Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 81: , Despicable Wushuang


The little squirrel won.

It landed on the ground, and the four fingers of both hands, except for the thumb, were relatively close together, making a closing motion, and slowly exhaling. There is no doubt that this battle, it is completely through its own strength, to obtain the final victory.

The weather is fine and the wind blows the earth.

Hate carried his paws on his back, looking at the unobstructed desert scenery beyond the cliff, and the corner of his mouth filled with a satisfied smile.

It walked right back to the defeated idiot, jumped on his back, and stood still. For this guy who couldn't even pull out the magic sword, the corners of his mouth seemed even more proud.

Devil language) Human, but so. Well, your Majesty Hallelujah, you can devour him as much as you like. I believe it must be easy to devour him now."

Xiao Bian looked at it, and she saw that the squirrel that had beaten Ba Ba was "squeaking" on Ba Ba's back, but she didn't understand what it meant. But to be honest, she doesn't know what she should do now. Should he continue to fight for Ba Ba, or watch the squirrel leave?

Hate waited for a while, but the magic sword did not react at all. what happened? Shouldn't it be devoured?

The little squirrel felt strange and jumped off the idiot's back and came to his right hand. It squeezed the entangled chains, and the part of the eyes that it looked at should be...

Eyes, closed?

what happened?

Devil language) Now, your Majesty, wake up, I've helped you kill this human, you can devour him? Your Majesty Hallelujah.

Pushing the little squirrel, his tail flicked anxiously. But, at this moment...

Blood pupil, open

Immediately afterwards, the hand of the idiot who should have been in a coma suddenly grabbed the body of the little squirrel. After grabbing, the idiot immediately started, pulled out the black chains, and moved the squirrel out of three layers. Bund up in three layers. The chain tightened tightly, causing the squirrel to make a painful cry

Devil language) **** lied to me?"


The little squirrel's tail and dead claws are all tied up, and now it can't move. The idiot didn't dare to relax at all. He pressed the squirrel with one hand and pressed it on the ground. He immediately pulled out Dim Mi with his right hand and directly touched the little squirrel's forehead.


The idiot took a breath, letting his sanity a little more sober. Afterwards, he stared at the squirrel and said in his heart——

(Darkly. This thing... isn't it very smart? It's been fooled once, but it will be the second time.)

(Wrong, it’s not that she is not smart, but that she can’t read your mood. Because in general, if someone is defeated by it and pretends to die, the hatred in the heart must be indispensable. It can sense the hate To see if the other party is pretending to be dead.)

(But you are different. When you pretend to be dead, your heart is empty. It is no different from someone who is really unconscious. It can't be read, so naturally it can't be seen.)

Well, I admit that you can't ask too much for a squirrel. It has tasted your soul just now and should know that you can completely annihilate your own hatred. In this case, he still relaxes his guard, which is indeed something that shouldn't be. )

The hatred in the idiot's hand is still squeaking. The idiot held it tightly, thinking about what to do next. Well, sure enough, I still have to ask what it wanted to do in the castle.

(Dark out, translate.)


(I don’t understand squirrel language.)

(What is squirrel talk, **** human boy? That's true...)

(Tell me, what you did to King Bucks just now.)

An Mie was extremely dissatisfied in his heart, but after all, it translated the sentence, letting the idiot say it in Mozu language.

The little squirrel spit out a mouthful of blood in his mouth, snorted, and turned his head very conceitedly: "Squeak, squeak."

(It said it would never tell a human who only knows how to act vile.)

Speak out, otherwise..."

"Squeak? Squeak~ Squeak~ Squeak~~~ Squeak"

(Well... it says it doesn't care, a real martial artist will not be intimidated by others. Cut, what the **** is this guy doing?)

At this moment, the idiot was silent. He stared at the demon in his hand, his eyes cold. But the hatred had a relaxed face, instead he hummed a little, an expression that didn't put any idiot in his eyes.

After a while, the idiot sighed...

"In this case, let's see if you can persist, or take the lead in speaking out."


(Come on~~~Come on~~~Sample, you scumbag, bulldozer, what can you do to me? Come on~~~)

( said it, it must have said it. Trust me, friend, these words are what it said, I'm just a translation. Now, do you still doubt our twelve-year friendship?)

The idiot didn't speak, he didn't manage the money of the sword, but directly raised the hatred in his hand and pushed the hair near its hind paws with his hand.

Mozu language) What human do you want to do, what do you want to do?"

Pulling away the hair, the idiot looked carefully. Yes, it is female. After confirming this, the idiot lowered his head and looked for it on the cliff. After a while, he found a dry branch, plucked a small and thin dry branch, and placed it on the lower body of the little squirrel.

Now, this little squirrel was finally shocked. It began to scream vigorously, and the body was in a restless commotion. However, the idiot steadily held it and the small branch, and then pierced the branch a little bit, coldly-

"Say, or not."

"Squeaky Squeaky"


Dark off, translate. )

(Heh, why? I am interested in translating for you just now. Since you don’t believe what I said, why should I translate? La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ~~~~)

The idiot's brows frowned slightly, if Dim Mi didn't cooperate, wouldn't he not know what the squirrel wanted to say? In addition, in this situation, is it better to poke in or pull out?

When the idiot was hesitating, the little bread next to him showed contempt. She held up the card--

"Baba, don't you even let the squirrel go? 》

The idiot froze for a moment, and said, "No, I just want to ask about it."

