Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 78: , The death of an idiot

The death of an idiot

Sneered and disappeared.

The black smoke is diffuse.

The buffalo-like body began to change slowly, becoming slender, turning into a leopard-like slender body.

Hate grinned and grinned, with some slight low groans in his throat. After a while, when these low groans completely disappeared...

Black snow... broken


In a flash, the idiot and hatred have switched positions. They were back to back, if it weren't for gazing at each other just now, it might make people think that this is how they really stand.


Hatred turned his head slowly, and there was a soft noise in his throat. It looked at the "master" behind it, and in its originally vigilant eyes, a stronger ridicule gradually emerged.

The black crystal slowly disappeared.

When Little Bread let out a scream, the idiot who was the last barrier in front of the king just like that... fell.

"Ah ah woo woo bab bab bab"

Bun yelled, rushing towards the idiot like crazy. Seeing this scene, a sneer appeared at the corners of hateful lips. It directly blocked the little bread and the idiot, lowered its head, opened the mouth of the blood basin, blocking the little bread.

Mozu language) Hate? Do you hate your own powerlessness and be unable to help that useless king? Hehehe, no matter who you are your Majesty, but now, all you need is hatred for me. Come on. , Hate it, this delicious food really doesn’t matter how much it is, it’s not enough to taste hahahahaha—"

Hate laughed wildly, and slapped Xiao Bread's body with a paw. At the moment of the moment, Xiao Bread's hands blocked in front of him in time, and the huge golden shield instantly eliminated that claw attack. But when she hated surprise and was about to meet the enemy again, the little girl didn't mean to hate it at all. Instead, she took three steps and took two steps and ran to the idiot's side.

Mozu language) Hahahaha, I’ve never known that you are such a poor demon king, so you are so weak? It seems that even Hallelujah has taken a look, and he will choose you as a host. What a pity, what a pity. You are really too weak, you are not qualified to be my master at all."

In the squeak of hatred, Little Bread hurriedly checked the idiot's injury. She panicked and shoved the idiot's shoulder, the golden light in her hand bloomed, and her face was anxious.

However, just as the treatment was in progress, the bun's movements stopped slightly. The next moment, the golden light in her hand disappeared immediately, and the poor little girl threw on the idiot's back with a "wow", crying heartbroken.

Bread was so sad that she cried. That cry, that tear, almost vented all the sadness in my heart. Hate listened to the little girl's bitter cry, for a moment, the original mocking expression began to become rigid.

No way……? I... killed the Overlord of Hallelujah?

Well, although I did use my best just now, but...the host of this generation is so useless? Can I kill it so easily?


If... if I really kill Hallelujah's host... then... then am I... am I...

Kill the master?

It is rare for Hallelujah to find a host after a thousand years, and he was...killed easily by me?

No way...No way

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but panic in my hatred, and immediately moved forward. But after seeing the reaction of hatred, the howling bun over there immediately got up and blocked her eyes wide in front of hatred. With her unique ability, hatred can clearly feel the little girl’s heart towards herself Hatred. So...he is really...dead?

Mozu language) Get out of humans"

"Ah oh oh oh oh..."

Bun yelled, tears and snot. After stopping the hatred, she fell on the back of the idiot again and wept heartbroken.

Baring his teeth in hatred, he simply turned his head and walked towards the King of Bucks. Since the host of this demon emperor has died, then what I have to do next must be successful

Amidst the cries of bread, hatred took a step forward. But the King of Bucks, at this moment, slowly shook his head, feeling a little disappointed and sorry for the soldier, stood up, picked up the sword, and walked off the throne.


However, the king's footsteps did not completely step out of the water curtain.

Because at this time, a girl about twelve years old, but I don't know when... stood in front of the monster.


The hateful gaze shifted down and moved to the wrist of the chestnut-haired girl.

This young human has a gorgeous white rose blooming on his wrist. Those vines entangled around the arms, all the way to the shoulders. To match the girl's outfit full of roses...


Hatred walked forward slowly, approaching the girl whose eyes were slightly closed.

