Demon King Dad

: The second year story 51 safari in the sea of ​​death

"Ah, don't read it! This year's elementary club champion is Deira Goodsey! The B-level mission~~~ Just thinking about it makes people tremble."    "Is it? People are better than people, angry Dead man. We are also raised by our parents, but how come we are not as strong as him? A single person singles out three-headed three-pole monsters~~~~ terrible."  "That's why he is called a genius! Now he is dominating the elementary class. Department. I believe that in two years he will dominate the higher education department. In another four years... Oh, the university department will also be dominated by him.”    The students talked a lot, facing the top of the list. The name Goodsey expresses both envy and jealousy.   next to the large poster board posted by Dai Lao (Reading full text novels, all in .1. (1.m.文.学网)

On a small board, the idiot took the paste and paper in the hands of the migrant students and posted the remaining rankings. The tasks posted here are done by some school handymen, kitchen aunts and the like. Most of them are D, and a few have C. The names of idiots are mixed among these people, listed inconspicuously.

"Woo~~~"    After posting the leaderboard, the idiot put the paste away and put it behind. His work is completed, and then he will go to sweep the floor. "Ah! The great hero is here!"    "Prince Charming is here!"    "Look at me! Your Royal Highness is here too!"    At this time, Walnut is holding Dylau's arm, and the two are in Fürth and Insel Entered slowly under the clear path. The people around them separated very wisely, giving them a wide road.   Dai Lao looked at the top name with great pride. The pride of being at the apex can undoubtedly make people radiant. Today he looks more handsome than usual, and even more obsessed those little girls. "His Royal Highness, are you having a good time this time?" Walnut also looked at the name on the headline of the announcement, released her hand, held up her skirt and made a lady's gift, and said with a smile: "Mr. Dai Lao, your hospitality is real It makes me feel extremely honored. In this case, I also ask you for the trip two weeks later, I don't know if it is possible?"    Dai Lao smiled slightly, and bowed in front of everyone. However, no one can say that his behavior is too artificial. Because he is standing on top of everyone's heads, ordinary people seem to be contrived, and when he does it, it means free and easy, unrestrained, and eclectic. "It's an honor to serve you, princess. All your safety issues are left to your knight, and I'll take care of Dara Goodsee! Betting on the reputation of the Goodsay clan, two weeks later, the sand hunting The event will be exceptionally exciting!”    Amidst the cheers and exclamations of everyone, the pair of princesses and knights who are most commensurate staged the most wonderful performance. Others watched this performance and were intoxicated.   But one person just ignored it. No, maybe it should be said that he is not interested in everything except himself.   In the cheers, the idiot picked up the broom and opened his hands. Accompanied by the sound of the moving chains of Nagragra, he took the hand of the bread, slowly left the central square, and swept the floor......  ——————————————————— —————————————   Principal Campa is kneeling now.   He knelt in an empty auditorium, knelt sincerely.   This auditorium is very large, and the sculptures on both sides are also gorgeous. The floor, all made of marble, shows the glory and wealth of its owner. However, here is a little calm. The marble was glowing with dark blue cold light, and people couldn't help but feel a chill after entering here.   In front of Campa is a long row of stairs, which extend to an altitude of twenty meters. There, there is a throne. A person is sitting on it, resting his head with one hand, frowning, thinking. At the place where the stairs stretched upwards for about ten meters, a waterfall that was formed naturally or artificially fell from the sky, separating the throne from the auditorium. Because of the water curtain, the face of the person sitting on the throne cannot be seen clearly.   There is no sound in the auditorium...Even the sound of the water curtain falling is very slight. Campa still knelt before the ladder, with a sincere expression and closed his eyes. He seemed to be waiting for something...  "Ah..."  Finally, the man on the throne let out a sigh. "Kampa, what do you say I should do? That girl is getting more and more disobedient, and she wants to go on a sand-watching safari at this time. Moreover, which desert is not easy to go in the desert on all sides of the sand city? Going to the'Death Desert' to the west? You are her principal, can't you help me persuade her?"    Campa opened his eyes and said slowly, "Your Majesty, it’s not that I don’t want to persuade. Actually, as early as the summer vacation, The princess came to persuade me, let me persuade your majesty to let her go on safari.” The man on the throne shook his head, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Haha, little girl. It seems that she really doesn't know the current situation of the Bucks Empire. Although the Death Desert is a natural barrier, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is also the border of our country. Cui Te, who escaped and killed last year, has nothing. I didn’t confide it, and I don’t know if there is any other organization or country behind him. After investigation, Cui Te’s accomplices were nowhere to be found. I was worried..."  Kampa thought for a while. The interface said: "Your Majesty, are you worried about Cui Te's accomplices... hidden in the desert of death?"    "It is very possible. The opposite of the desert of death is the Black Dragon Empire, although the relationship between our country and the Black Dragon Empire has been considered stable in recent years. Stable, but you also know that this is only superficial stability. Once something goes wrong, the balance between us and the Black Dragon Empire is believed to collapse soon. And my naive little girl~~~ But at this time Go to enjoy the sand, go hunting?" The man on the throne gave a wry smile, and the laughter was full of the father's helplessness towards his wayward daughter. "Your Majesty, I think your worries are still a bit redundant. We can send additional manpower, and we can use the magic train to stroll around, and then watch the sand at several fixed sand-watching locations, and at several fixed hunting locations. Hunting. I believe there will be no problem.” The man on the throne shook his head and sighed again: “I believe that is the only way. That girl’s sense of justice is too strong and too simple, I only hope that there will be someone on the journey. It’s good to be able to restrain her... By the way, I heard that the kid from the Goodsay’s house will accompany the girl?"    "Yes, Your Majesty."    "Whhhhhhhh. I heard that the kid is good and strong. It's also strong, and that girl seems to admire him. With him following, I believe I can put aside a little bit..." After saying this, the man on the throne slumped backwards and fell silent. ……  …………  ………………   "Your Majesty."    "Huh?"    "If I guess it is correct... Is your Majesty still a little worried?"    "Heh...I'm not worried, is it possible?"   " ……………………”    “Campa, what do you want to say, say it.”    “Yes. Since your majesty is so worried, then… why don’t you let me send some people to accompany you? "  "You send someone?...who? This is to accompany my little girl. I will never allow any unknown people to be mixed in. Moreover, I want my daughter to be absolutely safe and not have any  "Don’t worry, Your Majesty." Campa’s mouth smiled, "The person I sent can definitely guarantee the safety of the princess!"  The weather is getting colder and colder, and I was still praising autumn to dispel the summer. At this moment, the hot people gradually wrapped their sweaters and walked in a hurry. Although it is still in late September, the unique geographical environment makes the four seasons of the wind blowing Shacheng unambiguous.   "Ah~~~ woo~~~"    Little bread sat on the ground, holding a piece of paper torn. After tearing it apart, she folded the paper and tore it again. She just played, became quiet, and saved a lot of heart for the idiot.   After another big class, the idiot as an assistant begins to take care of the final cleaning. He wiped off the blackboard and set up his fans (read all-text novels, all in .1. (1.m.文.学网)

