Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 85: , Wu

"Stop your hands, the master hates you sister... you stop your hands"


"Ah da da da--"

The two immortal demons became entangled again, fists to the flesh, claws to see blood. This small forest has become the main battlefield of these two terrifying creatures. The momentum they exude even makes the surrounding trees look up, and the birds, beasts and insects in the forest flee in terror.

Regardless of Tolan and Bread’s dissuasion, and regardless of whether his body can support the idiot and squirrel, they have completely given up defense, just to hit the opponent more punches and sweep the opponent one more tail. Gradually, This can no longer be regarded as a demolition of military combat, but a complete war of attrition to see who can support it longer than the other party. See who can fall later than the other


The huge fist hit the squirrel's side waist.


Heavy tail sweep, patted the idiot's cheek.

The wind was screaming, and the wounds on his body increased.

The fist forced people, and the scattered blood was like a flower of blood.

When the idiot raised his fist high, shouted with the strongest force, and slammed directly at the squirrel standing on the ground, the little squirrel did not have the slightest timidity, and directly raised his paw into a fist and hit face-to-face. Out


Fists and fists collided, and there was a loud noise again. One person and one squirrel were overturned by this air wave again and forced to retreat. So, does this mean that they have injured each other again and are unable to rise again?

Do not.

An idiot will never allow himself to fall.

Because once you fall, there is only a dead end

He dragged the body that could hardly be hurt, and with a flick of his right hand, the black long sword was immediately unsheathed, and the blood-red pupils at the hilt clearly dyed the entire forest red.

Seeing the idiot finally drew his sword, the little squirrel also flatly pushed away Tolan who wanted to help him. Facing the host of the Devil Emperor, the squirrel’s expression never showed fear. It screamed. The blood-red pupils of the idiot started to sprint to the idiot and draw two red lines in the air. Its color is brighter than that of the surrounding woods. More colorful

"Stop it you guys...Stop it--"

"Woo woo silly beibaba, silly beibaba"

Toran and Bread screamed weakly beside them.

They may never understand why this pair of monarchs and ministers are so intolerable, fighting each other to the death. Not only did they not understand, but even Dim Mi did not understand. It tried desperately to persuade idiots not to kill intent, and absolutely not to kill demons by themselves. But now, the idiot can't hear it at all. He roared loudly, dragging the hilt of the sword, and rushing straight towards the squirrel that was rushing.

At this moment, Tolan shouted desperately anxiously.

At this moment, Bun opened his hands and whimpered.

At this moment, two dead soldiers stood up from the ground and stopped in front of the man and the squirrel, waiting to stop...

At this moment, the idiot swings the sword and the squirrel kicks the paw

At this moment, broken bones passed by them, contrasting their black and red eyes.

At this moment, the two are completely close...

At this moment, the idiot finally raised the black long blade in his hand

At this moment, the squirrel's claws stretched out to gather strength

At this moment, the sword of death broke out, piercing through the speed beyond time, and piercing straight out

At this moment, the claws of the little squirrel hardened, without fear

this moment………………………………


The idiot’s sword of death was actually caught in the claws of the squirrel.


The idiot was surprised, because before that, no enemy had dared to catch his own sword attack empty-handed. Even if it is deviance, facing one's own suffering, there is only one to avoid, but this squirrel... it can actually... empty-handed?

Surprise can only last for a very short moment. Because they all know that their opponents will never allow this kind of rigidity to last too long, and they have to spare no effort... After all the strength of their whole body is used to deliver the last blow in their lives, no You die, I die


"come on"


With a loud noise, two lightning strikes both idiots and hatred. In an instant, the idiot's face was blackened and his hair stood up. The beautiful golden hair on Hate's body has also become curly and stand upright. They stared at each other, deadlocked. Then, one person and one squirrel turned their heads at the same time and looked at the side...

In the palm of Little Bread, the "road map" of Raiden is also maintained. The residual electric energy scurrying in the road map is still radiating happily around. Little Bread's face was originally very nervous, but when she saw that the idiot and squirrel were all looking at her, she was a little stunned, and hurriedly put away the "Road Map" and raised the sign--

"It wasn't me who did it, I just "prepared", but I haven't "implemented" it. You haven't seen it. There is no direct evidence. Therefore, it is definitely not me, little squirrel, trust me."

Idiot and Hatred did not speak, they looked at the little bread, and then, almost at the same time opened their mouths, exhaled a puff of black smoke, turned their eyes, and fell...



