Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 75: , Something that cannot be released

Stepping out, but at this moment, an inexplicable feeling suddenly flooded into the mind of the idiot.

He hesitated a little while looking at the dark background, his expression looked a little strange.

How does it feel?

This is a feeling called "danger".

In this background, would you give yourself this feeling? What exactly is going on?

The idiot was holding the curtain with one hand, but the other hand couldn't help grasping the chain tightly. At this time, those people had rushed into the backstage noisily, and began to turn around. If you don't rush in to stop her, Quilin's naked body will probably be seen.


(Haha...hahaha, interesting, really interesting)

Dim off, smiled.

What is it laughing at?

This sword did not give himself an answer. It just kept laughing here, sending out this kind of sarcasm.

After a slight silence, the idiot finally made up his mind and stepped in. In the dark, his vision was much better than those who had already started to flip through the boxes in the corners. After a brief look around, he immediately went deep inside.

"Where? Find out where is it for me?"

The leader of the businessman looked very panicked, and the command went to search everywhere. After the idiot saw it clearly, he immediately yelled--

"Everyone, get me out"

The idiot's roar was very loud, and the workers who were rummaging for it shocked the businessman who saw that the roar was an idiot. Although he was the host of the Runida family's invitational party, he gritted his teeth when he thought of his own thing. Waved

"Continue to find it for me, even if I search through this place, I must find that thing"

The backstage was really messy, with boxes and obstacles piled up everywhere, it seemed that it was born to prevent people from coming in and looking for things. While the idiot searched among these messy things, he opened his mouth to tell what was inconvenient for Quilin. But unfortunately, things backfired. Under the "order" of the boss, those employees searched in excitement after hearing the news, showing a very "dedicated" performance.

There is no way, the idiot can only speed up, hoping to find Teacher Quilin before she can be seen completely.

(Hahaha, hahahaha, hahahahahaha)

At this time, the dim laughter filled his mind again. The sword laughed more sinisterly and more cunningly.

The idiot still didn't pay attention to it, shuttled among these clutter intently. Seeing that the idiot hadn't responded, Dim Mie suddenly sneered and said--

(Hey, human boy, do you think...why did the greatest goddess create humans?)

(…………Now, I don’t want to discuss philosophy.)

(Hahaha interesting. Indeed, at some point, why the greatest **** wants to create a creature full of various defects like human beings is a research topic for many religious scholars and philosophers.)

(Human beings are greedy, selfish, fragile, and useless. It is easy to be affected by temptation. But in many cases, human beings can show greatness, fraternity, tolerance and compassion.)

(On the entire continent of Sadness, there is no more paradoxical species than humans. It is not elves, orcs, or dwarves and other races. Only humans are so favored by goddesses. So meticulously crafted and polished in various senses. This is really... hey, interesting.)

(………………What do you want to say.)

(Well, what am I trying to say? Hmm... By the way, you know that the top ten of the demons are all weapons, right?)


(These weapons, including me, are all dubbed the name of a fierce blade. These ten weapons actually symbolize offensiveness. They are very vivid representatives of the demons. Although we are very powerful, but in terms of interestingness, Probably far less than the thirty magic generals behind us.)


(The great devil Sasha, a very interesting mobile cannon. Although it is very limited, it is also very powerful.)

(Death knight Toran, his character itself is very interesting. Although I don't like it very much, it undoubtedly demonstrates the evil taste of the founding gods. He enjoys playing with his chess pieces and watching them suffer. )

(Among them, there is a demon I want to introduce to you in particular. Its source of power seems to be born to conform to humans. In the face of small, even in the face of gods, it can do To some very interesting things.)

(By the way, none of my previous hosts can subdue it without being completely corroded by me. In other words, its abilities are so powerful that those humans are not even qualified to subdue it.)

(But I believe that if it were you, you would be able to surrender it effortlessly. Because you have this talent and ability. Facing the subordinates that the previous demon kings could not conquer, you can be extremely relaxed To subdue it.)

(Because, for it, you have no weakness at all, you are...)

Red eyes flickered, and there was a playful laughter.

(The most perfect host.)

At this moment, the idiot finally came to the utility room, and with just a glance, he skimmed over the pair of pure white legs exposed from the pile of debris. The pink fingernails look tempting. Therefore, the idiot didn't think much about it at all, and went straight up...

that side--

Haven't found it yet? Why haven't you found it yet?