It turns out that she is blind?


The branches and leaves began to spread out of Xiaoxing's hands. These vines entangled each other, and finally, a wave sword appeared in her hand.

Xing closed her eyes, facing the hatred in front of her.

Although she couldn't see it, the sword in her hand pointed to hatred without any surprise. Some white rose petals began to bloom on the princess's arms, and the clusters of flower beds began to bloom around her footsteps.

Hatred took two steps forward and came to Xiao Xing's ear. It opened its mouth and began to make a little noise in its sharp teeth.

That's not human language, so Xing couldn't understand it at all. But I don't understand

Although...not understand...

Hate, but slowly passed by Xing's side. It walked leisurely, but the corner of its mouth showed a cruel and evil smile again.

In contrast, the rose bushes under Xiao Xing's feet slowly dissipated, and the vanity sword on her wrist was now retracted back into her wrist and disappeared.


Mu Du was surprised.

He was so surprised that he didn't even approach with alert and hatred

By the time he realized it, it was too late. I saw Hatred directly lifted his two forward grasps, and put them on his shoulders. Then he opened his mouth and bit Mudu's shoulder fiercely.

Mudu's eyes immediately filled with blood and hated that the black smoke on his body poured violently into the bitten wound. Like a whirlwind, poured in violently

The storm... continues.

After a while, Hatred released Mu Du's shoulders and let him go.

The king took two steps backward, sweating on his forehead. His bloodshot eyes are slowly returning to the past.

He was breathing heavily, holding a sword, and sitting on the stairs in front of the throne.

Hate backed away with a sneer, sitting respectfully in front of the human king, waiting for his answer.

"That's it... So this... is the answer you want to give me..."

Mu Du slowly raised his head, looking at the hatred in front of him. After he exhaled a long breath, he said--

"I see... what you said does make sense... this hatred... must not be eliminated... even if... it is for the tens of thousands of dead soldiers... this hatred... absolutely cannot To be forgiven"

Hate was very satisfied with the answer this time. It got the purpose it wanted. Human beings are such a fragile creature after all. As long as it is a human being, it is impossible to be complete in the heart, and it is possible at any time to hide that irresistible hatred. It is really... too easy to use these humans to solve their own problems.

Hatred nodded towards Mudu, turned around, and walked towards the weeping bread here.


Hatred raised his head, his eyes filled with contempt. Then it lowered its head, opened the sleeve of the idiot's arm with its paw, opened its mouth, and bit the chain on his arm. Then, after a sneer of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of the monster's mouth, he dragged the idiot's body away.

"Your Majesty Escort"

At this moment, the soldiers who were harassing finally arrived. They saw that the black monster was eating people and immediately raised the weapon in their hands. But at this moment, Mu Du over there suddenly reached out and stopped. .

"Stop it all and let it... leave."

"Huh? But your Majesty..."

"Let it go, hear no"

Mu Du raised his head, his red eyes covered with bloodshot eyes. Now he looked extremely angry. The king’s order has now been turned into absolute one is allowed to disobey

The soldiers saw their king say so, and after looking at each other, they stared at the leisurely monster with hatred. But hatred is the look in these people’s hateful eyes. It hung the idiot and came to the glass window in the corridor outside. When it slammed into it for a moment, it took the idiot and the small bread that hugged the corpse. M jumped down from the sky. Landed on the ground easily.

Amid the screams of the palace maids, footmen, and panicked soldiers, idiots in hatred rushed out of the imperial city. It walked along the street and smashed away the humans who dared to stop in front of it. Afterwards, he rushed to the edge of the cliff on the edge of the windblown sand, jumped, grabbed his limbs, and climbed firmly on the wall. Climb up quickly.


The shouts of the crowd gradually faded away.

Cliffs, cliffs.

As well as the sunlight, they are quietly watching what is happening now.

Hate came to the cliff with the idiot in his mouth, and when he loosened his mouth, he threw the idiot's body on the ground. The bun started to cry again, tearing down the voice of the person holding on to this already immobile. Believe that even if it is a devil, it will be crying...A

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