Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 99: , King of Fangs

In the Crystal Conference Hall——

Xiao Xing, dressed in a princess costume, stepped forward, still closing her eyes as before, and walked to the throne.

The rose vine is still wrapped around her right hand. The bud on the back of the hand is in bud. It matches her dress with white roses.


Xing stood in front of the throne and spoke slowly.

"This time, did you really decide to do this."

Behind the water curtain, above the throne.

The king slowly raised his head, looked across the water curtain...

"My daughter. What do you want to say."

"...Father, now the country has finally settled down, my daughter thinks, it's still..."

"What do you know? You dare to question what I said?"

Mu Du opened his eyes, and the scarlet in it was light, but it was entrenched.

"You don't understand what the Tusk Empire has done to us. It caused the collapse of the Great Bucks Empire built by the father himself and, moreover, it also brought my brother..."

"But Uncle is not..."

"It doesn't matter what matters is that they did it"

The red in Mu Du's eyes rose slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "This is a national matter. You don't need to participate. Now, go change your clothes, and you will go to the dance tonight."

Xiao Xing faced her father, even though she could not see with her eyes, she could still vaguely perceive the anger and grief in her father's heart.

"Hate...Is it..."

Such a word was slowly spit out from her mouth. Then, as if she had made a decision, she raised her head again and said--

"Father, if you say, this is your decision. Then, the daughter also has her own decision."

After all, Xiao Xing grabbed her princess dress and tore it open. What surprised Mu Du was that under the skirt of her seemingly compliant daughter was a full-length outfit. She was wearing a pair of white stockings with a pocket on each side of her thigh. A white one-piece short skirt covers this small body, and the chest, which is almost not commensurate with her age, is bound, and coupled with the wave sword that pops out in her hand, she looks like a female swordsman.

"Apricot... what do you want to do?"

Xiao Xing turned her head and fumbled for the wave sword with her hand. After a while, the sword body retracted into her palm again.

"Father. Your daughter already understands your will. In that case, it's better to let your daughter complete your achievements by herself."


"The daughter is the daughter of the father, and everything that the father has to do is correct. Therefore, the daughter will do her best to help you fulfill your wishes. So this time in the town of Malice, I will personally fulfill the expectations of the father."

"Unless... Father, you withdraw your order."

After all, Xiao Xing said nothing, the princess in uniform left the crystal discussion hall straight away, carrying the dignity of a warrior and the duty of being a member of the demons, and went to pack her own things.


Mudu, there was no opening to block it.

In other words, he wanted to speak, but the hatred and anger in his body prevented him from giving the order to give up Malicious Town. Therefore, he can only watch his daughter leave without being able to do anything...

At the end of October, a friendly diplomatic mission was quickly organized.

Headed by the stag princess Xiao Xing, Xiao Bian as the members, plus the idiot, Ei, and the squirrel that lay on Ei's head and wagging its tail all the time, the team began to set off. Get on the magic train, cross the desert, and go to this destination——

Orc Kingdom, Baleful Town.


"The Tusk Empire is a country located to the northwest of the Continent of Sadness. About two hundred years ago, it flourished from the beginning of an orc tribe."

On the train to the Fang Empire, the idiot stood beside his seat in a waiter's suit. Bread, as a member of the diplomatic corps, sat on his seat and watched the history of the country he was going to. And the dark on the side read it out as he watched it, which was to solve the silence on the train.

"At that time, the barren land in the northwest was filled with many small orc tribes. The orcs were scattered and disconnected from each other, maintaining a rather primitive life. However, when humans began to invade this barren land. , After conflicts with the orcs wanted to expand their territory, the scattered orc tribes began to feel that they could no longer be dispersed like this.

"So, at that time, a tribal chief named Fangs first began to propose to merge the various tribes. After more than ten years of war and negotiation, many orc tribes were finally completely unified and formed into one. A great force against the invasion of human forces."

"These orcs are different from humans. They are full of wild, bloodthirsty, and bloodthirsty. One of their warriors can be as good as the three of us. Whether it is physique or the courage of war, we humans are inferior. Soon, they invaded their territory. The human beings were driven out, that is, at that time, the Fang Empire was announced."

"Unlike ordinary descent-supported countries, this tribal country, after more than two hundred years of civilization and development, still maintains a nearly primitive system of rule replacement. Their leaders are not based on blood. Pass, but through a duel."