Impossible... Could it be that... I was cheated? Actually it's not here at all?

But... how could I be deceived? That woman said so swearingly, she said she was definitely here...but... why couldn't she find it? why why?

The businessman covered his head, trying to remember the scene just now. Just now, the girl named Fanhua Celia ran over and said to herself that what she was looking for was here. In fact, thinking about it now, how could he know that he was looking for that thing?

Could it it her? She arranged everything?

Accompanied by the businessman's cranky thoughts, in the dark clutter room, lying in the box beside Xing Li, began to make a little noise.

The businessman clutched his head and gritted his teeth. Yes... My goods were not lost because of the carelessness of my men... All of this was done by her.

The magic circle on the surface of the box began to slowly rotate, and the chains also began to make a karaoke sound. Some dark smoke leaked out of the box. The black smoke piled up beside Xing Li, but Xing Li didn't notice it, still smiling in his sleep. After these black smoke hovered around Xing Li for a while, it immediately dispersed and drifted towards the entire backstage.

When these smoke arrived in front of the businessman, accompanied by his exhalation and inhalation... the black smoke began to sneak into his nostrils silently.

Yeah...that's she, that woman must be

The businessman's eyes began to become red and swollen with anger. He clenched his fist tightly and banged **** the wall next to him, the thoughts in his heart could not stop.

It must be the woman like this... that woman stole my goods, and then pretended to tell me where to go, but actually threatened me round the corner

She must be snickering now...laughing at my stupidity, and at my silly. The woman must be trying to play me a bit, and then blackmail me a lot.

That's right... It must be right that mean woman... mean... shameless... dirty woman

With the sublimation of the businessman's anger and determination, the black smoke was like breathing, sneaking in from his nostrils, and then seeping out of his skin. The smoke oozing out of the skin quickly returned to the box, and then overflowed again. With each back and forth, the magic circle on the surface of the box became thinner, and cracks began to appear on the lacquered chain, as if... it was about to break.

"It's OK, don't look for it"

Suddenly, the businessman with red eyes screamed. He gritted his teeth, greeted the employees, and turned his head viciously.

"Boss, we... don't have to look for it?"

"Find? Did you find it?"

"But... we just searched about a quarter of this backstage..."

"No need, you all look like idiots, but I won't be tricked into going with me to find that woman, let her explain clearly to me"

"Ah? But... Boss, I know that girl, she is from the Count Celia's family..."

"I care who belongs to her"

The businessman has now been dazzled by this unreasonable anger. He violently drew a wooden stick from the pile of debris and rushed out aggressively. Facing the girl who was still sneering at "Xing Li", without saying a word, she lifted the stick and knocked it down.

All this happened too suddenly. Suddenly, it is like a sudden snowfall in summer, and a sudden high temperature of over 40 degrees in winter. The guards were facing Quilin on the stage at the moment. They didn’t expect that the businessman would suddenly run out and put the cold stick and wait until they noticed. The bustling was already broken and fell on the ground, and the businessman, With red and swollen eyes, he raised the stick again...

"I'm going to kill you... dare to lie to me? You **** woman... dare to lie to me?"

The stick fell again. This time, aim directly at the heart.

Although Quilin on the stage was very angry that the girl was rude to herself, but after seeing this sudden scene, after a brief moment, an ice skate immediately shot out of the palm and directly penetrated the businessman's wrist. The businessman yelled, the wooden stick in his hand fell to the ground, clutching his hand that was instantly frostbitten, and jumped up.

There was a lot of noise outside the stage. But in the backstage, the idiot did not hear much. He saw the feet exposed by "Quilin" and went straight up. After turning a corner, the sleepy man finally appeared in front of the idiot.


The sight in front of the eye silenced the idiot.

Because just a glance, he understood all the abnormal behavior of "Xing Li" on the stage just now.

In front of his eyes, a blonde girl was lying quietly. She was wrapped in layers of defensive ribbons. These ribbons wrapped around her legs, wrapped her lower body, rolled her waist and chest, and protected her like a cradle. At this moment, when the idiot approaches, these ribbons are automatically raised, like a pink poisonous snake, protecting their owner.

"......Xing Li."

The idiot called. In the daze, Xing Li opened his eyes slightly, and faintly glanced at the idiot with his narrowed eyes. After this glance, Xing Li smiled slightly, and all the raised silk scarves fell down. And she fell into a coma again.

