

Under the black rain, in the water curtain. An old man holding an umbrella, appeared in front of Walnut at some point, blocking her way...




Rain, it's very heavy.

A layer of water has accumulated on the ground, and the raindrops hit the ground, drawing perfect circles after another.

Principal Campa looked at Walnut quietly, the indifference on his face looked more solemn than in the past. There are two roads behind him, one leading to the D campus where the idiot is. The other one, leading to the banquet hall, Dai Lao's ball.

Crackling, the rain pounded fiercely at the feet. Walnut snorted and walked straight to Campa's side...

"Princess, you are on the wrong path."

In an instant, Campa's hand had been pressed against Walnut's belly at some point. A soft force lifted Walnut and pushed her back to the place like a cloud. The coachman was obviously stunned by the situation in front of him. It took about three seconds before he recovered, and hurried back to Walnut under his umbrella.

"Okay! Mr. Campa! I ask you, what mission did that idiot perform! What the **** is the monster called Weimen that he killed!!!"

Walnut wiped the drops of water on his face and pointed to Campa in a loud voice.

Campa looked at Walnut calmly, he seemed to have forgotten, and he thought about it for a while. After a long time, he showed an expression that seemed to be realized and said, "Oh, is that an idiot? I didn't expect that Her Royal Highness would be interested in the tasks performed by such a beggar child. If you don't say anything, I I almost forgot."

"He was performing a D-class mission, just a small mission with a commission of only ten sura. It's a pity that he couldn't complete even such a small mission, and wasted the money I paid for him."

Campa shrugged, showing a nonchalant expression.

Facing the principal’s answer, Walnut gritted his teeth, immediately opened the book in his hand, pointed to the page with the picture of Weimen, and continued: “Then, what happened to Weimen?! Weimen was in the last era. In the language, it means poisonous insects. Isn't the monster that idiot kills it?!"

Campa narrowed his eyes, looking through the rain curtain, seemingly struggling to see the book in Walnut's hand. After seeing the picture, the principal was abruptly...


Yes, Campa smiled. And it was still the kind of laughter that was holding his stomach, a little breathless. His laughter made Walnut a little confused for a while, and the questioning color on his face just now became a little embarrassing in the laughter of Campa.

"You...what are you laughing at!"

"Oh, princess, I'm sorry, please forgive me...whoop..." The old man clutched his stomach, leaving a little tear from the corner of his eyes because of laughter. He finally took a breath and said, "I...I didn't mean to laugh at you. This is actually...whoop...This is actually a complete misunderstanding."

Walnut was taken aback: "Misunderstanding???"

Campa straightened up his waist and smiled: "Yes, misunderstanding. Your Royal Highness, you are too concerned. I assure you that the monster killed by the idiot is definitely a first-level monster. The monster itself does not have it. The name is just because it often steals the fruits and vegetables in the farmland, destroys the fields, and acts a bit like the legendary Weimen. That's why I gave it such a code."

Campa's smile was too natural and his tone was too flat. This made Walnut couldn't help but start to doubt his claims.

"What you said... is true?"

After Campa said so, Walnut calmed down slightly. Actually, it's right to think about it. With the strength of that idiot, how could it be possible to really kill a level six monster? And Principal Campa also took the initiative to ask the villagers in that village. What he said...

The book closed and Walnut let out a breath. She began to make sure that she was really thinking too much about all of this, and there was no basis for it. It was just because of the name of a monster, she was so important to think of an idiot. After she calmed down, she knew how ridiculous it was. Things.

"Do you want to understand? Princess."

Walnut nodded, the lady's smile reappeared on her face.

Campa stretched out his hand, pointed to the road leading to the banquet hall, smiled and said: "Since you want to understand, please ask the princess to go to the ball. The next head of the Goodsey family has been waiting for a long time. And you have to change your clothes and touch up your makeup. Time is too late."

Walnut was taken aback and looked at the quartz clock on the roadside. She immediately screamed when she saw that the needle was already pointing at eight o'clock. That's right, she was already late by a large margin, and coupled with the time to change clothes and touch up makeup, it might be far more than nine o'clock in front of Dai Lao again! The princess immediately lifted her skirt and screamed and ran to the banquet hall. She only felt sorry for her coachman, and hurried to keep up with the umbrella, but she was caught in a mess.


Walnut's figure finally disappeared completely behind the rain curtain. The smiling face of Principal Campa also slowly fell silent. He raised his head and looked at the rain that could not be stopped, then took out the test tube in his arms and took a look...

Turned his head and walked into another fork in the road.


Time, back to four hours ago.

The bread was enchanted by the dust and sneezed. But when she saw the familiar home appear in front of her, the expression on her face was immediately replaced by a smiling face.

"Wow~~~! Wow~~~~!"

The idiot walked into the room and took the bread off his shoulders and put it on the ground. Bread stumbled to the Dulan tree, opened his hands, and hugged it up.

At this moment, this dulan tree has grown very tall. Its branches have touched the ceiling, and the crack that originally allowed it to grow is now also broken by its fist-thin trunk. But having said that, strong to strong, but being hugged by a small bread, all the leaves of this tree shrank suddenly, turning into a bare, dead tree in an instant.

"Hey, human boy, this house is almost too big for this tree. Should I find time to cut it down?"

Annihilation rarely offered a good suggestion. Needless to say, idiots also have this idea. This room was originally not very big, but the tree abruptly occupied the center. Originally, it was still young, but now it is so tall. If it is allowed to grow, it will one day break the house.

Just do it when he thinks of it, the idiot put down the heart, pulled out Dim Mi, and transformed it into a long sword shape. The dark aura exuded by Dim Mi seemed to be felt by this tree, and the branches and leaves began to tremble slightly.



Bread hugs this tree.

Seeing this scene, the idiot thought for a while, and still retracted Dim Mi into his arm.

Don't worry about cutting the tree, let Bread hold the tree, it's better than she ran around in the room, knocking and bumping.

Look at the time, four o'clock in the afternoon has passed. He looked at the heart on the table, lifted it to the side stove, pulled the cutting board away, took out the Dim, and started cutting.

Today may not be a pay day for idiots, but it should definitely be a start day.

Half an hour later...

The sky outside the window became darker and it seemed to rain anytime and anywhere. The darkness of the night visited the world ahead of time, and the dense dark clouds dyed the entire sky black, robbed of light and brought darkness into the city.

Everyone in the entire D campus went to Dai Lao's party. Of course, the campus area without people has no light and becomes lifeless, letting the darkness erode. But in a corner of the dormitory area, there was a small light, and he learned to coexist with darkness.

The oil lamp was lit in the cabin, and the dim light ignited the warmth in the dark. A scent of meat gradually wafted from the hut. The idiot carried a big pot of boiled heart on the dining table, and the diffuse meat aroma made the buns who have not tasted meat from birth to now let go of the dulan tree, climbed onto the dining table, and stared curiously. .

The idiot knows his food conditions very well, he has eaten meat. But that was hiding behind those restaurants when he was in Sennag, and when the leftovers were dumped in the trash, he would go and search for the meat. Senag's coldness made the meat cold, but even at that time, having meat to eat was still a very luxurious thing.


Outside the window, a dull thunder sounded.

The idiot took the bread to his lap and sat down, protecting her. Two big and small eyes staring at the plate of boiled heart on the table...


There was a scream in the stomachs of both people.

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