Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 76: , Demon Sequence Twenty-Hate


Little Bread screamed in fear. Seeing this, the idiot flashed to the side immediately without biting his hateful fangs.

However, it seemed that the monster itself didn't want to be serious about idiots. In the smoke, it turned its head and gave a cold look at the idiot. After that, the mockery and contempt in its eyes and the respect for the idiot's right arm became the most vivid inverse contrast.

Then, the smoke monster ignored the idiot again, but rushed out of the stage with the black smoke directly, and rushed towards...the unsuspecting wind and sand...


A roar of a monster was released from the smoke. The monster rushed out of the backstage and lay on the stage in full view.

The black smoke on its body looked like a black flame burning. This huge and terrifying monster cracked its mouth, exposing the same smoke-filled teeth, and smiled at those terrified people...

The crowd was shocked.

Everyone was quiet at this moment, no one shouted, and no one called for help. Everyone looked at the monster on the stage, at its claws, teeth, and behind... that long tail...

Mozu language) I love humans. Your negative feelings are really too appetizing for me. So now..."

Mouth opened.

Devil language) I'm moving."


There was another cry, and several people in the crowd couldn't stand it immediately, and squatted on the ground holding their heads. Seeing this, the smoke on this monster immediately spread, penetrated into the eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouths of those people, and then overflowed from their skin. People who had been "baptized" like this slowly stood up, their eyes were red. , Gnash your teeth, as if you have changed

"I don't want to bear it anymore... Why should I always be drunk by that woman like a trash? Who does she think she is? Relying on being pretty, having a bit of money, relying on me to like her... Am I doing it as a free servant? No, I will be her...Today, I will be her."

"Those money...those money is mine and my relatives...what kind of relatives are they? They ignored me before, but now they see me winning the jackpot, all of them are coming? And I... You are so crazy that you will give them the money?...I will kill them...I must...I must kill them."

"Hahaha...hahahaha, that's right, what kind of brother? Why should I take care of a brother like a brother who stabbed me in the back? It's good to betray them...really good"

The idiot came out of the backstage and was stunned when he saw the monsters and the crazy-looking people on the stage. But Dimie laughed loudly--

(Hahahaha is it interesting? It’s interesting to tell you that these people are not controlled, they still have autonomous consciousness. But now...haha, their minds are already occupied by madness and hatred. They only need to do their daily lives. If the dissatisfaction in is slightly enlarged, everything will become so beautiful)


The monster yelled and jumped and jumped onto a big tree beside the stage. The huge body was pressed on the tiny tree trunk, almost crushing the tree. Then, it spread its limbs. He kept jumping on those branches, and finally rushed into the city with the screams of panic.

In an instant, all the screams rose from the wind blowing sand. Panic and screams replaced the tranquility and calmness just now and became the main theme in this city

The monster grinned and made that squeaky noise. It jumped from a tree to a roof, with its sharp claws lying on the corner of the eaves, lowered its head, and its blood-red eyes stared into the window.


The little girl in the room was frightened and was about to hide. But before she could escape, a cloud of black smoke had eroded her facial features, and then overflowed from the surface of her body and returned to her hateful mouth. The little girl who was about to run away immediately stopped screaming and walked out of the room with red eyes.

When the little girl’s mother heard her daughter’s cry, she came to check it out, but the little girl rushed to the kitchen, drew a sharp knife, and screamed at her mother—

"Tell you not to buy me toys, you old woman...I hate you...I hate you"

This sudden scene shocked the mother, but it made the monster grin and smile more happily. When she saw the little girl pierce the knife into her mother's arm, she woke up in shock after bleeding out of blood, and laughed freely with hatred. She jumped up again, spreading her limbs and running on the roof, spreading her hatred. , Its goal is to point directly to the imperial city

The idiot knew that he was not very good at jumping, and this was even more obvious after the battle with Zelens. Because of Xing Li's reasons, he had to hold her in his hands and hurriedly ran through the panicking crowd. At the same time, look up to see where the monster went.

(Hahaha yeah, that’s it, hatred makes this country into chaos hahaha, don’t you think it’s funny? Isn’t this wonderful? Look, so many people try to betray, hate, and suspicion, This is what this world really should have, and it's also the world you...the best at it)

"Ba Ba"

The voice of the little bread came from behind his head, and the idiot turned his head and saw the girl stepping on lightning under her feet, galloping. The idiot nodded and started chasing again.