"In this barbaric country, any orcs can challenge their superiors. Once they win in an upright duel, they can replace their superiors. By challenging level by level, those military ministers can also You can issue a challenge to your own king, and if you succeed, you can become the new King of Fangs."

"This way of brutal competition is almost unimaginable in the human world. Moreover, it seems very absurd. However, some scholars believe that this way of **** killing seems to be more conducive to maintaining the overall combat capability of this country. Because if If the superior wants not to be replaced by the subordinate, he must make himself stronger than the subordinate at any time. Under the survival of the fittest, although primitive and rude, **** and uncivilized, it is unexpectedly effective in enhancing the overall national strength. ."

"Although lower-level fighters can challenge their superiors through challenges. But before formally issuing the challenge, the subordinates must fully obey the superior's command. This seems to be the glory of these orcs, both enemies and soldiers. Similarly, they are comrades in arms. And for the Baleful Town we are going to now, its current leader replaced its position after killing the previous mayor through a direct challenge."

"Although that man is a human, the orcs seem to respect this human who climbed up step by step according to their rules. Recognizing his status made him the mayor of Baleful Town."

After reading the brief in his hand, he put down the briefing and exhaled. She scratched her head and said, "The Orcs... This introduction by Principal Campa is really relevant. There is no excessive contempt in other documents, and there is no blind worship of militarism. It is written like this... on the contrary, it makes me feel better. That's it. A primitive country full of power and **** order."


While listening to the briefing, the idiot picked up the coffee pot on the plate in his hand and poured it into the cup in front of An. Although both he and An accept the same tasks, but no one will let the eldest lady of the Norius family come here to serve tea and water?

More than ten days have passed since the departure, the train has already passed through the desolate desert, and has already passed the boundless grassland. At this moment, the environment outside the train began to become more and more desolate. The outline of the Wolf Howling Mountain Range became clearer and clearer, and everything seemed to be full of wildness when looking around.

Bun shook his head and looked bored at the task briefing in his hand. After a cursory glance, she put it aside. Because she also knows that her real task this time is to be a turtle, as long as she hides far behind and waits until the surrounding college students get everything done or messed up, she can pat her **** and be with Ba Ba Go home.

"Selling Calinon melons, selling Calinon melons. One sura, do you want to buy it?"

The peddler in the car is carrying a burden, walking around in this narrow carriage, selling all the way. Looking at the desolate scenery outside the window, these students were already dry-mouthed. Seeing that there are melons selling, they naturally bought some early adopters. Although the expression of anticipation in the eyes of the bun, she finally waited until the students had eaten it and seemed to be completely okay before buying one separately from An.


Little Bread held the little melon in his hand, and looked left and right. This melon is not big, about the size of two apples. She patted the skin, very crisp. So happily stretched out his hand to hold the idiot.


"Knife, Cut Melon"

The idiot looked at this girl with no expression. But the dark on the idiot's wrist roared--

"Smelly girl bastard, I am not a fruit knife. I am a murder weapon. Seriously, it is a weapon of mass destruction."

"Knife, Cut Melon"

But Little Bread can't hear it. She was still pulling the idiot's sleeve, holding the sign, and pulling happily.

An also took a melon in her hand, and she looked at it just like the small bread, and couldn't start for a while. Look at the classmates next to them, each of them was taking a sliced ​​melon and ate it with big mouthfuls, and the juice flowed all over their faces. Do you want to do this too?

"Forget it. Wait a minute, I'll borrow a knife."

Anan comforted the bun and was about to stand up. But at this moment, the little squirrel lying on top of her head raised its tail boredly, glanced at the humans who were eating food with disdain, pulled the headset down, and said--

"Really, you can't even handle these things?"

He smiled sullenly, reached out his hand to touch the tail of the little squirrel, and said: "Then what do you say?"

"Cut, let me come"

Hatred suddenly jumped off Duan's head, his two front paws turned into hand knives, and he saw the melon, and instantly chopped it off. In an instant, as if a sharp blade had passed through the body, the little melon was immediately divided into quarters, but it was more than that, the little squirrel swept away the coffee tray in the hands of the idiot. At the same time, both claws quickly slashed in the air. In just three seconds, the melon was cut into small pieces and placed neatly on the plate. It happens to be the size that can be eaten in one bite.

For the melon in the hands of the small bread, this squirrel did the same. When everything was settled, it landed on the table extremely gracefully, patted its paws lightly, and looked at the idiot with contempt.

"How? I can do it, but you can't. Look at you, a big man who can't even cut a melon. Are you a man?"

