Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 84: , The fight to the death

The idiot thought while walking. Although I didn't mind, Shan Feng Chuansha had just gone through the war, if there was another accident, it would not be funny. So, what is that squirrel doing? I really can't guess.

Seeing Little Bread swaying in front, the idiot's brows became tighter and deeper. After the battle just now, he has completely figured out how strong that squirrel is. If it weren't for his repeated deceptions and its carelessness, I'm afraid I've really been cut off by it. This kind of fast battle without the time to draw the sword really made the idiot frightened and had to re-examine his own strength.


In terms of speed, hatred is indeed top-notch. But if it is faster, the fifth sword of his six swords can be said to be unparalleled in the world. So, if you had learned the fifth sword before meeting this opponent... Does that mean that you will no longer be defeated by Squirrel?

(Hey hey, human boy, do you know the benefits of the demon race? Although I admit that some of the demon races you see now seem to be not too tough, and their style is too soft. But hating this little girl is very powerful. . Its strength is inversely proportional to its size, and it allows any opponent who dares to look down on him to taste the taste of lying on the ground)

The idiot pinched his chin, thinking. After thinking about it for a long time, based on the little information he has obtained so far, it would be weird if he could analyze one, two and three. So, the idiot began to change his mind, and switched to the body of Dim Mi.

(Do you know what exactly hate wants to do?)

(Ha, how do I know? And, even if I know, do you think I will tell you? Take a step back, even if I say it, you know what I said is true? Is it false?)

An Mie was right. Even if it takes a step back, it is willing to say it, and what it says is the truth, will it believe it?

You know, the narrower the channels for obtaining information, the greater your chances of being deceived.

The idiot sighed, and after thinking about it, he asked another question--

"Let me ask one more question, even if it is a demons, how likely is it to survive after falling off that kind of cliff? 》

An Mie blinked his eyes, sneered, and said--

(Although I remember to declare to you before, but I will say it again now. For the demons, there is no disappointment in this concept. If you want us...ah, now it also includes you, don’t think you will be twelve years from now Today, it can be regarded as an exception.)


(If we want to incapacitate us, there are only two ways. One of them is to be sealed. Then wait a long time for the effectiveness of the seal to naturally weaken, and then break the seal. The other method is Sealing the self. This is generally used in situations where you need to undergo emergency healing after being seriously injured. This sealing method can be controlled by your own subjective consciousness, but the only drawback is that the seal cannot be removed before the body is healed. You were in the deep sea back then. Being sealed for half a year belongs to this kind.)

(.................. Then, what will happen to forcible release.)

(Cannot be cancelled.)


(There is no why. There is no reason, no reason, no result, no causal logic, no theory exists in reality. It just cannot be dismissed. That is how the founding **** who created us was set. Why do you say?)

(That... falling from such a high place is not enough for the squirrel to seal itself.)

(Hahaha, of course............will)


(Well, yes, in fact, our demons are not as strong as you think. Of course, you will be seriously injured if you fall from such a high place. Of course, you will seal yourself up because of the serious injury. Yes, you are absolutely right. That's it)

The idiot shook his head. At this time, he and Xiao Bread had entered the grove. Little Bread screamed, and ran to Tolan's hut to see the flowers he planted. The idiot frowned and walked towards his big tree.


The pupils of the idiot enlarged instantly.

His left foot immediately took a step back, and the moment his arms were raised, a heavy pressure appeared on his arms. Looking up, I saw that the damned squirrel was now glaring at him when it saw his sneak attack. After one foot was blocked, he immediately turned over on the spot, stretched out his paws, grabbed the idiot's collar directly, and slammed the idiot over his shoulders, and the idiot fell to the ground abruptly.

The idiot landed on his back and was surprised by the sudden attack, but right now, the squirrel became even more red. Before the idiot had time to get up, the little squirrel lifted his foot, jumped, and hit the bridge of the idiot’s nose. Step on it hard. The idiot hurriedly turned his head, the heavy foot hit the ground, and a crack immediately appeared on the green grass.

(Oh, it seems I’m wrong. I believe, human kid, you must have thought of it a long time ago? So, you don’t hate me at all, right?)

The idiot gritted his teeth and turned over immediately, trying to stand up. But hatred is obviously the first step to be aware of the idiot's intention. It lifts its tail and pats it on the idiot's right arm, restricting the idiot from getting up and at the same time restricting the idiot from drawing the sword. After seeing this scene, the idiot, unwilling to show weakness, hit the little squirrel's head with his left fist.

Devil language) Without Hallelujah, you would be as weak as a puddle of mud."

The squirrel suppressed the idiot's arm, and when the idiot's strength weakened slightly, he immediately jumped onto the idiot's face, opened his bow with both claws, and blasted directly at the idiot's face without a few punches, and a piece of the idiot's face appeared. Block of black green.

However, hatred obviously greatly underestimated the idiot's stamina. When its attack began to relax a little, the idiot's left and right fists immediately blasted its petite body from both sides to hate detection, but it was inevitable, and he quickly raised his hands to prepare to resist. But the idiot suddenly opened his mouth and bit the tail of the little squirrel. The sudden attack completely stunned the little squirrel, and its resistance posture collapsed. And the cost of being broken off the defensive posture...


The pair of fists carrying absolute power blasted the little squirrel from left and right. With just one blow, blood began to spill from the corners of the hatred mouth again. It didn't dare to advance any more, but jumped away instantly while taking advantage of the idiot's effort, lying on a tree next to it with its head and feet, widening its eyes, and staring at the idiot.

