Demon King Dad

: The second year story 050, a dramatic change in quiet

boom----! ! !

The door of the hut was opened by bread, and a violent storm came in from outside. The heavy rain in the scoop blew the little girl back into the cabin, feeling the cold outside, the terrible wind, rain, and thunder and lightning, and there were more tears in the eyes of Little Bread.

She was crying, and everything around her was terrified. But even though she was crying and scared, she still braved the rain and rushed out of the hut. She kept whimpering, her two little feet stepped on the muddy ground uninterruptedly, her hands wiped the tears from her face, but she was wet by the falling rain again.

The little girl ran out of the woods and came to the dormitory area outside. She cried and raised her head, looking at the dormitories ahead with both eyes full of expectation. Looking around, all the dormitories were dark, and no room was shining.

No one can get no help. The bun was crying, and the two legs continued to run in the wind and rain. She ran across street after street, passing by dormitory building after building. But the answer to her was still the dark dormitory. The dark windows stared at her like the eyes of a terrible monster under the light of lightning...

The D dormitory area is already very large, but for the small bread, this area is more like a large continent. She cried and ran, but received no response. For her, this is not only a continent, but also a "dead continent" with no people, no life, only darkness and fear, shrouded by storms.

The wind was cutting her skin.

The rain took away her body temperature.

This little girl, who was only a little over one and a half years old and still a baby, was too reckless. In such inclement weather, her steps gradually began to become dull. The cold began to devour her body, freezing her limbs, making her tired and painful.

Puff through.

The little loaf, whose limbs began to numb, fell over. Mud water splashed on her face, and the scraped skin on her feet began to ache. She wanted to get up, but at this time she realized that she didn't even have the strength to get up...

Darkness fell on her. Bun lay on the ground, turning his head in horror. Only then did she realize that she had come to a place she didn't recognize at all. Behind him was darkness, and the front was also shrouded in ice and rain. Dou Da's raindrops slapped her mercilessly, and the frantic wind blew the fire of her young life unscrupulously.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Little Bread cried...No, the continuous running has made her unable to even cry. She lay in the muddy water, curled up, letting the rain beat and the wind howled...




Rain, stopped?

Do not. It was not that the rain stopped, but that the rain was blocked by a body.

The wind is out?

Do not. The wind did not go out, but those winds did not dare to step into the place protected by the back.

With his emerald green eyes open, he saw a pale and feeble face. Those dark pupils are still cold, but from there, there seems to be a trace of warmth...

"I... won't die."

He hugged the bun and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry... I... never die."

Bun stared blankly at the person holding her. The corners of her mouth twitched twice, but in the next moment, she suddenly opened her arms and buried herself in the person's chest, relieved... and started crying. .


Dragging his tired body, the idiot took the bread back to his cabin. His body was still in pain like a fire, but his consciousness gradually became sober. Just as he pushed open the door and walked in with heavy steps, the light from the glass oil lamp illuminated the figure of another person in the room.


Campa looked at the idiot indifferently, but after seeing the idiot and the bread come back safe and sound, a touch of relief flashed in his cold eyes. Then, he silently waited for the idiot to come in, closed the door, and endured the pain in his body to take off the wet clothes for Bun, wrapped her in a blanket, and took out the hot water for her to drink.


The bun drank the hot water, and his complexion gradually became ruddy. After seeing that she would finally not be at risk of catching a cold, the idiot arranged for her to sleep, dragged her tired body, and sat on the opposite side of the table with the rustling iron chains.

"Does your body... hurt?"

Campa asked nonchalantly.

Yes, it still hurts. But now, this kind of pain is no longer the kind of unbearable pain just now. It seems that the body is recovering little by little, and the pain is also decreasing little by little.

The idiot gasped and looked at Campa, wondering what he wanted to do.

Campa took a closer look at the idiot's expression, stood up, and said, "It looks like you are really sick. It has been more than ten days since this heart was dug out, right? It has deteriorated. It is normal to have indigestion after eating."

The idiot nodded after thinking about it. Indeed, eating food that has deteriorated does cause such pain. He had had this experience before when he went through the trash can, but he didn't expect that he, who had thought that he often consumed spoiled food and was already full of resistance, would now experience this kind of pain again.

Campa walked up to the idiot, looked at his face, and said, "Well, stretch out your arm and I will give you an injection. Otherwise you can't work tomorrow and I will have a headache."

The idiot thought for a while, and finally stretched out his arm. Campa glanced at him, lifted his clothes very quickly, and took out the test tube from his arms...

The tube was inserted into his arm. Then, put those liquids that can kill a level 4 monster with just one drop...

Completely injected into the idiot's body.




After the injection, the needle hole is pulled out.

The storm outside seemed a bit smaller, and Campa retracted the needle and put away the test tube. Then he stood in front of the idiot and looked at him.

…………………………no response.

After the injection, the idiot pulled down his sleeve again, but his face was pale, without any reaction. It seems that what just hit his body was really just a glucose, and nothing else...something.

Finally, Campa smiled. He gave an idiot smile that he might never understand. The old man achieved his goal and turned around immediately. He walked to the door, but after leaving a sentence "start work tomorrow", he opened his umbrella and walked straight into the gradual tempest outside.

After the injection, the idiot's feeling gradually improved. The rain that fell through the roof full of holes sprinkled on the Dulan tree, slapping the green leaves.

It's late. The idiot waited until his clothes were dry, blew out the light, and lay down on the bed. Beside him, Little Bread is looking at him with big eyes.


The rain is sharp, and the frenzy just now disappeared. Listen carefully, the thunder seems to have gradually decreased. The idiot glanced at the bread, closed his eyes...


Suddenly, a small body got into his arms. Opening his eyes, I saw Little Bread arched and retracted into the idiot's arms, two little hands were holding the idiot's clothes, humming a few times. The tears in the corners of her eyes didn't seem to dry, and there was some panic and some attachment in her eyes looking at the idiot.

The idiot closed his eyes again, and seemed to have no response to the flawless green eyes. After a few buns whimpered, he curled up slightly disappointed, released his grip on the idiot's clothes, and hugged his knees...

At this moment, a big palm supported her back and hugged her tightly...


Bun suddenly raised his head, and through the blanket covered, he saw the cold eyes staring at him! At this moment, she screamed again, grabbed the idiot's clothes again, and completely retracted her body into his arms!

The little girl was smiling, her face no longer had any panic and fear. She rested her idiot's arm, clutched his clothes tightly, closed her eyes, and entered a sweet dream amidst the ticking of rain...


The new school year begins again, and the atmosphere of autumn also blows over. The leaves in the city once again ushered in golden yellow, and the wheat in the farmland was rolled up by layers of waves under the blowing of the autumn wind.

The slightly cool wind hit the face, letting people go away from the summer heat. However, this is an uncomfortable thing for the students in the school who have enjoyed a whole happy summer vacation.

Of course, in all respects, it is an uncomfortable thing...

The Divine Grace College has an unwritten rule, that is, every time a new semester begins, the students responsible for working at the task station will list the tasks completed by the students of the four major systems throughout the summer. Posted on the bulletin board in the central square. Although in essence, the school does not support this arrangement. Because that also means that some students have not read well. But it has been banned many times, and this kind of behavior has been passed down one after another like a tradition. Gradually, the school did not care about this ranking.

The school doesn't care, but this doesn't mean that the students of the four major departments don't care. Because of various reasons such as honor, self-esteem, etc., this ranking has become the ranking of the strong in the school. Especially the students of the martial arts department care more about how many tasks they have completed this year and where they are on the rankings, so as to compare them with each other.

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