Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 83: , The enemy of a million

Toran resisted the hatred and didn't know what to say. But after another thought, he was relieved. Anyway, the idiot will come back soon, and then I will introduce it to Sister Hater and tell it that the Devil Emperor of this life has already appeared, so let it be happy and happy.

Mozu language) By the way, Hate sister, did you just lift the seal today? You have been sleeping for more than a thousand years, and you have been working hard."

In response, the little squirrel wagged his tail and said: Mozu language) No, I was relieved very early. It was probably more than a hundred years ago."

Mozu language) More than a hundred years ago? So early"

Hate shook his head, it was not a squirrel that would be arrogant after being praised. For a martial artist, emptiness is the minimum character that should be possessed.

Mozu language) Although it was early, but I also spent a lot of effort. There was even a time when I thought I would never escape for life."

Tolan smiled while sweeping the floor, Mozu language) That's true. I remember back then, my sister, you went to instigate several human nations because of the instructions of the previous owner. As a result, they were uneasy. Wanted by several countries. I remember that at that time humans seemed to have gathered a million elite soldiers to encircle and suppress Sister Hate and Sister Jealous? What happened afterwards?"

Speaking of before, a touch of grievance appeared in the hateful eyes. It remembered that more than a thousand years ago, only it and the completely injured and immobile jealous sister two demons were besieged on the plain. Looking around, millions of human soldiers encircled themselves. In that battle, the sky was really dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and he killed for a whole month, until he couldn't even make a phantom, he killed his limbs almost crippled, and his claws were covered with human blood. It only killed more than half a million humans.

To this day, it can still remember the sound of those Human Race generals holding their swords and shouting to themselves.

"The whole army must kill the squirrel"

This scream has almost become the only reverberating voice in my mind at that time.

At that time, the situation could only be described as despair...

Tolan suddenly saw hatred raising his head and looking out the window without speaking, and couldn't help worrying if he had said something wrong. After thinking about it, he immediately said apologetically: Mozu language) Hate sister, won't resent your majesty... didn't you send us to save you last time? Especially...especially hate me... ...Because at that time...I took a 100,000 undead soldier on the way to an angel fortress..."

In this regard, Squirrel shook his paw with great magnanimity, and said with a serious expression: Devil language) No, I will not resent you, let alone your Majesty. As the devil, we are not like those of the gods. Hypocrites, what kind of companions, friendship and so on. At that time, I had completed the task and attracted most of the main force of mankind. For His Majesty, my use is no longer available. It is natural to abandon it. And facing the angels The castle, the one hundred thousand undead you carry is a very important battle force. It is impossible for your predecessor to allow you to rescue me."

Despite what the little squirrel said, Tolan was still a little guilty of sister. He lowered his head, after thinking for a while, he finally said something to hatred--

Mozu language) I'm sorry... Sister."

Mozu language) Hey, an era has passed, why is your personality still like this?"

Mozu language) I'm sorry, sorry"

Mozu language) You are not allowed to apologize for not doing anything wrong"

Devil language) Is it right... Ah, not that... that..."

Seeing Tolan who hadn't made any progress, hatred was really nothing to say. It swayed its paw helplessly and said: Mozu language) Forget it, don't say it. Don't apologize to me. In fact, after all, those one million people want to hurt me easily, and they really want to seal me. But I don’t have this qualification."

Devil language) Huh? This?" Tolan felt a little unbelievable, and said, "Yes, although the humans of the Second Age can magic, it is not known how much stronger than the current stone vertical. But still not achieved. The point where you can seal the Demon Race. So hate sister, how did you get sealed?"

Hate snorted, turned his head, thinking of the situation at the time, its anger stopped

Devil language) Who else can it be? Of course it's the Protoss and... more than one came here."

The little squirrel squeezed his fist, shook it in the air, and said: Demon language) The despicable protoss angels suddenly appeared when I was exhausted, and sealed me. Those **** angels, even singled out with me. I have no courage"

Hate jumped up, talking about the breath, it turned over in the air, and directly kicked the two hanging branches from the roof. However, after landing, its hands pressed down and began to breathe again, forcibly suppressing its anger.