Facing the malicious sarcasm of this little squirrel, the idiot remained as cold as ever. Hate that my own ridicule and mockery were useless, I was angry, and immediately jumped onto the idiot's shoulder, grabbed his face with both paws, and shouted, "Hey, I said you are a useless man, have you heard? Hey you guy who can't even cut melons. I despise you. I absolutely despise you."

The idiot was too lazy to listen, so he pulled the little squirrel's earphone away and threw it into Duan's arms. After that, the demon squeaked and jumped off the idiot's shoulder, threw himself into Duan's arms, looking for a headset.

The atmosphere on the train is not bad, at least, when eating melons. Princess Apricot, who is the highest status person in the diplomatic corps, sits next to Anhe and Xiaobao's seat. A few tall and strong university student bodyguards stood by her side. After hearing the chirping sound of the squirrel from over there, the corner of the little princess's mouth couldn't help but smile softly.

"The current king of the Fangs Empire, Clover? Johnny? Ken." Xiao Xing recited the name silently. As a princess, when she spoke, the students around her naturally stopped whispering and listened silently.

"I don't know the king very well. The father didn't tell me carefully. Do any of you know the deeds of the King of Clover?"

After the students were silent for a while, they began to talk. After all, they are all college students, and they are all elites, and there are not a few people who have done a little research on the history of various countries on the sad continent. The idiot put the coffee pot on the processing table, picked up a milk pot again, walked up to Apricot, and poured milk into her cup. Then, he walked back to the bread and gave her a cup. Little Bread smiled and held the milk cup, took out a packet of chili powder from his arms, directly tore the whole packet into the milky white milk, stirred it into red, and drank it happily.

"The four-leaf clover King Johnny Kenin is said to be the strongest king since the founding of the Fang Empire."

"Yes, this king has been on the throne for more than 20 years. I heard that he was only sixteen or seven years old when he first came to the throne, so it should be around forty now.

"However, although this king became the head of a country at a young age, no one knows about his experience before ascending the throne. I only know that he is very strong, and it is terrifyingly strong. But why is he so strong, No one knows where they came from, whether they were soldiers, and what fighting skills they learned."

"Yeah. The king looks like a mystery. Even after he was enthroned, the Fang Empire hasn't seen much action in the past twenty years. Compared to before, the entire Fang Empire has been more serious. There is a sense of keeping a low profile. I don't know if any reforms are being carried out."

"The strange thing is more than that. I have heard some rangers who have returned from a trip to the Fang Empire say that even the Fang Empire itself, most ordinary people do not even know what their king looks like. There are some rumors. It’s even more ridiculous. The king is actually an eleven or twelve-year-old child. The king is not a strong male orc, but a beautiful mysterious woman. In fact, the four-leaf clover king does not exist at all. The lies made up by the chiefs in high positions hoping to usurp power in this way, etc."

"Yes, my uncle is a traveling merchant. Before the Dark Deer Empire incident, he also went to the Fang Empire to trade fur. I heard from the orcs over there. The degree of mystery of this king is so high that so many years have passed. It has never appeared in public. The style of acting is mysterious and completely confusing. There are indeed many people questioning whether it really exists."

There was a lot of discussion, and various speculations about the king of the orc were endless, but no one could give an affirmative answer. No one can accurately say any convincing answer. Everything is just speculation.

After listening to these rumors, after putting on the headset for the little squirrel, he said to the idiot: "Xiaobai, look at... these situations..."

The idiot did not answer. He just pours milk again into the scary red cup of the little bread, everything else is left alone.

"Hey, I hate you, humans, do you hate me? If you don't hate me enough, I will do more things that make you hate, don't you believe it?"

When the idiot was thinking, the little squirrel started to make noise again. Seeing that the idiot still ignored it, the squirrel opened its paws angrily, rushed to the idiot's hair in twos and threes, grabbed his hair directly, and said loudly——

"Hey, please, please hate me, okay? You scumbag. If you don’t hate me, I’ll continue to hate me against you, hate me, think I’m very rude, dislike me, dismiss all of your negative feelings Catharsis on me, come on, hate me, okay"

The idiot once again took off the little squirrel's headset, this time it was thrown directly at the apricot on the seat over there. The squirrel squeaked again, and quickly ran to the apricot's arms over there looking for a headset. But for Xiao Xing, she felt that there was something in her arms, which was naturally a nervous grasp. When hatred screamed at her, the little girl was even more stunned, but she still grasped it tightly with her hands and refused to let go. V

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