"But Ba Ba, you only wear a pair of shorts now, you will be regarded as abnormal. 》

The idiot looked down. Indeed, because his pants were picked by the squirrel just now, he was only wearing a pair of floral-colored boxer briefs. However, this is not the point. The point is what is this squirrel thinking?

However, the idiot was a little distracted by the interruption of Bun. Coupled with the fact that the branch he held in his hand remained there for a moment, this little squirrel felt extremely uncomfortable. And the result of this is...


The hatred broke out.

Suddenly, it broke free of the dark chains and jumped out of the idiot's grasp. First, the little squirrel kicked off the branch in the idiot's hand, then jumped up from his arm, his tail turned, and patted the idiot's face heavily.

But the idiot now is definitely not the empty-handed idiot just now. He lifted the sword in the dark for the first time, and only heard a slap, his tail slapped heavily on the darkened sword, making a loud noise

A miss, the little squirrel immediately jumped away. It once again assumed a confrontation pose. As a fighter, it quickly condensed its mind and returned to the calm state of defeating the idiot just now.

"Want to fight again? 》

She didn't know the weight of the bread, she didn't know how dangerous the idiot was just now. Now, she only knew that she was going to be left to watch the fight with the squirrel, and she seemed a little unhappy.

The idiot snorted and pointed Diane at the ground in front of him. This time, he will face it with all his strength. Although I have suffered a lot of injuries just now and my combat effectiveness has declined, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this little squirrel.

The wind on the cliff blows once again...

The air is full of hot smell.

The golden desert in the distance is dazzling, reflecting the sky, and it is the same shining...

Take a deep breath...

Spit out.

The idiot's eyes became extremely hollow, and his eyes didn't seem to stay on the demon anymore. Hate looked at the Devil Emperor candidate in front of him, and suddenly discovered that there were flaws everywhere in his body, and...there were no flaws everywhere.

"Woo...silly beep..."

The bun is boring. She walked towards the idiot's trousers, groaning and complaining in her heart. Why is my own babble like this? You can fight with a squirrel so lively, and even take off your pants? It’s really hard work for me as Ba Ba’s daughter... Even the pants that Ba Ba took off have to be packed...

Xiao Bread approached the trousers that were about to fall off the cliff, but she did not notice that this little squirrel had already seen her actions.

This little girl... seems to be this human family?

Hehehe...yes, that's it...

You are despicable and shameless, right? Of course I can be mean. As a demons, I am naturally proud of being mean

You like her very much, right? So if I kick her off the cliff right now, what will happen to you?

Would hate me...

Sure... Will hate me very much, right?

The devil's plan is brewing in the little squirrel's heart, but its expression has not changed at all. It is still the composure and calmness that a kung fu master should have. She is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the one-in-a-kind opportunity...

Finally, the bun bent over...

Mozu language) is now"

Suddenly the body of the little squirrel moved

The speed of her movement is so fast that even idiots can't react

By the time the idiot fully reacted, the little squirrel had already come to the side of the bent loaf, with a wicked smile at the corners of his mouth and a huge tail, ready to go...


The idiot was surprised, but his surprise was too late. Seeing, the little squirrel has already leaped forward, and the tail that exceeds the length of the body has already patted the waist of the bread, waiting to push her down.


But... at this moment...

Xiao Bread heard the sound behind him, turned around inexplicably, and turned back. And the next moment...

That squirrel just fell into the idiot's trousers, screamed, and fell from the towering cliff...


The wind is clear and the clouds are high, and the climate is pleasant.

Idiot and Little Bread, both with their mouths open, came to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

It's a pity that the height is too high to see below. Naturally, I don't know what happened to that squirrel in the end.

"Baba, you not only kill, but also kill small animals. 》

Little Bread raised the sign slightly dissatisfied, and tears began to flow from the corner of his eyes, a pitiful look. In response, the idiot shook his head and sighed. Although he still couldn't figure out what the hatred said to Xiao Xing, and how did he evoke the hatred in Mu Du's heart. Having said that, this squirrel seemed to have a clear goal from the moment the wind seal was broken, knowing what he needed to do. But what is its purpose in doing so?

Just to make people hate? Corresponding to its name?

That’s it...

The idiot shook his head and sighed helplessly. Forget it, no matter how you think about it, I can't figure it out. Since it has fallen from here, no matter what conspiracy and tricks exist, it has all disappeared...

Thinking of this, the idiot finally turned around, took a small bread, off the cliff from other places, and went home.

On the streets of the civilian area, people come and go, and they shuttle constantly.

For the streets of ordinary people, the clothesline hanging across the road is an impossible landscape.

So, no one pays attention to when there is a pair of trousers on this clothesline. Even if it sways with the wind, no one will pay attention.

Hate crawled out of the trousers hard, clutching the clothesline. It looked at the constant flow of people below, then looked at the top of the cliff next to it, gritted its teeth bitterly.

Mozu language) Next time you see you, **** humans, you have only two choices, or you can be interrupted by me, take away your majesty, and save you a dog. Or you can be completely dying. , Let your majesty completely swallow you hate"

Hate to the extreme, hate even opened his mouth, bit the idiot's trousers and tore a few times. But with such force, it accidentally got involved in the lower part of the body. The idiot stabbed a little deeper, and now it still hurts. A

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