"What is that? Ba Ba



"Like Toran, Sequence Twenty, a demon named'Hate'."

"what should we do? It must be stopped"

Stop it? Why stop it?

Well, in fact, idiots think they can find some reasons to persuade themselves to stop it. For example, the wind blowing sand is one's own safe haven and a safe haven. But these alone did not allow him to persuade himself to fight this demon monster that had been completely mad to tame it.

Anmie said that he could easily surrender it, but how many words of this sword and what he said were true? A few sentences are false?

Thinking carefully about the demons I have encountered now, the second sequence Hundred Eyes wanted to kill him as soon as he saw him. The Vanity of the Ninth Sequence took a lot of effort to transplant it to Xiao Xing. The big demon Sasha of Sequence 21 even ignored herself. And even though Tolan of Sequence Thirty-two is said to be the most loyal, it took a lot of effort and time to recover him after he died.

Thinking about it this way, Father Lancer in the eighth sequence looks the most docile. He has not recovered from his memory loss. But think about it carefully, every one of the demons has such a personality, why can I say that I can easily recruit them all?

Idiots are not tracking now to be hostile to hatred, but to think. He doesn't want to fight, especially he doesn't want himself or Xiao Bian to participate in the fight. He even hopes that he and the little girl can stand safely behind him, examine the demon from the perspective of the overall situation, and see if there is any way to better surrender it.



"Calm down, absolutely can't shoot without permission."


Bun nodded vigorously, and the speed of the skateboard slowed down slightly, maintaining the same speed as the idiot. The father and daughter are waiting. They believe that it will not take long before someone will stand up to fight. After all, there are more than one or two masters in the Bucks Empire.

"Monster stop me"

In an instant, a red light rose from the ground. After the red light pierced through the hateful body that was crossing the street to the sky, it drew a circle in mid-air, made a turn, fell, and plunged into the ground. Form a red spear. In the next moment, a red-haired woman had torn off her long skirt and stood on the gun with one foot.

She was on the stage, seeing everything she was the first to fight. After she glanced at the people with red and swollen eyes and black smoke on the street, she gritted her teeth bitterly and stared at the sky. And the hatred that was directly penetrated by the "sunlight" did not show any injury. It fell, and the sharp claws caught on the eaves, and the penetrated body was gradually filled with black smoke, and the corners of the mouth exuded a sneer.

"Miss is dangerous"

The guards of the Norius family have all rushed up, one by one all blocked in front of An, holding their weapons at the monster. Seeing this, the monster's sneer was even worse, more violent

(Oh, the sister of the **** angel dare to challenge our demons? Very interesting.)

The idiot snorted and jumped up to the roof in twos or twos, hiding behind a chimney. Little Bread also followed closely, holding the idiot's hand, watching the showdown over there with some worry.

"Monster I don't know where you are from or what you want to do, but now, your madness is over. Everyone retreats and I deal with it alone."

After that, An’s body pressed down, and then the arc of the sun’s bending, slammed her towards hatred. Then, An in mid-air stretched out his hand, and the sun immediately flew up as if being induced and penetrated into her hand. . The moment I squeezed this spear, my dark hair immediately stood up.


Anxious knows that this terrifying monster is not easy to deal with, and he has no reservations when he starts. The kaleidoscope hit by the demon soul has been poured out, and countless gun shadows like raindrops pounce on hatred from all directions, vowing to pierce it through a riddled hole

In the face of such a fierce attack, hatred is still a lot of time. It lay on its stomach, waiting for the arrival of those gun shadows. When the first shot was about to poke the tip of its nose...

It lifted backwards, separated the left and right claws, and opened the gun very neatly. In the next moment, its back grab was even harder, and the giant claws directly penetrated the gun formation and blasted towards An's chest. He was shocked and hurriedly withdrew the gun back to the defense to block the claw, but the next moment, the big tail of this monster suddenly fell from the top, directly patted the head of Zhongdu.

Under the severe injury, An immediately hemoptysis, and the whole person also involuntarily fell to the ground, hitting the ground heavily.

(Hate...why doesn't it use those smoke to deal with the dark.)

Seeing that An was defeated by one move, the idiot's fist couldn't help squeezing. However, he still restrained his mood and said coldly.

(Hahaha, it’s very simple, because those smokes are not effective for people with very firm minds. But don’t be proud of it. Have you forgotten its title? Hate. Yes, it’s hatred. Its value is for hatred. Regardless of whether the hatred is inherent or caused by it. Even if the hatred is directed at it, this guy will still accept it.)

