Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 100: , Terror Train

Looking at the hatred over there, she smiled awkwardly, and then she said: "Anyway, no matter what, that king should have nothing to do with us? We are only diplomatic, since that king is so mysterious ...Then we...should...haha..."

"If you can't deal with it, don't fight."

The idiot came to a conclusion on this topic very simply. Since there is very little information about the king, the easiest way is to leave it alone, right?

The atmosphere in the car laughed.

For the unknown, these students have not shown how vigilant. They still don't feel how dangerous the place they are going now. all……

It's still just so plain, unsurprising...


A voice rang inadvertently in the laughter.

It was not a weird sound, but just the noise made when the doors on both sides of the train were opened.

Perhaps, because the train to the wasteland is too old, the sound from the door is a little too loud.

However, when the doors on both sides were opened, the original laughter and laughter turned into silence in an instant...

Pop, pop, pop...

Footsteps came from outside the front and rear doors.

One by one, "things" wearing cloaks and worn-out top hats moved slowly, passing by the "humans" here.

Their bodies are huge, and you can see their green or red or yellow skin in their simple clothing. Sharp claws, and...the scales covering the skin.

Bread's laughter stopped.

She turned her head slowly, just so that she looked at a "monster" wearing a wide top hat and a tail behind her trench coat. This "monster" has a pair of yellow linear eyes. In addition, the entire face is covered by a large windbreaker, looking down at the bun.

The whole carriage was silent.

Only the sounds of "monsters" moving.

The "monsters" took out the tickets in their hands and looked for their seats. For the "humans" in the carriage, they have no intention of paying attention. After a while, many "monsters" had found their seats and sat down one after another.

But the "monster" facing the small bread still stood. The yellow pupils revealed natural cruelty, and the huge body and the two-barbed tail exposed at the back of the windbreaker also showed a sense of boldness invisibly.


At this moment, a little timidity appeared in the big emerald eyes.

But the yellow pupils met the black eyes.

The idiot in the waiter's clothes just stood silently in front of this "monster", calmly and coldly, staring at the other side...


Orc language)..."

A hoarse voice came from the monster's throat. The sound is dry, like something in the mouth.

The idiot didn't understand, but shook his head slightly. An anxiously pulled the idiot's clothes next to him, beckoning him not to confront the other party.

The "monster" was silent and did not speak any more. But after a while, under the trench coat slowly stretched out a rough, callused hand. This palm with only four fingers, although the claws are yellow, it still looks extremely sharp. Only at this moment, these claws didn't mean to attack. It's... holding a ticket.


The seat happens to be next to B-11 in the small bread.


Idiot, silent.

But after a moment of silence, he finally gave way. Let Little Bread look at the huge monster again.

Xiao Bread originally thought that his babble would completely protect him, but he didn't expect that after a while, he would actually look at the monster again? She shrank away from the window in fear, but maybe her actions made the "monster" misunderstanding. The "monster" nodded at the bread's "modestly", and after that, he did his part and sat beside this girl.

(Baba, I hate why you treat me like this)

In the big seat, the bun was curled up in front of the window. And the big monster, who was out of proportion to the size of this little girl, sat leisurely. In front of him, the idiot sat down next to An, his eyes fixed on the "monster" in front of him all the time. And sadly, I don't know what I should do in this situation.


The sound of the train sounded.

The car, which was still lively just now, was completely silent at this moment.

On the table, there are still melon slices that have not been eaten. The "monster" stared at these melons, which were almost inferior to his fingernails. The windbreaker moved slightly, and the two-barbed tail slowly raised up, and moved the plate on the table toward the bun. move.


Little Bread heard the sound and looked up. I saw the white barbs on the tail scratching the table, making a rustling sound. In response, the girl's face turned blue immediately. She waved her hand quickly, holding up a sign—

"You eat it, I invite you to eat it, you are welcome"

The yellow pupils under the windbreaker watched the sign raised by the bread, and after a moment of silence, this "monster" also shook his head. But he still moved the plate with the melon in front of the bun, and after that, the barbs on the tail were incorporated into the muscles, which became less obvious, and were incorporated into the trench coat.

During the next two days of the journey, the surrounding mountains became more and more obvious. But with the ups and downs of the mountains, there are also various "monsters" on the train.

Here is the world of orcs. With every stop, some orcs will get on the bus. And look at those train stations, most of the cars and passengers who are in charge of command below are also such strange “monsters”. It won’t be long before the "monsters" standing in the aisle holding the handrails crowded with each other, it is enough to shock the human beings unable to move, even the atmosphere will not be released.

"I finally know... why the Fang Empire can now become the first empire of the entire sad continent..."

An An whispered to the idiot beside her, but as soon as she said this, the "monsters" standing by the seats lowered their heads and looked at her with yellow or blue eyes. Although she is usually courageous enough, but now, she has to bow her head like the other students around, and dare not speak.

The idiot was silent, from beginning to end, he was always paying attention to the situation of the opposite little bread and the "monster" beside her. After two days of "mental torture", the little girl is now groggy leaning against the window, crying and falling asleep. And the big monster next to her moved slightly aside, so that Little Bread could have enough space to lie down. He didn't take advantage of her to sleep and take up more space to put his huge body.

The yellow linear pupils are also watching the idiot.

Although the two sides have language barriers, they have not even spoken a word or made a gesture. But just looking at each other like this seems to understand a lot.

Understand the opponent's mentality, spirit, patience, concentration, and strength. Understand whether the opponent is bluffing, understand the opponent's personality, and spy on the weakness and the strongest in the opponent's personality.

Then, it makes the best judgment for the person in front of you

Orc language

At this time, the train was already very crowded. Along with the crowding, some "monsters" without seats also began to get a little irritable. Next to the idiot's seat, there was a thin "monster" with two sharp horns on his shoulders, painted with totems, and two large bags of luggage. He still held two little "monsters" in his arms that hadn't opened his eyes. After muttering twice, he saw that there was actually a lot of empty space in the seats where Idiot and An were sitting. Can not help but yell a few times.

This train is specially designed for the orcs, so all kinds of seats will appear slightly larger. After the human dull and idiot get on, the two people actually take up less than half of the seats. The "monster" looked so big, and looked at the idiot, a thin human being, immediately moved the little "monster" on the right paw to the left paw, stretched out the paw, and put it on his shoulder, trying to He pushed into the seat.


However, at this moment, the "monster" opposite the idiot suddenly raised its tail and slapped it heavily on the table.

The noisy carriage was quiet instantly.

The sight of the humans sitting in the other seats is blocked, so you can't see the situation here at all. But beside this seat, the "monster" trying to grab a seat and a large group of "monsters" next to it stared blankly at the barbed tail that popped out, and this huge body, but wearing a big The hat, most of the body is covered by the guy under the trench coat.

The "monster" trying to grab a seat hesitated, then he lifted the little "monster" in his arms, and kept talking to the "monster" in front of the idiot. At the same time, he kept pointing at Idiot and An, and gestured at their bodies and the size of the seat, seemingly dissatisfied.

However, the "monster" only shook his head slightly. The yellow linear pupils stared at the idiot, and under the windbreaker, the mouth opened slightly and said a hoarse word.

Idiots don't understand.

I believe that many of the humans present can't understand it.

The only translator who understands orc language is now stuck on the other side. Under the creak of the train, it is impossible to hear what these monsters are saying.

But it didn't matter, the idiot was still sitting, even though Anan beside him stretched out his hand nervously and pulled his sleeve. He also sat with his face unchanged. V

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