In a battle, both sides were injured again at the same time, and no one could get the slightest benefit from each other. The idiot stood up abruptly, he wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, and his jet-black pupils fell completely calm again. He pulled out Dimie, took a closer look at the size of the sword and the size of the little squirrel, and then decisively gave up using the sword, clenched his fists, and recalled the preparation positions of all the unarmed fighters he had seen so far. ...

Your own master? ...No, although Master does not seem to be carrying any weapons, he seems to be an empty-handed master, but he has never seen her actually make a move...

Deviated? …………Nor, deviant battles need flames to promote...Many moves need to be played with flames. Without fire, I can't imitate it...

Then the rest... is Lilo.

The idiot closed his eyes, carefully recalled all the fighting methods Lilu had seen in his eyes, imagined her movements, and the feeling of waving her hands and feet. In the same way, she recalled the shouts she would make in battle, recalling everything...

After that, the idiot fisted with both fists and put on a confrontation posture exactly like Liluo.

The little squirrel was taken aback at first, but soon, a sneer appeared on the corners of its mouth. With the slow fall of a leaf in the sky...



This person, a squirrel, once again launched this earth-shattering battle of life and death

Little Bread didn't find Tolan in the flower shed in the bush, so he ran out. It just so happened that I saw the idiot fight with hatred again. I saw them wandering around in this narrow, overgrown grove. They were fists and claws. What they were fighting was a dangerous situation. Tolan, who heard the sound of fighting, ran out and took a look. Say stop. But for the fighters in the fierce battle, the voices of outsiders are completely isolated, and what you see and hear in your eyes and ears will always be your opponent.

In any case, the idiot's empty-handed combat experience is still inadequate after all. Several times he was blocked by the little squirrel, tripped to the ground, and vomited blood from a continuous attack, and then fell over his shoulder and grabbed the joint. There was even one time when the idiot couldn't be prepared and was swept by the tail of a squirrel. Before falling back to the ground, the back was grabbed by the squirrel. One jumped up in the air, turned over, fell straight, and hit the ground heavily.

But no matter how strong the squirrel is, the idiot always has a chance to fight back. Even though the squirrel is not as good as this squirrel in terms of tactics, the idiot is holding it and attacking itself, but the bear hugs it, then grasps with both hands and slams it to the ground. Depending on the length of the body, the attack range is far away. Hatred rushed forward, and his legs were already catching up, kicking his whole body directly, kicking it flying against the tree.

This is really a **** battle. A fierce battle that was absolutely unimaginable before is not just an idiot, even the little squirrel knows that this fierce battle will be unprecedented, and it will be more cruel than fighting against a million army.

The fighting continues, and the wounds on both sides of the war are increasing. Physical strength was being consumed, blood was flowing, muscles began to tear, bones and hair made a clattering sound. But even after suffering such a serious injury, even if both sides have spared no effort in their speed, strength, reaction, and various abilities, they do not intend to decline.

Your claw hit my abdomen and my punch hit your head. You kicked me in the chin, kicked me up on my knees and hit your chest, making you vomit blood

This can no longer be said to be an ordinary battle, this is the most primitive fight. It depends on whose willpower can endure to the end, and whose heart of life and death is stronger. This is the purest battle between demons... It is a peerless battle between humans and squirrels, and I believe it is also a peerless battle between humans and squirrels.


The idiot's elbow struck violently with the hateful tail, making a loud noise. The violent impact of the impact finally shook the man away. The idiot fell, and the body that slid backward dragged a deep dent in the grass. Hate directly hit a tree in the small forest. The huge impact force smashed the tree with the thickness of the bowl abruptly, and a mouthful of blood spurted from its mouth, falling beside the root of the tree.

This battle seems to be finally over now...


If it is for now, indeed. But these two demons still have unyielding thoughts in their hearts. Despite the scars, they still forcibly supported their bodies, endured the pain, and wanted to stand up...

"Master? Hate sister? What's the matter? Why do you fight?"

After one person and one squirrel were separated, Tolan and Little Bread finally had time to step forward to stop them. The bun was very calm at first, but after seeing the idiot hurt this way, he immediately panicked, and quickly used the healing light to treat the idiot.

"Master, don’t fight. Although this... This looks like a squirrel, but in fact it is our Demon Clan’s comrade-in-arms serial number 20 hatred demon (Demon language). This big man is the head of the demon clan this time, the devil, Lord Hallelujah"

Under the cure of the bun, the body of the idiot recovers faster. He supported the tree next to him and slowly stood up, stretched out his hand to wipe the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth, and his dark pupils stared at the hatred in front of him. However, hatred has not been treated in time, and he can still only lie in Tolan's palm, shivering weakly, staring at the blood-red linear pupils, and looking straight at the idiot without fear.

"Baba silly beep"

Seeing that the idiot still had trouble with a squirrel, Xiao Bread was so angry that he would not treat the idiot. What surprised the idiot was that the bun turned his elbow out and ran to the hatred, healed it?

"Bread... wait a minute"

The idiot knew that this little girl didn't even know the seriousness of the matter, and now she ran to save her enemy? He couldn't wait any longer. If he waited until the squirrel was healed and he was scarred, what would he fight?

At the moment, the idiot yelled and rushed forward again with a staggering pace. The squirrel that had just received a little treatment saw the idiot move. It also struggled to jump off Tolan's palm and dragged its broken body to welcome it. Up. The distance between the two is getting closer and closer. It seems that this battle... is far from over. V

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