Pen, sweep the **** in the aisle of the lecture hall. Prepare for the normal operation of the next class.   "Hey, have you heard that?" Dim Mie opened his blood pupil and said. ".............................."    "......嘁, you know? That task list is not only for winter and summer vacations. You can also pick it up! I said you don't do it anymore. This kind of sweeping work, if you have time, go to see if there is any good job and earn some Sura! Of course, I especially hope that you can take on tasks that require blood!"    The idiot ignored it, still silently Sweep the floor.   It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he is too weak. After the winter and summer vacations, the D-level tasks specifically for the kindergarten on the taskbar have been reduced a lot. He has self-evaluated that if he is only strong enough to take over D-level tasks, what ability does he have to complete more advanced C-level tasks? Moreover, the only D-class mission he took over ended in failure. If you go to take over the high-level task, it is undoubtedly seeking death.   He would never do things to find death. He will never do things that are uncertain. The mice in the sewer cherish life the most, because little mice know better than anyone, the preciousness of life and the terribleness of death...   After all, death is everywhere.   "Hey, did I call you, didn't you hear me?" The blood pupils widened, looking a little excited.   The idiot ignored it, swept all the floor of the lecture hall, took up the tools, and prepared to leave.    "I...weak."    "............" Hearing these words, Dim Mie immediately entered a state of habitual collapse.   "Wait until I get stronger, then I will execute."    The idiot walked to the bread and saw him coming, and the bread immediately threw away the paper in his hand, rushed forward and took his hand.   "Wait for you to be stronger? Okay, how strong are you going to take over the task?"    After an idiot thought about it, he replied-   "Learn the second sword...worms, then."


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