Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 79: , The empty hand wins

Empty-handed wins

Mozu language) Are you crying enough?"

Hate stared at the bun and sneered.

Devil language) If you cry enough, then hate me. I seem to accidentally killed your most important person. So, where is your hatred?"

The bun covered the idiot's body, and the little body was only sobbing. She was so sad that she was crying, and she was almost fainting. When Hate brought that fangs mouth to her, Bun was trembling all over with fright, let alone hate, she didn't even have the slightest intention to resist.

Mozu language) Humph, boring human."

Hate sat on the ground, with his long tail wrapped around him. It continued to stare at the dead idiot before him. After thinking about it, suddenly, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Mozu language) By the way, since this human is the host chosen by Hallelujah... his life must be very miserable, almost completely abandoned by humans, right? Well, yes, how many past From the perspective of Hallelujah’s host, each one is a kind of bitter and deep hatred. In that case...hehe, then, the hatred hidden in my heart...must still be left behind?"

Hatred straightened up and began to wander around the idiot's corpse. After thinking about it for a while, a color of excitement suddenly appeared in its eyes.

Mozu language) Well, even though people are dead, the hatred should have begun to disappear. However, the soul shouldn't completely dissipate, right? In that case...hehehe, man, now, give your soul to Give it to me, let me taste the suppressed hatred in your heart. You can't hide it from me. No one's soul can remain clean in front of my "hate" even though you are the chosen one of Hallelujah The target of... is the same"

After all, hateful and joyful opened his mouth, and the sharp teeth made of black smoke slowly pierced the idiot's back and chest, biting him up. After that, Hate closed his eyes, as if he was preparing to taste the delicious food, and waited for the melting taste in his mouth.

The white snow...falls.

Here... Where is it?

Ah, yes. It turns out that this is the birthplace of the host this time? The icy land of the Northland... Hey, good, I started to have a premonition of deliciousness.

Ah, that's it. Your life is really miserable. Born in such a garbage family. Your parents don't care about you and let you fend for themselves. Hey, hate... Hurry up, hate, come out quickly...

Haha, your father was killed. A robber got what he deserved. Let me see your heart and find the slightest hatred in your heart. Then I will magnify it infinitely.

Strange... Why... can't find it?

Impossible... How can you not find hatred? No, no... It must be because you are already dead, and part of the hatred disappeared with death. Well, it must be so.

It's okay, next... you and your mother depend on each other. Hahaha that son, you bitch.

Oh wonderful, the murderer of your son's mother who was killed turned out to be her client hahaha and, have you watched all this with your own eyes? Come on, hate... There must be hatred in it. You must want to get revenge on this client? Because of him, you are only six or seven years old and you have become an orphan without a father or mother.


So cold...

In your there always snow floating?

What a cold memory... but... why there is no hatred?

What about your hatred...?

What about your hatred?

Humans, I ask you, where is your hatred? Your hatred, anger, sadness, hatred of all your negative feelings... where have they gone?

No... impossible...

How could there be such a person in the world?

You have been treated so unfairly... You don't even have the slightest resentment towards this world? Why... why don't you blame God and others at all? Why don’t you, like other humans, blame the society, the governments, and the world for your miserable experience?

In your heart............ actually..................

No hatred?

Suddenly, the hatred let go. The idiot in its mouth fell to the ground. Hate was surprised, and even started to feel a little scared.

A person who doesn't hate anything, what does it mean to this "hate" demon?

What does it mean...?


Finally, Hate never wanted to realize the memory in this person's soul. It even feels that it can’t stand the cold memory of snow forever. Now, all it has to do is one thing.

From this dead man's wrist, seize the sword of the Devil Emperor and then she will decide the next Devil Emperor candidate. The King of Bucks, who has begun to be dazzled by hatred, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Without further ado, Hatred opened his mouth immediately and bit the whole right arm of the idiot. It slowly moved the position of the idiot in its mouth, and after all the parts entangled by the chain were contained in its mouth, its jaw suddenly swore to bite off the dead man’s arm.