(It's an absolute master of technical combat. Don't think it's a monster. You can only use teeth to bite and use claws to catch these inferior beasts. But the only pity is that it will not kill suicide.)


(Cut, do you still need to say? The dead will not hate. You look at the eyes of Miss Norius, that is called hatred. Because of failure, I hate the opponent. If you kill someone Now, why does that monster fight with others?)

Sure enough, the idiot looked up and saw Hate jumped out of the house. The huge body as large as a house stood on the street, raised a paw and pressed it firmly on Duan's back. The blood-red pupils and the corners of the mouth sneered, mocking all the time.

Mozu language) Humble human beings, hate? Hate me? Hate more, your anger is not enough, your anger is not enough, and you will hate me more. Then, I will More happy hahahahaha"

The devil's laughter spread throughout the wind and sand, and the corners of the dark mouth that was stepped on by the monsters were bleeding, but his face was unyielding. She gritted her teeth, her blood-red eyes glared at the demon, her hands were supporting the ground hard, trying to get up.

"You monster let go of my sister"


Suddenly, a marble statue placed on the square suddenly flew over from there, and the black smoke that hit Hate's head instantly burst, but soon it regrouped. When it turned its head, a twelve-year-old girl holding two light armatures in both hands suddenly leaped over from the roof beside her, and punched it **** the back of hatred.


With a cry of hatred, let go of the dark and jump on the roof next to it. An’s younger sister, Liluo, who was shopping nearby, saw that her sister had an accident, so she rushed over for the first time.


"I'm fine. I'll deal with this monster first."

The corners of their mouths were wiped, and the two sisters jumped onto the roof at the same time, facing each other with hatred. But in the face of these two people with hatred, the corners of his mouth did not show the slightest seriousness, and it still looked like a sneer.

"Ba Ba Ba Ba"

Little Bread anxiously raised his placard——

"Let's Go"

However, the idiot stopped her again.

"Wait. Wait a second."

At this time, other fighters near this shopping street also rushed in. They formed a circle of more than a dozen people, enclosing hatred. Among them, there is even Quilin, who has pulled off the wig, holding two ice skates, gritting her teeth, and facing the monster.


With a roar from a male warrior, all the warriors immediately started their action. The soldiers and archers who followed immediately bent their bows and set up their arrows for fierce battle.

Hate stood proudly, and still seemed calm and calm in the face of such an encirclement. Although its body is huge, its movements are not slow in the slightest. When the flames pounced, it immediately shrank, and after avoiding it, it stretched out its claws at the same time, grabbed the three arrows that were shot, and shot it back, so that the wrists on which the archers depended for survival were pierced. An axe warrior leaped high, and the sharp axe in his hand hit its head directly. Hate, however, stretched out one hand and threw him to another gunman who came forward, letting them beat themselves.

More than a dozen people, but there is still nothing to do with this only monster. As more and more soldiers came to join the battle group, more and more people fell to the ground. And it is very unfortunate that if they are good at using swords, their love swords will be broken. If they use vertical stone power, all the guiding stones on their bodies will be exhausted, and they will not be able to hit a hair of hatred. Quilin stood in the distance and threw two flying knives, but the claws of this monster pinched the tail of the flying knives very dexterously and turned them back directly to Quilin. Quillian was too late, and was immediately stabbed in the shoulder by these two throwing knives, and was hit hard down the roof.

Is this monster strong?

It seems not strong.

Because it did not show a strong momentum. Every time, it seemed to be extremely lucky to resolve the attacks of the crowd, and some of the resolutions were very clumsy. Therefore, the defeated were not reconciled. They looked at the demon who ridiculed them over there, and they were all angry. The hatred on the scene naturally spread gradually.

(It is playing the enemy.)

Dim Mi whistled and laughed—

(You humans’ overpowering is the source of its food. By the way, I’m not going to talk about who can beat it in the technical combat style. Even if someone can, it has a thousand ways to arouse hatred in people’s hearts. . In the past, I often let it promote those who sway between the so-called "light camp" and the "dark camp" on my side. Often, the effect is very good~~~)

Mozu language) Hahahahaha — come on, come on, hate more, hate more, it’s so delicious, it’s so delicious, your hatred will become the food that will make I become stronger hahahahahaha —————————"

(Well...on the other hand, it always doesn't kill people, which makes me a headache. Otherwise, it's perfect.) V

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