Demon King Dad

: The second year story 049, "Food Poisoning"

"I don’t know how it tastes~~~ It should be very similar to pig’s heart, right?... Hey, although I don’t have a mouth, my former host is a big fish and meat all day long. Through sharing with his mind, I also know It tastes."

The idiot swallowed his saliva, took the spoon, and scooped out a small piece of heart from the bowl. There was still heat on this piece of meat, he blew it twice, dried it, and put it in his mouth...


"Uh..." There was an uncomfortable look in the blood pupil, "The taste... is really not good. The meat is rough and it is very hard to chew. Okay, you don't have to share this taste with me!"

After speaking, Dim Mie closed his eyes and said no more.

For Annihilation, these meats may be really bad. But for idiots who have never eaten anything good, these rough and hard-to-swallow meats are simply the most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life!

These hearts have no MSG, no oil, and no seasoning. Because of poverty, he didn't even put the most basic salt. But even so, these hot food still made him taste completely different from the meat that was turned out from the trash before! When he thought that there was only such a small amount of the heart, he would not want to eat anymore. He chewed carefully, and it took a long time to swallow this bite of meat.

"Ah~~~! Woo~~~~!"

Seeing the idiot's face and chewing carefully, the bun was also greedy. She opened her hand and stretched it towards the idiot. Seeing the little girl in such anxious state, the idiot also scooped up a small piece of heart, after blowing it cold, grabbed it with his hand to her mouth.

"Eat slowly, you can't swallow it immediately."

The meat is rough, and the idiot is a little worried that the bun will choke. So even if it was such a small piece, he did not directly give the bread, but only let her take a bite.


Bun opened his mouth and took a bite with the row of white teeth. For her, who has never tasted the taste of meat, this should be the first time in her life to taste delicious...


But at this moment, the small bread suddenly showed a very uncomfortable expression, and completely spit out the meat in his mouth! The idiot was startled and hurriedly lifted her off the table.

what happened? Why did she throw up suddenly? Could it be that the heart slice is not cooked?

The idiot put the heart of the bun into his mouth and chewed a few times. Although the meat is still the same rough, it is really cooked?

"…………what happened."

The idiot looked at the bread, but the bread only gave him a very unpalatable expression. She turned her face, her brows were frowned when she faced her drooling heart just now. She hugged the idiot, clutched his clothes with two small hands, and looked at the heart with a very disgusted expression.

It's too early to let her eat this kind of food.

The child's body is relatively slender, and such rough meat may be stuck in the little girl's throat. In order to prevent accidents, the idiot no longer gave the bread to those hearts, but remade some cereal and put it in front of her. Faced with these oatmeal, the little girl showed a happy expression, grabbing a small spoon in her hand and eating bite by bite.

The idiot shook his head and sat back in his seat. Those hearts can't be cooled, otherwise the deliciousness will be greatly reduced. So, the idiot once again stretched out the spoon and scooped it towards the heart in that bowl...


Severe pain came from the abdomen.

This is a very sudden pain, and suddenly it is hard to resist. It was just a moment, this pain occupied the idiot's brain, making his face that was still very calm just now pale as a snowflake.

There was a crash, the table was turned over, and the soup bowl smashed on the ground. The idiot was clutching his stomach, sweating all over, and began to roll painfully on the ground.

Pain... Idiots have not tasted it. He had tasted the most severe pain twice in his life, which left him the deepest pain.

The first time was when he had just encountered the Dark Annihilation. The pain when those chainsaw blades cut his bones fully made him realize what it means to be alive.

The second time was when he was shocked by Campa. The electric current spread all over the body, the skin was burnt, the muscles turned up, and the nails burst pain, which told him the price of living!

Now... this is the third time. A real pain from the inside out! These pains did not erode his muscles and bones like the previous two times, but directly destroyed his internal organs! He felt his whole body burning up and down, as if there were countless poisonous snakes crawling in his body, entwining all his organs, and then biting unscrupulously.

Boom——————! ! !

The storm finally came down at this moment. The pouring rain instantly replaced the dark and deep night and became the main theme of the world. The crazy storm blew open the insufficiently strong window of the wooden house, brought down the glass oil lamp, and extinguished the flame. In a blink of an eye, the whole house melted into the invisible darkness, only the pale light brought by the lightning outside, illuminating the world.