The arm is not broken.

Because at this moment, this arm changed from its original flesh color to pitch black.

Emerges like a devil’s arm, the five fingers that the dead man would no longer move, now... have become five sharp claws.

Devil language) This is?"

Hateful eyes widened suddenly. By instinct, it immediately wanted to let go and retreat


The corpse, which was already dead, suddenly moved. His left arm directly grabbed the teeth of hate, and the completely demonized right arm did not pull out. Instead, he spread his five fingers and grabbed the deepest part of the monster’s throat.


When the devil's claws penetrated deep into the body of hatred, a crazy strange cry suddenly emitted from the body of the monster. Its limbs made of smoke shook crazily, and the big tail was even more lifted. Shoot directly at the idiot Tianling Gai

However, the idiot only slightly increased his strength on the right hand, and the tail that was about to be photographed on the idiot's head became vaporized the moment he touched it.

No, not just the tail. The entire body of hatred began to vaporize the black smoke that was wrapped around the body, now as if it was blown by a strong wind, quickly dissipating


In less than two seconds, all the black smoke has disappeared. But the squeaking sound became more obvious. After all the smoke disappeared, Little Bread looked at the thing that the idiot was holding and couldn't help but yelled "Yeah".

The things in the dark smoke and dust are actually so small.

It has sharp claws, sharp teeth, a tail that is almost longer than the body, swaying constantly, and golden hair covering the whole body.

A squirrel...

In this way, the neck was stuck by an idiot, his red eyes exuded endless anger, staring at this man who could even deceive the devil. Staring at this...



The little golden squirrel looked almost the size of a slap, and such a little creature immediately provoked Little Bread's cheers. She ran to the idiot and jumped to grab the idiot's hand. But now, this is obviously a very unwise move.

"Bread Stop"

After all, the idiot's voice was a step late. At the moment he was distracted, the little squirrel opened his mouth and bit the idiot's palm severely. At the moment when the idiot couldn't help letting go, the squirrel not only did not escape, but instead embraced the idiot's palm with both paws, rolled over and jumped onto his arm. Then, while the idiot hadn’t put down his arm, it rushed over like lightning and aimed at the idiot’s face. The small body twisted in the air, and the huge golden tail slammed the idiot’s face firmly. .

With a bang, it was surprisingly powerful. The idiot even couldn't control his figure for a while, and the whole person flew out of the bun to be surprised. Seeing that the idiot was about to fall off the cliff, he immediately waved the black chain in his hand.

But there is no place on the cliff that can be used for binding. You know, this is a desert. What can grow on the desert Gobi?

Seeing this, Bun immediately slapped his hands and hit the ground. Two stone pillars popped up on the mountain wall instantly, just enough for the chains of the idiot to be entangled. However, before the idiot could pull himself up, the squirrel had already slid down the chain ahead of the time, squeezing his five fingers, a straight punch that was extremely correct, and directly hit the idiot's heart.


The punch was so strong that it was completely disproportionate to this small body. The idiot couldn't help it. Bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, the body fell straight down.


The chain tightened instantly, the idiot forcibly supported the weight of his chest, pulled the chain with his right hand, and kicked the little squirrel directly with his left foot. The squirrel was in mid-air and could not avoid it, but it was the first time that it erected its tail with both hands. Putting it on the tail, he firmly blocked the idiot's foot. With the strength of this foot, it flew towards the cliff, its two hind paws firmly grasped the gap in the rock, and its hands crossed its chest...


In one breath, slowly exhaled from the squirrel's mouth. Accompanied by vomiting, it slowly assumed a fighting pose, and its two big blood-red eyes were staring at the idiot, without any relaxation.

(I said earlier, if you are "empty-handed", there are really not many people in the demons who can win it by technical warfare. Do you think that the phantom that breaks it will win? Tell you, even the former Ten Demon Swords, if those who reincarnated have no weapons, then facing it that does not use the phantom body and fully exerts its "empty-handed" ability, I am afraid that many of them will not be able to eat, so I will walk away~~~~) A

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