The Dulan Tree House became lively. Tolan and Honey Pear fetched water and the other boiled water. Little Bread and Little Green Niang, one by one, took care of the two demons whose bodies were almost destroyed by the fierce fighting.

If you change it, the idiot thinks that the bun should always heal himself first. But this time, he was very sad to find that his daughter, whom he had raised for twelve years, was the first to treat that squirrel over there? Looking at the bread that is constantly taking care of the squirrels by the small table next to it, the idiot is really heartbroken, even crying.

"Noodles...don''s dangerous...risk..."

The buns turned a deaf ear, regardless of whether they asked. At this moment, Xiao Lu came over with a smirk and saw that the demon lord who had always threatened him in the past was lying on the bed immobile, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


With a snap of Xiaolu’s fingers, one of the vines under the ceiling immediately stretched out. The top of the vine was like a flower. The little green-haired girl, regardless of whether the idiot was suitable, put the vine directly into his mouth. , Directly into the throat.

"Guru... Guru..."

The sweet nectar overflows from the flowers, endlessly flowing like a drink. But the feeling of directly pouring in this way is of course not comfortable. But the idiot's hands and feet are all covered with bandages, even if it wants to move a finger, it is impossible, of course, it cannot be pushed away.

"When you see you, will you still dare to bully me, and see you, will you dare to scare me with fire?"

The rest of the branches compose words, shaking in front of the idiot. This little girl now has as much pride as she wants, and she is completely in control of everything. But at this time, the little bread next to her came to stop her.

"Don't let Ba Ba drink too much, Ba Ba's recovery ability is super strong, if he drinks too much nutrition, he will soon recover, and then he will start fighting again. 》

The little green-haired girl was taken aback, and suddenly thought of how she could avenge herself now. When the demon king recovers in the future, she still thinks about it by herself. She quickly pulled out the vine and hid behind Xiao Bread, looking with some horror that she had been She had ten lives in the idiot.

Pour out some nectar from the bun, put it in a small cup and dilute it with the hot water from Tolan, and bring it to the squirrel's bed. Since the squirrel’s crib was set on the table, the four of Mili, Tolan, Little Shuniang, and Bread did not care about the life and death of the idiot, but they all surrounded the table with great worry and looked at it demon.


Bun picked up the small cup, dipped some honey with wheat stalks, and moved to the hateful mouth. Smelling the sweet smell, hate opened his eyes weakly and opened his mouth slightly. The bun shook, letting a drop of honey from the wheat stalk drip into its mouth, and only then did a new drop.

"Don' devil...danger...dangerous"

The idiot rallied all his strength to express his opinion. It's a pity that the people here have completely ignored his opinion of the head of the family. Anyway, there is a small bread against it, and idiots can't take Shuniang, how about Tolan and Mili.

"let me try?"

Mili happily took the wheat stalks and cup in the bread hand, and there was also a drop of it, and it came to hate. But this little squirrel opened his eyes, and just after seeing the black-haired and golden-eyed Di Luha, he immediately closed his mouth, and refused to open it alive and well.

Devil language) I... never... eat... things from the traitor..."

Mili was taken aback, and for a moment, was stunned.

Seeing this, Tolan hurriedly came out and said, "No, Hate sister actually eats what we usually eat, and the nutrients we can take in are limited. If we want it to recover as soon as possible, we must let it eat other people's hatred."

Little Bread nodded and raised a sign—

"So, where do we find hatred? Sister Tolan, Sister Mili, do you hate people now? 》

Tolan and Mili froze for a while, then spread their hands. Of course, Xiao Bian said he didn't hate it, then, only the idiot behind...

" the devil...hate...hate..."

"Well, let's think about other methods. 》

Little Bread gave the little squirrel to the tree mother, Tolan and Mili took care of him, and turned and walked to the side of the idiot. This little girl akimbo her hips, holding a sign in a teaching tone--

"Baba, you are too shameless. The squirrel who just played with other people's squirrels casually beat them to death. Baba, did you and Squirrel have any hatred in your last life? 》

The idiot knew that it was useless to say anything now. That being the case, just leave it alone. Just let yourself take a good rest, hoping that you can heal faster than that squirrel one step at a time as soon as possible. When the time comes, everything will fall back under your control

"Baba, you can't bully little animals anymore, do you know? Take care of nature. 》

"Hey, Ba Ba, have you seen it? Don't pretend to sleep? Open your eyes and take a look"

The idiot ignored Xiao Bread's clamor and lessons. He had closed his eyes, adjusted his body quickly, and tried to recover. V

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