"Wow! Wow... Wow!"

Seeing an idiot suddenly fall to the ground, nothing is more worrying than bread. In the darkness, she fell from the idiot's thigh and fell to the ground. Her palms and knees were all scratched under the fall, bleeding from her tender skin. But now, this little girl doesn't have the mind to care about her injuries. She cried and stumbled to crawl to the idiot's side and shook him.

"Woohoo! Wow, woohoo!"

The little girl cried and shook. Facing the idiot who was suddenly attacked by pain, she obviously had no idea what to do. But is her shaking useful to idiots? Are those tears useful for an idiot who is suffering for the third time in his life?


The intense pain caused the idiot to lose his mind suddenly. He raised his left hand casually, slapped Bun's face with a sudden slap, and opened her. He rolled on the ground in pain, and the cold sweat coming out of his body made him look almost collapsed! But no matter how he struggled, those painful pains still haunted him and made him crazy.

The bread that was hit by a palm fell on the ground, and the little face on the left half gradually swelled. Five bright red palms were printed on her little face, which looked extremely eye-catching.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The idiot is crazy, crazy tortured by pain. On this stormy night with lightning and thunder, Little Bread cried and shrank in the corner. Those emerald green eyes stared at the idiot in front of him in horror, but they didn't go up and shake like before.

Thunder came from outside the window. The pale light instantly drove away the darkness. Little Bread shivered and hid in the corner. She curled up, clutching her red and swollen left face. Two tears that had flowed from being too scared had already gathered on the tip of her chin...

Ten minutes ago, someone protected her and took care of her. She is the closest person, the one who is most regarded as a warm home, but now lies there, twisting and struggling. His face, which seemed to be tender even though it was cold, has now disappeared, replaced by a drooling and twitching face. The thunder was rolling outside, and every time there was thunder, the bun would shiver uncontrollably.

No one will help her anymore, no one will protect her anymore. The man had foamed at his mouth at this moment, fell to the ground, convulsed and trembling. Gradually, the man finally rolled his eyes and lay on the ground, motionless...

"woo woo woo woo……"

The pouring rain blew in from the window and slapped the idiot on the face. Little Bread sobbed and stood up boldly. She was still trembling, the redness and pain on her face made her afraid to approach. Outside, it was raining heavily. And in her eyes, tears of grievance dripped...


Waiting in the dark...

Little Bread didn't know how long she had been waiting, she didn't even know what she was waiting for. She just waited, listening to the torrential rain and thunder, and the roaring wind.

Finally, she boldly stepped forward and came to the idiot's side. Seeing this person who had embraced and carried himself, always holding his hand, the little girl tremblingly stretched out her hands and shook him again...

Did not move.

Shake again...

Still did not move. Moreover, the tentacles are very cold.

Keep shaking...

The cold touch spread from those little fingertips and penetrated into this little girl's heart...

He doesn't move.

The one who beat himself is not moving.

The person who was crazy, cruel, and doesn't move.

In this case, is there no need to fear, no need to be afraid?

According to common sense, it should be. But when Bread was really sure that the idiot would never move again, what appeared on her face was not peace of mind. On the contrary, it was... fear.


She continued to shake, shaking stronger and stronger.


Two different tears rolled from her eyes again, and those tears replaced the previous tears and gathered on her chin again.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!"

In the cabin, a little girl was crying loudly! Bread was really scared, she continued to shake vigorously, crying. She wanted this person to stand up, and she wanted this person who always put on a cold face to look at herself with those cold eyes again. At this moment, has she forgotten the slap that this person slapped herself just now? Is the redness and swelling on her face gone? Did all the five fingerprints disappear?

Do not.

The redness and swelling remain, and the fingerprints are very clear. However, she still shook. Even if this person would still go crazy after waking up, and would still beat her, this little girl seemed to be unable to take care of it. She was afraid... afraid that from now on, she would really not be able to see him staring at herself, she was really afraid that he would never move from now on, and she would no longer be able to hold herself, carry herself, or take her hand for a walk...

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