Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 77: , Fierce battle

Fierce battle

For ordinary people, hatred is a monster.

In fact, it is indeed a monster.

Faced with the increasing number of soldiers, one hundred, two hundred, and three hundred soldiers who were gradually gathering, this monster did not have the slightest timidity.

At this moment, it rushed to the top of a church. One paw rests on the sacred cross, the other is deeply embedded in the roof of the church. Facing those with panic and anger in their eyes, it smiled more frantically.

"Archer, get out"

Finally, the scattered soldiers became the Bucks regular army. It is a member of the Norius family who is in charge of the leadership legion. As soon as the woman raised her hand, the bow and arrow group immediately raised the bow in her hand, completely aiming at the hatred in the church.


Accompanied by this "release" exit, the monster turned around like a conditioned reflex. Two hind paws grabbed the tiles of the church roof, and the tiles flew up suddenly, forming a solid The shield blocks all the bows and arrows shot at it. After blocking the first wave of attacks, the monster jumped from the top of the church, trampled four archers heavily, opened its mouth, bit a soldier in his mouth, and threw it aside. Hit the wall and hit him badly.

"God... my goodness"

The conductor trembled with shock by the giant in front of him. With a sneer of hatred, the tail behind his back slowly lifted, gently stroking the woman's head.

Mozu language) Oh, poor little thing. Are you scared? It seems that your strength is so weak that you don’t even have the ability to hate me. But rest assured, I am fair. Now, I will tear you off One arm, see if you continue to fear? Or can you hate me?"

Hate raised a front grip, protruding a sharp claw like a knife. It sneered again, waved its claws, and aimed directly at the opponent's shoulder...


Suddenly, a ball of fire was caught in front of it where the bursting flames spread. One of its hated paws was blown away and the smoke disappeared. This monster did not show pain. It just turned its head slowly and looked at the ball just now. Staring in the direction the flame ball flies.

"You are troublesome."

The idiot quickly pulled up the bun and hid behind the chimney. Bun clutched his smoking palms, and stomped anxiously.

Mozu language) Humph, timid and incompetent master."

The color in Hate's eyes became even more contemptuous, and it shrugged its shoulders, but the knocked out front paws were once again condensed. But now, it seems to have no interest in the humans of the Norius family in front of them. With a flick of his tail, he slapped him against the wall. And it spread its limbs, sprinted on the street, and continued to pounce on the imperial city

The streets after the battle are full of devastations, but idiots can take care of those injured in no mood. When the hatred started to move again, he also quickly followed with the little bread. As he passed by Kuilin, he threw the Xingli in his arms directly into her arms and ran away immediately. By the time Quirin reacted, the idiot had already run out of sight.


The harsh screams ran through the entire castle.

Hate roared across the wall of the royal quarter, banged open the door, and rushed directly to the towering white castle

In the eyes of this demon, the soldiers who stand in the way are no different from the furnishings. They hate and wave their claws, ramming into any human being who dared to stop them in these flesh and blood. When it fills the white castle, It leaped and stretched its limbs, clinging to the edge of the castle, and crawling upward

"Stopping it must not allow this monster to offend your majesty's residence"

The soldiers called out loudly. Archers, musketeers and stonemans, any soldiers who can carry out long-range attacks, all exert all their power and attack the monsters attached to the edge of the castle.

But although hatred is on the castle, its movements are still so flexible. Using its tail and limbs, it traverses the wall like the most vigorous climbing champion. That level of flexibility is even better than Zelens

Riding on the chaos, the idiot rushed into the royal quarter. When he was about to enter the castle, some calm soldiers quickly reached out and stopped him.

"Sorry, sir. It's an emergency now. Nobody can enter the castle.

The idiot snorted and immediately said loudly: "I am a member of the Eighth Knights,, scum? The bulldozer is here to help protect your majesty."

There are many members of the Eighth Knights. If you just report this name, I am afraid this small security force is not qualified to enter the city. However, the name of the scum bulldozer can be described as thunderous in the wind. As a man, who hasn't heard of this scum in divine grace?

"You... you are the scumbag"

"So, please let me in, escort."

The name of the scum is of course very effective. With this name, the name of the idiot who was a survivor of the ice-bound wind-blown-sand rescue battle can be regarded as slightly spread. As far as strength is concerned, it can only be regarded as a midstream among the strong Bucks, but at this time, one more person will naturally have more strength.

"Hurry in. Let's go to **** the driver together. What about this little girl?"

"Silly beep"

Without waiting for the idiot to speak, Little Bread rushed in first. While the idiot was stupefied by the soldier, he also rushed in, along with Little Bread and many other soldiers who came to the rescue, rushing towards the upper level of the castle.

Hatred's climbing speed began to slow down after gradually increasing, it seems that the more upwards, the smoother the surface of the castle, and the less places he can grasp. The demon roared again, stretched out its sharp claws, and slapped directly at the wall in front of him. The sharp claws directly scratched the wall. And it also rushed in from this wall.

"Found there"

The devil smashed open a chapel, and its huge body almost filled the space as soon as it entered. For such a live target, the soldiers will certainly not be soft. With a shout, twenty ice arrows have been shot out in an instant, hitting hate's body.

Papa Papa Papa Papa——————

The sound of freezing and cracking sounded like a jewel, blasting firmly on the hatred torso. Obviously, these attacks had some effect. Its limbs and tail were frozen with the ground. Even its open mouth revealed a big mouth with mottled teeth, and it was frozen by the ice at this moment.

