Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 82: , This is the government, your house is mine

This is the government, your house belongs to me

Hate gritted his teeth and crawled along the clothesline to the roof of the building next to him. Black smoke began to erupt from its body, which entered from its facial features, overflowed from its skin, and finally returned to its mouth and swallowed it.

Devil language) It's really uncomfortable to ask me to eat my own hatred... Remember it, when I join a few more demon races, you must be killed as a **** human and eaten by corpses."

After the physical pain healed a little bit, Hatred raised his head and looked around. It came to this city not just to find the King of Bucks. Now one has been completed, and an additional one has been completed. One more thing, we must complete it as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, the squirrel immediately began to leap on the roof, heading to his destination.

But the more it ran, the more uncomfortable it was that the lower body was hurt, which greatly slowed it down. As soon as I felt pain, I couldn't help but start expressing dissatisfaction with the idiot again. Why did you take such a dirty thing? And it's so sharp that you don't even wash it. How many bacteria and dust are on it? Hateful, hateful

While complaining, a wild cat spotted the little squirrel and immediately rushed over to hunt. Hate originally wanted to kill with his hands, but after thinking about it, he suddenly kicked the wild cat in the abdomen and knocked it down. Then, jumped onto the cat's back, grabbed the cat's hair, and screamed to make it run. Under the yin of the little squirrel, the poor wild cat had to spread his limbs and ran.

It's finally easy now.

Hatred showed a comfortable smile, wagging his tail leisurely, and drove the wild cat under the seat to his destination.

Passing through a few doors and over a few roofs, the little squirrel rode a wild cat and came to a large area with many neat buildings. Hate looked around, and it happened that a few human children of fifteen or sixteen years old who were almost serving were holding books in their hands and staring at it dumbfounded. In this regard, the hatred was gnawing at them, pulling the wild cat and leaving. Only the few students who were dumbfounded.

"Hey... what did you just... see?"

"My eyes are dazzled... I seem to see a squirrel riding a cat... ran over?"

" must be too hot..."

"Ah...yes...this summer is really long...hahahaha..."

The wild cats were driven around in this area, and after a while, a huge fountain appeared in front of the squirrel. After thinking for a while, it pulled the wild cat over. After reaching the fountain, she let go of the cat's fur and jumped to the edge of the spring. Amidst the stunned young children around, he bent down, lowered his head, and drank water. After drinking, he inserted his tail into the water again, and lifted it up after he was full of water, carefully cleaning his lower body to remove bacteria and dust.

Finally, the cleanup is complete. The little squirrel flicked its tail and nodded in satisfaction. After that, it turned around, ready to mount...

Devil language) What about the cat? What about that stupid cat?"

Looking around, where is the shadow of your own car? This makes hate very dissatisfied. Can't help but grunt, cast the phantom body to deform.


But at this moment, it suddenly noticed a person with a vegetable basket slung in his hands, a pair of refreshing blue hair and those aqua-blue eyes like the sea... Yes, it was indeed his own. The person I wanted to find

Devilish) Death Knight"

In the surprise of the surrounding children, this little golden squirrel jumped off the edge of the fountain, squeaked towards a person walking there, and climbed onto his shoulder very freely.

Devil language) Death Knight, Death Knight, I finally found you. That's great. If that's the case, our companions in the wind blowing sand will have Lord Vanity, you, and me three. It would be great."

Death knight, naturally refers to Tolan. He had just returned from buying vegetables, and suddenly the squirrel ran on his shoulder, rubbed his face, and screamed happily. But wait until he sees the squirrel clearly and hears the "squeaking" sounds it makes...

Mozu language) You...hate sister?"

Mozu language) is me"

Hatred simply climbed onto Tolan's hair and lay down comfortably. Tolan was stunned by the appearance of this demon, and then he immediately thought that the black beast that appeared in the city today was the sister above his head. I couldn't help but shivered, and immediately smiled at the others around him, moved quickly, and after a few turns, walked into a small wood next to him.

Devil language) Death knight, I have been looking for you for a long time, great... great... great, I finally found you great! I have suffered so much... to find you."

Tolan smiled, walked in the woods, and said: Mozu language) Hate sister, you laughed. With hatred of your strength, ordinary people can't embarrass you at all."