(Really a person with no weakness. It seems easy to invade, but even if you fall asleep, you can still have a minimum of self-protection. Compared to you, she may be more cautious in some aspects. Right.)

The idiot looked at Xingli, who had fallen to the ground now, shook her head, and pulled up the curtain to cover her body. After that, the idiot stretched out his hand, passed under Xing Li, and hugged her. And Xing Li tilted his head without any resistance, leaning on the idiot's chest, and fell asleep very comfortably.

Xingli was fine, and the idiot exhaled. But just when he wanted to turn around and hug her to leave...a crackling sound came from his ears.

Kara... Kara La La La La La...

The cracking sound is like the sound of human bones being thrown into a meat grinder and then slowly being crushed.

In this gloomy space, these sounds are so moving, so loud

The idiot lowered his head, his eyes finally focused on the sealed box. At this moment, the chain that wraps the box is full of cracks, it seems that it can break at any time

(Hey, here it is. Among all the demon sequences, the only demon who was born with claws and fangs by the goddess.)

Click... Click...

(The only demon that can eat the enemy alive and drink blood.)

Beep papa...crack la la la...

(The only monster who has lived the most primitive life from beginning to end and has not changed for thousands of years)

Patter...clap la la la la...

(Although its sequence is low, it is undoubtedly the strongest one in purely physical combat and hand-to-hand combat. It can smash the sky with one punch, break the ground with one foot and overturn the sea, making the stars, sun and moon dim)


(You are here...Although I don’t know how you are and why you appeared here, there is no doubt that you are here now)

(Come in front of me, also came to... in front of you)

With a bang, the chain that bound the box finally completely shattered the magic circle on the box. At this moment, the magic circle on the box also thought to be destroyed, slowly disappearing and turning into smoke.

The idiot hugged Xingli and took a step back. At this moment, Little Bread saw that the idiot hadn't come out for such a long time, so he ran in with pace.

"Bread, get out of here."

The idiot stepped back slowly, no matter what was in the box, the idiot didn't want the bun to touch it. If he can, he hopes that he will never show up here, let alone have anything to do with this demons.

The box cracked.

Black smoke slowly spread from it...

It's like opening a nightmare box that can't be opened, all the smoke rising up in it fills the entire backstage at this moment.

The ray of light that could have been shot in has disappeared...

The darkness that couldn't see the five fingers, at this moment, finally became all of the world.

The idiot's footsteps moved slightly to the side, blocking in front of Little Bread. And Bun was also shrinking behind the idiot at this moment, pulling his clothes tightly, shaking with fear.

Devil language) Are you...this war, the leader of the Mozu cube? Hallelujah."

A voice... emanated from the smoke.

The voice was full of disdain and contempt. At the same time, a pair of big scarlet eyes quietly appeared in the smoke, staring condescendingly at the idiot.


Mozu language) Hmph, it's really disappointing. It seems that this time, I won't be loyal to you until you, a human being, is completely eroded. Before that..."

The blood-red eyes that are unique to the Mozu approached the idiot and stared at him. The blood and death contained in it seem to be synonymous with nightmares

Mozu language) Before that... You just let me use it to complete some of my work. When you are completely destroyed by hatred and destruction, the true majesty... will be born."

After a chirping sound that an idiot could not understand at all, these eyes were immediately raised. The black smoke also began to gather under the eyes, becoming sharp teeth and claws. It opened its mouth and slowly stretched the row of sharp teeth towards the idiot, swallowing...

Sequence twenty, demon-hatred.

Monsters born with sharp claws and teeth, non-human beasts. Possess the horrible existence that devours anyone's mind It can make anyone's heart full of anger and hatred. There is no human form, but it represents the existence of almost all human negative emotions.

Suspicion, disgust, destruction and murder.

It does not shape or give. He doesn’t show any mercy to his prey. He is a completely cold-blooded killer.

As long as it is a person, it is impossible to have negative emotions in the heart.

As long as there are negative emotions, they are not qualified to be the master of "hate".

Because any feeling in this world can be transformed into this extreme negative feeling.

love? Affection? Friendship?

Can these feelings withstand betrayal? Can it stand the endless test?


In the face of hatred, no matter how strong you are, no matter how confident you are in your own feelings, in the end, all you can get is the purest suspicion, betrayal, and the darkest feelings... …


And after hating...

There is only destruction. V

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