"Keep going"

The idiot squeezed in from the entrance of the chapel, and saw twenty stone verticals divided into two rows, and the road map in front of his palms was shining brightly with the ring on his hand. But just when everyone thought that this battle finally ended in human victory...


The demon suddenly screamed, and the part of the original huge body that suddenly shrank on the torso quickly swelled. With it again, the huge body immediately looked like a deflated ball. And another monster the size of a buffalo burst out of the belly of the big monster and rushed towards the crowd like crazy.


The small hatred hit the abdomen of a rockman head-on, blasting it away. It opened its mouth and sharp claws, and after frantically biting and grabbing at the crowd, it hid the door and rushed upward again.

"Damn, that **** monster we can already force it, we must kill it"

"Go on and kill it"

The angry soldiers were not afraid of being injured. On the contrary, they began to be irritated by the fact that they were about to defeat the demon but were bitten by the demon at the last minute.

Their anger and hatred rose even more, and many of them did not pay attention to the black smoke that came out as hatred passed through them. And these enthusiastic soldiers also shouted loudly, inhaling the black smoke while chasing up.


Little Bread grabbed the idiot with some fear, and looked at the scarlet-eyed soldiers who had been dazzled by hatred. The idiot guarded her tightly, and the Dark Destruction Dagger in his right hand had been quietly held in his palm, following everyone, moving slowly.

(When human beings are about to achieve their wishes, they are suddenly destroyed. Many emotions can be derived from them. However, hatred can easily express the strongest hatred.)

(Let these people hate that they have not been able to win, and also make them hate it for why they don’t just grab it. Hate this, hate that, everything can be turned into the strongest hatred at this moment. Hahahaha The hunter and the prey have long been turned upside down, who is the final winner?)

(Human kid, I, look forward to it.)

The angry soldier chased the demon in front. Hate ran wildly along the aisle, stopped after running for a while, let the soldiers catch up and go to war. After maiming a few soldiers, he pretended not to be defeated again. So repeatedly.

The soldiers saw that there were several opportunities to behead the demon, but several times they dropped the chain at the last minute. At the beginning, they could encourage each other. But the more times, they began to complain about each other over time.

Why don't you block its way when I attract his attention?

Why do you use the flame vertical stone power when I am about to use the vertical stone power to freeze its feet?

Why didn't you, a soldier holding a shield, protect us?

why? why?

The idiot following saw it. The more battles, the more irritable the soldiers, and the more they blame each other. To the back, when hatred slipped away from under their hands again, a double swordsman finally couldn't bear it, and began to yell at an axe warrior's nose, blaming him for coming over to block him. The axe warrior was also unwilling to show weakness, and he gave the sword warrior a beard, blowing his beard and staring.

Finally, the seeds planted broke out at this moment. The soldiers began to mess around and abuse each other. Some of them even started to attack each other. At this moment, the idiot saw it. The hatred demon actually hung upside down on the ceiling, with a split mouth, looking at these noisy warriors with interest. After watching for a while, the blood-red eyes... finally fell on the idiot.

"Squeak, squeak..."

The weird laughter sounds creepy.

The soldiers suddenly woke up after the quarrel, but before they could readjust their formation, the demon in mid-air had already landed...

Crystal Conference Hall.

This hall seemed so cold and bitter at all times.

Sitting on the throne behind the water curtain, no matter how excited your mind is, it seems that you will slowly calm down here.

At this moment, the king is sitting on the throne. He closed his eyes and breathed gently.

The commotion... approached.

As a king, he already knew what broke into his territory. It was a terrible monster, something that might be an epic monster. Something like this... now it's time to challenge your authority. Want to use strength to challenge the king of this country

Giggle, boom, boom————

At this moment, there was a violent bang outside the door, and accompanied by the most violent explosion, the door of the Crystal Conference Hall was knocked open by a soldier who had already faced offense and flew in like a bullet. After spinning two circles in the air, he fell before the throne.


Hate opened his claws, his red pupils stared at the king in the depths of the discussion hall in front of him, his mouth sneered.

It took a step forward and walked slowly towards Mudu. The sharp teeth opened, and black smoke overflowed from his mouth and nose, but in a flash, this huge conference hall became its home court.

Mozu language) Your Majesty, you have chased me for so long. Now, don't you think you should take action?"

When Hatred walked to the center of the conference hall, it suddenly turned its head and looked at the door behind it. Mudu slowly opened his eyes, and through the water curtain, a vague figure holding a black long sword appeared at the door. It seems...a soldier.

The idiot didn't answer, not just because he didn't understand it at all.

The dark emperor let go of the bun and let her hide. Afterwards, he slowly walked towards hatred and slowly raised his head...

There was no emotion in the jet black pupils. The only thing that I still have is that unspeakable emptiness and indifference...

The surrounding air seemed to freeze.

That hustle and bustle, at this moment, also turned into immersion in the ice and snow.


Yes, dark ice and snow.

The black crystals flying in the sky freeze the air, and with every step of his, every step, falling...

The contempt in the eyes of hatred disappeared.

Although it looks down on humans very much, but to some extent, it will never look down on the "humans" chosen by Hallelujah.

Being able to become the host of the Demon Lord, this in itself already shows that this person is already extraordinary. He definitely has super strength...

At least, it is the strength that is strong enough to make oneself absolutely serious. A

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