Hate raised his tail, turned his head, and said, Mozu language) Hmph, you didn’t know that I just met a trash scumbag, a perverted and obscene man. I almost fell into his hands and said "

Hearing these words, Tolan was taken aback and immediately alert: Devil language) hates sister, what can embarrass you... either other people in the Demon Race or the Protoss. Could it be that the Protoss came from the sand? People?"

After being dumb with hatred for a while, he suddenly shook his head and said: Mozu language) That...the main reason is that I was not careful. Otherwise, that wretched and exposed **perverted scum man is definitely not my opponent. .Wow—is the death knight where you live? It turns out that your place is so good."

In the eyes of hatred, it was a towering tree. There are several huts like villas on the trees, which are completely integrated with the surrounding forest environment. Seeing this, the squirrel no longer hurts, immediately jumped off Tolan’s shoulders, quickly climbed up the tree trunk, lay on the edge of the tree house platform, and said loudly to Tolan below: Magic Family language) It seems that you guys are all good? Vanity-sama is parasitic on the stag princess and lives in the palace. And you, look at these houses, this is simply hell. Before deciding the next situation, you can let Do I live here too?"

Tolan climbed up the rope ladder, and just wanted to talk to hatred about the real owner of the tree house, but the squirrel was obviously excited now. It went directly into the master bedroom, looked at everything in the room, and looked at the green space around it. For a moment, it felt peaceful.


It climbed to the roof and stood among the vines. Breathing the air here and looking at the surrounding scenery, the squirrel slowly folded his hands again, let go, and drew a half circle respectively, and then merged into one.

Mozu language) If I am adjacent to humans, I have plenty of food. But even though I am adjacent, I am quiet. This place is really wonderful. As long as I take a breath here, I feel like I just All the hatred and dissatisfaction disappeared."

The little squirrel's hands continued to draw a circle, and the steps under his paws slowly rose, taking the circle as the center and moving little by little. Tolan knew that this sister was feeling the surrounding environment, experiencing the martial spirit of herself and the environment. In this case, it would be inconvenient to disturb. Anyway, if the master comes back, just tell him, the master should also agree to more demons living around to enhance their own strength.

Thinking of this, Tolan smiled and entered the room with a basket. He gently knocked on Mi Li's vine door, and after a while, the tree vine door opened and Mi Li walked out sleepily.

"Master Tolan...Have you come back after chasing that monster?"

Mili has been busy for a day, helping Quilin prepare for her marriage. Now I want to sleep a while before the idiot comes back. At this time, she rubbed her eyes and said lazily.

"I haven't come back yet. But I bought the vegetables. There is still a lot of time before the evening. Please continue to rest."

Tolan pointed to the dish, and after Mili thanked her, the tree door closed again, and she lay back on the haystack again and continued to take a nap.

Tolan smiled, and after putting down the vegetables, he scooped out some water from the water tank and watered some potted plants in the room. But he was abrupt, but hatred steadily jumped on top of his head, crossed his claws, and looked at the tree vine door vigilantly.

Mozu language) Diluhagang? You shouldn't forget the matter of Diluhagang betraying your majesty during the last World War."

Tolan smiled slightly, covered his blue hair with his hand, watered it, and said, "It's okay, she has been separated from the mother-child relationship with the black dragon that betrayed us back then. Now... almost as a maid. it's here."

Mozu language) Maid?"

Hearing hatred, he immediately jumped off Tolan's head, turned his back in the air, and landed steadily.

Devilish) Death Knight"

Mozu language) Hate sister, my name in this life is Tolan. Tolan Deide Aino."

Mozu language) What do you care about the names of human beings? Listen to me continue to say that if this little emperor Luha is just a maid as you said, then why are you buying vegetables as the master? And as a maid, does she take a comfortable nap here?"

Mozu language) Ah...ah? No, no, hate sister, you seem to have misunderstood something, this house is not mine..."

Mozu language) Even if it’s her, now we are here as the first tier, then as the second tier she must obey us unconditionally. I don’t have much trust in Dilu Hagang, nor A good person like you will be deceived."

Mozu language) hates sister...actually..."

Mozu language) No. Actually, I am here now, so this house, this tree, and this small forest will all be in charge of me. Starting today, I have the final say and heard No?"

The little squirrel stretched out its paw and pointed at Toran. But Tolan was holding the kettle with a face of confusion, facing serious and persistent hatred, he no longer knew how to explain it. A

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