Tolan next to him looked a little scared, holding a broomstick, and was afraid to speak.

Mozu language) Call... Calm... Calm... Your heart is like still water... Water bears all things, and all things return to water... Be quiet... Serene..."

After a while, the hatred finally disappeared, and he let out a sigh of relief. Tolan, who was next to him, knew that he couldn’t say anything to stimulate her at this time. Then he thought about it and said, “(Mozu language) hates sister so much. Since you rescued the seal more than 100 years ago, why did you come here now? Find me? And also, you seem to know that I am here from the beginning, how did you know?"

Hate that he folded his hands together and bowed to the vines under the ceiling, saying: Mozu language) It's so easy to find you. A few years ago, the Bucks Empire was forced to death, gems, crystal ice, three countries united Attacking, seeing the victory in hand, was defeated by an army of undead that suddenly appeared from nowhere. No matter who heard such news, you would know that you were in the sand."

Tolan was taken aback, and couldn't help but stick out his tongue.

Hate holding his arms, frowning and saying: Devil language) To be honest, you have announced your identity so grandiosely, but so far, few protoss have come to trouble you, even the demon. Few brothers and sisters came to see you. It can be seen that everyone’s awakening time is really slow this time. But that’s right, even your Majesty was sealed during the Second Age Destruction War, and all members of the Demon Race suffered heavy casualties. Now It has been more than a thousand years, and many people have not been able to recover their vitality."

Mozu language) I hate my sister so much, why are you looking for me now?"

Hate climbed to the ceiling, lay on a branch, stretched his waist, and said: Mozu language) Because I have been practicing before. I have been sealed for more than a thousand years, but I have spent more than a hundred years. Rehabilitation training. I went to the remote icy North Pole to fight with white bears, dived into the abyss of the deep sea and entangled with huge sea monsters. I went to high snow mountains to hunt down seven-level ice beasts, and I also entered lava pools to single out the lava lord. . Everything is for the hope that the body can be recovered as soon as possible to meet this battle."

Tolan's eyes were full of envy, and he couldn't help but admire: Mozu language) Hate sister, you have gone to so many places? It's great."

Hate shook his head and said: Mozu language) This is a journey of practice as a fighter. It is an extremely dangerous and cruel road. You are not a single-soldier combat type. You don't need to do this. This kind of cultivation. And, to put it bluntly, if you practice, it has no effect on the overall strength of your army of the dead."

Tolan lowered his head, because the little squirrel was right. He is a death knight and does not need to deliberately improve his strength.

Mozu language) By the way, Hate sister, didn't you break the seal more than a hundred years ago? But why were you sealed again this time? What are you trying to do?"

He coughed a bit of hatred, and said: Mozu language) I didn't think about what to do. In the training period from the resurrection to the present, although I have also thought about killing some protoss reincarnations. Shan never found it. . So I gradually let go, and decided to wait until we become stronger in the future before taking tough actions. But..."

Mozu language) Recently, the Protoss has really become more and more unspeakable. Their actions have undoubtedly ignited the flames of war. So I think it is time to launch a counterattack."

Mozu language) So I came this time to get the help of you and Master Vanity. Come, help me, let's counterattack together, how about killing those **** protoss?"

Facing the sudden invitation of Squirrel's sister, Tolan lost direction for a while. As the demons, it is natural to go to war with the gods. But he wasn't sure if it was now. And more importantly, he has not yet obtained the consent of the Lord of the Demon Race.

Mozu language) This...I'm not sure. Besides...we shouldn't go to war without the master's order."

The little squirrel was startled, suddenly jumped to Tolan’s face, two paws grabbed his cheeks, two hind feet hooked Tolan’s collar, and said loudly: Mozu language) The master you are talking about? Means..."

Tolan smiled and said, Mozu language) hates sister, have you met the master?"

At that moment, the little squirrel just felt like five thunders in his mind and it stayed for a while, but unfortunately, the room leaked and it rained overnight. At this moment, a little girl sang the song "Silly Beep" cheerfully outside the tree house. And with the keen sense of hearing born from the squirrel's long ears, the hatred has been fully heard. Two people are walking towards this side...

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